Speaker 0 00:00:01 Good morning, Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You've tuned into the Mac city morning show. I am your host, Elliot Pierre, and we're going to start the show off the same way we start every show off with a little bit of gratitude. I want to thank everybody. Who's taking the time to watch his show. I know you could be doing a million other things with your time. So the fact that you're spending with us truly does mean the world to me. Oh, that note Tanner hit him with the intro.
Speaker 1 00:00:25 Oh, she caught me, loves near listened to the next then the morning show
Speaker 0 00:00:35 And we're back. Okay. So this is my favorite type of guests. I know nothing about this guest and that's exciting to me. So you're going to see the conversation in real lifetime. So y'all got excited cause I just like to meet new people. So as per usual, I do not introduce my guests. I let them do that themselves. So on that note, can you please introduce yourself to the world and tell them who you are and what you're about?
Speaker 2 00:00:58 Well, my name is Ashley McIsaac. I am a real estate agent here with exp Realty and foreman.
Speaker 0 00:01:04 There we go. Well, welcome to the show. Thanks for having me. Nope, not a problem. Now I know your husband and I think you and I may have bumped into each other once at a house party, but we didn't actually have that much time to shout out. So this is the first time that we're actually gonna sit down and talk. So some real estate agent is this new, is this old how long you been in this house?
Speaker 2 00:01:25 It'll be two years coming up. This July, July 25th. Actually, my son's birthday is when I started. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:01:32 Okay. And so what got you interested in real estate?
Speaker 2 00:01:36 I kind of always had an interest for it growing, especially when we first bought our first house. We had a realtor and just having that person with us and helping people and guiding you through the whole process. Cause it's a big investment. And so I was kind of off and on about it. I was pregnant with my second child at the time that we had bought our house. And uh, so I was kind of stay at home for a bit. So I stayed home for about four years and then I was like, I can't, I need to get out. I need to be, I'm an introvert in a way. But um, I like meeting people and getting to know people kind of one-on-one and, and that sort of thing. So I like staying home and staying home with my family and that sort of thing, uh, at night or like, you know, um, and then so yeah, uh, getting out, I was like, I'm going to go, I'm going to do it here. And my husband was just behind me, a hundred percent of the way he was like, you need to write your, get your license, get out there. And I was like, yeah, I'm happier because I'm not stuck. Like I love my kids. I love being home, but I need to have that a hundred percent balance I need to get out. And you know,
Speaker 0 00:02:40 Every parent gets that out. Who's watching this, I got a little six year old. He's like the Apple of my eye. We don't have to spend all of my time with them, but yeah. There's you got to get out. Yeah, absolutely. Got to get out
Speaker 2 00:02:52 And have your adult time. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:02:55 So now you said you worked for a brokerage called E X, P X P.
Speaker 2 00:03:00 So it's, it's somewhat new, newer here. Um, our brokers are based out of Calgary and Edmonton. Um, and it's basically all virtual. Um, so we have this exp world, so it's kind of like roadblocks for adults. You go in, you have live meetings, you have an avatar, you can walk around, meet new people. Um, the good thing about it is just connecting with other realtors, not just Alberta wide, but pro um, province-wide and Canadian wide too. Right. So you get to have that connection with other realtors in every other province. So it's very interesting. It's fairly like I'm still kind of learning the ropes. There's a lot of, uh, info to learn about it. So it can be a little overwhelming at first, but I've, since I've done the switch, I've been extremely busy with it and you know, I think it's the best move for me. Um, and like, it gives you the option. Like you can, um, buy into stock too. So I kind of want to set myself up and my kids for future have that retirement. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:04:03 And when you say roadblocks, I know what a roadblock, because I got a little kid he's playing all the time, so I'm in his own. And because he's so young, I'm I don't give him headset. I'm assuming your avatar can walk around in your talking to people. It's not all the time.
Speaker 2 00:04:18 No, you can type like there is a chat box that you can type in when we're in meetings. Like, uh, there's the other broker or the other realtors here that are with the XP. Like we have these sales meetings twice a month. So we can go in and sit in this board room and then your broker comes in and they talk, but you can, your names are above your head. So you can go over and sit by that person, not other avatar. And you can always chat behind the scenes. You don't really have to talk publicly. Like you can, but if you want to have a private conversation, there is a chat box that you can kinda, what was it that happened to them? Yes. It's pretty cool. Yeah. Yeah. The world is changing. It is. Yeah, it is. It's definitely changing. Yep. Cool.
Speaker 0 00:04:56 So now, uh, we were talking a little bit before the show, maybe all of five minutes. Um, you're not from Fort McMurray. No. Where are you from?
Speaker 2 00:05:04 I am from Cape Breton. Nova Scotia. And how long have you been here for 10 years? In October. It'll be 10 years.
Speaker 0 00:05:13 10 years in October.
Speaker 2 00:05:14 It was just shortly. We came out here because of my husband. He got a job, not like oil related, um, but he's a physiotherapist in town. So he came out here, uh, right out of, right out of school. And, you know, we bought our first car, me not even having a job cause my background, I'm a physio assistant. So I went to school and got my diploma while he was taking his master's in Halifax. And we lived there for two years and then moved out here. I got a job with a Northern lights, regional health center. So I was administrative clerk there for a couple of years before I got pregnant, pregnant. Um, loved the job Monday to Friday, like best, you know, Monday to Friday job and yeah. Yeah. So yeah, 10 years in October. And then we, cause I know that because we were saving cause we were getting married the following
Speaker 0 00:06:06 The following year. Okay. So you guys met each other in Halifax?
Speaker 2 00:06:09 Well, we've, we've met since we met. We've been together since we were 15.
Speaker 0 00:06:13 All right. Let's hear that high school sweethearts
Speaker 2 00:06:16 We met in high school. He's we've told the story at our wedding and he always gives me a Slack black about it. Cause he, he had taken his uncle's truck and we are, he's remembering us I'm from FedEx. So it's, we're about 40, you're talking 40, 45 minute drive between the two towns, small towns. Um, and it was at a high school dance and he had taken his uncle's truck over to see me and yeah, the rest is history. After that. We, we were, we were on the phone that evening till before eight. Not that evening after the dance till 4:00 AM talking. And then yeah, we were just kind of been together ever since.
Speaker 0 00:06:53 That's awesome. Yeah. 15 year old hijack in the car, probably 45 minutes outside of town. Wow.
Speaker 2 00:07:01 It's pretty fun. Um, so yeah, we've been, we've been married. It'll be nine years in September and we'll be together 17 years in April.
Speaker 0 00:07:11 That's awesome. Congratulations. Yes. Yeah. Nine kids three. Beautiful. You have three, three kids. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:07:17 And that's the thing when I was getting my real estate license, as soon as I was about to write my exam or I was in the middle of getting them, I was pregnant. I got found out I was pregnant with me
Speaker 0 00:07:27 Third. Okay. Yeah. She's 14 months. Oh yeah. Congratulations. Thanks. Yeah. That's awesome. So what's you got and two girls. Okay. Yeah. Is the son the eldest? Yeah,
Speaker 2 00:07:41 He's the oldest yet. He'll be eight in
Speaker 0 00:07:43 July. Okay.
Speaker 2 00:07:46 Loves it. I know he's wanting a brother, but I'm like threes, threes, magic number. That's it for us for shit. No, no more for us. Um, he like, he is the best big brother. He adores his sisters and I mean like Ava is our middle child and she may have a little bit of that middle child syndrome. She's definitely the, the independent, you know, take no crap. Um, so, and Hadley's the more gentle mellow soul and that sort of thing. And Riley's kind of a mixture, I think of both of them, but she's going to be because she's growing up with them too. And he's into the gaming. Like we bought him a gaming computer for his birthday last year and he's been wanting it and he plays the robot like roadblocks, um, uh, games there's like amongst us or all those different games. So we were like, Oh, do we do that? Like, do we buy him? It's a big purchase. And I'm like, I don't want to make him, I don't want him to spend all of his time on it either. Right. Cause I try to control the iPad time. And, but you have the things you have to do. I'm like, Hey, you know, you got two hours. Make sure your done, then you can do it. Yeah, he does well in school and he's very good. Um, so we just kind of relax it a bit, especially on weekends.
Speaker 0 00:09:05 Got it. That's awesome. Yeah. Listen to channel. Every kid wants a YouTube channel. Like I have a, like I do videography work. Some people have seen the videos and I just show up and it's like a YouTube set up. Like it has like the tripod and the microphone on camera. And from time to time, I film in schools. And as soon as I step in school with that camera, the kids go wild. They are you on YouTube? Just like, yeah, look all like, they go crazy. They all want a YouTube channel. Oh wow. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:09:40 Yeah. He's been honest, but I'm like, okay, let's wait a little bit.
Speaker 0 00:09:44 Yeah. We'll talk about the pitfalls, the ups and the downs. I don't want to,
Speaker 2 00:09:48 Like when I was eight, I had no phone. No like why time is out? We outside all the time and just, yeah, there's no tech, but yeah.
Speaker 0 00:09:59 There's benefits and some downsides to it. But here's the thing about those video games? Um, I was an outdoor kid, always playing outdoors. My brother, big indoor kid, video games, computers, so on and so forth. And my parents would always be like, Allister, like go outside, play. Like there's no money in these video games kind of thing. It's a waste of your time. Anyways. He's extremely successful. Uh, doing computer things for an oil and gas company. I don't want to put him on blast and where he works or what he does. Cause he's a pretty private individual unlike like myself, but he's made a very successful career out of, uh, computer stuff. So food for thought, all the parents out there who like get outside and play. It's like kind of the direction the world is moving. Right.
Speaker 2 00:10:47 I learned like secretly I can be a little tech savvy person. So I get, I can help people. Like they've come to me for tech issue or whatever, but like setting up a phone and stuff. Some people have a hard time doing that, but I'm like, eh, I'll go let me, you know, so I try to learn with it, but he evolves so much. It's hard to stay on top of the newest technologies. But yeah, I try,
Speaker 0 00:11:13 I uh, hired a truck driver one time and uh, he was doing a safety module called CSTs. I don't know if you've ever heard of that to get out to the plant sites. You have to take this module. And after 10 days they were just like, Hey, we gotta let this guy go. He can't finish the module. And I'm like, no, I interviewed the guy he's sharp. He should be able to finish this. No problem. I'm like, well listen, if you can't get them to finish it today, we have to let them go. So I went and I sat down next to him. We'll call him bill. And I'm like, Hey bill, what's going on? He's like, Elliot, I'm really struggling with this. I'm like, I heard that. So I'm going to help you through it. Don't worry about a bill. And I was like, what I need you to do though, before we get started, just pick up that mouse and just click. Okay. And I'll take care of the rest for you. Yeah. He literally picked up the mouse, put on the computer screen and clicked. Okay. I'm like, Oh, this isn't an issue that you don't understand the information. You can't even get the computer work. I said, bill, you ever use a computer? He's like, not a day in my life, my phone. There we go. So
Speaker 2 00:12:09 Yeah, the newer generations, they definitely know their tech stuff. For sure.
Speaker 0 00:12:13 That's exactly it. So on YouTube, what's your kid looking at on YouTube?
Speaker 2 00:12:18 Um, my daughter watches Titus. I don't know if you've ever heard of Titus in the family. And so they, she watches those like home video she's in like loves him. Um, how does not so much, he doesn't really watch YouTube a whole lot more so like opening, um, get like opening toys and that sort of thing. And yeah, so he was obsessed with Ryan's world and we went on a mission to find those Ryan eggs got one. Yeah, we got one. We had to, we couldn't get them here. We went to Edmonton and we're like, Hey, they're gonna, that was their main, like the smallest part of their Christmas gift. But it was the best to them. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:12:57 They loved it. And then like, my kid has a Ryan's world egg. We got nothing for Christmas.
Speaker 2 00:13:01 And there's the chest one too, that you can lock the safe. So they've had a couple of those. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:13:07 For all the people at home, this is definitely parent talks now. Yeah. But you know what? That kid is a multi-meter.
Speaker 2 00:13:14 Oh yeah. Like I think we've Googled like what they've made, like what their net income is like, it's like 20 million. Why now? Then I'm like habit.
Speaker 0 00:13:25 Yeah, yeah. Uh, no it's uh, but what I will say about Ryan's world, although like I don't, I don't get it cause I'm an old man. It's like, I get it. But I'm like, I don't get it. But uh, those toys, those eggs and the safe, great gifts. Like they have so many things, right?
Speaker 2 00:13:44 Yeah. You get kind of a variety of everything and yeah.
Speaker 0 00:13:47 Yeah. I'm not going to ruin it for anybody else who wants to buy the egg for their, their kid. That would be horrible. But yeah, like, no what
Speaker 2 00:13:53 Big, big surprise egg. Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:13:58 His market value like his net worth is $32 million. By the way, man.
Speaker 0 00:14:04 Yeah. Tanner man. We need to up our YouTube game song.
Speaker 3 00:14:08 Yeah. I want that salary too.
Speaker 0 00:14:12 No, DOE this is uh, part of the show. Uh it's Tanner's it's called the Mac CD minute. He's going to ask you some questions. I have no idea what he's going to ask. So best of luck. Tanner hit her with the Mac city minute
Speaker 3 00:14:23 Question. Number one. What is your definition of a perfect night in
Speaker 2 00:14:27 Perfect night and definitely at a movie and movie theater popcorn. I have to, we do that. And a glass of red wine or two. Yeah, for sure. That's that's perfect night in
Speaker 3 00:14:39 Question number two. What is your favorite part of being a broker in Fort McMurray?
Speaker 2 00:14:44 Realtor? Not broker. The best thing is meeting new people and helping them, uh, during the Bryant, the buying or the selling process. And you know, you're, you're a big, um, influence on their purchase purchase. It's a big investment. So being part of that kind of is rewarding for sure. Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:15:04 Question number three. What is your favorite part of raising children? Informing Marine.
Speaker 2 00:15:09 The community is amazing what we have here. Like I've never, I'm from a small town back home, but just the people, the activities, my son's in hockey. Um, not right now just with COVID and stuff. Um, if it's like in ringgit, like we always get them into the extra curricular activities, you know, just to you have the community is amazing here for sure.
Speaker 3 00:15:33 Question number four. How does having children affect how you do your job?
Speaker 2 00:15:38 Ooh, good question. I struggle with this quite often actually. Um, we've made the dis like when I first got into real estate, I was on the fence about, you know, putting the kids back into daycare. Cause that's kind of how I stayed home to begin with was paying for two kids in childcare was not in our book. We're like, it's not going to happen. Um, so when I got into real estate, we just made the decision, you know, I'll work around like, you know, full time, but basically around my husband's hours. So kind of had that boundary set. So not basically getting up right away and meeting clients like right now kind of thing, just having that boundary set, like we'll book an appointment, we'll do that sort of, um, but yeah, it's been a, it's not, I'm getting better at time management now I'd say with the kids, like, uh, especially with them being in school, Hadley's in school full-time um, and then my second she's in kindergarten, so she's only half days. So the pickups and stuff can be a little difficult, but my husband is the best when it comes to helping me out. If I have clients that I have to meet or if I'm on a timeline, like he will book time off his schedule so I can go out and basically work and do my part. Cause he's like, you know, a hundred percent, my biggest cheerleaders, him and my kids. So that's awesome. Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:16:55 And your final question for you, what is your favorite Fort Mac establishment to spend your money? Ooh, there's a few of them.
Speaker 2 00:17:04 Um, I'm gonna say Earl's just because I love their food. I've always ordered out from them. We always have like our meeting, our girls meetings, lunches there I've ordered wine service from like buy bottles of wine. So I'll say Earl
Speaker 3 00:17:21 For sure. Yeah. And those have been your five questions.
Speaker 0 00:17:25 Super easy. We're not here to put anybody on the spot. Although, listen, I get it. We've done a few episodes where it's just me and Tanner and he asks me the questions and I start to sweat in regards to that.
Speaker 2 00:17:36 That was actually not too bad because I'd be like stumbling over members.
Speaker 0 00:17:41 Yeah. So I've got two questions out of towners questions. When you were staying in watching the movie, what kind of movie you watch them? I suspense
Speaker 2 00:17:50 Movies. Like I love thriller movies, not gruesome movies. And if it's with the family, like then the kids picked the movie, like Sonic would watch if it's a family movie night, but Justin does not like horror movies no more. So if we're watching a movie together, it's more comedy. So yeah. I don't like suspense. You don't. Oh, I love it. I love the psychological movies. They're my favorite.
Speaker 3 00:18:14 Any movie that makes you think like I'm not here for the gruesome, but any movie that makes you think like fight club or inception or internal internal sunshine of a thoughtless mind, anything like that?
Speaker 2 00:18:29 I just watched one recently on Netflix. It was, I think it's like rated number 10. I didn't think it was that great, but I think it was um, Oh, what's the name of it? It was the two women, um, film resection of illusion, deadly illusion or something is what it's called on Netflix. Yeah. I just watched that one. It was kind of, and Justin actually washed down with me and he's right. Once
Speaker 0 00:18:52 It's not scary suspense I can handle.
Speaker 2 00:18:54 Yeah. Like this one was more like a psychological,
Speaker 3 00:19:00 The movie is, uh, is called deadly illusions. By the way.
Speaker 0 00:19:04 Did you find that though?
Speaker 3 00:19:06 And it's uh, it has in it a Kristin Davis and a Greer grammar. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:19:14 Tanner as per usual. Extremely impressive. Yeah. All right. Question number two from towners Mac city minute. I'm a big fan of Earl's myself. What's your go-to order. When you go to Earl's outside of the wine,
Speaker 2 00:19:27 I love their power bowl. Like salad. I'll get it with occasion chicken, um, or the prawn dynamite role, but the new role, the prawn role. Cause you get the sauce. That's right. Yeah. So that, one's my favorite. I like kind of everything on that menu.
Speaker 0 00:19:46 It's it's it's a banger of a menu.
Speaker 2 00:19:48 Those are really good with the Curry. Yep. That one was really good. The
Speaker 0 00:19:52 Burger, the bigger, better burger. Oh my
Speaker 2 00:19:55 Gosh. My husband's a burger. I'm not a big burger person. I I, and when I was pregnant I couldn't stand the smell of beef. I still really can't get over the smell of cooking, beef, chicken, fish, you know, all that sort of thing. Give it to me. But uh, yeah, ground beef. I just, I CA I, but Justin's like, but you can eat a burger from McDonald's, but I'm like, yeah, but I get dressed like a Mac. So it's basically a Mac sauce and cheeseburger dress like a Mac because then I'm not getting a big burger. It's a little bit too.
Speaker 0 00:20:27 Yeah. Okay. Now I know we're going to go over time. I don't care. You put me on the, you put me down this spiral. All right. Let's hear about your mic. Everybody has a McDonald's order. You obviously have one cheeseburger. So let me, let me hear the full order. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:20:41 So I order a cheeseburger dress like a Mac and with a medium fry and a medium Coke. Zero. Oh,
Speaker 0 00:20:48 Okay. Tanner Hoffman over there. That's not yours.
Speaker 2 00:20:54 And that's, it hits the spot it's filling and it's not like overpowering. I don't feel kind of like, well, am I feel a little disgusted after writing it, but not too bad. Okay.
Speaker 0 00:21:04 That's right. Yeah. I'm going to go through it. Like somebody's, McDonald's got to hit me up with order some food or sooner or later here. This is my McDonald's order. It's the same time. Same thing. Every time I'm going there tonight, actually my little kid crushed his report card. So
Speaker 2 00:21:16 That's a good idea. My kids, I haven't got my sons yet. My daughter did very well because there's this new app or you have to get on SP yes. So his hasn't been uploaded yet, so I'm sure he did well, but he did come home and he's like, mom, it may say that I chat a lot. Right. Because that's the only, like the only thing that his teacher has had concerns about. It was like that concerns. But like, you know, he has to be told to kind of stop.
Speaker 0 00:21:40 Yeah. That's all right. I had that same problem. Trust me. I'm doing
Speaker 2 00:21:43 Fine. But I get
Speaker 0 00:21:46 A double cheeseburger made like a Mac. Nice. I get 10 nuggets. Then I get large fries. And then I get a, it doesn't matter on what size the Coke is probably medium, but I don't drink pop. So I get it with Coke, but I tell them to do it halfway. And so the ice, I like to chew on. I like
Speaker 2 00:22:05 Extra ice basically. Yeah. I used to talk and
Speaker 0 00:22:08 Then I like ended up dumping the Coke, but the ice tastes like Coke. So you got that. Yeah. So that's my weird, McDonald's
Speaker 2 00:22:14 Just stuff like that. Or cause he always gets like two cheeseburgers right. Then when we're on a road trip. So I order my order, but then we'll get a 10 piece nugget to kind of share. And then the kids get their happy meals. Okay. And Ava's got a weird, like my middle child. She's got a weird, not a weird order. She specific order. So when she gets her happy meal, right. I don't even know if they can do it, but she has to have the Sesame bun, not just the regular cheeseburger, but she wants to assess to me fun that you'd get like when you order a big Mac, that's her,
Speaker 0 00:22:49 You've been the best McDonald's talking about on the show. Yeah. Okay. The dolls were coming tonight and we need some gift certificates please. And thank you. So anyways, yeah, we went over the 20 minutes, but that's okay. Before I let you go though, uh, please shameless. Shout out. Please tell everybody at home one more time, who you are, what you do, how they can get in contact and support you.
Speaker 2 00:23:10 So Ashley McIsaac, I'm realtor with exp Realty. You can reach me at (780) 881-8406. Or you can email
[email protected] or social media. If you search on social media in there too.
Speaker 0 00:23:24 So there we go. Awesome. Well, on that note, uh, Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo in the rest of the world, that's another episode of the Mac city morning show. I'm your host Elliot pier. Once again, thank you so much for tuning in. It really does mean the world to me. Hopefully you're having a great day and we'll see you tomorrow. Peace. I just dies at this.
Speaker 4 00:24:00 Talk about quenching your ugly thirst.