Speaker 0 00:00:01 Good morning, Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You've tuned into the Mac city morning show. I am your host, Elliot Pierre. And, uh, we're going to start the show off the same way we start every show off with the moan of moment of gratitude. I know you could be doing a million other things with your time. So the fact that you're spending with us truly does mean the world to me on that note, Tanner hit him with the intro.
Speaker 1 00:00:24 Oh, she caught me loves you're listening to the next <inaudible>
Speaker 0 00:00:33 All right. And we're back. Okay. Today's going to be a fun guest for a few reasons. One, I don't know this gentleman at all. However, we were talking for about two minutes before the show started and it turns out boil. Boy, do we know a lot of the same people though? So it's going to be a fun show. Um, as all of you guys know, I don't introduce my guests because they can do a better job at it than myself. So on that note, sir, can you please tell everybody who you are and what you're about?
Speaker 2 00:00:58 Um, my name is Keith Bruce. I am the owner of, uh, light and shadow. We're working in gifts. Uh, I've lived in Fort McMurray for a well over 40 years. Um, I got into woodworking as a, as a passion, uh, and then it, the came more of a little bit of an obsession. Um, and, uh, you know, now we make a lot of different things. So, uh, yeah, that's me nutshell.
Speaker 0 00:01:24 That's cool. Okay. So before we get into all the people that we know, um, and the crop pass out across, let's talk about woodworking for a bit though. So I know nothing about woodworking. I don't know what you could potentially make. Like what are these products that people are calling in and asking for you to make for them?
Speaker 2 00:01:43 You know, what, with the, uh, with the advent of, uh, Pinterest being sole, um, so popular as of late we found out is that, uh, people like a lot of the stuff that you can do, a lot of reclaimed wood, a lot of, um, you know, just about anything. So what we started telling people is like, yeah, you know, all that stuff you see on Pinterest, we make that. Okay. You know? So like if you see something and, you know, we, we tell everybody, send us a picture and we'll see if we can recreate that idea for you. And a lot of times people don't have ideas, uh, in, in, in regard to how big something might be, how much space they need for it. Um, you know, they see some really cool ideas and they say, you know what, Hey, that's something I would love to have in my home.
Speaker 2 00:02:26 And we started going with that. And then all of a sudden, the picture started to flood in and we started making a lot of different things. So I started making little, little coffee trays where you can kind of serve things, she read boards, and then it escalated into a full on swing sets and play sets and just whatever. Yeah. So, I mean, I'm able to have a, a, you know, a wide range of, uh, things that, uh, that you're, I'm not, I'm not the best at everything by any means, but you know what, I'm not afraid to try to fail either. So, you know, that's, that's kinda how we got started and we make everything and we've had some incredible requests for things that really, uh, started off kinda
Speaker 0 00:03:06 Like, yeah, I can, I can do that. Yeah. It's not a problem. And yeah, we just progressed from there. So when you're making, uh, your pieces, I like my father-in-law and my brother-in-law actually are both machinists. So like, I know there's tons of different equipment that they utilize to make what they make. Some of it is like computer-based summit like that it's automated, I should say. And some of it's hand based. So what kind of tools or equipment are you using to make these projects? So,
Speaker 2 00:03:35 Uh, we started out with just the basic stuff we had. We had like, you know, uh, everybody's got, uh, anybody who's got any type of tools at home is as a, probably got the basic stuff like a table saw, uh, somehow a, uh, uh, jigsaws, Sanders, things like that. That's what we started out with. And, and, you know, I had a lot of these tools cause I've made just about everything in my home. And I said, you know, okay, well, you know, there seems to be a little bit of a demand here. We can kind of make this stuff. So, uh, as, as time went on, we started progressing. So then we started buying radial, arm saws bandsaws laves uh, and you know, in those since October of last year, we, uh, we bought a CNC laser and oh, wow. And so now we're making a lot, a lot of really crafty projects and making custom stuff that, you know, people, you know, they want in their homes, they see these ideas and I'm like, yeah, you know, I really love something like that, but I can't find it in the store.
Speaker 2 00:04:28 It doesn't exist. That's right. And they, and they wanted that. And, and so we started, we started making everything with the CNC, laser, making some really custom stuff. I used to do it all by hand with a very similar to what would be like a soldering arm. And I used to do it all by hand, but the demand was so high that I just could not keep up with it anymore. So we had to go out and get some help in the form of technology. And, uh, yeah. So, uh, we've been making some really neat stuff with that. That's
Speaker 0 00:04:53 Awesome. So this is a, I don't, this is a newer passion for you. So did you take like in high school, like woodworking or did you go to, do you have a trade in carpentry? Like how did this all start? So interestingly enough,
Speaker 2 00:05:07 Uh, I have a, uh, I have a, a, um, what's the best way to put it. You know, I have an interest in just about
Speaker 0 00:05:16 Everything. Okay. You're a Renaissance man.
Speaker 2 00:05:18 You got it. So, you know, science, mathematics, uh, building design, uh, art, uh, all of it, uh, you know, going to high school. Uh, I took a lot, I took all this, you know, sciences and mathematics and calculus, art, uh, all that, all that stuff, you know, uh, you know, maybe I should have went to college. I don't know. I never did. And oddly enough, I took a, uh, I took a summer job, uh, as, uh, helping my uncle out who had happened to be, uh, a mechanic and a little later on, I became a mechanic myself. Okay. So by trade, I'm actually a, an automotive mechanic. I can, you know, fix cars and all kinds of stuff. Right. But as you get into, when you learn about being a mechanic and as you go through a trade like that, you know, you start to discover that it's more than just nuts and bolts.
Speaker 2 00:06:09 It's, there's a lot more to it. It's, you know, it's, it's a little bit of carpentry, it's a little bit of plumbing. It's a little sort of really appealed to my, the nature I already had. Um, but I always loved to craft and build things and make things and puzzles and designs. And, and so, um, you know, this had been something that had been ongoing for a while for me. And then, uh, with the, you know, unfortunately the advent of COVID coming into everybody's life. Um, it left me with more time to just be able to, I've got to get some of this creative juices out of my head right here. So I started just making stuff and, and then, you know, eventually we, we launched the business.
Speaker 0 00:06:47 Great. That's awesome. That's awesome. So you have, um, cause when you wrote in, you were very, uh, clear on code in your word, so there's somebody else that does this with you. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:06:58 It's actually two other people. Yeah. So, um, my, uh, my wife, uh, does it with us. She's our, uh, painter designer, uh, you know, she's the, I call her the Jill of all trades. She does a lot of this stuff. She really, she really helped. She really helps me with a lot of the bills. I mean, I couldn't do, I couldn't do half of it without her honest to God. Oh, that's nice. And uh, so that was my
Speaker 0 00:07:19 Wife, Christina brownie points right there, bro. I mean, she's, she's top shelf in my book. Right. It's awesome to
Speaker 2 00:07:25 Hear that, you know, without, without her, I really couldn't be able to do a lot of things. I mean, she's that extra pair of hands she's that, uh, uh, you know, the, you know, if she doesn't like something, she's not afraid to say it, like, you know what that sucks, you know? And, and she'll give it straight to me. Right. So I'm like, yeah, okay. Yeah, you're right. It does suck. Let's start that over and we'll do it. And then there's our business partner, uh, Catherine pickerel. And she does all the, uh, probably the niceties of, of, uh, of the business. She makes these wonderful handcrafted, soaps, uh, candles, um, you know, bathrooms and more of more towards the feminine gender, um, of things. But it, again, it's and branching out daily into doing new and more exciting things in, in the resin art and just it's, it's incredible. So all three of us together for him on the business and all of us bring, you know, uh, different skills and to, to it. And that's, that's why it's, it's not just light and shadow woodworking, it's light and shadow woodworking and gifts because there's more going on here than just, you know, what you see. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:08:33 So do you guys have, cause I go out of my way not to do any research on my guests. So like when people contact me and I don't know them, like I go out of my way not to go on their websites, not on their Facebook. I don't talk to people that may know them. So I know nothing about your organization. Um, and that's part of the show I got to learn with the guests. Absolutely. So if I was to go to, I have to assume, have a Facebook page, um, do you guys have products that are kind of like in stock that, Hey, I like what that looks like? I want that. Or is it all custom stuff that you guys are doing? It's
Speaker 2 00:09:04 Both actually. Okay. So either on Facebook or on our website, um, you know, you can, uh, you can choose from the stock items that are there. Um, we don't, when it comes to like, um, like our soaps candles stuff, uh, and, and, and that nature, that stuff is all in stock and there's a good supply of it. And we actually sell a lot of it in, in a couple of retail spaces here in town. Um, when it comes to the woodworking stuff, some of it is in stock because people just want something to just grab and go, and he uses a gift, whether it's this, that, or the other thing. Um, but other stuff is very custom. Cause it depends on your house, you know how I want it to fit, how, how I want it to look and yeah, we, uh, that, that's how we do it. Right.
Speaker 0 00:09:50 Okay. Very cool. Now, in regards to items that you would make, um, what do you feel is something that most people like, what's your best selling item that like most people like, Hey, can I get a table or a chair? What do you, I think that would be easily in the last,
Speaker 2 00:10:06 The last year? Probably. I don't know if it's, I actually thought it was going to be the worst seller to be quite honest. I think it's probably the Chicago divorce really. Yeah. Like you, I mean, we make them anywhere from, you know, this small rate up to 42 inches in length, right? Yeah. So, um, you know, I thought that would be the worst one because you can't really have people around, you know, like COVID has kind of driven us apart a little bit. Right. Um, but to be honest, it's, it's made some of the best gifts for people to give them that, whether it's a wedding gift, whether it's a birthday gift for somebody, you know, you know, when all this ends, you know, we'll be able to get back together and you've got that really, um, custom gifts for your home that you can kind of show off and we've made some pretty incredible stuff in the last little while they, they are, they are literally the best, one of the best selling items.
Speaker 0 00:10:53 Yeah. So how did you guys get going in regards to, is it word of mouth? Did you like put out like a advertisement campaign or yeah, pretty well. I mean,
Speaker 2 00:11:00 Uh, ill, in all honesty, we launched the business last year, uh, on April, April fool's day of 2020.
Speaker 0 00:11:07 So I mean, it's, you're thinking, okay,
Speaker 2 00:11:09 Well look at these jokers. Right. But no, and actuality, we had a lot of interest right up in front and center and it was, uh, and it literally grew from there. And, uh, so we started branching out more and more. And, and, and that's how we got started. It was literally on Facebook. It was just kind of an ad. We'll throw it out there. You know, I'm not much of a tech savvy person, but I can, I can figure it out as I'm going. And, uh, yeah. I mean, uh, we built the, uh, built the Facebook page together. It's not the, not, not the best, but it's not the worst. There you
Speaker 0 00:11:39 Go. It's there. Yeah. It's there. And
Speaker 2 00:11:41 We figured that out. And then, uh, you know, through the help of my, uh, my wife, cause she's, uh, she's really savvy at a lot of it. Uh, we, we, we built a webpage
Speaker 0 00:11:51 To learn how to do that. And you
Speaker 2 00:11:53 Know, so it's, it's, I honestly, I think COVID had, had some really positive effects, you know? I mean, a lot of people look at it a little negatively, but yeah. You know, Hey, it taught us to actually sit down and learn how to do some of this stuff. Right. Like
Speaker 0 00:12:06 You don't expand your horizons. That's what we're about. Right. That's awesome. Now use, you said something at the beginning, the show you've been in Fort McMurray for over 40 years. Yes. That's incredible. Yeah. Like me and Tanner were born and raised here, but I I'm, I don't mind saying how old I am. I'm 38 years old. So you've seen this community grow tremendously from, but a lot of girls,
Speaker 2 00:12:32 Lots of girls. Yeah. We, um, you know, my, uh, my mom and dad came here and, uh, I think it was the summer or the spring or the summer of 1980 and, uh, pretty well. I, you know, it was three years old at the time when we got here and, uh, yeah. Never looked back, been here ever since. That's awesome, man, ever since. And, uh, I've seen a lot of changes, a lot of growth. I can, I, you know, it's funny when you're, I always joke about it as you get older, you're finding it. Right. And you kind of date yourself and you're like, yeah. You know, like I can remember such and such a place. Well, how long ago was that? All I was about 25 years ago when people were looking at you going okay.
Speaker 0 00:13:09 Yeah, exactly. Yeah. That's right. Oh yeah.
Speaker 2 00:13:12 We've been, we've been in the community for 41
Speaker 0 00:13:14 Years. That's awesome, man. Yeah. I love it here. And obviously you do too, because you're sticking around.
Speaker 2 00:13:18 Yeah. I mean, there's a, uh, there's, there's just something about the place that you don't get anywhere else in all honesty. Yeah. Um, you know, I mean, I've got family that lives all over Alberta and all over Canada, and then there's just something about Fort McMurray. I don't know if it's, I mean, this place is nestled right in the middle of the boreal forest with the, you know, rivers that converge uh it's unlike anywhere else. Yeah. Uh, you know, I, I, I joke about it, uh, in, in some senses, we actually, when you talk about downtown Fort McMurray, it is literally downtown.
Speaker 0 00:13:54 It's not just a business
Speaker 2 00:13:55 District in your city. Right. It's literally downtown, like it's in a valley. Right. So a lot of people don't really understand that until they get here. Right. And you know, there's a lot of unique factors about Fort McMurray. There's a lot of, like I said, there's a lot of unique people and they've brought a lot of stuff from other parts of the country and, and it's, it's really our, and even other parts of the world for that matter, uh, into the community. And, and there's just something about this place I never had. I've never really had any desire to leave. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:14:21 Ever on the same page, man. Now, before we throw it over to Tanner and his segment, you are related to hands down the funniest man. I know Derek power. Yes. So you're a late and all the powers are hilarious from Mike to Jeff. Like there's five of them in total, but like they are the funniest family. They're the most loving family, their father and the amount of cooking that man does. Unbelievable. How can you even keep a straight face when you're sitting at a table with that clan?
Speaker 2 00:14:55 That that is a, uh, is probably one of the toughest things. Yeah. Um, it's, it's, uh, all of them are funny. It's not just one of them. Right. You know, and all of them are funny and, and the stories are unique. It's, you know, I remember growing up, we lived just, our family is so close and it's not just, uh, I don't know how, I don't know if you know how big just our family is just in, uh, through marriages and stuff like that. Cause everybody, you know, as we've gotten older, there was literally, uh, 75 members of our family in this town. Yeah. So, you know, just when you get us all together, it's, it's, it's incredible. The story is the humor. It's it's, it is, it's a big laugh, you know, and yeah. I mean the power family, you know, hands down, I mean, funny there's there's never a dull moment. No, it's just
Speaker 0 00:15:45 Pure humor. That's awesome. Yeah. And I know your brother, like it's crazy when we started to talk like, yeah. Cause you're a complete stranger to me. Never met you before. And then all of a sudden, like, you know, my cousins, Justin and Adrian, and I know your brother and the powers, and that's what I love about this show. People come on and you find out like how close knit Fort McMurry really is and how we all really are connected. Although the community, since you came and since I was born has expanded so much, it's still a small town. It's still a small
Speaker 2 00:16:14 Town. Yeah. A little small town is beautiful. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:16:16 You got to mind your P's and Q's. Yeah. Yeah. Very cool. Okay. Now we're a part of the show, cause I know we're running over already and that happens sometimes. I'm sorry. Um, but it's called the Mac CD minute. This is Tanner segment where he's going to ask you five questions. I have no idea what he's going to ask you. So best of luck. Okay. Tanner hit him with your questions.
Speaker 3 00:16:36 Question number one. What is the most memorable thing you've made out of wood? Ah,
Speaker 2 00:16:44 I'm going to say it's actually, uh, the, uh, play center for kids is probably the most memorable thing. It took 60 man hours to build it. Um, funny side story to it. Uh, me and my wife wanted a little bit of money in the lottery and uh, we used that money to build a, build a play center for kids. Cool.
Speaker 3 00:17:03 Question number two. What is one thing you make that people wouldn't know could be made from wood? Hm. That's a great question.
Speaker 2 00:17:16 Uh, I'm going to say, I'm going to, I'm going to say a long actually.
Speaker 3 00:17:23 Yeah. Question number three. What is your favorite gift you make in your shop that you stock?
Speaker 2 00:17:33 I'm going to say the chicanery boards are probably the favorite thing. Question
Speaker 3 00:17:37 Number four. Why do you think people should come to you instead of a normal retailer?
Speaker 2 00:17:47 I think people should come to me, uh, instead of a normal retailer. Um, cause it's, we're a local business, uh, and we make everything custom to your needs.
Speaker 3 00:17:57 And your final question, what is your dream project you want to build? Actually want to build a house one day. That's what I want to do. And those have been your five questions.
Speaker 0 00:18:10 All right. Now, when it comes to building a house, what are we talking about? Like a log cabin or just like a standard home or what are we thinking here? Uh,
Speaker 2 00:18:16 Kevin is what I was thinking. I'd actually like to, uh, like to be able to build it. I mean, I don't know, construction like that.
Speaker 0 00:18:23 Right. I thought that's a hell of a product to try. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:18:26 You know, I'm not afraid to get the people in there to help me and show me and
Speaker 0 00:18:29 Yeah. Yeah. That's feasible. Yeah. Like that'd be a big project. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:18:35 You know, you can't be afraid to try. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:18:37 Now your family originally, originally from the east coast. So do you get back like prior to COVID? Is that somewhere growing up you're able to get back to from time?
Speaker 2 00:18:45 No. Um, not at all, actually. Um, my parents are big, they're both retired and they're, they're big travelers and they are AR probably, um, they're drove nuts with it. Like they can't go nowhere, they can't do anything. And one of the things they, they like to go back and visit family back on the east coast and they haven't been able to get back there. Um, annual travel is pretty, it's fairly, fairly controlled, fairly limited. And uh, I mean, anywhere you go out that way anyway is, uh, you're losing, uh, there's a two week quarantine. That's exactly it. Right. So I think it's only a Alberta and Saskatchewan that don't have it. That's right. The other problems is already do. Yeah. Um, so yeah, I know travel has been in a fairly, fairly limit, but like I say, in, in the city alone, I mean he got 75 family members. Right. It's yeah.
Speaker 0 00:19:36 You guys are like, it's funny when you meet one, you all of a sudden, like when we met this morning, you're like, oh yeah, I'm related to this one. I'm just like, oh, so do you know, like, they're, like you said, 75, I'm shocked. It's not more. Yeah. And the presence that your family has when you're around them is a force to be reckoned with. Yeah. Pretty boisterous group. It's a good time,
Speaker 2 00:19:59 Man. Probably the best, uh, best memories that, uh, that we all have is, uh, is Christmas time everybody getting together. Right,
Speaker 0 00:20:06 Right. That's awesome. Well, listen, man, I want to have you back again. We could talk for hours, but the show's only like 20 ish minutes long and I know uh, we're at the end of it. So before I let you go today, though, um, please, before you leave shameless plug, please tell everybody at home who you are, the name of your business, how they can support you, how they can get in contact. Yeah, absolutely.
Speaker 2 00:20:26 Uh, so like I said, my name is Keith Bruce. Uh, I'm the owner of Leighton shadow wood working and gifts, uh, or one of the owners I should say. Uh, you can get in touch with us through our Facebook page, uh, Leighton shadow FM or, uh, through our
[email protected]. Or you can give me a call directly if you'd like, uh, seven eight zero seven four two seven four five, four.
Speaker 0 00:20:49 Wow. Throwing a number out there. Okay. Look at you. Get ready for that to blow up what happened. Awesome. That is so cool. Well man, thank you very much for coming. Absolutely. I really do appreciate it. No worries. Okay. Well Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. Thank you so much for tuning in today from the bottom of my heart, it really does mean the world to me. So thank you. I know you could be doing so many other things with your time, um, on that note, have a great day and we'll see you tomorrow.
Speaker 4 00:21:33 Talk about quenching your ugly thirst.