Episode Transcript
Speaker 0 00:00:00 All right. Good morning, Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You've tuned into the Mac city morning show. I am your host, Elliot Pierre, and we're going to start the show off the same way we always do with a little bit of gratitude. I know you could be doing a million other things with your time and the fact that you tune in and spend it with us truly does mean the world to me. So on that note, Tanner,
Speaker 1 00:00:22 Oh, she caught me loves you're listening to the next, the morning show
Speaker 0 00:00:32 And we're back. All right. I'm really excited about today's guest because, uh, he liked myself likes to play with cameras and he super high energy. And I love chatting with them just in general. So this is going to be a banger of a show. I have no doubt about that as per usual, I don't introduce my guests. I let them introduce themselves. So on that note, sir, can you please introduce yourself to the world who you are and what your
Speaker 2 00:00:54 Well, thanks Elliott. I'm uh, Matt Lawrence. I, uh, moved to Fort McMurray. Oh my gosh. Like six years ago, four years ago. Five years ago. Okay. And, uh, I worked for primarily for Shaw spotlight where the local community channel in town. And I do a little bit of a, you know, freelance side hustle on the side, you know? Yeah. It's, it's
Speaker 0 00:01:15 Bring good. Nice. Now I recently have been looking at a lot of your spotlights that you have been filming. Thank you. They're phenomenal,
Speaker 2 00:01:24 Dude. I've been like trying to up my game because of COVID like, we have been really trying to like, be more creative with how we do stuff rather than like shoot an interview, shoot some B roll, like classic way of doing things. We've been really trying to up our game with how we create our own content, but also how we help other people in the community make their own content.
Speaker 0 00:01:46 Yeah. Your cinematography is off the chain. Like you just did one. What's that guy's name? I think his name is Willy. Willy Weston. Yeah. Louie listed my partner in crime. Oh really nice. Like you guys just did one in the woods, like dude, it's something else.
Speaker 2 00:02:03 Yeah. And right now we've, we're actually doing like really short stuff right now because we can't do a regular kind of feature work that we like to do, which is like five minute long or more like documentary style stuff. So we're really, we're trying to shorten it down so people can watch and enjoy it quickly. Um, so that the boreal forest one, I think that you're talking about that I wanted to do like a big one on like what the forest does for the planet and how humans use it. So like, there's so many ideas coming out of just these like little tiny things that we're doing. Uh, that it's pretty exciting.
Speaker 0 00:02:37 What are you using a film that like, for all the people at home, we can link the, that clip later on, but I know how challenging it is with lighting. Especially with this we were talking about before, lighting's a nightmare. You're shooting this outside. That sun is moving the whole time. Like, how did you like that? What kind of camera were you using? Cause it's just flawless. It is, Oh
Speaker 2 00:03:00 Man. I have spent so much time researching, like what cameras to get, how much they cost. Like just ways of getting around lighting. And luckily I had Willie actually out filming me for that one. So most of the prompts for cinematography go to Willie. Um, but for myself, like I'm shooting on Sony cameras. I'm a Sony guy. I can't help it. Um, don't throw anything at him please. Sorry. Sorry.
Speaker 0 00:03:31 No,
Speaker 2 00:03:31 It really is about, uh, like especially shooting outside. It's really about like time of day and just paying attention to where the sun is and what you want to get. Right. So like when we, we actually went out, uh, to the trail that we went to twice and it was like the first time we went, we went way too late in the day it was dark. It was like, the sun was in the completely wrong spot and everything was just shadow. Right. And you're like, it looks nice. Like it's a forest. Like this looks nice. Uh, so we, like, we went through the footage. We're like, ah, it's all right. It's not what we want. So we went back another day. We were like, you know what? Let's go like really early in the morning. Like we're not used to getting up super early. Uh let's do it. And uh, and see what we get. And, and that was like the magic that you guys saw. It's just unreal when the, when yeah, when the sun's just in the right spot, man. It's amazing. But yeah, lighting this, something like this where you it's, there's no sun and you're trying to artificially create light. It's just like, yeah, this, this is not working. No,
Speaker 0 00:04:32 It's tough. And before you leave, you mean town are going to sit down and talk about how to increase the lighting in this set. Cause yeah, it's tough, man. It's tough now with the Sony cameras that you're using and we don't use Sony, uh, we use Nikon. Okay. And the reason we make mistakes, the reason we use an icon and Tanner, uh, gave me grief about this. We got also knees, uh, to film this. And so we had three Sonys, um, and they all crapped out. Oh no, every single one of them, some people do make mistakes. Then we bought like a fourth one as a backup, even the fourth one crapped out. Oh man. So then like we're, we're in a, we're in a tailspin. What to do? They all like, we, we did a bunch of practice shows. We were ready to go. And then Sunday, the day before the show we come to do one more practice show and Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing done. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:05:23 Finished. Well, hopefully Sony watches us and they're like, Hey, well we can fix that for you.
Speaker 0 00:05:28 Sony does watch. Cause we had, um, a guest on and she loves Sony and they reached out to her and we're just like, Hey, thanks Michelle. When this out. So now we're trying to get Nikon to give us a shout out because we're walking all night cons, they work perfectly. We love the picture quality. And I love the fact that they turn on and work every day and Tanner Rock's Nikon for his side hustle as well as a photographer.
Speaker 2 00:05:50 So my opinion is they don't need to reach out to us because their products speak for themselves. Oh gosh.
Speaker 0 00:05:58 Okay.
Speaker 2 00:05:59 Sorry. Sony, Sony. I still love you. Don't worry what they say there. You guys are great. You never let me down.
Speaker 0 00:06:06 So, but I have to assume we were using, um, Sony cameras. Like you're seeing here, you're using the big boys, I would say.
Speaker 2 00:06:12 Yeah. I actually just, I bought a, a Sony Fs, five Mark too. Um, which looking at it now is, was a mistake. It's not future-proof, it's like it doesn't shoot like 10 bit color in 4k. Like that kind of stuff that when you start getting into more advanced, um, and professional videography, like you're shooting in like eight K or at least 4k in 10 bit color. So like there's a lot of technical things that when I was purchasing, I was like, Oh, it's not in my budget to get a $12,000 camera right now. Right. Um, but I needed something. That's like a video camera, right? Like I can't use a, uh, mirrorless DSLR or a live event because it only shoots for a half an hour. Like I can't, I'm not gonna sit there and be like, yup. That's it. Tell me about it. Yeah. So it was, it was actually a big step up. I'm like, Oh man, I don't know. I don't know about this. Okay. Here's I'm just going to credit card. Boom done. Yeah. And it, it
Speaker 0 00:07:06 Great. There you go. Now with a camera like that, what kind of stabilization unit are you in? Cause like, you're not putting, I got, I got one right over there. I got the DGI Ronin. Yes. It's amazing. But obviously for a camera of your size, you're not putting the DJI Ronan.
Speaker 2 00:07:23 I actually have, uh, a June crane, three S yeah. June crane three S and it is like a big boy. Yeah. It can hold like a, I think it holds like a red in the holds like cinema cameras. So like, it can hold like huge payloads. I don't even remember what the payload is on it, but yeah. I, my whole setup is very heavy and lug that through a forest for four hours. And, uh, you get the guts to get on Zoe? Um, no. Yeah. It, and it works amazing. Like I was kind of like hesitant about it. Cause like, I'm like feeling this camera. I'm like, it's not heavy, but it's like, if I put like a big lens on this and a monitor and a whole bunch of cables and stuff like this thing is going to, like, these motors are totally not going to work. That's right. And it, like, I shot most of the, uh, like cinematic style, uh, nature shots in that boreal forest video with that. And just like sliding side to side, like it was amazing to work with. Yeah, no, I got it.
Speaker 0 00:08:24 Give you mad props. Like I really do man, like that video from start to finish and there's been a few, but that's the one that I most recently saw. Yeah. And literally amazing from the color that you guys put on it from. And that's why I'm asking you about what you guys are using to stabilize it. Like it was just, it was butter man. Like yeah, it was, it was really good. And like, you deserve lots of props for it. I don't know if there's a wards in your business and you can submit for, I mean, I wish that's one them, that's one of them. So for everybody who hasn't seen it, check it out and you can check it out on Shaw. Like on the channel here we have in Fort McMurray, just like a local broadcaster. But I gotta be honest. I don't turn on my TV out very often. So the fact that you guys placed it on line for me to see, and not just me, but the Wells, let's be honest. You want me to see it? But uh, yeah, like it's, it's great, man. Thanks man. So in regards to, and we're going to get to Tanner segment in a second here, but how did you get into this career that you find your
Speaker 2 00:09:30 Hmm. Yeah, I actually it's so funny. Everybody always asks that same question. Like even just saying like videography, like circles were always like, how did you start this? How did you start this? And like, I have like the worst story.
Speaker 0 00:09:42 Well, I don't think it's any worse than mine. Yeah. Uh, no, I was, uh,
Speaker 2 00:09:46 I took a break out of high school as, you know, young people that don't know what they want to do with the rest of their life do. And so I was working like retail jobs. I was talking to Tanner about retail. Uh, it was fun. I did like, I just did like odd, like grunt work jobs and stuff. And I was like, man, you know, I do not, I am not like a physical labor kind of guy. Like I don't want to do it. And I never like thought of myself as like an artist or like a creative person. Like I just like, I'm the guy that needs sheet music to create music, you know? Like I, I can't make stuff on my own. Um, but one day I was just like, you know what, screw this. I'm just, I'm just going to go pick something that like, I think would be fun and just try it out.
Speaker 2 00:10:29 So I went to, uh, I was looking for school, uh, cause I like when I went to school, I was in like YouTube mode. Right. Like I'm not going to learn everything on YouTube. I wanted to get like a professional training. Right. So I, uh, I went to NAIT for uh, broadcast television and radio. And it was a cheap course. Like I wasn't spending 20 grand for film school or anything. So I was like, you know what, let's just try this out. I mean, at least I'll get into some kind of industry. That's not manual labor. Uh, so I did that. And then, uh, like the first day and we just, we walked through some basic camera stuff and I was like, you know what? This is what I'm, I think I'm going to do this the rest of my life. Luckily, uh, they taught other stuff besides journalism and like news broadcasting.
Speaker 2 00:11:16 Uh, because I found out that that's not my thing. I don't like chasing ambulances or any of the news stuff. Uh, but like creative production, like ads or like documentary style stuff is really what I love to do. So yeah, that's kind of where I ended up. And then I actually met somebody. The great thing about going to school is that you meet people. Yeah. You're in that world. It's all like, that's what you go to school for it. You don't go to school for education anymore because you can learn everything in this industry on YouTube, but you go to school to meet the people who can set you up in the industry. So I, uh, I met some people, worked for the Oilers for a bit or oils, Oilers entertainment group, doing some of their in-house broadcasting stuff. Right. One of the guys, uh, worked for Shaw here in format and moved to them and can shop.
Speaker 2 00:12:05 But he was doing like the Oilers thing as on the side, you know, as, as most of us do. Yeah. And, uh, he was like, man, there's a position, open a format was shot. You should definitely go. And I interned with Shaw spot or shot TV then with Nate. So I was like, man, this, this is great. Like community TV is fun. Like you just, you get to teach people like all the things I learned in school just for free. Right. But yeah, no. And then that's how I ended up here after, uh, getting that job.
Speaker 0 00:12:31 And then you've been here ever since we shot, man. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:12:34 I don't like, unless they kick me out or like Shaw somehow collapses on itself. Yeah. Never. I never going to happen. So unless they get rid of me, I will never leave. Okay.
Speaker 0 00:12:45 It's awesome, man. I'd love to hear it. And like, while we're here, let's give Shaw a bit of a shout out, not so much Shaw spotlight, but I have Shaw cable at my house and Shaw internet. And I've been a very happy subscriber to Shaw literally since I was 20 years old, when I bought my first house in Fort McMurray and a big shout out to Shaw, I've never had a bad experience with them ever. And not our mind. Apparently. Yeah. There you go. And I don't even just mean with like the service calls, the service calls have been great. Every technician that they sent to my house. Amazing. Like so big shout out to your employees.
Speaker 2 00:13:21 Yeah. I definitely love the people I work with too. Like not, not even just show a spotlight people just like every, every team member we have is awesome.
Speaker 0 00:13:28 There you go. Now you're too natural. So we're gonna I'm I'm happy. I feel bad about putting some people under the gun, but uh, you I'm happy cause this is just flowing too easy. We have a segment called the Mac city minute Tanner segment. He's going to ask you some questions. Get ready. They're Randall and I don't know what they are. Tanner hit them with the maxi minute.
Speaker 2 00:13:47 Okay. Question number one. What is your favorite piece of equipment you use? Oh, uh, my camera because I can't film anything without it. Question number two. What is the coolest thing you've seen while filming? Ooh, Ooh, ah, ah, ah, coolest thing. I ah, Ooh. Ah, we saw lots of animals while we were filling that boreal forest thing. Uh, it was fun. I dunno. That's it. Question number three. What does Fort McMurray have just filmed that other places don't uh, well, since we're talking about the boreal forest, Fort McMurray has so much like natural beauty that like you can literally point your camera in any direction outside of the city and it'll look amazing. So a lot of places don't have that question. Number four. What is your favorite film day snack. Ooh, film day snacks. I actually love trail mix so much. Willie actually got me on the trail mix train.
Speaker 2 00:14:43 So get a little like dried mangoes in there. Oh man. I could eat that all day. And your final question. What is one place that you want to film that you haven't yet? Uh, I want to film it six lakes so bad and not just to film. I just want to go camp there, but like, I feel like filming up there like night lapses, Aurora stuff in the winter time would be amazing. Those have been your five questions. Um, too easy, too easy. I know I should have taken more time on the two. Good at this.
Speaker 0 00:15:15 Let's talk. Me and Tanner. Uh, we talked from time to time. There was an episode, a little while back where we were talking about a favorite films, genres. So obviously a guy in the industry. Um, you must digest content like me and Tanner crazy. Let's talk about films. What's what kind of movies you like to watch? Man?
Speaker 2 00:15:35 My friends hate me when I talk about movies because one, I ruined them now. Cause I like, all I do is analyze movies. Cause I'm in it now. Um, I don't like make films, like some of the guys in town shoot films and I'm like, eh, it's not, I like documentary style. Um, but you still can critique when you ask. So like I analyze movies like crazy. I'm like, Oh how'd they get this lighting? Oh, Hey, there's a key light over here. And a field light over here. And my wife hates me. Um, in terms of like what movies I like, I'm one of those people that likes everything. Like I never find faults with everything. I always look at like the good things about movies. So whenever people ask me what movies I like, I'm like, okay, ah, you know, to watch it all.
Speaker 2 00:16:17 I liked them all in my sister. Like I don't like horror movies. Cause I mean, everybody makes horror movies and I'm not like one of those people that likes getting scared. But um, I do really, I really enjoy like really cinematic story-driven stuff. Um, like shows like true detective and stuff where they're, they're just shots like so epically without all the CGI and the effects and like they're not a Marvel movie, but they, they tell just as good of a story. Um, yeah, I'm really trying to emulate that stuff with like my own documentary style work. Like I'm really getting into like color grading and making it feel how I want it to feel rather than just like shooting straight out of camera. So yeah. And you do you, what movies do you like?
Speaker 0 00:17:05 We listened. We gave tons of shout outs, like my favorite movie right now. Hands down is the gentlemen by guy Ritchie. I have not seen that. Oh it's it's Epic. It's guy. Ritchie's it's it's his best movie. Okay. It's uh, it's really, really good. I like like guy Ritchie. Another guy I love is uh, spike Lee. I love spike Lee joints. If you've ever seen the movie it's it's one of his movies that doesn't get enough credit, I think is Clockers. I love Clockers. Oh, it's so good. But his best movie hands down with Denzel is inside man inside. And I have seen that. Oh, such a good movie, but yeah, I like those type of movies. I love Ron romcoms. I'm a sucker.
Speaker 2 00:17:44 Less means war, man. I love that movie. Love actually is a good one. Yeah. Like Notting Hill
Speaker 0 00:17:50 Forgetting Sarah Marshall forgetting Sarah Marshall. That's a good one. Another one that I keep, I can't, it drives my wife. Nuts is um, fool's gold with Matt McConaughey. Oh my Lord. But I love movies. Even behind you. Uh, your head, there is a VHS of above the rim with Tupac Shakur. Great movie. I, I, the only genre I don't like and you nailed it as well is I don't like watching horror movies. I don't like to be frightened. I don't like to be Frank. It's not my it's like, that's not entertaining to me to be like, totally. I like thrillers, like nodding, like intentionally scaring you, but like drawing you in like sucking you out of the story enough that you're like, you feel like you're the one getting chased or something. That's right. Yeah. But no, I'm not down for like, like the, the knee jerk reactions stuff is kind of yeah.
Speaker 0 00:18:41 Yeah. It used to be good in high school and you just want it to get snuggled up with the girl and have her jump on you. Exactly. The payoff was worth it, but I'm not in high school anymore. I don't need to be watching. I don't need, I don't need that. So, uh, I know we're getting close to end of time you Tanner. Yeah. Yeah. All right. So listen, you got to come back again and again and again. Yes. Always. You know where we are now, the show's designed for 20 minutes. So like that people don't get sick of one conversation. So I'm talking to you. I know listening to you. I don't, we're putting out a lot of content, so please don't get sick. But now we're just trying to promote people in Fort McMurray. But uh, this show, the game plan is not for it to be just like a small thing.
Speaker 0 00:19:21 It's to go on forever. So I want a guest to come, come back and be repeat guests and tell different stories because I know you got lots of them. So there have been a few it's, don't be a stranger. I'm going to be blowing you up and we'll see you again sooner rather than later. Sounds great, buddy. Now, before we cut you loose, everybody gets the shameless plug. Once again, who are you? What do you do? How can people get in contact with you so you can help them or they can help you sounds good. Uh, okay. I'm Matt Lawrence. Shaw spotlight is my, my main thing. Um, you can get involved actually with shot spotlight for free. We do all that. We train you up. We can show your content on TV and on our social media, uh, and all the details for that are on shaft spotlight.ca suite. And for those of you outside of forming marae, there's other shots spotlights, not just here. So take a look. There we go. And uh, yeah. Cool. Awesome. Well, everybody at home, this was a very enjoyable episode for me. I love when it's people I know, and it's just an easy conversation that happens more often than not cause uh, we have an awesome community. So anyways, hopefully, hopefully you're having a great day and we'll see you tomorrow. Peace.
Speaker 1 00:20:31 <inaudible> talk about quenching your ugly thirst.