Episode Transcript
Speaker 1 00:00:05 Good morning, everybody tuning in. My name is Elliot Pierre. This is the Mac city morning show. We're going to start this off the same way we do every day. I want to thank everybody at home. Who's watching this live and or watching it afterwards. Once it's prerecorded, it means the world to me. I know you could be doing a million other things with your time. So the fact that you tune in and choose to use your time to spend it with us means the world to me on that note, Tanner hit him with the gun.
Speaker 0 00:00:38 Welcome to the <inaudible>.
Speaker 1 00:00:45 All right. And we're back. So, uh, me and Tanner decided to do something a little bit different today. Uh, we've been having guests all weeks for like, I think this is what our third or fourth week. I think we're in week four now. Yeah. Week four. So we've had a lot of guests and uh, we decided today, you know what? Let's not worry about the guests. Just talk to one another. So me and Tanner have some good conversations when the camera's off, within, without guests. So today we decided it's going to be the Tanner and Elliott show. Just kick Friday off, properly
Speaker 2 00:01:14 With the real Mac city kids. Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:01:17 With the real Mac city kids. There you go. So, uh, yeah, we don't have a guest today. It's just going to be me and Tanner as for usual, Tanner is the man off of the camera. So you're not going to see him, but you're definitely going to be hearing from him today. So that's, that's, what's going down. So for everybody at home, we're changing up the format a little bit. Uh, no guests, just me and Tanner. So Tanner, my man. How you doing today?
Speaker 2 00:01:38 I am doing fantastic. How are
Speaker 1 00:01:40 You? I'm doing great. It's a good day. It's getting a little bit warmer outside, which I'm pretty excited about.
Speaker 2 00:01:45 Well, relatively warm. Yeah. I think that's it relatively when you've done a week or two of minus 50 minus 20 feels balmy.
Speaker 1 00:01:53 It feels like summer to me outside today.
Speaker 2 00:01:55 Oh yeah. I go out there in a sweater and I'm like her.
Speaker 1 00:01:57 Yeah. That's exactly it. So Tanner, let's talk about what I have here on my left. Not the mud, but the cookies. Let's explain why, why there's cookies, uh, to my left.
Speaker 2 00:02:08 So there is cookies to your left because my mother raised me to be the most hospitable person possible. So once again, shadow mom. Uh, but yeah, so I thought it would be a good idea to cook cookies in here or bake cookies in here so that the house smells nice because my mom, my mom said, why don't you do something with the oven in there? You got an oven in there, it's a house. So why not? And I said, sure. So we went out and got a bunch of cookies stuff. Now, if you come on the show, you get to have a cookie.
Speaker 1 00:02:34 So for all, uh, the future guests and people who are thinking about coming on the show in the future, just know that there are fresh bake cookies for you. Um, and it's going to become a problem. And I told Tanner like, Hey man, I don't, I like the cookie idea. I like where your head's up, but I'm not feeling it to me. He said why? I said, well, the fact of the matter is I'm going to eat those cookies and Tanner your response to that at seems like
Speaker 2 00:03:00 An Elliot Pierre problem.
Speaker 1 00:03:02 So since he's been baking these cookies, I it's only been two days. I have crushed. I'm going to say at least eight of these cookies. So my workout routine in the morning is going to have to step up because of these cookies, man,
Speaker 2 00:03:15 You were making me feel bad with all that exercise. So I thought it even the plane
Speaker 1 00:03:20 Love it. So, uh, what I really love is what you posted today, and this is going to be a reoccurring theme, I think. But, uh, you posted a nice little picture today for the Mac city morning show before we got started.
Speaker 2 00:03:33 Yes, I did. For shoes.
Speaker 1 00:03:35 Yeah. So, um, yeah, so, uh, those are the Ben and Jerry dunk. So I'm putting it out into the universe in regards to like the pictures and talking about it. So those bending Jerry dunks, Nike's pretty sweet not going to lie. So anyways, I'm really excited just to have this show and talk to Tanner today. So if you're at home, definitely right in, Tanner's got his phone up, he's looking at what people are commenting. So if you have any questions and, or, uh, things you want to know about me and Tanner, this is the time to throw in those questions. The one thing that about me and Tanner that I think everybody knows, well, we'll throw it down one more time is we're actually born and raised here in Fort McMurray.
Speaker 2 00:04:16 Yup. Whole lives, whole
Speaker 1 00:04:17 Lives to Tanner Tanner went to composite high school. That's correct. Right? Yes, sir. I went to father mercury high school. What a, where did you go for? Junior high? Dr. Clark, Dr. Clark, which
Speaker 2 00:04:30 It is downtown across the street from the grocery store. And a father took off.
Speaker 1 00:04:35 Oh, by the KFC? Yes. Okay. Nice, nice.
Speaker 2 00:04:40 Yep. Which is right. Probably a 32nd walk from my house. And then comp was a five minute walk. So I was always very close walking, distance walking distance.
Speaker 1 00:04:51 Nice. I went to St. Ants. And what was that like? It was the best shout out crusaders. They're not called the crusaders anymore. They, uh, they changed your name to something a little bit more PG. I don't know what it is. It's not even PG crusaders is PG in my opinion, but there's something G-rated now
Speaker 2 00:05:09 What, what, how do you get more G-rated than Crusader?
Speaker 1 00:05:12 But I know when I went there, it's no longer there. We, uh, we signed a petition and while I was there, we had nicknamed the, uh, the gymnasium, the dungeon, it said welcome to the dungeon. That was so sweet, but they painted over it. So if you go to St Anne's now, and I'll call the crusaders and it's no longer the dungeon, but welcome to 2021.
Speaker 2 00:05:32 Yeah, I think, uh, when I went to Dr. Clark, it was the dinos. I, I'm not sure what they are now, but they, uh, they were the dinos when I went there and they had a giant ass T-Rex in the middle of the stage and it was pretty cool.
Speaker 1 00:05:45 Okay. All right. This is a little shout out if we're talking about education. After I graduated from father Merck, I spent a year at Canto college and at Kiana college, funny enough, um, I took a marketing course and hence you do marketing. I do marketing. So I think that kind of came full circle there. And for the people at home, little, uh, Easter egg to the Mac city morning show at the end of the Mac city morning show, we have an outro. Um, that goes something like it's. So ballistic quench your ugly thirst. Uh, the reason that's there there's a few meetings, but, uh, that was actually from a marketing class that me and my business partner, uh, who started Greenlight with me, chase and Phillips big shout out to JP. Um, that was actually from one of our first marketing projects. So we thought it was only fitting to incorporate it into, uh, into the podcast.
Speaker 2 00:06:43 Wow, man, that is so ballistic. That is
Speaker 1 00:06:45 So sticky. I haven't had it. So that was a long time ago. We're going back in time. That was in 2001. Yeah, I was three. You, you were three when I went to college, that's hilarious.
Speaker 2 00:07:01 Yeah. I was a three-year-old child. I was in preschool.
Speaker 1 00:07:07 Oh, I'm old. And the gray hairs prove it. Well, that's hilarious. So, uh, we had a really good show Monday of this week. It was a live on location. Let's uh, to the people at home town. Or you talk about your experience because I think that was the first time you actually went to thick with barbershop.
Speaker 2 00:07:24 That was indeed the first time I went to thick woods barbershop and I had a fantastic experience. Yeah. You walk in and you just immediately are, are getting, uh, you know, jealous did on and getting chirped at. And you know, you just immediately feel comfortable in the environment, you know, not like you're just some customer, like you're a guy that they've known forever, so it was fun. And then they came in and he asked me what I wanted and I said a haircut and he made me look real good. You're happy with the end results. I am happy with the end results. It's really growing on me. So yeah.
Speaker 1 00:07:56 Now I have a big LA I have a bigger beard. You have a, you got a little bit of facial hair going on.
Speaker 2 00:08:01 Yeah. It looks like I took a glue stick and then threw some Maria.
Speaker 1 00:08:04 There you go. So, uh, did they touch that up for you or is that all you?
Speaker 2 00:08:09 No, the detail. No, I saw absolutely not me. No, it looks like a toddler. Tried to cut my hair when I, uh, when I do it or if I shave, but he, uh, no, he did the fancy thing with the razor that they get real close with. Made sure I had a hot towel and made sure that it was all done. I'm good. And I left looking better than the homeless man. I walked in there looking like,
Speaker 1 00:08:27 There you go. So yeah. Big shout out to think of barbershop, Allie, Mo Lancaster was our guest. Talk about a deep guy. Like if a Lancaster, if you're watching this and I know you watch, uh, watch it on LinkedIn, and you also check out some of the videos on YouTube, dude, he's got to come on the show. He was something else.
Speaker 2 00:08:46 God, he is. It's like, he was talking things that like, I didn't even know that existed. And the way talks is just very concise and clear and, and engaging.
Speaker 1 00:09:00 Yeah. He was a straight up professional from South Africa. I'm uh, enthralled with South Africa. Um, in regards to reading books, what happened with apartheid? And we had a great conversation. So afterwards he recommended a book to me. Um, animal farm. I think a lot of people have read animal pharma was the author again, Tanner George Orwell, George Orwell. That's right. If you haven't taken the time to read animal farm, it's a phenomenal book. Now, once again, when I see read audible, I listened to animal farm, but I could not stop listening to it. I crushed it in maybe less than a day. It was a, it was a short read. So people at home, I think it's only like three hours long to listen to it. If you're a fast reader, you can burn through it way faster than that. So animal farm, Lancaster. Thank you very much.
Speaker 2 00:09:48 Or if you're, if you like me, you can take a one step less and just read the Wikipedia synopsis of it. Oh, Cole's notes. Yeah. That's that's what I do is I'll just read the synopsis of books because if you try to get me sit down in front of a book, I don't have the attention span for it. Nice.
Speaker 1 00:10:05 I like it. Yeah. That's that's a hack.
Speaker 2 00:10:07 Yeah. Speed reading, speed reading.
Speaker 1 00:10:09 Here's a little hack. I don't know if my mom's going to really like me, uh, sharing this on, uh, on air. But when I was in high school, we had to read Shakespeare. And I don't know if you've ever tried to read Shakespeare, but it's kind of confusing and kind of like, it's kind
Speaker 2 00:10:22 Of dry. Everything I try to read is confusing. Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:10:25 So, uh, what I used to do was, um, my mother worked down at Canno college, so I'd go to the candle library and I would rent out the Shakespeare place. So it would, they used to record people doing the plays and obviously it was based off the book. So it was verbatim. So I just watched the movie instead of reading the books in high school.
Speaker 2 00:10:48 Oh, if we want some high school tips that we probably shouldn't be sharing, I got a few, Hey man, come
Speaker 3 00:10:54 On. Nobody sees your face. So you're, you're clear
Speaker 2 00:10:56 If, uh, if you have a deadline for something to like be sent in, like at midnight, if you send your professor or your teacher, a corrupt file, you can convince them that it's their fault, that the file's corrupted and that you need more time to do it.
Speaker 3 00:11:13 That's genius. So you went to school in, like you could do that. Like, none of them,
Speaker 1 00:11:18 My assignments were like handed in through files. It was like paper. It was like the dog ate my homework.
Speaker 2 00:11:23 Oh yeah. Well, see my sister, uh, Oh God, my mom just mentioned me in a comment. There you go. Um, but yeah, no Lake, my sisters used to do it that they would just not, uh, they wouldn't even hand it in. They just go, Oh no, yeah, no, I handed it in and the teacher would be like, for real. And then you'd be, I handed that in for you. And then the teacher would spend a day looking for it and then come back to her and they'd be like, so sorry. I found your work. You got an 80%. My sisters would be like, awesome. Even though they didn't send it in.
Speaker 1 00:11:48 That's awesome. Yeah. There's a bunch of high school hacks. My mom's yelling at me on the comments now. Yeah. You gotta be careful what you say. People are watching your mom is, uh, one of our biggest fans hands down.
Speaker 2 00:12:01 My mom is my biggest fan hands downs in general. Yes. In life.
Speaker 1 00:12:05 That's awesome. And then your aunt tunes in a lot.
Speaker 2 00:12:07 Yes, my auntie Stephanie and my auntie Carrie is commenting right now too. So it's a whole family affair right now.
Speaker 1 00:12:13 Yeah. My, my family watches often as well, which I find really funny is a bunch of them are in Calgary right now. So, um, my sister watches it upstairs on her phone. Uh, my brother-in-law turns it on the TV and then my mom watches it on the computer and then my dad he's, uh, he's watching it on his computer. So we're getting extra views from the peer family, for sure. When they all could be in one room watching it together. So big shout out to the peers who are, uh, taking a look at this show as we speak. I have no doubt about that
Speaker 2 00:12:42 Even. Yeah. Even my mom, she watches it on her phone and then she'll have it in your computer, in another room and then on the farm and yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:12:50 Oh, I love it actually. You know, what's kind of surprising to me is for everybody at home, we're on a bunch of different platforms. Uh we're on Facebook. We're on LinkedIn. We're on YouTube. We're on Instagram and we're on Facebook and hopefully next week we've put in our videos. Hopefully they get approved. We'll be on Spotify and iTunes. Oh nice. Yup. And uh, you know what, I'm going to act, not act my age and we're going to start, start uploading some stuff on Tik TOK.
Speaker 2 00:13:18 Yeah. That definitely was not my, uh, my suggestion, but it definitely won't be a bad thing to do.
Speaker 1 00:13:23 You're going to be able to like find us everywhere your sister says, hi, I Alicia, how are you doing? Love you. Thanks for tuning into the show. Um, yeah, so we're everywhere, but what's surprising to me is we're getting, um, a decent amount of views on LinkedIn.
Speaker 2 00:13:37 Yeah. I don't, I don't even use LinkedIn. No,
Speaker 1 00:13:40 It's a very professional tool. Um, it's yeah. It's is for people looking for work who have work. It's, it's very, industry-based very different from, uh, some of the other social media apps. So big shout out to anybody looking at us on LinkedIn. Um, I know I have a big LinkedIn following based on my previous career. So there's a lot of people from human resources in the NDT world. Nondestructive testing, checking us out
Speaker 2 00:14:06 On LinkedIn. Yeah. You, uh, you definitely are bringing in the LinkedIn crowd. Not me. No, no, no. Yeah. You're definitely not on LinkedIn. My man. No. My work experience is very minimal in that sense. Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:14:16 Hey, listen, I talked to a bunch of high school kids actually shout out to Kiana college. Again, I'm starting next week. I do a four class series talking about a different, a bunch of different things from interpersonal skills and how to market yourself in this day and age, how to prepare for interviews. Um, and I tell all those youngsters who joined those classes, Tanner, that you should have a LinkedIn profile, even if you don't have a stacked resume.
Speaker 2 00:14:42 Yeah. You were. You were telling me in my old job that I should have a LinkedIn account, but I managed to get a pretty good job without one.
Speaker 1 00:14:48 This is true. This is true. The, your next job has been pretty awesome. I have to say. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:14:53 I, I think that I'm my own LinkedIn connections personally.
Speaker 1 00:14:59 Hilarious. So let's talk about some dream guests that you want on this show. Um, we've been bouncing nays around and dream guests for us are not like celebrities by any stretch of the imagination. They're just, uh, people we know. So let's put some, uh, some of our friends on blast right now,
Speaker 2 00:15:16 Dream guests. I don't, I don't know. I don't know how many dream guests I have in the way of my friends, but like pizza delivery guy, taxi driver, like normal everyday dudes, or I think what we're wanting. Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:15:28 I agree. So if you're a taxi driver who's been in the community for a while or you own a pizza shop. Definitely. We want to talk to you, my dream guests and I'm put totally put them on blast right now is James Doherty?
Speaker 2 00:15:42 Yes. You've talked about him a little bit around the office.
Speaker 1 00:15:45 James Doherty. He's one of my best buds. He's just an average guy. We hang out quite often prior to COVID and uh, James Doherty. We're going to meet, we're going to clip this up, James Doherty. This is me shouting you out. I want to see you in that chair. Please join me. Let's have a conversation. It'll be a good time, James Doherty.
Speaker 2 00:16:04 All right. And I think let's, let's try to get my mom on here. Okay. Yeah. Cause like my mom says that nobody wants to listen to what she has to say. Like she hasn't been here for what, like 30 issues. So those are our dream guests. Yes, my mom. But my mom refuses to do it. So if everybody in the comments wants to blow it up and convince her to do it. Yeah. So what's your mom's name? Jackie.
Speaker 1 00:16:26 There we go. So Jackie, we want you in the seat as well. It's going to be a good time. If you're half as charismatic as your son, you're going to be the best guests that we've ever had.
Speaker 2 00:16:36 And she is twice as charismatic as I
Speaker 1 00:16:38 Am. So here we go. So I'm excited about doing the Mac city minute. Uh, Tanner comes up with all these questions on his own. Um, so we're going to do a Mac CD minute. Tanner is going to put me on the hotspot today. I have no idea what he's going to ask. I never know what tan is going to say. So Tanner, you want to hit me with the maximum? Yeah,
Speaker 2 00:16:55 I would indeed. But before we do your sister's saying we need to get the owner of Gemma's pizza.
Speaker 1 00:17:00 Oh geez. Let's talk about Jonah's pizza. Okay. Before we do the Mac city minute, gentleman's pizza, hands down. If you're from Fort Mac, you know what it's about? Joe mamas is the best we have. We have more Jonah's pizzas in Fort McMurray than we have McDonald's
Speaker 2 00:17:15 For a good reason. Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:17:16 And now there is a gentleman's pizza down in Edmonton, in the North end, close to St. Albert. If you're living in Edmonton, I've already checked out this gentleman. It is the best. So big shout out to Jonah's.
Speaker 2 00:17:27 Yes. And I've heard that the one down in Edmonton is up to par with the ones here.
Speaker 1 00:17:33 It really is. And I'm not just saying that. So now before we talk about this, we're not going to, we're not going to rank all the gentleman's, but I do want to hear Tanner. What is your number? Cause everybody has their number one gentleman. So what's your number one.
Speaker 2 00:17:45 See it's really, you got to, you got to see what you're getting first. Cause like beacon Hill in my opinion has like the best poutine, the best simosas. But I think that like, um, Greg wire has the best pizza.
Speaker 1 00:17:59 Okay. So you're, you're you're going on the South side of the bridge. I've always been South side. Okay. See, I'm going to be going onto the North side, hands down for me. And I eat out all the Germans, but number one, thicker pajamas. I think what Joel, miss to me is number one, all around everything. Everything, they knock it out the park.
Speaker 2 00:18:19 Yeah. See, it's just, I don't go up there ever because I'm downtown. So it's just inconvenient for me to order all the way up there. It's inconvenient for them. Yeah. Right. They usually just say called downtown or call uptown or whatever. Right.
Speaker 1 00:18:32 Well, next time you're hanging out in a, those neck of the woods. <inaudible> number one in my opinion. Have to try it. Yeah. So there you go, Alicia, thank you very much for that comment. So now hit me with the Mac city minute questions. Tanner. I'm ready.
Speaker 2 00:18:46 Okay. Let's do this question. Number four, question one for you today. What is one career path you would have followed if not doing this or any of your prior jobs?
Speaker 1 00:18:56 Hm, that's a really good question. So for everybody at home, my prior career that I did for over a decade, uh, prior to getting into marketing was human resources. Um, I had the honor of being head of recruitment for some companies. I was the HR manager for many years for an NDT company called accurate. I loved it. It was like, it was a passion of mine, human resources. It was really fulfilling. And then I got into marketing. If I didn't do one of these two careers, what would I be doing, man? That's hard because honestly, before I would have told you up to a month ago, be on TV in one way, shape or form. And now I feel I'm on there. So yeah, I've always wanted to be on TV in one way, shape or form. And I made that a reality. Here we go. You want it to be a celebrity? Yeah. Nah, not really a celebrity. I just, I don't know. I like, uh, I like entertainment. The, I miss what I do miss is anonymity, which I don't have that much of anymore as a Z list, popular person in for me.
Speaker 2 00:19:53 You should've just told everybody you wanted to be behind the camera and only have your voice.
Speaker 1 00:19:57 Yeah. Well you're going to be the James Earl Jones of voices. My man
Speaker 2 00:20:01 Let's do it. Question number two. If you didn't drink Jamison, what would be your drink of choice?
Speaker 1 00:20:07 Oh, another banger of a question Tanner. Okay. I love Jamison's. Um, that is definitely my drink of choice. Huh? You know what? I I'm going to switch. Like if I had to switch from whiskey or a bourbon, I, it would probably be patrol patrol and silver, not gold patrol and silver would be my drink of choice platinum, not platinum. Nope. The silver is the way to go. It's one of those things with alcohol, just because you're spending more money doesn't mean you're going to like it more. So yeah, I'm a more patroned silver guy and not to do shots back in the day. What I used to do, I used to call it a summer sipper. So what would I do is I fill up a pint glass full of ice and in the bottom, put an orange wedge in the middle, put an orange wedge and then the top put an orange wedge and then just fill that pint glass up with patroned silver. And you're good for the day. That's called a summer sip.
Speaker 2 00:21:02 I think my mom would love that. She's a big tequila fan.
Speaker 1 00:21:05 Yeah. So at home summer sippers they're there. The grace, if I wasn't drinking. Ah Jamesons yeah. Summer sipper tequila. Patroned silver.
Speaker 2 00:21:12 All right. Question number three. What is the fastest you've ever gone in your mg?
Speaker 1 00:21:19 Well, that's a, those courses, of course the mg, uh, it is a beautiful little vintage sports car. The thing about it is that thing doesn't go very fast. So, uh, it's the fastest I've ever been to the mg. And I honestly thought I was going to take off flying and the engine was going to explode was only actually 125 kilometers. So not that fast. The car is not meant for speed man. It's it's, it's a cruising car. So yeah, 125 is the fastest I ever got it. All right.
Speaker 2 00:21:51 Question number four. What is one business in town you think might not get enough attention,
Speaker 1 00:21:57 One business businesses down that doesn't get enough attention. Oh, there's so many businesses that don't get enough attention in town. Wow. Now that is a question. This is a part of the show where like the guests kind of stalls and I'm like, okay, let me help them out. A business in town that doesn't get enough attention.
Speaker 2 00:22:17 Do you want me to play the jeopardy music real
Speaker 1 00:22:21 Honestly, and this is, uh, this is true. And like it's kind of their fault as well. Um, neural Toyota and key Simpson, like they're a client of mine. Like we, we do marketing for them and everything, but the amount of, uh, stuff that Keith does in the community in regards to giving back, that's not documented because he won't let me document it. And he just does it out of the kindness of his heart. Um, yeah, nor I'll Toyota to things that like Keith fat and dimmer, um, are doing in this community and have been doing in this community for so many years. Um, I don't think they get the recognition that they deserve for it. Um, and they do it selflessly like so many others, but I've known those gentlemen literally since I was a child and yeah, they don't, uh, they keep what they do very quietly. So yeah. Big shout out to morale for all the things they do in the community that, uh, they don't document and share
Speaker 2 00:23:09 My moms like to say the food bank. Okay.
Speaker 1 00:23:12 As well. Yeah, the food bank is good. Like a, I don't know, uh, if your mom watched, maybe you can go back and look at my historical videos. Uh, about two years ago I did the food bank challenge and only ate, uh, the hamper for a week. It was the toughest week of my life to raise awareness for the food bank. So yeah, the food bank, definitely. If we're talking off of profits, there's so many good ones. You've got the food bank, you got the Northern lights, regional health foundation. You have the boys and girls club. You have SOS. Um, yeah, if you're in the nonprofit sector in Fort McMurray, it's, it's hard for you to get the, you deserve. But uh, yeah, food is a good one too.
Speaker 2 00:23:48 And your final question, what do you do with your family to relax and have fun?
Speaker 1 00:23:54 Well, what I do with my family to relax and have fun. Well, I'll tell you my favorite thing to do with, uh, with my family right now, to relax and have fun. My little guy, Keegan, um, he likes to play power Rangers with me. So we play power Rangers and we, he gets on the bed and he does tons of flips and kicks and we fight evil putties. And so then though he likes to fight to music. So we put on songs like Kung Fu fighting or the banger right now that he can't get enough of is Bob bombs over Baghdad by outcast that's his fighting jam. And then the fighting turns into him putting on a concert for me and lip singing different songs. So lip singing bombs over Baghdad come Fu fighting. And there's a song right now by Jason Derulo. I forget what the song is, but yeah, watching my little kid, uh, lip sync to songs after a bit of fighting putties power ranger style. It's my favorite thing to do in life right now.
Speaker 2 00:24:51 Wow. You, you and your kid and me and you seem to have the same hobbies. You pretend to fight buddies all day. Are you lip sync? No lip sinking and Kung Fu fighting, obviously.
Speaker 1 00:25:00 Yeah. So you and my six-year-old yeah. You shared that in common. That that was tough, man. I feel bad for our guests. We have to do the Mac city minute.
Speaker 2 00:25:08 That was pressure. My mom said Tanner did that. His dad is shaking his head. She's laid on the comments. I already admitted to everybody. I do that. So
Speaker 1 00:25:16 That's hilarious. So I guess let's throw it back to you. What is your like lip singing jam?
Speaker 2 00:25:23 Oh, anything that I know? All the words too. Yeah. Oh yeah. I'll I I'm tone deaf. Like I can't change my pitch, my voice to change my life, but I will sing anything. Yeah. I know the words and everybody will just, their ears will
Speaker 1 00:25:37 Nice. Okay. Well, okay. Let's let's, let's talk about songs here. Um, people are getting to know us. It's just the Tanner and Elliot show today. Hopefully we do many, many more of these favorite song. What's your favorite song?
Speaker 2 00:25:49 Oh, see, that's very hard. So yeah, I'm, I'm big into like EDM music, dance, music, that kind of stuff. So it really depends what's out. Right? Cause new music all the time means that your favorite song is always evolving.
Speaker 1 00:26:00 Okay. So as of right now, I'm not going to let you get away with it. What's your current favorite song?
Speaker 2 00:26:04 Oh, I don't. I don't know if, uh, if my favorite songs get to be verbalized on air, if we still want monetizations.
Speaker 1 00:26:12 All right. So that like, okay, you got me, I'm going to say my favorite song. And I think people are going to be shocked. I listen to all types of music as, as Tanner knows from us driving around from time to time. My favorite song is Maggie Mae by rod Stewart, rod Stewart, classic he's, he's a jam. So that's my favorite song. Favorite album of all times, hands down, please. Don't a squash. Our monetization here is Snoop Dogg, Doggystyle, favorite album of all time. And I think Snoop should send me a little bit of money or one of his plaques because I had to buy the Snoop dog album so many times because my father and my mother would find them and throw them out the windows as CDs, find the tape cassettes and rip them up. And then I would do the bootleg tapes and they would get rid of that as well. So I can confidently say, as a young child, I probably purchased at least minimum 10 Snoop Dogg albums because at the time my parents said, yeah, we're not, we're not doing that.
Speaker 2 00:27:15 Yes. And the wonderful age of digital streaming, they, uh, I can just stream whatever I want whenever I want for 1499 a month.
Speaker 1 00:27:24 Oh yeah. I think about it. And I like was outraged at my parents for doing that at the time. But when I think about how young I was, when I was listening to it, I was only 12 years old. So yeah. You know, what if Keegan decided to listen to that type of music when he was 12, I would be doing the exact same thing. So mom and dad, you made the right decision by throwing out and, uh, hiding all of those tapes from back in the day. So good parenting,
Speaker 2 00:27:49 Even though Elliot still just got more and listened to it anyways. Yeah, exactly.
Speaker 1 00:27:53 You try it. Kids are gonna find, uh, find their hacks.
Speaker 2 00:27:56 If there is a song, there is a way.
Speaker 1 00:27:59 Yeah. I love music. The band that I've been listening to, like on repeat right now, hardcore from back in the day and they still make new music, Arctic monkeys. I love the Arctic monkeys. I love the Arctic monkeys so much. I even have a, their original album on vinyl. So big shout outs to the Arctic monkeys. You guys crushed.
Speaker 2 00:28:18 Do you just have it or do you actually listen to it on vinyl? You've got a record player.
Speaker 1 00:28:22 I personally do not have a record player, but my dad Gregory Pierre, AKA G prime, AKA uncle silky, um, has one of the most banging record players, arguably in the world. He has a, like a old school, real setup even has soundproofed his room to optimize the sound quality that comes out of his record
Speaker 2 00:28:44 Player. So he's a big record listener.
Speaker 1 00:28:46 Oh, big time. That's how I got my love for music, my parents, for sure. So I bought a few records and I started my own little collection. I just keep it at his house. So anytime I go over there prior to quarantine, um, I'll put on one of those records and listen to it. So yeah, you gotta, you gotta listen to vinyl if you don't know about vinyl, like you're missing out.
Speaker 2 00:29:06 Yeah. I, uh, I like, I like as loud as it can go, doesn't matter how it plays. Yeah. Yeah. As long as it's loud.
Speaker 1 00:29:13 Well, listen, it's loud. Like, yeah, he's got all the speakers. He's got the subwoofers. It's like, my dad is a big sound guy. So his record player and his TV setup, uh, unreal, unreal. So I remember one time speaking about his record player, uh, his TV set up, sorry. Back in high school. He left me alone one time and I, uh, I through what, uh, the young kids are calling a banger and uh, I put music and I figured, well, listen, he's his sound system here has got a subwoofer. So this is probably pumps. So I'm throwing a party. I throw on some rap music and I blew his subwoofer. Oh yeah, it wasn't good. So I got a little bit of trouble to say the least, we're not going to talk about the, uh, punishment that I received.
Speaker 2 00:30:01 Did it fit the crime? Oh, it,
Speaker 1 00:30:04 Uh, it fit the crime. And that was the thing about when I got punished. It was always, uh, it was always warranted, but what I got out of it was, uh, I got the old subwoofer. So I took that bus stop sellable for and put it in my high school locker. And then we pumped to rap music with a sub in a locker back in grade 12. So you know what? The punishment was totally worth it to have a subwoofer in my locker. Pretty cool.
Speaker 2 00:30:28 You bet you were the coolest kid around.
Speaker 1 00:30:30 I don't want to say I was the coolest, but I had a subwoofer in my locker.
Speaker 2 00:30:34 So you don't want to say you're the coolest you just were.
Speaker 1 00:30:36 You know, I don't like to brag
Speaker 2 00:30:39 Or you're not going to have one of those cookies Elliot. You've been eating them all day.
Speaker 1 00:30:42 Yeah. Listened for the people at home. I had two of them already for breakfast, so yeah. I'm going to pass on eating the cookies on air, but I did have two of them and I'm going to have to up my workout.
Speaker 2 00:30:52 He didn't, he's lying to you. He didn't need any. Yeah,
Speaker 1 00:30:54 No, I man. They're delicious. So anyways, we're coming to the end of the day.
Speaker 2 00:30:59 Yeah. We're way over at 31 minutes. Oh geez.
Speaker 1 00:31:02 Sorry for everybody at home. This is just what me and Tanner do every day. Thank you for tuning in today. Really appreciate it. Everybody who commented and got us to ask some questions, uh, me and Tanner have made a decision that although we have guests booked all the way until April now, um, from time to time, we are going to like boot one of those guests and continue to do just shows with him. And I, so if you have any questions for us, you want to learn a little bit more about myself and Tanner, uh, by all means, send them in. And, uh, we're an open book. We'll talk about anything just about, yeah. So on that note, everybody at home, once again, thank you. Thank you. Thank you for tuning in, not just to this episode, but every episode that we've put on, it means the world to me.
Speaker 1 00:31:42 And it really does. I know it sounds like a script, but it is coming from my heart. Uh, I'm overwhelmed with the amount of people that have tuned into the show that used to look at my old videos to all the guests that have come on the show and want to come on the show. Um, the support that we've received from this, uh, new venture has been overwhelming. So I really do appreciate it. So everybody watching at home, everybody that wants to participate in the show, thank you from the bottom of my heart major gratitude, it really does mean the world to me. So on that note, hope you have a great day. Hopefully have a great weekend and we'll see you next week. Peace.
Speaker 0 00:32:37 Talk
Speaker 1 00:32:38 About quenching your ugly thirst.