Speaker 0 00:00:00 Good morning for McMurry wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You've tuned in to the Mac city morning show. I'm your host, Elliot Pierre. And we're going to start the show off the same way we start every show off with a moment of gratitude. I know you could be doing a million other things with your time. So the fact that you're choosing to spend it with us truly does mean the world to me on that note, Tanner hit him with the intro.
Speaker 1 00:00:22 Oh, she caught me, loves near listened to the next <inaudible>.
Speaker 0 00:00:32 All right. Well, I'm looking forward to this episode. I had, uh, an opportunity to talk a little bit with this gentlemen, uh, earlier, before the show started. So, uh, he's got a lot of interesting and fun things to go over. So as per usual, I don't introduce my guests because they can do that better themselves. So on that note, sir, can you please introduce yourself and tell everybody
Speaker 2 00:00:50 Who you are? I'm pat Dugan branch, president of branch, one 65. We're broken in Legion and Fort McMurray.
Speaker 0 00:00:56 Very cool. Okay. So for the people at home who may not know what the Legion is, can you give us a brief overview of like what the Legion is? I know they're not just informed with Murray they're everywhere. So,
Speaker 2 00:01:07 Well, it's a nonprofit organization that was established after world war one. The primary goal of Legion overall is to help reintegrate veterans back into society after their service time with conflict or not conflict, that was always the core value behind what the Legion is all about. And from that too, we've also grown into supporting you need to support the local communities because the communities are where your veterans come from. Right. And as your veterans come back, you need to be able to reintegrate them back into that same community. So that's the entire global I can get with it. Yeah. Talking about what our actual mission is. So our big thing locally is a supporting other also supporting other nonprofits as well, especially ones that can help support again, veterans or not just specific to that. We've supported the schools, youth groups, uh, elderly groups. Pretty much anybody. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:02:01 Yeah. Okay. So now with the Legion itself, this a, is this a Canadian thing or is this a global thing or how does that? Well, it's more of
Speaker 2 00:02:07 A Commonwealth thing. So start off, uh, in, uh, uh, in England and in Canada at the, at the same time. So England has, its has its Royal legions and the Royal Canadian Legion. So that's a little different, but other than that, it's essentially the same exact same mission.
Speaker 0 00:02:24 Now the cool thing about the Legion here, like we spoke about earlier, I've been to the Legion a number of times over the years, you guys do everything. I've been there for weddings. I've been there for funerals. I've been there to play pool and darts. So like it's a pretty amazing facility. Um, but a lot of people don't know kind of where it is sometimes when I say I'll go into the Legion. So where is it located here in Fort McMurray? Uh, currently
Speaker 2 00:02:46 We're at nine 31, 700 street. So down on waterways, uh, where the, after the fire where the only commercial holding down there, sort a little bit easier to spot now. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:02:54 Yeah. And you have a huge tank that makes it a little bit easier
Speaker 2 00:02:57 To lav yet. We've that up front? That's a, it's a nice piece. We were able to get that, uh, shortly after, uh, we did some changes in the, in the board. We were modernizing things. The lav is actually, uh, a monument to all the fallen in from Afghanistan, from Eric conflict guy.
Speaker 0 00:03:13 Oh, okay. Okay. Now waterways gets flooded and it's the water. Um, it was affected because of the fire. So you've had a few, a few things hit that facility, but, uh, you guys are reopening it soon. Yes.
Speaker 2 00:03:28 We've uh, completed all of our permits. We have a vendor now who's going to be operating in the clubhouse for, so the actual restaurant portion. Right. And, uh, again, it's a plug that we always try and put any don't need to be a veteran or a Legion member or affiliated with us in any way, shape or form to come. Uh, sit in the clubhouse, use a clubhouse, much like a restaurant renting the facilities upstairs. We have a 4,000 square foot ballroom upstairs and we have a three and a 400 person capacity up there. Yeah. We run bingos on Sundays when code's going to let us have the bingos back again. So, uh, we do support a lot of community funds plus other nonprofits. Uh, we give them pretty much the space for free when they have events or they need things done. So we do what we can to support different facets of the community. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:04:15 Now let's talk about something that I used to love when I was younger that you guys have, and there's really no other place that has it. Like you guys do is your pool tables.
Speaker 2 00:04:25 Yes. Especially now, uh, the changes that we've made since the flood up the pool, the local pool league approached us and asked us if we'd be interested in having more tables in place. We used to have four, which was still about the largest amount of people that had previously were not the six, so six tables with the ability on some of their special events to be to two more tables. So we can run eight tables for tournaments and such. We still have all the space for darks. So there's still our players to be able to come down and play as
Speaker 0 00:04:52 Well. That's awesome. That's awesome. So in regards to you you're even in Fort Macquarie forever since 78 and 78. So you trumped me in Tanner, you were born and raised here, but, uh, yeah. Uh, I'm born in the eighties, so you've seen so many changes here, so yeah. What was your introduction into the Legion? How did it start? Have you been like, when did you join basically and how
Speaker 2 00:05:20 My, uh, my mom's dad, my grandfather was, uh, I show you up on our Sergeant major with, uh, the Royal Canadian Legion as well into the regiment that he served with in world war II. So it was always that again, when I grew up, it was funny. It was when we would go to Montreal, we would go to the Legion more often. We went there a few times when I was younger and the parades and seeing him in the parades and such, uh, back here in Fort McMurray was going to a couple events that were held down in this community events that, which happened to be held at the Legion. And that's where I got my kind of exposure to it. After my service time, I bounced around central Alberta, working EMS and stuff. When I finally came back up to Fort McMurray, uh, it took a couple of years and that's the one thing too.
Speaker 2 00:06:03 Then a lot of guys will probably, I shouldn't say guys, guys and gals would echo the same thing. People with service time, don't always consider themselves veterans. And that takes some time because the image we all have in our minds is you got to be gray hair wearing the suit, the whole nine yards where it's any service is recognized. So the incident you've, you put your, your name on essentially what's the blank check for Canada, or you've said, Hey, use me as you will up to and including my potential, Beth. Yeah. There's not too many other jobs that have that possibility, right, right off the hop. Right. We recognize people who have completed their basic training. And this is also includes the RCMP because they are a national police force and they do serve alongside our nation's armed forces overseas during the UN missions, other missions of NATO missions as well, actually, too.
Speaker 2 00:06:58 We recognize them as well. So we classify RCMP members who have made it past the depo also as veterans. Okay. So we'll get folks sometimes coming to us for assistance in regards to vac might not cover something or helping with education, post service, that sort of thing. So we do what we can to fill them, fill in the cracks that are in any government system has always cracks for people, but we really pushed the whole veteran agenda. Obviously we do so really helping them with, uh, again, a lot of it's the medical, uh, the homeless situation in regards to the veterans as well. We helped a couple of guys in the past 10 years, get off the streets, moved to other provinces, get educated, uh, assistance with some of their medical is not covered. And that's the big primary push with a lot of our funding.
Speaker 2 00:07:46 But a lot of our funding also goes to different groups that support veterans, which makes it easy in the sense that there's the hospital. Well, obviously a veteran can go there to get assistance. So we support them. We've donated up to $20,000 for the concussion studies that are going on in U of a we've donated, uh, equipment to, uh, the hospital here locally, including just lately a funding went for us. I wanted the palliative care suites. We helped fund one of those square. That's like, oh no. In the actual hospital itself, one of the, one of the new expansions on the third floor, third floor. Okay. Uh, and just this, uh, uh, our last, our latest donation is, uh, it's called, uh, it's a special bike program. We can get a three to four seniors on a bike. It's looking like it's electric, but it's also guided by an actual operator just to get the moat and a boat and exercising. That's awesome. This was actually also a partial tribute to one of our world war two vets who passed away, uh, when everything flooding and everything else had happened. And COVID was a thing as well. Uh, Bruce Laxton, he was a huge, huge supporter of Legion. And, uh, there almost every day, we, the heart and soul, our bingo as well, ladies loved them and you'd sit there and sell the diapers and stuff and just the gentlemen. So it's people, people like that and make it easy to do what we do.
Speaker 0 00:09:04 There you go. Nice. So as far as your service, what were you?
Speaker 2 00:09:09 I was with the 11th and regiment. Uh, I started getting bike to my basic and my infantry training in 92. Okay. That was a while ago. But, uh, during that time I met as a, into a NATO exercise and, uh, Norway, which was, was, was great introduction to doing that was the first time flying a helicopter, not flying it, but in a helicopter ever. And, uh, we were doing under combat conditions at night. So it was pretty cool introduction to that. And then, uh, I got, uh, offered and that's the way the Canadian military operates is that all of its regular force units don't ever operate at a hundred percent capacity. Okay. And depending on which governments ended up at the time, it might be less than it should be. But the reserve units, what they do is they, uh, when I unit deploys the look for anybody to fill in, that'll cast out to the different reserve units and volunteers will go in and, and, uh, help bolster it. So I went with, uh, second, uh, princess Patricia's Canadian light infantry, and you get sloppy in 93, summer 93, so, oh, wow. Yeah. We were part of the whole loamy that pocket and all that piece there. And we had been moving around from sector Western sector south. So it was an interesting time for someone who turned 1920.
Speaker 0 00:10:21 Yeah. No doubt. Wow. That's interesting. Now what a, what a life experience, the things you've seen, no doubt absolutely have been different from the casual,
Speaker 2 00:10:33 Casual bit. Yeah, absolutely. And I stayed in for another three to four years after that three and a half years after that. And just with not being able to be in Edmonton constantly to be able to do my parade services didn't seem fair and trying to maintain it. So then I was, my EMS career was really trying to work on getting that going. And at that time in Alberta, EMS was a little difficult to, for steady work for people with my qualifications anyway. Right. So it took a little bouncing around for a while. Yeah. Settle
Speaker 0 00:10:59 In. And now, uh, your full-time gig is you're a firefighter here in town,
Speaker 2 00:11:04 In the very fire department. Uh, my, uh, EMT firefighter with them, um, captain, uh, alpha
Speaker 0 00:11:09 With them. Nice. And so during the fires, were you here helping out, trying to keep the city safe? Oh, wow. So same as everybody else. Yeah. You, uh, you definitely had some adventures throughout your life. That's for sure. We've had some times, yeah. That's the nicest way I can say it. Okay. Well, we're at the part of the show where Tanner has his segment. It's called the Mac city minute count is going to hit you up with a few quick questions. Best of luck. Cause I have no idea what he's about to ask you.
Speaker 3 00:11:41 Question number one, what is one way for McMurry likes to, I support the Legion,
Speaker 2 00:11:47 Uh, in G in general, that's one thing is Fort McMurray is very generous, uh, in the sense of all the nonprofits. So when we cast, they're looking for volunteers to help out, we don't just get our own membership helping out, but we also get, uh, other groups helping out all other, just single volunteers saying, Hey, you know, my grandfather was in the Legion a long time ago, or did you guys need a hand? It's nice seeing that kind of community support is very grassroots if you will on it's not. Uh, and that's why I fun growing up in Fort McMurray, everything everyone's quite generous with their time, as much as they can be for a working town. And that's the other part too, is everyone has a job. And on top of that, another side gig, everyone still is willing to put that extra effort in and actually help out.
Speaker 3 00:12:33 Question number two. What is your favorite community event that the Legion has hosted
Speaker 2 00:12:41 Favorite? One that we've hosted so far? Uh, we've had a couple of gallons that were, uh, quite awesome. I have to admit. And that seems kind of crazy. Uh, when we got our bingo started helping out with the mangoes, we actually would do calling for bingo once in a while. And just seeing that kind of basic community simple event. Uh, it's heartwarming. It's also stressful sometimes too. When you have a couple seven year old ladies come making sure you call bingo raping that's for sure.
Speaker 0 00:13:12 That's awesome. Question
Speaker 3 00:13:13 Number three. What is one way you've watched the Legion grow with the city?
Speaker 2 00:13:19 Uh, especially in our current location when I was able to, when I was voted into the executive and we started making changes, not just physical changes to the building, but really expanding on the size of our board and the diversity of our board members and just seeing all the different ideas come in and really hardworking bunch of folks who, whose intent is to support the community. And this is the venue that they've chosen. And I have to be honest, it's a, it's an honor and a privilege to work with these folks really is
Speaker 3 00:13:51 Question number four. What is your favorite spot pastor present in Fort McMurray that only the longtime locals will know? Oh,
Speaker 2 00:14:01 Well, uh, I have to admit, uh, a point off to the point off beacon hill before they did all the grooming was a, just a small trail heading out there and myself and younger kids when we were growing up would constantly be scaling back and forth on that. Uh, that's a good, bad, great childhood one for me. Uh, one thing I do miss that, uh, we'll put the plug out there, but I'm sure it'll never happen again, was the blueberry festival that used to happen. You're informing Maria, right. But the raft races were quite the spectacle to see probably not going to pass any safety regulations nowadays, but they're not for sure.
Speaker 3 00:14:38 And your final question, what is your most memorable story from your time in the service?
Speaker 2 00:14:45 My time in the service, uh, I'll try and pick one that's audience. Uh, there was one time I actually, uh, and that's things were slowing down in the pocket. We'd been bouncing opportunity to been Bouche. Our company was bouncing around at different locations and we'd come across one location where they had set ups up in an old school, a school house. And there was another unit that was there, a previous prior to us, another Canadian, but they had moved on, but they, of course, when it happens quick, you leave supplies behind. So they had a bunch of tents and stuff set up in a couple of generators. So the natural thing is you go poke around, see what got left behind and, uh, myself and, uh, two other fellows, uh, stretches one of them and we'd come across, uh, you know, build, uh, their, uh, their old kitchen in this tent.
Speaker 2 00:15:43 So we're kind of rummaging through like pretty much everything got taken, but the generator still running and they've got these giant, uh, locked up freezers. Yeah. Okay. What the hell is this all about on the lock off? And it ended up being, uh, over 40 individually wrapped, uh, lobsters that were wrapped in Bryan. So of course we pulled all that. And then, uh, someone else had also found a, probably a confiscated liquor stash. So that day we were, we were in pretty secure location. So we are all able to have a lobster dinner. The drinking was off, was off limits because of where we were. In fact, we were still kind of in close contact once in a while. Uh, but it was, it was pretty awesome. It was very unexpected from our experiences we had up to that point. Right, right. It was a memorable piece to sit down in our little mess trailer and found down on lobster. That's awesome. Very cool.
Speaker 0 00:16:39 That's good. I have a buddy, my best friend actually pero he, his parents are from Yugoslavia, the former Yugoslavia. Yes. And, uh, it's definitely a bucket list item that I'd love to go to see, like, we, we were planning a trip prior to, uh, COVID happening. Um, obviously, uh, you want to go over there with like somebody who's from there and he spends his time there, but yeah, I hear it's just gorgeous over
Speaker 2 00:17:04 It. It is a beautiful country when I was there. We got to spend a little bit of time in Italy as well. Especially the coastal regions. You can tell the difference. It's, it's beautiful. Um, much like a loud spots that we were in, in a sector west for much like being in the Oakenoggen valley really, which was also, it was beautiful, but it was also kind of heartbreaking yesterday. She couldn't leave. He couldn't walk off the hard that's the amount of landmines that they'd sown in that area were just insane. So it would be orchards that were just hanging and sagging and no one's picking anything because the creator there is a creative.
Speaker 0 00:17:38 That's exactly. It that's exactly it. Yeah. He's his family's from Serbia, but, uh, he says like, yeah, when you go into Croatia and you see like the beaches and stuff,
Speaker 2 00:17:48 He's just, it is amazing. Actually one of our, a 72 hour locations was still in Croatia, but well, out of the, of the war zone and it was gorgeous, old Pacha and gorgeous coastal city, like I said, you think you were in Italy? Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 0 00:18:05 Right on, well, we are at the end of the show, man, no time flies, 20 minutes to done. It goes pretty quickly. But before I let you go, a shameless plug, please. Uh, let's talk about your organization. Let's talk about Legion. How can people find you guys support you guys? This is your shameless plug.
Speaker 2 00:18:21 Yep. No. Where on a Royal Canadian Legion, uh, that's our, our, uh, sort of Facebook page, all of our events are posted up there. We're actually starting our, uh, fundraising campaign. Last year. The, uh, vote was put to membership in regards to moving the Legion. And there was a unanimous vote that we needed to change locations. And this was prior to us finding out that, although we were kind of expecting to be denied insurance for flooding and with $1.6 million in damage, there's no way we could possibly survive that if it happened again, even on a much smaller scale, right? So the city had given us a couple of potential options that they were willing to help us with. They've been very, very good with that. Uh, the one that we're hoping for other still in negotiation, because the province owns property in Parson's Creek. And one of the lots was one of the ones we were looking at.
Speaker 2 00:19:09 So they're in negotiation with that. And it's the usual two governments working thing and takes its time. But, uh, we're really hoping to see some action on this one way or another this summer, even if we get to know, but we've been casting out, looking quietly, looking at, uh, different corporate sponsors or assistance in the building. Yeah. And we're getting some positive feedback. I can't say who just yet, but again, it's just, it just goes to show the amount of some willingness to support this community has. It's a, it's a massive, massive heart. And again, to a shameless plug in regards to guys and gals I work with on the department, just the amount of support people have shown us is absolutely incredible.
Speaker 0 00:19:49 That's awesome, man. Well, thank you very much for coming on the show today. Thank you for your service and anytime you need to promote or plug anything, please, please, please feel free to come back. Or like we discussed earlier. If you want to come back and talk about a whiskey alcohol. Absolutely. This is the place to do. It's a hopefully, uh, we see a lot more. Absolutely. Thanks a lot. Awesome, man. All right. Well, everybody at home, that's been another episode of the Mac city morning show. I've been your host Elliot Pierre. And once again, thank you so much for taking your time and, uh, tuning in with us on that note. Have a great day and we'll see you tomorrow, please.
Speaker 4 00:20:42 Talk about quenching your ugly thirst
Speaker 0 00:23:10 Goals of what we want to set for all employees. Like we feel like there is a wage we want you to get to, and then there's like, like there's a wage that we really want you to get to. Yeah. And so the goal, like we've got Pam to the wage and we want to get her to, but then like, we want to pay her more down the line. And then like with you, you're not at the wage where we want you at, but then there's like the upper where we really want you to get one day. But goal one is to get you to the wage. We want to get you with add, which is 2200 bucks a month. I'm just like, that's where, so that's, that's all that's goal. Number one, after goal, number one is hit for money, um, for you after your taken care of, and then goal number two is get me and Jason assistance. So that's cooking, cleaning, maybe more on the lawn.
Speaker 5 00:24:01 Um, what do you mean maybe?
Speaker 0 00:24:04 And then after that, after those are settled, it's, uh, looking and with our other, with Greenlight, uh, capital and reading, like creative, potentially buying real estate and then your video game team. Cool. So those are like, that's what we want to do with the money. And you know what, with us things change pretty quickly. So, but as of right now, that's the, what we going to do with cash. All right. Just let me read this text from my sister and then we'll get started. Can I have a screen grab of our interview so I can put it on page? Let people know. Okay. Can you do a screenshot? She was still fucked up today for real. Yeah. She's just like, I'm still Hoff. Like I had to, like, my mom's like, what's wrong with you? So she just lied to mom and she was like, I was drinking last night and I'm a little bit hung over. She was like, I don't know what I smoked, but she's like, I'm not, I'm not right yet. I'm just like, wow. She's like, yeah, I don't know if I'm sick because of cancer or yada, yada, yada. But she's just like, everything in my life was the same other from that. She's like, I had the greatest sleep of my life, but she's like right now, like I went over there at 1230. She's just like, I'm not,
Speaker 5 00:25:27 Not right. It's not at all 100%. Yeah. That was like, wow. It was just THC, man. Well, I'm not. Yeah. Wouldn't drug your sister. Yeah. I was just like, Hey, sometimes you get fucked up
Speaker 0 00:25:45 Thursday, June 3rd. That's a greenhouse. I'll be there. Awesome. I got to enter all this into the calendar.
Speaker 5 00:25:52 Uh oh, the other thing is may bonuses. What's going on with that?
Speaker 0 00:25:55 You get it. How the bonuses work. I have it written down upstairs, but I remember enough for you're going to be happy. Like you're going to be okay with, well, I'm not getting into details with you so that I know I love just the barrel room. Yeah. How it works is for the year that they get. So you're only going to get one month, may like it's based on invoices. So what happens is we have, and I'm making up this number. Cause I don't know how much is in the bank account. So like it's, let's say 10,000. Is it 10,000 is in the account. Yeah. Of like that we've made. Yeah. Then we count everybody. Who's like, everybody gets the exact same amount per invoice. So because this year you have only for the calendar year of 2020, like are
Speaker 5 00:26:47 All for 2020. I don't have any,
Speaker 0 00:26:50 You have one month for our calendar year. How
Speaker 5 00:26:53 We are. Oh, your calendar year is February. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:26:56 That's right. So you have one. Yeah. So this, whenever the bonuses go out, end of this month, beginning of next month, I don't know. Whenever they go out, you will see something. It's not going to be as big as Pam's. Cause she had 12 invoices. I would be upset. Yeah. But next year your invoice will be the exact, your bonus will be the exact same amount of money as Pam. So it's not,
Speaker 5 00:27:19 Yeah. I know how it works. So, you know, is it like just automatic in regards to like, does it just come out of your account and then it's put in or does Pam move this money from place to place?
Speaker 0 00:27:32 Oh, we have a bank account and then Pam will just automatically put, Louie will tell you, Hey congratulate,
Speaker 5 00:27:38 Pam will do it. Yep. You just won't do it. You don't have to give me anything.
Speaker 0 00:27:44 Well, she wears, you have to take it no matter what man. So, well you don't have to spend it. We had a, we had an employee, uh, Nicola Lasha she's like, I don't want it. I'm just like, I don't know what to tell you. Like we, we, our accountant has already marked it in your bank account. Like I have no choice, but to, and so that's, that's what we do. So, cause I don't know. I don't know why people don't want our money, but it is what it is. Um, I'm like the account, like we've already marked it as, as gone. Like you can give it to charity. You can give it away. You can do whatever you want with it. I don't care what you do with it. It's just like, as far as our books are concerned or went into your bank account, it's in your bank account and I can't take it out of your bank account. Cause that fucks me for taxes. So
Speaker 5 00:28:27 You can take things out of people's accounts, but it just hurts you on taxes
Speaker 0 00:28:31 If, cause yeah, it'll hurt me on taxes. Cause I've already said it's yours.
Speaker 5 00:28:36 And so now I've got to like giving tax and I got to reverse
Speaker 0 00:28:39 It and there's, it costs me money to take money back for
Speaker 5 00:28:42 Me. It's Indian giving tax. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:28:45 So I was like, I ain't taking it back. So yeah. You'll you'll see something. I don't know when they get paid out, but I, Jason is just like Tanner based on our calendar year has won one. For sure. He's like, it might be two. I'm not sure. He's like one session
Speaker 4 00:29:00 For calendar year. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:29:02 One because we don't figure it out until it has to get paid out. So,
Speaker 5 00:29:05 Or you could just not, that could be my bonus is you just take the pressure off giving me money and then you have to also let us know
Speaker 0 00:29:17 Obviously closer to the date. Yeah. For your plane ticket to lost land. Yeah. So we'll cover that plane ticket for you as well. But you got to let us know when that
Speaker 5 00:29:26 Is. Well, I mean, I don't need a bonus if you're doing that. That can be my bonus.
Speaker 0 00:29:29 Okay. Anyways, we'll see you man.
Speaker 5 00:29:33 That's the same shit my mom says when she's just going to do it
Speaker 0 00:29:35 Anyways. That's right. It's a parent thing. You
Speaker 5 00:29:38 Ready to film this? Oh, I gotta send this email. Oh, okay. Fair enough. Fair enough.
Speaker 0 00:29:48 What's her email? I don't know.
Speaker 6 00:29:52 Um,
Speaker 0 00:29:53 Bear with me. I'll have to look into this. Oh actually she sent this tin a text message to me a few days ago. That's where I'll find it. A L I C I a Alicia, a L I C I a dot Pierre. P I E R R
[email protected]. Tanner is emailing you right now. Just tell me when you hit send
Speaker 5 00:30:19 Here is P E I
Speaker 0 00:30:21 P P I E R R E. Okay. It should be in your email and then have you uploaded that episode? So upload that. So Pam can, uh, put that in for Friday.
Speaker 5 00:30:46 I know she was so smooth when it came to like talking about what day it was, but like fucked me up. Oh yeah. So tomorrow, which is Friday. I was like, bro, she know what she's saying? Because like we can't air this today. Yeah. And then I was like
Speaker 0 00:31:05 Tuesday. Yeah. She's nailing it. Yeah. She did really good. I don't know why she's SWOT. I don't know why anybody's so nervous, but yeah. L I C I a a L hold on a L I C I a dot
Speaker 5 00:31:26 I'm putting naming. Oh, oh gotcha. Yep.
Speaker 0 00:31:33 Dude, that guy loves to hang out and chat, man. Holy fuck. That guy was here until 12 o'clock and he was here for two hours yesterday. He just it's starving for, and I like him. I don't, I'm not bashing the fact that he stuck around, but
Speaker 5 00:31:48 Some shit.
Speaker 0 00:31:50 Oh yeah. He sees a shit. Holy fuck. You could slot you in 93. You saw literal war crimes, dude. Yeah. How do you bounce back from that? You no, that's it?
Speaker 5 00:32:09 Yes. My my guess is he probably has PTSD
Speaker 0 00:32:14 To certain extent. He'd have to have a pacer. They
Speaker 5 00:32:16 All just with a deadpan monotone, like straight eyes. Are you going <inaudible> yeah. A hundred percent. It's just you and me son.
Speaker 0 00:32:29 Those type episodes. I don't, I have not prepared for this. I don't know if you have like, we, I, I don't know what you and me you're talking about, but it is Monday in this episode. So I will refer to it as a Monday episode. Cause on Friday, it's our hundredth hundredth episode. And we're going to talk about that.
Speaker 6 00:33:09 Okay. Let's do this. Ah, are we doing a Maxine minute? Do you want to do one? Okay.