Mac City Morning Show #180: Alicia Speers, Breast Cancer Survivor 

Episode 180 October 05, 2021 00:21:23
Mac City Morning Show #180: Alicia Speers, Breast Cancer Survivor 
The Mac City Morning Show
Mac City Morning Show #180: Alicia Speers, Breast Cancer Survivor 

Oct 05 2021 | 00:21:23


Show Notes

Alicia Speers is back! Tune in today to learn a little bit about her journey through breast cancer. October is breast cancer awareness month, so learn a little, donate and get checked out!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Good morning, Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You've tuned into the Mac city morning show. I'm your host, Elliot Pierre. And we're going to start the show off the same way we start every show off with a moment of gratitude. I know you could be doing a million other things with your time. So the fact that you're spending with us truly does mean the world to me on that note, Tanner hit him with the in trouble. Speaker 1 00:00:20 She caught me, loves near listened to the next anymore. Speaker 0 00:00:23 <inaudible> all right. And we're back. Okay. We got a special guest here tonight. I don't usually introduce my guests as you guys know, but I'm going to break it a little bit. I won't tell you her name, but I will tell you that it's my little sister. So on that note, uh, can you please tell everybody at home who you are and what you're about? Hello everyone. I am Alicia spirits. I'm Elliot's little sister. And thanks for having me back today. You're more than welcome now. Usually I'm all about positivity. I don't like to promote negativity. That's right. That being said last night, we may have watched the worst movie on the planet. That is also correct. Yeah. So I, I got to talk about it cause, uh, it was ranked extremely high. I think it was like 80% or 70%. So what was that movie called? Speaker 0 00:01:13 It's called stronghold stronghold on Netflix. Don't do it. Don't do it now. Right off the bat. I knew it was going to be bad when I said, oh wow. I think this is dubbed. Yeah. So dubbed movies. Like I'm not saying all the movies are bad, but it's not looking good if it starts off dubbed it wasn't great. And then it went beyond downhill. Yeah. So it had two parts. We did not know. There was two acts, act, one was horrible, but then it ended. And then we said, I don't want to spoil it for everybody, but act one ends. And you're like, okay, that movie was horrible, but at least we're done. Then it keeps going and act two starts, which is horrendous. Yeah. Don't watch it. Don't waste your time. Do they roll credits after the first act? No. And just like, but it's a black screen. Speaker 0 00:02:04 That's right. A few seconds. And then it just gets done. Yeah. And then you're like, okay, you're waiting. And then boom something. So you think you're getting like bonus clip, but it's not a bonus clip. It's another 90 minutes of pure trash. Yeah. It was terrible. Terrible. Who was in it? No one, no one. It's a foreign film. Yeah. So what, what made you watch it? Do you know what town or? This is a great question. I picked another movie out. You got asked Alicia, what made you and dad pick this? It came up, it came up on like a new release on his phone, like Netflix things to watch. And, uh, it had really great reviews like on I MDB and on different things. It had great views and said like crime drama, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, it was not good. Did you know like watch the trailer? Speaker 0 00:02:54 No, I don't do that. That's the frustrating part I don't ever watch. I try to like know the least amount as possible. That's right. And they bullied me into it. I tried to be like, wait a second. Let's and they're like, no, you always do this. We're watching it. And I was like, okay. And then five minutes in. I was like, this is going to be horrible. It wasn't that aggressive. But uh, yeah, we said we already chose movie and you came to watch a movie with us. So you're going to watch this movie or you're going home. Yeah. Should have gone home. Shoulda went home. Should have a big time. Big time. Yeah. So what was the movie's name? One more time. Strong hold strong, hold everybody at home. Sorry for everybody. Who's in strong stronghold. I know like you put a lot of your time and your effort and your passion in it. Speaker 0 00:03:41 It wasn't for me. And I don't think it's for anybody else. If it's in the proper language, it would be good. But I don't see how it could be. The storyline didn't make sense. There were a lot of loose ends. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's, it's an action movie and this is how low budgeted it. Like you could tell these guys didn't have a lot of money. It's an action movie and there's guns all the time in this movie, but they may be fired those guns 20 bullets in total. And I'm being very conservative. I don't even think it was 20 bullets. So that's how they didn't have money for blanks. No, it was, it was really bad. Yeah. So don't watch the movie stronghold stronghold. Now if you do, and you want to like message why you liked it. I can't wait to hear real people's comments on this, but it did get ranked pretty high. Speaker 0 00:04:31 Yeah. So that's how we'll start it off. I'm putting it in. Like I have a category of horrible movies that I've watched and this is definitely in the top three. What are the other two Pluto Nash with Eddie Murphy. Murphy. Yup. And remember it, but that movie that we watched last time, Greg was up with you. Um, the calc Cub Capone, uh, Tom Hardy's in it. Oh yeah. That's a hard movie to watch great acting. What's it called? I think it's just called Capone. I think it's just called Capone. Yeah. And then there was another one. I always see horrible movies with Alicia. There's a theme here. Um, I saw the, when we went to the movie theater with Greg's parents, the one with, um, oh, Cameron Diaz in it. It's called the counselor. Oh, I'm talking about an awkward movie to watch with your family. Speaker 0 00:05:23 Yeah. So I, outside of Pluto, Nash, I think every horrible movie I've ever watched has been in your company. Oh, you're welcome. Yeah. So you don't know what's good unless you see what's bad. Right? Well, you definitely have set that benchmark of what's bad. Uh, it was, it was horrible. It was horrible. So that's, uh, some, something very new for the show, but man, when things are bad, you gotta, you gotta point it out. And that was, that was one of them for me. Speaking of, I add things, I'm here to talk about October breast cancer awareness month. Oh, there we go. That's why we got the bracelets on today. Good segue. Thank you. Um, so as some of, you know, I actually was diagnosed with breast cancer last year, August, 2020, uh, right before my daughter, Lily turned two. So it's been quite, quite the journey. Speaker 0 00:06:20 Um, but you know, I just wanted everybody to be aware of breast cancer, uh, all your, all you women out there get checked. I know it's a annoying and uh, and men too, men can get it too. Um, but definitely make sure you're going and seeing the doctor yearly or more if you have any concerns. Um, yeah. I wanted to say thank you to everybody that came and supported me and helped out. And yeah, it was a crazy rollercoaster of a journey and it's not done, but, um, now it's just recovery rest and, you know, get better every day is a little bit better, but I've gone through all my treatments. I did my surgery and uh, radiation, chemo, everything. So it's all done. And I'm happy to say I am breast cancer free. Boop, boop, boop, boop, Oop. So, um, anyway, I wanted to come today just to make it a known that you should be aware of breast cancer and getting checked regularly. Speaker 0 00:07:29 There's a lot of things you can do to support breast cancer, different runs and different organizations or cancer in general. Um, it's, it's actually very common and becoming more common, uh, breast cancer specifically. Um, mine was specifically due to hormone. So a big one is women over 30 that have children. Um, that's a big cause and more women are having kids later in life. Oh, interesting. Yeah. So worth worth it. Um, but uh, anyway, just so you know, do some research buddy, buddy. Yeah. So, uh, you know, Elliot came down and helped me. Yeah, I did a few times and my brother Allister, he lives in Calgary, but uh, he's come over and helped me a few weeks. My best friend, Sarah, she came down and helped mom and dad many, many times months at a time ethnic Keegan and Elliot came for a month for the summer, which was awesome. Speaker 0 00:08:42 And um, yeah, uh, Greg's my husband, Greg, his family has come down to help to, um, his parents live in Calgary, but his sisters come down and help. So it took a lot of people to help and support. And uh, for people that don't have the family or friends, there are, uh, different organizations that can help and, uh, get you through those hard times. So definitely I'm just wanting to talk a little bit about it. And also, you know, if people want to ask more questions, I'm always open to chatting I'm on Facebook. So you can find me to reach out if you're struggling or have questions or, you know, just want to say hi and there, yeah, it sucked, but it was sweet at the same time that we got to spend so much time together. Yeah. Like I never came down to Calgary before because you know, me and Calgary, but uh, so I came down to Calgary a lot and like both you and Alice were lived down there. So although it was negative and not under the best circumstances, it was nice to spend that much time because I was coming down like once a month for like a week at a time. So that was good. Speaker 2 00:09:59 What I've heard, Alicia has been training her whole life to be taken care of. Oh Speaker 0 00:10:02 Yes. That's right. Yeah. That's right. She, she slipped into it. Quite natural facts. Yeah. So yeah, it was good. Lily was two. I thought it was one. How would you turn to when it, when you found out? Sorry. Yeah. When I found out she was one, so it was a year ago. She literally just turned two lines. Yeah. So you found out when she was about to turn one, there we go. Yeah, no worries. I was like, yeah. I found out when she lose three. No, she just turned two. Yeah. Yeah. She wasn't even one yet when I found out and, um, it was, everything was really quick. Um, from when I found out, like when I went to get checked and I just thought it was like due to breastfeeding. Yeah. And um, then when I went to the doctor, he was like, ah, I'm going to send you to do an ultrasound. Speaker 0 00:10:58 And he didn't tell me why. He just said just in case. So I went and did the ultrasound and then they said, and then they, I had to do a mammogram, like right away. And then the doctor came in and saw me and said, I don't like what I see. And um, you know, I think it could be breast cancer. And so I was sent for a biopsy. And this all happened within like, not even like you found out on Wednesday and by like the following one. Yeah. By when I did the biopsy, I did it on the, so I did the ultrasound and mammogram on a Wednesday and then the biopsy was the following Wednesday. And they said it would take one to two weeks for the, um, results. And I got called in to the doctors on the Sunday. So it was only a few days. And when you get called on a Sunday from a doctor, not great, you know, something's not, not quite right. And then when you go into the doctor's office and they say, did they not tell you to bring your family? Then it's like all the red flags Speaker 2 00:12:05 That is a, that is a terrible line to anybody who comes in with their family without their family. Imagine somebody just coming in and be like, Hey, your family, not here. And you're like, should they be, Speaker 0 00:12:16 That's what I said. That's exactly what I said. So, and, uh, luckily my husband and daughter were in the car cause we were supposed to go out, um, to have a picnic. But, um, that didn't happen. Um, yeah. So turned our life sideways and upside down and all around. Yeah. But I am here and that's all you can ask for. So big shout out to Alberta health services though. They didn't know, you know, uh, there, they were really good. Um, all the doctors are all the nurses, like everybody was so good and answered all questions and we're just very on top of everything. Yeah. Yeah. Um, big shout out, big shout out, big shout out Alberta health services, nurses, doctors, everybody that works in the medical field. Yes. Definitely heroes heroes, for sure. For sure. Yeah. Treated very well. And yeah, it, they make a hard time. Speaker 0 00:13:18 Not so hard. Yeah. It was good. That's right. And actually my last day of radiation, um, to, uh, uh, sorry, the nurses, there were a few of them, there was four of them and one of them had been pregnant. And so I was just kind of telling her fun stories about babies and whatever. And on the last day I brought her a gift for her baby and she's like, oh, nobody does this. It's like, oh, well, you know, it's number one, it was a little a stuffed animal. It was like a little lamb, but it actually is a blanket. It's like a little Blinky lamb. So she said, every time she sees it, she thinks about me. But anyway, every day, you know, when you finished radiation, when you finished chemo, you're you get to ring this bell, which is pretty exciting because you're like, woo. I did it. So, um, I got to ring the bell and everybody usually just claps and you know, it's exciting. But, uh, when I finished radiation, all of the nurses came out to ring or to clap and cheer me on. And it was pretty exciting. No doubt. Speaker 2 00:14:27 Not saying you're anybody's favorite or anything. No, Speaker 0 00:14:30 Not saying that. No, but it was, it was really special. And um, yeah. I don't know. I got a lot of positive people in my life. I tried to stay positive the whole time. I think that really helped you get through it. Um, and you know, sometimes just I have a friend, Joanne, she would just, Hey, Joanne, she would send me just funny texts and memes. And that would just, you know, if you're having a low point or whatever, you would see some funny thing going on and just make your whole day. So yeah. Yeah. It was that it was, uh, yeah, it's really good to have that support, but not everybody has that. So very thankful. Yeah. Alright. On that note, we're at the part of the show called the Mac city minute. You've been here before, you know what the deal is. I have Tanner and hit her with the Mac CD minutes. Speaker 2 00:15:22 Uh, I'd just like to point out before I do that, I usually make these questions during the show off of what the guest is saying. And this, this, this episode was a little bit more difficult. Cause I feel like I didn't want to ask you five questions about cancer. So thanks. I was challenged for one Question. Number one, what is one movie that you think most people sleep on? Speaker 0 00:15:48 Oh, sleep through a movie. Speaker 2 00:15:52 It's on your estimate. Don't watch if it gets bad, like, Speaker 0 00:15:57 Oh, I'm so bad. I always choose the worst movies in general. Um, you know, what is a really good movie? And people probably know this, but Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. It's an oldie, but a goodie with MOS. Def yes he is in that. I've never seen it really. Speaker 2 00:16:17 Okay. Good. Okay. Question number two for you. What is one thing you like to do when you're around your family? Speaker 0 00:16:27 Um, well we do watch a lot of movies. Yeah. We watch a lot of movies for sure. Um, I think that's my favorite thing. Just hanging out, watching movies. My dad and I watch a lot of TV series is, is, is TV. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. That's my kind of marathon. That was almost a spit take right there. Shit. That's my type of marathon. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:16:57 Me to run through the shows. Question number three. What is one takeout meal you miss when you're not in Fort McMurray? Speaker 0 00:17:05 Oh gentlemen, Speaker 2 00:17:08 What's the meal though. Speaker 0 00:17:11 Oh, I get a donor pizza. That's just, and I get the sweet sauce on the side. We brought it down for you a few times. Yeah, you can actually, that's something people don't know. I think you have to special requested. Um, but you can get like a pizza not baked yet, so you can keep it frozen and eat it when you want. Right. So actually during cancer, my friends got together. Yeah. I know it was kind of Speaker 2 00:17:37 Cancer cancer. Speaker 0 00:17:39 My friends, uh, actually got me like four large pizzas from the Germans that opened up in Edmonton and brought it to me. So yeah. So good Speaker 2 00:17:52 Question. Number four. What is one moment grow with growing up with Elliot that stands out for you Speaker 0 00:18:00 Growing up with Elliot. It's just so many, um, that's, that's a tough one. I don't really have like a specific moment. I just remember we used to in the summer go out, um, to Mackwell lake a lot and people don't know much about MACRA lake here in format, but it's a very nice quiet beach because everybody goes to Greg war. So I'd say that. Speaker 2 00:18:29 And your final question. What is one thing you learned growing up in Fort McMurray that you use in parenting your own child? Speaker 0 00:18:37 Oh, Hmm. Well, I don't have a lot of rules. Elliot will say, um, I don't let her jump on our furniture or Anna, anybody else's furniture. That was like a rule growing up. We weren't supposed to do that. So that's something that I try to, I try is, is the main word here, but uh, I guess that would be it. I don't know if that's a Fort Mac thing or just, uh, my family thing. Speaker 2 00:19:08 Those have been your five questions. Speaker 0 00:19:10 Yeah. Try is the keyword try. She likes to jump. So does Keegan though, like it, like, I ain't even mad at you. Keegan jumps on everything. Yeah. So Tyler's pointing out his watch. How much time we got? Speaker 2 00:19:21 Yeah, we got about 30 seconds. Speaker 0 00:19:23 Oh, 30 seconds. Okay. Well pretty good. That was pretty good. Well, thanks for coming. Well, you know, I'm happy to be here. I love coming home to Fort Mac is one of my favorite place to be. There you go. So you live here then. Thank you. Hey, we're going over. Good question. Tanner. I've been asking that for many years, for those who didn't hear Tanner, he asked like, if you love it so much, why don't you live here? I should have said my favorite places to be on vacation. All right. Just saying I do. I do love it here. I don't know. I just, um, I am, I liked the big city more and I really like being close to the mountains. So yeah, something that we don't have here in Fort Mac, but Speaker 0 00:20:06 Exactly Calgary is definitely not as good as Fort McMurray. Nope. Not even close. So sorry. Everybody's from Calgary. We moved there. Yeah. I just recently moved there. There you go. Even when I'm in Calgary, I talk about format all the time. All right. At the end of the show, everybody gets a shameless shout-out or a plug. So let's hear you. Well again, thanks for having me. I just want to shout out, uh, breast cancer awareness and the month is October. So there's a lot of information out there. Take a look. Remember to get checked. Um, the sooner you get checked, the better, uh, just being a breast survivor. There you go. Awesome. Well, everybody at home, that's been another episode of the Mac city morning show. Thank you very much for tuning in. I truly do appreciate it. Um, hopefully you're having a great day and we'll see you tomorrow. Peace.

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