#17: Hany Aly from 4 Seasons Transportation

Episode 17 February 09, 2021 00:19:32
#17: Hany Aly from 4 Seasons Transportation
The Mac City Morning Show
#17: Hany Aly from 4 Seasons Transportation

Feb 09 2021 | 00:19:32


Show Notes

Hany from 4 Seasons Transport drops by today.  4 Seasons Transport is a top Transport company in Fort McMurray.  They go the extra mile to ensure that your equipment is transported with safety in mind.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:06 All right. Hello, Fort McMurray. Thank you for tuning in again. My name is Elliot Pierre. You've tuned into the Mac city morning. Show. Want to thank everybody for tuning in once again? I know you could be doing a million other things. So the fact that you're here with us on this show means the world to me. It's heartwarming. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you for tuning in and joining us again. Without further ado, Tanner hit him with the intro. Speaker 1 00:00:33 Just dies that desk. That's another Mac city morning show, Don. Speaker 0 00:00:44 All right. I love that intro. Tanner. Love it. All right. So today, as per usual, I'm not going to introduce our guests because they always do a better job than I can. So gentlemen, to my right, how are you doing today? Who are you? Tell the people at home, your name, what you're about the company that you represent and that's how we're going to kick it off. Speaker 2 00:01:05 Well, Elliot, thank you so much for inviting me here today. My name is Hani was a four seasons moving on transport. Um, they see you as the company and I've been living in Fort McMurray for nine years, Speaker 0 00:01:17 Right on, okay, honey. Well, thank you very much for joining us today. It means the world to me. Thank you very much. My Speaker 2 00:01:22 Pleasure. Are we taking the shares of whom after the show is done? Speaker 0 00:01:24 Hey, listen, everything has a price tag. If you really like them. Yeah. They're nice. They're soft. They're green. Everybody that comes in and says like, you know what? The couches are good. Yeah. I got to tell you, uh, when I got the couches initially, I was like, Oh, these are the easiest things to put together. Nothing is easy to put together when, when you're dealing with me. So Speaker 2 00:01:44 That's why you called four seasons moving. There you go. Speaker 0 00:01:47 I was thinking the exact same thing. When I was putting these together, I was like, man, Hanny's guys who have to take apart furniture and then reconstruct it, like what a job. And sometimes it's probably like they get it. But like this chair here that I'm sitting in, I was able to put together in less than 10 minutes, 10 minutes, that chair there, you're sitting in about an hour. Wow. So if things don't line up properly right here we go. So tell me about four seasons. What, what, what what's that all about? What's the company do? Speaker 2 00:02:16 Well, uh, basically, uh, four seasons moving is a local business in Fort McMurray since 2012 now. And, uh, we are, uh, one of the largest moving companies in Fort McMurray. Um, worked at Memorial now. Uh, four seasons moving now is, uh, basically, uh, give me one sec. Is that your phone? Yes, my phone never stubborn. Speaker 0 00:02:40 That's okay, man. No worries. Turn my phone off. I apologize. Keep going. Just, yeah. Speaker 2 00:02:46 Okay. So four seasons moving is the biggest moving company in Fort McMurray. Now we started in 2012. Right now we have a fleet of six trucks, Blas of course, tractors and trailers, uh, four seasons moving now as a starter with a small business. Now we are the largest moving company and we can move you any word. All Western Canada. We have a loss of contracts in the city. We are, um, the official contractors to do deliveries for Rona, best buy Costco and such more and more. Okay. Right on. So the company has changed a lot for the last, uh, two to three years. And I can say with confidence, we are number one choice in Fort McKay. Speaker 0 00:03:28 Okay. Now, in regards to just the moving, I know, uh, the last few days, maybe a week or so, you've been extremely busy with the other component of your organization. Speaker 2 00:03:36 Yes, that's correct. Uh, luckily in 2019, we completely expand. We have now another three divisions. Um, I'm happy today to announce one more division that we just opened yesterday. So basically we're going to open a rental and a Dom division. So we opened four seasons at Dom and rentals. So we will be able to actually drop off, uh, rentals, uh, Dom truck trailers at your place. If you want to demolish your house, if you want to keep a few trailers at your place for few days, this is actually something that we're going to start to do as of this week, right on. Cool. I was just about to announce it, but couldn't find a better place to do this announcement me here today. We're four season transports. Uh, uh, we opened for season transport in 2019. One of the very few choices now in the city. Uh, I gotta say we make an, a very good, uh, name on the scene for season transport. And we have also four season tone. One of the most trusted to in business and Fort McMurray as well. Yesterday, we did like 65 to and boost. We help a lot. And the day before was around 55 to 50, uh, 55 to 58 tows and another boost. I'm happy to help everybody for sure. Speaker 0 00:04:58 That's awesome. So now in regards to, cause that's a very topical information right now because of the cold cold weather. If anybody who's listening at home needs to reach out to you, how do they reach out to you for the towing services? Cause I know that's a big thing Speaker 2 00:05:11 Right now. Well basically there is phone numbers, websites, everything is aligned. You can just search for season two and, and transfer. They can find all the phone numbers online. It has a seven eight zero five three, one 53 11 for the moving division is seven four, two eight triple nine. And for the 200 division, they can call the same number for transportation. Speaker 0 00:05:31 Awesome. Yeah. So outside of the company that you own or companies, because there's so many different divisions there, uh, you have a pretty interesting story about how you ended up coming to Fort McMurray. So I'd love to hear, like I know about it. Um, I'd love the people at home to hear a little bit about that story. Speaker 2 00:05:47 Oh man. Yes. Um, well basically I came to Canada in 2011. Uh, it didn't take me a lot. I landed in Montreal. Um, I've, you know, like I just, I had that ambitious that I want to be everywhere and I want to be in the right place. Uh, I heard about Fort McMurray. Um, I came to Fort McMurray. Uh, I took some courses around 10 to 12 safety courses. Then I got the opportunity. I was so lucky I got seven jobs offer and then I had two, a big one and I picked one, went to the site. Um, and I work at only for three months, but I felt inside myself that, um, I don't want to be limited. So basically I wanted to do my, what I'm good at, which is exploring areas and stuff like that. So I started my business right away and that is how I came Fort Mac. And since then, uh, on the CEO for season. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:06:49 So with all the different opportunities that you had, how did you pick a transport and moving company? Like what about that industry really excited? You Speaker 2 00:06:56 Actually, it was a friend of mine. I really appreciate him till today. We are very good friends. Um, me and him was just basically hypothetically. He asked me to help him. I went to out for one day and he told me that we will go help somebody to move some furniture. He had a small trucks, we went out there, we finished the day. I asked him about the price. He told me, I found a very good business and I told him, you know what I know now what I'm going to do. Okay. That is how it Speaker 0 00:07:26 Very cool. Very cool. I think that's how mostly companies are ideas start just the conversation with a friend and all of a sudden, you know what? I can make this work. Yeah. Um, it's kind of like the show at the end of the day, there's lots of people who have ideas and like, Oh, I had that idea. Oh, I thought about doing that. It's all about just doing it. Speaker 2 00:07:45 That is right. Uh, I think it, the most important thing for the business is that you believe in yourself, as long as you believe in yourself and you're confident of what you're doing. It doesn't matter what everybody else is. Think it is your heart. You have a strong heart go for it. Speaker 0 00:08:03 That's right, man. I love it. Yeah. Now in regards to Fort McMurray, I know you've been in the community for quite some time. You spend a lot of, uh, your spare time, uh, volunteering and doing things for different prof non-for-profits and different organizations in town. That is correct. What about this community really like attracted you or makes you stay here? I know, I know you're a big supporter of it. So what is it about Fort McMurray that he loves so much? Speaker 2 00:08:25 If you are honest to people, you will going to help you. That is the thing about port Memorial. I have never seen a place that people come together. Windsor is a problem like displace. So if there is an issue like the fire, when it happened, the flawed when it happened. So we act in 24 hours right away. I'm sorry. I don't mean to say that the authority or the people in charge didn't, but if didn't do what we did on the flood, it will be a big problem. So basically bunch of amazing people will keep them all together. In one night done make a decision and we took storage, uh, and even warehouse for four season was full, was clothes and food. And then right away, we came all together. We'll make a good team. And it happened. Yeah. So if we didn't make this action, we didn't know what would happen by this time. But we act and the people act selflessly. Like they just want to do it for good. You do good. Can come back to you. And that's the best about this community? Speaker 0 00:09:35 Yeah, definitely. During a crisis, especially over the last few years, we've seen that the community definitely does rally together in times of need, which is, is incredible. It's something else. Speaker 2 00:09:47 And the thing is we will doing it and they're not expecting anything. They just doing it from their heart because they think this is the right thing. So go out help and karma is good. You just do good. Trust me. It's going to come back to you in a much better way, right? Speaker 0 00:10:03 Yeah. Okay. Yeah. There's a phone again. You're a busy man. Listen, there's nothing to apologize. We got Tanner running back and forth. There's no worries there. Listen. Um, I know all about being busy and that phone ringing. That's not a bad thing. That means people are calling maybe to move their house or maybe they need a tow in this cold weather. Yes. So in this cold weather, like how are you guys really operating quickly and giving the best service in regards to towing? Speaker 2 00:10:32 Uh, we have a full-time heavy duty mechanic in the back of our shop. Um, taking care of the Cubans to make sure it's maintained and ready to go every morning. Okay. So we always very burdened the winter as it is too many terms and things that we can do to keep the trucks running. But in that cold wizard, I would just give an advice for everyone. Just make sure your truck is full of gas. Make sure your trucks, foes, diesel, and blog it in and you should have no problem. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:11:00 Yeah. It's cold though, man. I don't know. Luckily my, uh, my vehicle, it starts every morning, but every morning I'm just like, I don't know with this kind of temperature it gets, it gets pretty cold. It is. All right. So Hani, uh, this is the time of the show where we're going to put you a little bit on the spot. I don't know if you've watched the show before, but this segment is called the Mac city minute. Okay. So Tanner is going to ask you five questions. Just answer them as honestly, as you can look at that bullet, listen forever for everybody at home, that is Hanny's phone blowing up so that no that's all right, man. So for everybody listening, if you're an entrepreneur, you're trying to get out there. That phone ringing is the best sound in the world because that means somebody is looking for your services. Thank you so much with Tanner back at the seat. Tanner hit him with the Mac city minute, right? Speaker 2 00:11:49 Hey everybody, let's get those questions. First one today is what is the weirdest thing you've ever Speaker 3 00:11:54 Had to move? Speaker 2 00:11:56 Um, basically, uh, well, uh, it's more of awkward, uh, moves at that. Um, I think we have a gift a minute to move everything so far, but it is always awkward when you move like a piano or a tanning bed and stuff like that. It's require a little bit more professionalism and you're going to have to make sure that you know what you're doing. Speaker 3 00:12:24 All right. Question number two. What is the coolest thing you've ever had to tell? Speaker 2 00:12:29 Oh, we actually have a lot of nice cars online in our page. We have done a loss of, uh, toes for a Camry, a Porsche, a Corvette. We, we told a loss of nice toys so far. So Speaker 3 00:12:45 Question number three when it's as cold as it is right now in Fort McMurray, how do you stay warm? Speaker 2 00:12:52 We're lost clothes and get out to work. Speaker 3 00:12:56 Question number four. What is your favorite place in town to get a slice of pizza? Speaker 2 00:13:01 Uh, um, I, of course I like to all about supporting locals. There is a lots of amazing, uh, new stores places here in the city, but, uh, I like Bannon group. Um, I like, um, there is um, uh, mil, uh, Baeza, Baeza, and there's a lots of nice places. Nevermind the names, but it's all local. So support all for sure. Speaker 3 00:13:24 And the last question is what's one thing that is the same between living here and in Egypt. Speaker 2 00:13:33 Hmm. Please repeat the question again. Speaker 3 00:13:37 What is one thing that is the same about living here in Fort McMurray and in Egypt? Speaker 2 00:13:43 It's not the weather that's for sure. Not the wizard. Same thing about here and Egypt. Not quite sure. Maybe I'll give that another side. Yeah. Take your time. Speaker 0 00:14:02 Yeah, there you go. Well, that's the Mac city minute. And uh, you said something that kind of intrigued me. You have to move tanning bed sometimes. Is that something that you come across often? Speaker 2 00:14:15 Especially for long hauls. So we move, uh, tanning beds always to advent in Calgary or from Calgary, Edmonton back to here. Speaker 0 00:14:23 So like businesses are, but pers people have tanning beds in their home. Oh yeah. Really? Yes. In the basement. Oh my goodness. That is something I would have never have really thought about. Speaker 2 00:14:35 Yeah. And actually we do a loss of, uh, businesses. Well, we actually, uh, set up, uh, some of the local business here for the tanning Bates. Nevermind the names. But all this product came back from course Calgary or Edmonton and our team was there to install whole thing. That's Speaker 0 00:14:52 Crazy. That's nuts. Like, I don't know. It's just a, I know people tan let's let's Oh yeah. But to have them in your Speaker 2 00:15:00 House too many houses. Wow. Speaker 0 00:15:03 That's crazy. Cause that's an investment. Oh yeah. Put a tanning bed in your home. That's interesting. That's very interesting. I got a question in regards to moving stuff. Cause every time I look at one of these things, I think this is going to be a nightmare, a pool table. How difficult is a pool table to move Speaker 2 00:15:19 Under difficult. If you have the right tools and the right team in place, we'll tables. It just, like I said, um, the question that you ask it lately, there is few pieces that you cannot just send anybody to do to move it, which is beyond standing bed and pool tables. Uh, this things need like an extra care. So you're going to have to make sure you have the right tools, the right team there, take it apart and put it back together gently. So yeah. Speaker 0 00:15:45 I want to talk to you a little bit about social media. Cause, uh, before the pandemic, Facebook was here in Fort McMurray and you sat on a panel of some of the businesses that have been excelling with their social media presence, um, and able to use that, uh, that platform. Um, tell me what your thought process is about how social media has impacted your business for I'm assuming the positive, Speaker 2 00:16:07 Um, social media in a positive way is actually have helped my business in a great way. It's basically, um, as example, we all know that if you want to advertise new business, let's say the new division that we're going to have advertised next week, right away. What are we going to do? We're going to first thing, we're going to hit it all in social media. So social media actually save a loss of time for you. It get the word out there. So that's another thing. But if you want to start from Google, that can take you six to one year, six months to one year to get your name actually on the first page or the second page, or even to start to any recognition there for your name. So social media, of course it gets you business way faster and efficient. And it's about Fort McMurray. Speaker 2 00:16:52 It's a social media. I think it's very important for everyone here. Like if you want to read the news, you don't go in the newspaper. You actually look in the social media. Yeah. So it's, it's very important to make sure that your name and the social media, and it's very important to have a customer service for any complaints to reply to that, get the feedback or work on it, deliver it to your team and make sure it has been delivered to your team. So that doesn't happen again in a bad way. And the good things. It's good to things out there. You take it and you improve it. Speaker 0 00:17:24 That's awesome, man. Yeah. Yeah. Go to social media to find all your news or a tune into the Mac city morning show to see the cool people who are in town. Awesome. Well, honey, that's a, the end of our show. Everybody's kind of shocked how fast it goes, but before I go and before we let you go today, I want you to do one more plug for your business. Please tell everybody at home what the business is, how they can get in contact with you. Let's hear all about four seasons and its different divisions. Uh, basically we Speaker 2 00:17:50 Are four seasons moving. We do local long distance deliveries, uh, in Fort McMurray and anywhere, if you want to move anywhere to Western Canada for a season transport slash hot shot slash logistics slash logistics, basically we can move anything you want from a small box to the biggest large machine machinery that you have in your shop or your mechanic shop or in the old sense. Um, for a season tone, you give us a call. If you wanted to a car, if you want to boost the car, she want a lock a car. We do it all. Okay, there we go. That is what we do. Speaker 0 00:18:25 You do a lot. All right. Well Fort McMurray, once again, my name Elliot, PA, my name is LA pier. Sorry, this is the Mac city morning show. But before I let you go, I got to give a shout out to Allie and the boys at thick wood barbershop. As you guys know, we're going to be heading there on Monday to do an onsite morning show, which we're really excited about, but I was there yesterday and they hooked me up with another sweet, sweet, uh, buzz cut and fixed up my beard. So got to give Allie and the boys at thick wood barbershop, a big shout out. And thank you. And we'll see you there on Monday. Other than that, Fort McMurray have a great day. We'll see you tomorrow. Speaker 4 00:19:02 <inaudible> talk about quenching your ugly thirst.

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