Episode Transcript
Speaker 0 00:00:01 Good morning, Fort McMurry, wood, Buffalo, and everybody else who's tuning in. My name is LEP. Pierre. You've tuned into the Mac city morning show. I'm going to start this off the same way. I start every show off by saying thank you. I know you could be doing so many other things with your time. And the fact that you're spending with us does mean the world to me. Now on that note, Tanner hit him with the intro
Speaker 1 00:00:22 Called me <inaudible>
Speaker 0 00:00:31 Okay. Today's show is going to be an interesting one for sure, because I am sitting next to a complete stranger. I know nothing about this individual and that's why I started the Mac city morning show to meet individuals that I don't know and hear their awesome stories. So without further ado, uh, can you please introduce yourself to myself and the world and tell us who you are and what you're about
Speaker 1 00:00:53 For sure. My name is crystal Lynch and I'm the owner of the Chrysalis method.
Speaker 0 00:00:59 Okay. And so crystal, what is this method about
Speaker 1 00:01:02 Basically? Um, it's about what happens when you decide to evolve? Um, it's almost like, uh, a reincarnation of now. So rather than thinking of reincarnation in like, Oh, in my next life or a past life, it's we see, we have the ability to just evolve ourselves into, I don't want to say like better beings, but maybe just like, I like to personally focus on happiness and contentment. So that's kind of what it's about. And I, I also come from a yoga background. I'm a yoga instructor as well, so that plays a factor in it too. Um, but mainly how this all came about was my own personal journey of like what I went through in the past. And I just want to help people get to where I am quicker than I did. Um, cause you know, you see people sometimes struggling in life and it's like, I can help you. So that's what I'm offering. And my business is unique in the sense that all of my services are offered on a pay, what you can basis to reduce financial barriers, because I'm very passionate about income inequality, and just getting the right resources out there to people.
Speaker 0 00:02:19 Very neat and very vague. So I have lots of questions here, so. Okay. So step one is you are not necessarily located in foreman Marie, however you work with people online on phone. How does, how do people get in contact with you? Is it physical? Is it,
Speaker 1 00:02:36 Um, so right now, because of the times it's, non-physical, everything is virtual. I do have my website and my Instagram, which is the better way to reach me directly. Um, and then, uh, yeah, like I, I just, because of my yoga background, I have like a lot of people from Fort McMurray students from here, but I also lived on in a glamping tent on a resort for four months. Yeah. So I have a lot of international students as well.
Speaker 0 00:03:06 Cool. Where are you living this glamping tent?
Speaker 1 00:03:09 Um, it's in the middle of the BC forest. It's a few hours away from Vancouver and uh, so the resort is really special. It's um, it's actually really close to kind of like sacred geography, um, in BC. So this place is very magical. It's called Rio rafting and yoga. And just the frequency that you feel when you arrive there, you know, that this place is special. We're different. And for me at the time that I was at in my life, when I went there, it just kind of like triggered everything. It was the catalyst in like a key catalyst in my, my journey of transformation.
Speaker 0 00:03:50 Okay. And is this a place that you go back to regularly now or was this like a one-time one-time deal?
Speaker 1 00:03:57 So I was going to go back last year, but then I decided to wait because of everything that was going on. I wanted to kind of like stay in my cocoon, so to speak and just like reassess where I was going, but I will be going back there this August for, for three weeks. So
Speaker 0 00:04:12 Cool. Now with this method that you are well, that's your business basically. Um, what kind of individuals do you think should be getting in contact with you, who could benefit from, from your service?
Speaker 1 00:04:24 So basically anyone and everyone who is looking to evolve themselves and it can be anything from something small. Like I just want to figure out how to like reach small goals or I want to figure out how to be consistent in my happiness, or it can be people who have like severe, um, issues with, uh, like shopping addiction. So from my past, um, I'll let you know, that was kind of a key thing. In my early to mid twenties. I had a really bad shopping addiction to the point of, um, on PayPal with online shopping. They blocked my account cause they're like, you've spent $20,000. You're done. Like, we're just going to cut you off. Cause you're not, they're like we got you. You're not being responsible, so we'll help you. And I was like, Oh, maybe,
Speaker 0 00:05:15 Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Interesting
Speaker 1 00:05:20 With like a lot of like issues because of what I've gone through in my past, like going through high-functioning depression, um, overcoming the shopping addiction, how to manage, um, anxiety. Like I'm obviously not a therapist or a doctor, so I can't, I'm limited to, like, I would say like mental health wellness, because you obviously need certain professionals for those things, but I can help you. Um, do you an extent, right? So if, if people will let me, I'm just here to, you know, get you,
Speaker 0 00:05:55 There you go. Okay. So now when people are getting in contact with you, is this a, basically you speaking them through things, are you doing exercise programs? Like what is kind of like the whole methodology in regards to steps that you would be doing?
Speaker 1 00:06:10 Yeah, so I actually, I keep my program very bit, uh, big, sorry, because it's like, um, each person is so unique, right. So rather than being like, you know, let's just focus on goal coaching. It's like, what does that even mean? Like, like we know what a goal is. So I w I wanted to be a little bit more, um, like I wanted to divide it so it can be inclusive, but I have my personal development sessions for the practical. So people who are okay, I'm very linear point a to B. Then I have my personal development sessions for the magical. So I use that word because I personally relate to the magical, I like to see synchronicities in life and I like to follow the breadcrumbs cause I'm a spiritual person. So people who relate to that will take that program. But people who relate to a more linear experience, we'll go with the practical.
Speaker 0 00:07:00 Very cool. I like the word magical. That's nice. Yeah. Okay. Now, uh, I overheard you in Tanner talking a little bit before I came down. Uh, you are from Fort McMurray.
Speaker 1 00:07:13 Yeah. I'm a unicorn. I was born and raised in Fort McMurray. Yeah. So I spent the majority of my life here. I had moved to Edmonton briefly when I was like, um, I believe it was around 19 or 20. And then I ended up coming back here for a little bit, stayed for a super long time. And then that was when things started to kind of like break down and change. And, uh, I went off to live in the forest. So yeah.
Speaker 0 00:07:41 When you say you, you mean like this glamping tent? Yeah. How long did you live in the forest?
Speaker 1 00:07:46 So it was four months. Um, and I have to say like living outdoors, 24 seven for an extended amount of time, does something to your brain and your body really like, Oh, it's just amazing. If you ever get the opportunity to like disappear into the wild for a little bit, highly recommend it. Because even though I was there with like, it's, it's classified as a resort, but it's still very wild and organic and natural in its roots.
Speaker 0 00:08:16 Okay. So I I'm fascinated. I know what glamping, I've heard the word glamping. What is a glamping tents like is, it's not like a URC or like w w what does it look like? What are the amenities of this, this tent house?
Speaker 1 00:08:30 So it is, it's shaped, not like a, not like a yard it's not circular or anything. It kind of had like a peak. So almost looked like a house shaped from the front, um, like my door, so to speak. So it's just like, uh, um, thicker than a tarp, but you're like, it's also elevated from, from the ground. It was on like a wooden, like deck type situation. And when you unzip the door and you walk in, I had my bookshelf and my bed, and then I had like a little nightstand. And then I also had my roommate who lived with me and she got the other half of the tent. And you can like walk around in it. The, you can stand up. It's almost like being in like a room like this, but instead of thick walls to protect you from the wild animals, it's, it's a tent. So, um, you do have to be aware when you're living outdoors. And we were in Cougar country. It was like, okay, if I want to, if I have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, like, do I risk it going out into the dark and potentially bumping into a furry friend? Or do I just like, hold it so that you learn?
Speaker 1 00:09:42 And from a heating
Speaker 0 00:09:43 Standpoint, what heats this, uh, this tent?
Speaker 1 00:09:45 Uh, nothing. It's, it's all you. Oh, wow. Interesting. Yeah. So when we first got there, it was M plus 10 and it was rainy. So again, like long Johns clothing, I had like five blankets wrapped around me and a cocoon, but that was an amazing experience too, because I actually felt my immune system just like found itself up. It was like, okay, it's go time. Like, I, like, we got this, we're gonna, we're gonna make it work. We're going to keep you warm. And you just adapt so quickly. And it's just amazing what our bodies are capable of doing depending on what environment you're in. Right. Which also ties in again into our mental health cause environment is huge. So
Speaker 0 00:10:29 Yeah, that is definitely not the level of glamping that I think most people at home would be like, Oh, I think they're thinking like, Oh yeah, it's like an RV. That's this is, this is not an RV. This is just like, basically you got, you got a floor, which gives you a little bit and a little bit more space, but yeah,
Speaker 1 00:10:44 It's tenting and it's a tent. It's very much a tent. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:10:49 Or unicorn, uh, from Fort Mac, you're sitting with two other unicorns, myself and Tanner are both born and raised here. Um, what school did you go to? High school?
Speaker 1 00:10:58 High school was Westwood. Westwood. Okay. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:11:02 Merck. Tanner's from comp and you're from
Speaker 1 00:11:04 Westwood. Oh, there you go. The originals, there you go. That's it
Speaker 0 00:11:09 A few more, uh, high schools now. So I'm not going to put you on the spot in regards to like, what year you graduated, not going to do that. Um, however, with the time that you spent at Westwood, what were they known for when you went there? Like, for me, I'll just start it off. Westwood at the time was known for their awesome volleyball team, as well as acting they had, um, an improv team. Um, when you went to Westwood, what was Westwood kind of known for?
Speaker 1 00:11:36 That's exactly it. So it was a, it was a combination of, um, athletics and then the drama kids. So I was fortunate enough to be in the play. Chicago when Westwood did it, I got to play Katelyn Hahn yak. It was awesome. That was one of like, the best experiences I have from high school was, was being in that play.
Speaker 0 00:11:58 Very cool. Awesome. Well, if anybody wants to go online and figure out, uh, when Chicago was played and they can figure that one out. Yeah. Cool. Okay. Now we're at the part of the show, uh, where we have a segment it's Tanner segment. It's called the Mac city minute. Okay. So Tom is going to ask you five questions, answer them as best as you can. Okay. All right. Tanner hit her with your questions, man.
Speaker 2 00:12:20 Question number one. What is one yoga pose? You think everyone can try,
Speaker 1 00:12:25 That everyone can try would be Shavasana, which is it's corpse pose. So you lay down on your mat, um, almost in like a sleeping position and your body's completely relaxed. Your eyes are closed, and you're just trying to turn off your brain and slip into bliss. I do that every night. Awesome.
Speaker 2 00:12:44 Uh, question number two. How has helping people with their lives helped you with yours?
Speaker 1 00:12:49 Oh, it just like forces me to be a better human and to be accountable. Because if like, again, if I'm, it's kind of like what Gandhi says, be the change, you know? So that's just, it, that's where it comes from.
Speaker 2 00:13:03 Question number three. What is it like learning a skill in Fort McMurray that you've been able to utilize in other places?
Speaker 1 00:13:09 I think what I've learned the most from Fort McMurray is, uh, being resilient a hundred percent
Speaker 2 00:13:16 Question number four. What is something you miss about living in Fort McMurray?
Speaker 1 00:13:21 I miss the immediate sense of community.
Speaker 2 00:13:27 And question number five. What is one piece of advice you would want everyone to know?
Speaker 1 00:13:32 I just want you to, um, take life less seriously and kind of hang on to those moments of joy and, uh, also just allow life to unfold. Sometimes you just have to play things out.
Speaker 2 00:13:50 Those have been your five questions.
Speaker 0 00:13:52 I liked that last one. I liked that last one. So, um, me personally, um, I'm always doing self-improvement in regards to like, I'm an extrovert. There's no doubt about that, but I don't mind like looking myself in the mirror every once in a while. Um, read a lot of self-help books, a lot of coaching books. Like I like to evolve. One thing that I picked up, uh, this year, which has been transformative for me, literally the best thing I've ever done for myself is starting to meditate. Yes, it's crazy. Yes. Um, and I've read books over the years, um, and I've almost implemented everything else that I had read either from trying to get more, sleep, drinking, more water, or being more healthy exercising, like doing all of these things. And it was a constant that came up in almost every book that I've read, maybe from a biography of a successful person or like any form of book that's helping you try to improve is meditation. Yep. And I didn't do it for years and I started doing it now. I meditate every day. Try to do it more than once a day actually. And it's been transformative. Um, you lit up as soon as I said that. So can you tell me a little bit, and I have to assume some of your program, although we're not going to get too much into it, there's some form of meditation in there. Can you tell me about like your thought process on meditation and how it helps?
Speaker 1 00:15:10 Absolutely. So, um, meditation, just kind of, uh, in a nutshell, it gives you a new brain. So I always like to think of that. I guess like catchphrase, where people are like, when you know, better, you do better. I'm like, no, when you think better, you do better. And that's where meditation comes into play. So it's definitely a huge part of my program because you just want to like slip into like yourself, just get rid of all the other stuff. And honestly, if you got rid of like, like, yes, I love self-help books and things like that too. But at the end of the day, if you got rid of everything else and just kept meditation and like connecting with your authentic true, you that's going to get you the furthest
Speaker 0 00:15:56 Couldn't agree with you more. Yeah. Couldn't agree with you more. It's crazy. Yeah. It's a beautiful thing. Yeah. It's AF it's like, I can't stress it enough and I tell young Tanner over here, I'm like, dude, you got to start meditating, man. Cause he's dramatically younger than me. And I'm like, listen, I know I used to have mentors that used to tell me like, Hey, Ellie, it take some time. Um, I'm always fast paced, go, go, go, go, go. And they're like, dude, take some time. Quiet, sit down. And it's been transformative. So very cool. So, okay. That's a, that's all we got. We're we're coming to the end of our time. I know it flies. Uh, thank you for coming and do appreciate it. But before I let you go, definitely, please. One more plug. Tell the people at home who you are, the name of your company and how they can get in contact with you.
Speaker 1 00:16:43 Okay. So yeah, I am crystal Lynch, the owner of the Chrysalis method. You can, um, her search my website, the Chrysalis method.com or I'm on Instagram. I spell Chrysalis with two L's, um, which is technically like incorrect, but I personally prefer the way it looks. And I always like to add my own flair to things. And basically what I'm about is I'm just here to lead guide and inspire others. And I want to help you if you will. Let me so
Speaker 0 00:17:12 Very cool lead guide and inspire. I like that. Very cool. Okay. Well, listen from, uh, for me to you, thank you for coming. We've never met before. This has been awesome. If you ever want to come back again. Um, obviously this is only 20 minutes, so I didn't get to learn enough about you. And I don't think the people at home did either. So by I truly genuinely mean this. If you ever want to come back again, please feel free to come back and chat some more.
Speaker 1 00:17:39 Well, for sure, I have a book in the works, so maybe once I figure that out, we will come back and talk about that.
Speaker 0 00:17:45 Oh, very cool. All right. Well on that note, everybody watching at home, thank you very much for taking the time to tune in today. Really do appreciate it. Um, my name is Elliot Pierre. This is the Mac city morning show and we'll see you tomorrow. Peace.