Mac City Morning Show #274: Darlene Scharf Owner of YMM Crystals and Darlene Scharf Makeup Artistry

Episode 274 February 14, 2022 00:22:22
Mac City Morning Show #274: Darlene Scharf Owner of YMM Crystals and Darlene Scharf Makeup Artistry
The Mac City Morning Show
Mac City Morning Show #274: Darlene Scharf Owner of YMM Crystals and Darlene Scharf Makeup Artistry

Feb 14 2022 | 00:22:22


Show Notes

Darlene Scharf, owner of YMM Crystals and Darlene Scharf Makeup Artistry is on the show today! Tune in to hear what this local double business owner has to say!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Good morning, Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You've tuned into the Mac CD morning show. I'm your host, Elliot Pierre. And we're going to start this episode and say wheat, same way. We start every episode off with a moment of gratitude. I know you could be doing a million other things we through time, and the fact that you spend it with us truly does mean the world to me. So thank you on that note, Tanner hit him with the intro. Speaker 1 00:00:20 Oh, she caught me loves and you're listening to the next city morning show. Speaker 0 00:00:29 All right. And we're back. I'm excited about today's guest because it's a complete stranger and those are my favorite people to meet, honestly. And she's got two businesses that she's talking about. Both. I've got loads of questions for. So as you know, I don't introduce my guests. I let them do that themselves. So on that note, can you please tell everybody at home who you are and what you're about? Speaker 3 00:00:48 Okay. All right. My name is Darlene scarf. I'm a full-time makeup artist here in Fort McMurray. And I also am co-owner with my husband of YMM crystals. Speaker 0 00:00:58 There we go. Okay. So I'm just going to jump into the one that I want to start talking about. First is the crystals. So explain this to me. Okay. Cause you have celebrities who like have crystals and like you have people in town that I know who have crystals and you've got different energies go on Tanner. Speaker 4 00:01:19 I also know some people with crystals and I would like to know the difference between yours and theirs. Speaker 0 00:01:23 That's right. And like different crystals do different things. And I've literally been somebody who's given me like a rock, basically like, hold this rock in your hand. And you're just like, okay. It feels like a rock. And I say, okay, now hold this crystal in your hand and it's going to do or make you feel X, Y, and Z. And then you put in your hand, you're like, what the heck is going on here? Yes. So please let's start at ground zero. What a crystal is about, please Speaker 3 00:01:48 Crystal's for me. And, or a lot of other people are really great healing tools and they can heal you physically and they can help heal you emotionally. And, um, there's a lot of different information that you can get about that. Speaker 0 00:02:07 Yeah. Okay. So now the crystals that you guys have, I've seen like people who have these big crystals in their house and there's like, like their geos are geos, is that trade Speaker 3 00:02:16 Wars Speaker 0 00:02:16 . But then I have seen people who have like crystals in their rings or their necklaces. So how does that work? If it's something that's large and it's in your house, does it have, Speaker 3 00:02:29 And will help take up the space if you will. Um, certain crystals you want to keep at your workstation because it helps with things like, um, your intellect or creating new ideas, being creative, that sort of thing. So that's what I have in my office. And then there's other ones you're going to want to have next year at bedside. That's really going to help calm you down, calm your thoughts, get you into a good, you know, dreaming, resting space. Speaker 0 00:02:57 Right, right now when it comes to crystals and this might be an ignorant question, just cause I don't know, like, are there, how many crystals are there is there's like categories of crystals, either colors or like there's okay. Speaker 3 00:03:10 I, there's no way for me to even know all of them. I do a lot of research. Um, there's, there's so much behind it in different parts of the world. There's different crystals and stones, rocks, whatever you may call them. Um, to me, they're crystals. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:03:26 That's Speaker 3 00:03:26 Just the name I prefer, um, different places in the world have different ones that can help with different things. So there's a lot to it. Speaker 0 00:03:37 There's a lot. Yeah, no doubt. It's, it's fascinating to me now. And once again you hear stuff, um, with these crystals, some of them need quote-unquote charging or maybe all of them charging. I don't know. Um, but like the moon charges it to some charges. It like how, how does this, how does that work? Speaker 3 00:03:55 So literally just if it's going to be a full moon, leave them outside on the little table or something, leave them in your window sill, wherever the men can charge. Just like anything else that, you know, you use your phone, you use, you use that now it needs to charge to continue to work. Speaker 0 00:04:14 Right. So it's Speaker 3 00:04:17 Exactly, you'll, you'll all these things. Some crystals can be used and recharged with water. Um, other ones cannot because they'll disintegrate. Speaker 0 00:04:27 So Speaker 3 00:04:27 You definitely, if you're going to go the water route, do your research about what crystals you're going to charge that way and cleanse that way. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:04:35 For sure. How did you get into crystals? Speaker 3 00:04:38 Um, a really good friend of mine actually. Um, I'm a person that feels a lot of things and I definitely take on other people's energies and stuff. Like if some, someone comes into a room, I can kind of know how they're feeling without even looking or knowing that a person came into a room. Speaker 0 00:04:58 Right. Speaker 3 00:04:59 So she made a suggestion that I should get some smokey courts where it as protection to try and just have my own emotions and not take on other people's to help me with that. And the rest was, Speaker 0 00:05:12 And you went down that rabbit hole. Okay. So how did you and your husband, you said, yeah. How did you decide or why did you decide to start a business? Where can people find your business? How can they get in contact with you? Speaker 3 00:05:23 Uh, good question. So you can find us on Instagram right now. We are working on our webpage. Um, we just launched last November, so we're fairly new here to town. So it's my mm. Crystals for those of you that don't know. Yeah. And, um, he's encouraged me for a while cause I've been using them to heal myself, our kids. And um, he started seeing at first he was like, I don't know. And then he started seeing the magic and how it can help Speaker 0 00:05:55 Yeah. The benefits, Speaker 3 00:05:57 The benefits that they can carry and seeing it literally before his eyes. So Speaker 0 00:06:02 Cool. How long have you been in Fort Macquarie? For Speaker 3 00:06:04 15 years. Speaker 0 00:06:05 15 years. Okay. Where you from? Before? Speaker 3 00:06:08 A little bit of everywhere. I've lived. I was born in Ontario. I'm from Newfoundland at the same time I grew up there. I lived in the Yukon. Oh, Speaker 0 00:06:16 Neat. Speaker 3 00:06:17 I know it was really, it was random, but I remember a lot about it. Speaker 4 00:06:21 Yeah. I don't think we've had, I can't remember any guests that have vocalized being from the, uh, spending any time in the Yukon. Speaker 0 00:06:30 I think you might be the first Speaker 4 00:06:32 Vocalizing at least that's Speaker 0 00:06:33 Right. Speaker 3 00:06:34 It was cool. It was cool. Speaker 0 00:06:36 Okay. So now let's transition into your other business, which is makeup. So let's chat about like, how does that start for you? Speaker 3 00:06:43 That started, um, I've been doing people's makeup for 20 years. I just wasn't getting paid for it before. So, um, I used, when I first got here, I worked at sink road and it was great. And then I had babies and I wanted to be able to be available for them and be at home. And I was like, well, what do I want to do? What brings me joy and making people feel good. It's what brings me joy. So, um, with a lot of encouragement, from lots of people in my life, I started the business almost five years ago. Speaker 0 00:07:18 Yeah. And so when you Tanner both dudes, I've got to say dudes don't play, but I don't use these dudes. Don't put on makeup. So services, like Speaker 3 00:07:30 What services, Speaker 0 00:07:31 What services? Because in my head, I only, I see two very easy revenue streams. Yes. Weddings and graduations. So, but there's gotta be so much more that I'm like unaware of. So like what are like reasons or events that people will call you to help? Speaker 3 00:07:46 Um, obviously weddings graduates, um, date nights out gallows, um, maternity photos, newborn photos, lifestyle photos, family photos, whenever you just need a really good pick me up. There's nothing that a little bit of Warpaint can, uh, helps with that. Speaker 4 00:08:07 Some girls get it done. Like they get their nails done too. Or like you get your hair cut, done. Like how you just go. Cause you enjoy the environment of the barbershop. Some people just go and get their makeup done because they enjoy the environment of having somebody do their makeup. Speaker 0 00:08:21 That's what I was going to ask. Like I go to the barbershop once a week, big shout out thick wood barbershop alley, and the boys next to the black horse. Um, I go there once a week, sometimes more than once a week, um, just to hang out and be in that environment and like to get my head shaved, I can do it myself, but they do a way better job than I can wear the beard trimming and stuff. Like I just like hanging out with the fellows and then you get to leave and you feel good. So is it this I does it transfer the same? Speaker 3 00:08:54 Absolutely. And there, I have a lot of regular clients that literally they don't own a stitch of makeup and for the once a month or once every couple of months they go out and if they feel like they want to, you know, put a little makeup on, feel a little better and Then they cook, they show up and we make that happen. Speaker 0 00:09:14 Cool. Now, when it comes to makeup, um, I used to work at Superstore and when I was a kid teenager and there was like the makeup area in there. And so I remember like walking around it and like looking at the prices every once in a while. And you're bored after this, at the store, you check prices. If you're ever on, like one of those game shows, that's going to ask, you need to know this kind of stuff. And it always blew my mind how expensive this stuff is. So as a professional makeup artist, when people come, do they come with their special makeup that they like to use? Or do you have your own products that you say, Hey, these are what I'm using. Like how does that work? Speaker 3 00:09:52 So there are clients that have maybe a particular lip shade that they just like, but for the most part, I have everything that anyone could ever Speaker 0 00:10:03 Move Speaker 3 00:10:04 As much as I can, you know? Um, it's just like anything else, you know, as time goes on and new products are developed and created different trends and that sort of thing, you know, you gotta stay on top of that. Speaker 0 00:10:18 So Speaker 3 00:10:19 I do my best to bring all that. Speaker 0 00:10:20 Cool. Now in regards to like products, are there like any Tanner? We always joke, well, not joke about, he's very serious about brands when it comes to camera gear, but like there are certain brands that are in theory, not all brands were created equally know Speaker 3 00:10:36 For Speaker 0 00:10:36 Sure. Is that the same thing that you find in like, uh, the products that you are purchasing, certain brands you find just, Speaker 3 00:10:43 I'm not a brand talking with my hands, sorry. Speaker 0 00:10:49 The camera's Speaker 3 00:10:51 Not brand loyal. Um, to anyone there are favorites that I have. Um, I really like Scott Barnes a lot, Natasha Denona, Charlotte Tilbury. I also, when it comes to the drugstore side, I really like Maybelline. Maybelline's great. And that's drug store prices. It's Maybelline. Speaker 0 00:11:09 Yeah. Good marketing on that brand. Okay. Speaker 3 00:11:14 Yeah. No, for sure. There is definitely a variety. I think every brand has something really great to offer. Right? Like there's there hasn't been a brand that I've tried that doesn't have something to offer a great, like a great product to offer, right? Speaker 0 00:11:31 Yeah. For sure. Interesting. Yeah. Now for the younger girls who are starting guys, everybody puts on makeup now, so yeah. Gender, whatever. Um, how can they get involved with this? How did you get involved? This is this something that like, you find people come and ask you for mentorship or they come in and you do their makeup and they're asking you Speaker 3 00:11:54 Questions. Speaker 0 00:11:55 Oh, you do teach makeup lessons. Oh, cool. Okay. Let's promote the crap out of that. Yeah. So tell me about that please. Speaker 3 00:12:02 Um, there's honestly, every makeup lesson is kind of customized to what that person needs with a younger crowd. I've offered, um, online free, free zoom classes to kids before. And I liked to do that in the winter. So we'll be coming up soon Speaker 0 00:12:19 Too. Very cool. Yep. Speaker 3 00:12:21 And um, I always include a little bit of skincare hygiene bait the basics, the basics. And then usually it's a lighter makeup application that, you know, I teach them how to put a little bit of eyeshadow and a little bit of foundation if that's what they need. But originally honestly, younger kids don't, it's not something I encourage Because their skin is great. Their skin is great. They've got nothing to worry about. Speaker 0 00:12:50 Skincare is important. You got to like, if Speaker 3 00:12:52 You want your makeup to look good, Speaker 0 00:12:55 Ah, okay. Speaker 3 00:12:56 Care of your skin. That's my first tip. A hundred percent have a skincare. Speaker 0 00:13:00 That's right. You got to do it. I know I have one. Yep. Speaker 4 00:13:03 So of course you do Elliot. You were taught one. It, Speaker 0 00:13:07 Yeah. Well, it's one of those things where it's interesting in regards to like, I'm, I'm colored shocker, Speaker 3 00:13:13 But Speaker 4 00:13:14 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:13:15 But I find that, um, most, uh, cultures that have pigment, like there is a skin routine that's kind of like built in just from birth in regards to like, you need to put lotion on, you need to like do these things. It's just like Speaker 4 00:13:28 Colored people, like habitually put lotions on their babies and stuff. Speaker 0 00:13:32 100%. Yeah. Looks like it's a built-in routine. And so, um, anyways, growing up in Fort McMurray, having predominantly like white friends, like it's shocking to me, like how they have no idea Speaker 3 00:13:46 To take Speaker 0 00:13:47 Care of, take care of their skin. I'm just like, this is just like common Speaker 4 00:13:51 Dove bar of soap and shampoo in the shower. Speaker 0 00:13:53 So it's like, yeah, it's shocking to me. And I think that's great that you have a course where like, at least you're teaching, even that fundamental step will progressively like Speaker 3 00:14:07 Brushes, Clean your brushes. I tried. That's the first thing done? Like clean your brushes. Speaker 0 00:14:14 Yeah. Well, listen, we're at the part of the show where Tanner has a segment. It's called the Mac city minute. I don't know what he's going to ask you. I wish you nothing, but the best of luck tax hit her with the Mac city minute. Speaker 4 00:14:24 Alrighty. Question number one. What is your favorite crystal and what does it do? Speaker 3 00:14:29 Ooh, right now I'm really into blue lace a gate, which is a really good calming one. Really good peaceful crystal. And that's what I meant to, but busy mom. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:14:43 Question number two. What is your favorite part of teaching people about the things that you're passionate about? Speaker 3 00:14:50 I like to think that I can hopefully make people feel better and, um, feel good, you know, in any, whether it's makeup or with crystals and yeah. That's it. Speaker 4 00:15:05 Question number three. What is your favorite part of helping somebody find the right crystal for them? Speaker 3 00:15:11 Oh, I actually just recently helped a lady who hasn't been sleeping because she had a great loss in her life and it's been a year and I made some suggestions and provided her with some crystals and stuff. And she's sleeping now for the first time in a year since I lost. And the fact that I can help some of them with that, like God all cry, you know, that's, that's all I ever want to do. So Speaker 4 00:15:40 Question number four. What is the big thing about Fort McMurray that has kept you here? Speaker 3 00:15:46 The community, our community. There's so much love and we come together. There's nowhere else. I'd rather be. Speaker 4 00:15:54 And your final question. What is the raciest story you have from doing people's makeup? Speaker 3 00:16:01 Oh my gosh. Oh, this is a good question. Speaker 0 00:16:07 Which one are you going to pick as the answer? The Speaker 3 00:16:09 Craziest thing. I really, you know, you have me on the spot. Ask it again, ask it again. Speaker 4 00:16:18 What is the craziest story you have from helping people with their makeup? Speaker 3 00:16:24 Okay. I know Antoine. I'm going to tell you. It's so funny. I ha I did someone's makeup. She then traveled to Las Vegas and two days later she FaceTimed me after having a couple drinks and she was FaceTiming me, FaceTiming me from a rooftop and she's like, my makeup's still going strong and FaceTiming and her, her lashes were still on. I, it was amazing or blowing in the wind up on the rooftop. It was good. A Speaker 4 00:16:55 Testament to your skill. Speaker 3 00:16:57 Thank you. Thank you very much. Speaker 4 00:16:59 This has been your five questions. Speaker 0 00:17:02 Nice. Yeah, I I've had to put up makeup twice in my life Speaker 3 00:17:07 TV. Speaker 0 00:17:07 Nope. Uh, and my mother is going to hate this story, Speaker 0 00:17:13 Buddy, whatever. Sorry, mom. And she, my mama does watch this show so she will see this. I, uh, leading up to graduation, grad photos. I went out and I partied hard and I ended up throwing up and I threw up so violently that I blew the blood vessels in my face. And so my mom was just like, yeah, take your grad photo, looking like that. And so I was just like, yeah. Okay. So she touched me up and I went in and I took the photos. And anyway, so fast forward a few months later, you could take grad reduce. You could do like a secondary photo. So my mom's like, you're going to these. I was like, yeah, sure. Whatever mom by mistake went out again and did the exact same thing. And my mom was just like, I'm going to kill you. So touch up again. So if you see my grad photos, Speaker 3 00:18:00 No judgment, Speaker 0 00:18:01 They, uh, I, I look great. I look great, but it's cause my mom touched me up with some makeup to like, oh, it was horrible. It was like, literally like my whole face. Speaker 3 00:18:09 So Speaker 0 00:18:10 Yeah. Oh no, no. Because like when the blood vessels burst, it was like individually, it looked like a bunch of red freckles. Like it was, it was a bad look. So those are the two times in my life where I've had to put on makeup 8, 12, 18 years old. Speaker 3 00:18:25 What about Halloween though? Speaker 0 00:18:27 I've never put on makeup for Halloween. I've never, I'm not a, Speaker 3 00:18:32 We need to work on that. Speaker 0 00:18:33 Yeah. My costumes have been pretty basic when I dressed up for Halloween. No makeup, but I guess I could have. Speaker 3 00:18:40 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:18:40 Yeah. It's fun. Speaker 3 00:18:42 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:18:43 Maybe, maybe we'll uh, enlist your services for this. All the ween. I think Speaker 3 00:18:46 That'd be really Speaker 0 00:18:47 Cool. Speaker 4 00:18:48 The fun thing about those kinds of shows is that I can be in whatever costume I want. Nobody knows. Speaker 0 00:18:53 Nobody knows the town. It looks like Speaker 4 00:18:54 That. We joke I'm up like six foot five Jack Black guy, and like a five foot, two white midget, like nobody knows Speaker 0 00:19:04 With your crystal business and your home and your makeup business. How and where can people find you? Is this? I have to assume makeup. You must have a place where it's well lit and people come and see. Speaker 3 00:19:16 Yep. So I work from home. Um, but I also traveled to F you know, you have weddings photo shoots. Speaker 0 00:19:23 That must be cool. When somebody is like, Hey, I'm getting married in like Edmonton or cologne or somewhere. Can you come? You like, Speaker 3 00:19:30 It's pretty much you Speaker 0 00:19:31 Pay all come. Speaker 3 00:19:32 The mountains are magic. You know, Speaker 0 00:19:35 No doubt Speaker 3 00:19:36 Ain't getting to do what I love and go, go getting to go and travel to just be asked as an honor anyways. And then when you get to go to those places, that's a big honor. When someone wants to not only just ask you to be a part of their wedding, but then as you do travel for it, because they want to, they want you there on that special day. It's a very big honor. And I take it very seriously for sure. Speaker 0 00:20:05 Oh, okay. So they can come to your home business and, or you would travel depending on Speaker 3 00:20:10 Absolutely travel Speaker 0 00:20:11 Time. And then as far as the Speaker 3 00:20:12 Person just has a baby that's right. Speaker 0 00:20:14 You know, and help them there Speaker 3 00:20:16 For Speaker 0 00:20:16 Sure. And when it comes to the crystal business, how can people, Speaker 3 00:20:19 You can find me on Instagram and, um, we're working on the website right now. Speaker 0 00:20:24 Right? And so if there's a consultation, they come to, it's a home home business. That's where they find you. Or you go to the, Speaker 3 00:20:29 I honestly do a lot of consultations, um, video chat right now. Um, not that I'm opposed to people meeting me and stuff, but why am I in crystals is solely online. Online. Speaker 0 00:20:42 Yeah. Very cool. Yeah. Well, listen, I feel bad for the guests at home. Cause I got so many more questions for you. They're not going to hear them. That being said, please, please, please come back again. And again, anytime that you're doing anything where you want to chat or just hanging out with me at Tanner, you're more than welcome to come back as many times as you want. Thank you. Cool. All right. Now, before I cut you loose officially though everybody gets a shameless shout out or plug before they leave. So you got the mix, the camera and the lights on you have fun. Speaker 3 00:21:10 All right. Well, um, our next collection, the data isn't going to be launched, but I'm going to let you guys know that is something very close to Fort McMurray is heart for, for YMM crystals. And um, I guess for the makeup business, you know, I'm booking into 2023 for weddings. I do have some dates available for this year still, but still starting to book into 2023. Speaker 0 00:21:37 Awesome. Yeah. Good for you. Thanks man. That's awesome. Listen, thank you very much for coming on the show today. This has been a lot of fun. This is good. Cool. All right. Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. That's been another episode of the max any morning show. Hopefully you're having a great day and we'll see you tomorrow. Peace. Speaker 1 00:21:57 You're listening to the next anymore. I just dies that desk. Speaker 5 00:22:03 Another Mac city morning show Dawn Speaker 7 00:22:18 Talk about quenching your ugly thirst.

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