#63: Jordan Hertner with Wood Buffalo Economic and Development and Tourism

Episode 63 April 14, 2021 00:22:24
#63: Jordan Hertner with Wood Buffalo Economic and Development and Tourism
The Mac City Morning Show
#63: Jordan Hertner with Wood Buffalo Economic and Development and Tourism

Apr 14 2021 | 00:22:24


Show Notes

Jordan Hertner with Wood Buffalo Economic and Development and Tourism is here today! Tune in to hear all about what she’s been up to, and some stories from her news broadcasting days!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Good morning, Fort McMurry, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You've tuned into the Mac city morning show. I'm your host, Elliot Pierre. And we're going to start this show off the same way we start every show off with a moment of gratitude. Thank you so much for tuning in continuously, or if this is your first time, I know you could be doing a million other things with your day. And the fact that you're spending with us truly does mean the world to me. So on that note, Tanner hit him with the intro. Speaker 1 00:00:27 Oh, she caught me near listen to the next <inaudible> Speaker 0 00:00:36 All right. And we're back. Okay. We got a good one. I know this lady can talk. Uh, I've I've sat down with her many times so she can talk. I can talk. We're probably going to go over time. Sorry, not sorry. I'm really excited. So on that note, as you know, I don't introduce my guests because they can do a better job at that than I can. So can you please introduce yourself to the world and tell them who you are and what you're about? Speaker 1 00:00:58 Absolutely. Oh, what I'm about? That's deep. Uh, well, first of all, my name is Jordan Hartner. I moved back to the city, uh, just under a year ago. So I used to live here for a few years, moved to Edmonton for a few years and I'm just so beyond excited to be back. Uh, unfortunately it's during COVID. So I'm looking forward to when everything opens again. Uh, but I'm now working for Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, economic development, and tourism, quite the Mark, Paul I'm an economic development officer in brand and marketing. So loving the new job and, uh, yeah, a handful of other things, but I'll let you dive in. You can ask me all the questions Speaker 0 00:01:33 Let's get into it. So prior to getting into the career that you're in, which I definitely want to follow up on, uh, you are not a stranger to cameras whatsoever. No, I'm not saying I initially met you. You were working here, you were working for Shaw. So tell me about that. Speaker 1 00:01:49 So actually that was my first real job in television. So, uh, I went to school in, uh, it was funny. Let's just take it way back for a second. I think in grade 10 I was doing on-air morning announcements and that's when I realized my passion for, uh, everything, television, not just being in front of the camera. I loved getting creative shooting, editing all of it. So I took that to college where I did two years of broadcast television. And then I took the post grad, which was broadcast journalism and then moved to Edmonton with, uh, my boyfriend at the time, tried so hard to get into television, any volunteering. It just seemed like nothing was panning out for me. And, uh, I interviewed for Shaw and it was a job in red deer. So I thought I had it cause I did like three interviews. Speaker 1 00:02:33 And all of a sudden I got an email saying, you didn't get the job in red deer, but we'll offer you a position in Fort McMurray. And I was like, I don't know where that is. So I did some Googling. What I Googled was a bit nerve wracking, but I was like, you know, I've been a year out of the industry. Like I need to get my foot in, in any way. So anyways, ended up taking the job in Fort McMurray and it was the best experience ever. And I did work for Shaw here for three years. And you produced Speaker 0 00:03:00 Tons of content when you were here? Speaker 1 00:03:02 Yes. And it was the best. I mean, I had Doug Roxburgh and Craig Romney by my side. Like we just had the most fun and we got to shoot everything. We met the coolest people, uh, some great leaders, you know, when you you're, you're moving somewhere, you really don't know what it's about. I heard, you know, Oh, you gotta lock your door. Otherwise you're going to get robbed. You know, I'd heard so many false heads about this place. Uh, and then when I started getting involved in the community and meeting all these people, I was like, that's not what this place is about at all. So very surprising and ended up falling in love and only moved out of Fort McMurray just because that's the way the job went. I got offered a job in Edmonton, uh, at Shaw. So I worked in Edmonton at Shaw for a year Speaker 0 00:03:42 Right now. You said you fell in love. Now there's something that kind of blinded me. When you walked in here, you have a new piece of jewelry. Speaker 1 00:03:50 Sorry. So this is, I fell in love with the city. Oh, okay. Yes, this is relatively, I mean, this is two years like we're talking right now. When I worked at Shaw, that was about seven, eight years ago. This is as of two years ago, but I did fall in love with the man in Fort McMurray with Buffalo. And you are now engaged now. Very exciting. He's the best. He's a paramedic firefighter in the city. I have to say, if you would have told me a few years ago that my life was going to bring me back here, I would have laughed at you because my trajectory was like onto the city life. You know, I'm doing television. This is the wa the way I'm going, right. The plans are meant to change. And, uh, you know, I fell in love and I was looking for a new opportunity and it just kind of all worked. And here I am back. Speaker 0 00:04:33 There you go. No, you did something really cool. And I want to know more about this. Like you were on TV, TV, you were on CTV. I was just like, yeah, you can do it once you keep it on. We're good. Speaker 1 00:04:48 Yeah. Okay. Sorry. Ask that again. The CTB. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:04:50 What was that experience like? Cause we like, yeah. Speaker 1 00:04:54 Yeah. So I worked at CTV for three years. Uh, I started actually my whole time at CTV. I was a traffic reporter. I also got the opportunity to report entertainment news in studio and then get out in the community, uh, and just tell, you know, people people's stories, which that for me was the bread and butter of the job. That's what I really fell in love with. Um, I did the morning show and I had an incredible team around me. I loved it. I just, I absolutely loved it. Uh, but I did get to a point that I thought, you know, I just don't know where I fit. What's my next step. And so I really had to evaluate kind of what was going on in life. And, uh, I ended up taking a different path, but suffice it to say, talking about CTV, loved the job. It was super cool to connect with viewers every morning and, and, you know, deliver the news, deliver traffic updates and to receive a lot of the feedback that I did. It was quite incredible. Speaker 0 00:05:48 That's awesome. So now your new path and you're working here, it's a mouthful. I'm not going to even try to say the whole name. Well, you're going to have to get it down. You might as well. It, yeah. So it's economic development Speaker 1 00:05:59 And tourism, Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, Fort Speaker 0 00:06:01 McMurray, wood, Buffalo, economic development, and tourism. So I don't know if you've been watching the show, but I have been introducing it for the last week or two with Fort MacMurray, wood, Buffalo, no comma, no hyphen just going right into it. So I've seen the brand. Speaker 1 00:06:16 Yes. Oh, I like it because what an incredible, uh, project to be on for me, you know, coming into a new career and working with this fantastic team, working on this place brand and the community, because I mean, there's been a ton of community engagement to get, you know, the place where it, to where it is. I mean, to create an authentic, real place brand, you need to hear from, from people in every corner of the region to really develop, you know, what this place is all about, what is, what is its essence and what are the strengths and assets of the region. And we really feel like we've captured that. Uh, so Fort McMurray wood, Buffalo is the destination name that we've set for this region. Uh, we believe it just unites us all because there's so many different communities. And so when, when you say Fort McMurray, that's the anchor, but you know, there's so much in our urban and rural areas or rural areas that we really also wanted to highlight that we thought that combining the names would make us the strongest. And you know, we've had a lot of good feedback, which is really exciting. Speaker 0 00:07:14 I think it's phenomenal, honestly. Cause, uh, I don't know. Some people might yell at me for this, but I'm born and raised here. Speaker 1 00:07:21 Yeah. You're one of the few, which is crazy. It's crazy to see that. No way. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:07:26 So I remember when they implemented wood Buffalo and it was very confusing. I was in high school, I think at the time maybe elementary school even, and we didn't get it. We're just like, it was, it was silly. Are we Fort McMurray? Are we with Buffalo? Um, and for years I've been going along with Fort McMurray with Buffalo, not really knowing I'm like, I'm just from Fort McMurray and or Mac city. I'm just from Fort Mac. Right. And it actually wasn't until a few weeks ago when you and I sat down and you actually like were explaining what you guys had come up with and the place brand and everything where it finally clicked. So that's mortifying that I've actually lived here for so long and haven't figured it out, but good for you guys for actually putting something together, which is digestible and easy to understand and something you can get behind, Speaker 1 00:08:14 You know, and, and that's not, you know, thank you for saying that that's incredible to hear, but it is because of all the community engagement, we did presentations and we sat down and did round table after round table and tweaked little things here and there, and a lot of language just to make sure at the end of the day, when, you know, somebody moves here, when you visit here, when you invest here, you are getting what we've said that this place is about. You know, you have to make sure otherwise, you know, people come here and they say, well, you said a, B and C and it is not representative of that. So yeah, it's, I mean, I'm extremely proud of the work, you know, that we've been able to accomplish. But like I said, it's, it's a lot of thanks to the community that, that also housed in and came to the table to get your opinions and advice. So Speaker 0 00:08:58 Yeah. Well you definitely have to pay attention cause, uh, to people in the community cause for what you guys have put out, it is so it's super authentic. And I mean, that genuinely, as I can say at like, yeah, I'm 38 years old now. So I don't know when a wood Buffalo came into play, but it was over 20 years ago, I have to imagine. And it took me 20 years to get it. So Hey, well good on you. Speaker 1 00:09:23 And still it's going to take some time because I mean, we, we gotta make sure, you know, there's a lot of people who know that we're at the table, uh, but education and getting it out to the masses, you know, it takes a little bit of time and, and it's so nice to see that, you know, you're adopting it. That's what we want. We want people and you know, and, and we've heard the radio adopted a lot of different businesses saying, you know, okay, we're going to start referring to it as Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo. Uh, so it's incredible. It's not like you need to change your address or anything like that. You're still living in Fort McMurray. But when we talk about it, we really want to make sure that it opens up the question of, Oh, okay, well, Fort McMurray, I've heard of that, but what is wood? Buffalo? And then it opens up a whole different conversation. Speaker 0 00:10:02 Yeah, that's it. Now let's jump backwards into your career in media. Now Tanner loves to talk about this. Sorry, Tanner, if I'm stealing some of your questions later on, when you were in, when you were in the business, what kind of camera did you like to use the most? Speaker 1 00:10:20 Um, that's an interesting question. Uh, because you know, it looks like you're using like DSLRs and stuff. Yeah, no. We were using like full on video camera, Speaker 0 00:10:30 So changed Speaker 1 00:10:31 Things have changed. However, you know, there is something to be said when you have like a camera on your shoulder, there's a lot you can get away with. And I was also working for the Oilers and they're still using those cameras. Speaker 0 00:10:41 Well, yeah. I think if you're doing high level production like that, you can't use a DLSR. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:10:46 You need that way you need kind of yeah. And all the functions of a camera like that. So yeah. Now you know that I'm doing video work for economic development. I'm using a DSLR, but uh, I'm using a Canon fi uh, what am I using a Canon five D Mark for, Speaker 0 00:11:03 How do you feel about that? Tanner? I feel like it's real fancy, but it's still not an icon. He's a big Nikon supporter. You're the first person to come on. Who you, who said cannon? Sony has been the big one. A lot of people have been rocking Sony. I also use a cannon when I'm doing my filming and Tanner. That is because of you. Uh, but yeah, he's a big Nikon supporter. He's a bit of a snob. That's fair. I'll take cannon over Sony though. So yeah, we, we had also knees to do this. All four of them died. Speaker 1 00:11:38 Oh, well that goes to show you what a Sony can do for you. Yeah. So time to move on to cannon and it is been incredible for me, you know, like, and it does everything that I need it to do for the work that I'm doing. You know, it's not like I'm shooting a ton. I mean, I am basically all video. Right. But for what it's worth, it's not like I'm shooting, you know, for CTV anymore, you know, for the Oilers, Speaker 0 00:12:01 It's crazy what these cameras can do now. Like this, this set up here even four or five years ago. Impossible. There's no way I would have been able to do this Speaker 1 00:12:12 4k. It probably eight K now. Like Speaker 0 00:12:15 It's crazy. Yeah. The, the technology from cameras and lenses and lights has events so quickly and it brought down the price. Absolutely. Oh yeah. Yeah. Let's just a normal guy. Like me make a television. Speaker 1 00:12:28 Oh my goodness. Yeah. Well, can, there's so many things that you can do now. I watched an Instagram story of a girl who, uh, she made this commercial just using it. I was actually, she was just using her iPhone if I'm not mistaken, but it was like the Sprite commercial. And just as some of the things that she was doing, it looked after it was done like a polished, real commercial. And she's just like, I just made that on my iPhone just to show you that, you know, things are changing. We can all get pretty creative with what's at our disposal and Speaker 0 00:12:57 Time. And we all have lots of time because of COVID. So on that note, we have a segment called the Mac city minute. This is Tanner segment. He's going to ask you some questions. I don't know what he's going to ask best of luck. So Tanner hit her with the max 80 minute Speaker 2 00:13:11 Question. Number one. What is the most interesting moment you've had in television? Speaker 1 00:13:17 I got pied on camera because I lost a bet and I didn't know when it was coming. So I was doing an interview in mid interview. I got pied in the face. So, you know, I guess I was somewhat expecting it, but when you just don't know the exact moment, um, I mean, it's still kind of embarrassing cause you're getting pied and you've lost a bet. So that was kind of fun. Different Speaker 2 00:13:36 Question. Number two. What is one thing about working for CTV that might shock people? Speaker 1 00:13:44 Oh, that's a good question. What's one thing. Oh, uh, I got this question a lot, but I did my own hair and makeup. I know it seems so. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So I, I mean I had, um, you know, I had a stylist and so she'd helped me go shopping. Uh, but beyond that, uh, yeah, I did my own hair and makeup. That is shocking. Yeah. They used to have a budget for that, but as things slowly changed, that was one thing that kind of fell by the wayside and they said you came to manage and that's okay. Cause I liked doing that. Speaker 0 00:14:16 Yeah. There you go. Speaker 2 00:14:19 Question number three. What is your best we bowling memory. Speaker 1 00:14:24 How do you know? I love we bowling Speaker 0 00:14:27 Is a Tanner Tanner nose. Speaker 1 00:14:29 Yeah, my best we bowling memory. I mean typically when I win, which is often, so I just like we bowling in general. I don't know if I have a specific one. Yeah. Question number four. That's so funny. Speaker 2 00:14:46 What is your, what was the best part of interning for entertainment tonight? Ah, Oh, Speaker 1 00:14:56 Uh, probably camp and Ellie. He was just like the nicest man. Rick, the temp. Oh yeah. Oh no. He's as nice as you could imagine the best and the funny, did you know that? Is that what you said? No. Speaker 0 00:15:08 No, I just, his questions are baggers. I don't know where he comes up with them anyways. Sorry. Speaker 1 00:15:12 Research. Yeah. He was like, the moment that I met him, he actually came and I was just like at a computer working away and he came and introduced himself to me. And really at first, like I had you going into that environment, you feel like such an outsider and just like a young chump in like this like big pool of like incredible people. And he just made you feel just so good. And it was day in and day out, but he was just so kind. So I really, really appreciated him. And it, it kind of also enforced that, you know, as far as I kept going on this journey, I always wanted to be that person, to the people who were joining the team. Cause it doesn't matter where you are in the food chain, you, what you're doing is valued. So he made me feel valuable as a, just an intern, which was cool. Awesome. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:15:58 Final question. What is your favorite Fort Mac food that you missed when you weren't here? Speaker 0 00:16:07 You got good questions. You're stomping people is this cause I like food. This is what it is. There's a lot of good places to eat. I don't know. I don't know if I can lock down a favorite. Speaker 1 00:16:16 Ah, that is interesting. You know, I'm going to have to think about that. You know, I'm someone who doesn't eat out a ton. Yeah, I cook. So, um, it would probably be one of my friends like home cooked meals or something like that. Uh, that's a really good question. I'll think on that. Sorry to answer instead of Speaker 0 00:16:34 Hello, Rick, the temp for a second. So once again, I'm not as young as Tanner. I'm a little older. I remember watching the whole much music, uh, temp search and Rick doing all the competitions and then becoming Rick the temp and then just literally like he's he was a Canadian icon. Speaker 1 00:16:54 Yeah. And you know, the, one of the funniest things is when we'd be setting up in studio for him. And I don't know if I'm supposed to say this anyways. He is a smaller man. Right. So him next to Cheryl Hickey, he was shorter. So we had to put them on like these woodblocks to give him the height above her. Daddy was just a fun little tidbit for inside the studio. Speaker 0 00:17:15 Yeah, no, he's a, and I think everybody knows that he's been Speaker 1 00:17:19 Even a celebrity forever, but Speaker 0 00:17:21 Yeah. What a career that guys had, like who, there's no way he would have known inter interning in a competition for it attempt for the temp was his name that his career would have lasted so long and become what it has. He's like the friendly, like, I don't know, you've met him, but on his personality, he's like the friendliest guy. This is just like iconic Canadian stereotype. Just of just Speaker 1 00:17:46 When you meet someone that you look up to or you've watched and they appear or they come off. So genuine. You always hope that that's the case when you meet them. Unfortunately it's not always the case. Speaker 0 00:17:56 Right. He is one of those people. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:17:58 Oh, like, come on. Okay. You're just so nice. Speaker 0 00:18:01 That's really cool to hear. That's great to hear because yeah. You'd hate to find out that he's not the guy that he portrays himself. Yeah, no. Rick, the temp big shout out to you. Like I I'm following that guy since I was a teenager. So I thought it was so cool. I was just, I was much like, I think I was maybe 11 or 12 when he got the job and I was like, man, I want to be Rick. The template. Like really? It was a cool thing. Yeah. So Speaker 1 00:18:26 Much about him. I knew, you know, I guess a bit about his career path going in. I did my research and all of that. So I knew about him. Um, but I think, you know, I came to just, just admire just who he was just because he kind of put himself out there and he was so sweet. Speaker 0 00:18:41 Very cool. Well, we're at the end of our show. Oh my God know, I flies. I know. Is Speaker 1 00:18:48 It time to eat those delicious smelling cinnamon Speaker 0 00:18:50 Buns? Yeah. Tanner will cinnamon buns, croissants cookies. This guy is killing me. Like there's a, there's a reason that I have to work out as much. I know. Well, when he started this, he was just like, well, Elliot, um, I'm going to start cooking treats and stuff for the guests. That'll make the place smell nice. Um, I'm welcoming. I'm a good host. And I'm like, I'm gonna eat all your food, man. He's just like, that seems like an Elliot problem. Not a Towner problem. Speaker 1 00:19:16 Well, I asked him the first thing I said, I was like, do you guys like, it's so funny. I love it. By the way. I love your setup, but I laughed because it's a morning show and your props props, I think they're real, they're 100% just a booze as you know, your backdrop. And I was like, are they getting like crazy in the morning? Speaker 0 00:19:32 Yeah. It's like for show a little bit of both in regards to, uh, the answer to that is yes. Yeah. Like we haven't had a guest who has wanted to drink any of it yet. Um, prior to, but afterwards, Hey, it's 12 o'clock somewhere. And uh, I set this up as a living room and uh, I grew up in a living room where my parents just had cool liquor bottles placed in different areas. And that's just, it's in the living room. You don't take it down. So it's always out. It's always out. And if you're at home, Easter egg, sometimes myself and Tanner have some guests over and the bottles change the volumes go up and down. So yeah, like it's a, they're not just there for decoration. They're there. Speaker 1 00:20:13 Okay. I had to ask anyways. Yeah. I'll I'll I'll let you finish up Speaker 0 00:20:16 Functional. Okay. So I hope so. Oh yeah. Yeah, definitely. That is Fort McMurray. I think everybody, shortchanges a thing here. Like that's true. Yeah. It's authentic to Mac city day off. No judgment. There you go. Even if you quit now, I should take these days off. So before we cut you loose though, please, before you leave, um, give your organization a shout out what they're about, what you're talking about, how people can engage with you guys. Speaker 1 00:20:42 Um, okay. So again, I work for, uh, Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, economic development, and tourism. We have so much going on, uh, under, uh, economic development and tourism. Of course, we've got tourism, we've got business and investment attraction. We've got entrepreneurship and innovation. So startup YMM deserves a shout out. If you're looking, if you've got an idea, you're looking to be an entrepreneur you're kind of in the first few stages. Uh, they have incredible programming. It's something you want to check out and maybe actually join the community. That's pretty interesting. Uh, as well, if you want to know more about the place brand, you can reach out to myself. Uh, [email protected] uh, or check out our website. So we have a lot going on right now. We're incredibly busy, but it's a really meaningful work. And uh, we want to be able to share what we're doing. So if anybody at all has questions like we really do welcome that. Speaker 0 00:21:32 Awesome. There you go. Well, sweet. Well thank you for coming today. I really do appreciate it. And it's only 20 minutes long so that you can come back again and again and again. So like I said, I'd begin to show you and I could talk for hours and hours. So please come back to allow us to do that. Cool. Awesome. On that note, that's the end of the show people. Thank you very much for tuning in. It does warm my heart. I'm Elliot pier your host. This is the Mac Sydney morning show. Hopefully you're having a great day and we'll see you tomorrow. Peace, peace. Speaker 3 00:22:02 I looked at the <inaudible> talk about quenching your ugly thirst.

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