Episode Transcript
Speaker 0 00:00:00 Good morning, Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You've tuned into the Mac city morning show. I am your host Elliot Pierre, and we're going to start the show off the same way we start every episode off with a moment of gratitude. I know you could be doing a million other things with your time. And the fact that you spend with us truly does mean the world to me. So thank you on that note, Tanner hit him with the intro,
Speaker 1 00:00:20 Dana, where your two to like homes where you're at or tune in again to the Mexican
Speaker 3 00:00:29 Everybody. Keith Simpson here from neural Toyota. Uh, just quick chat about, uh, the wonderful community we live in here. As you guys know, we support the L Behrens. We've joined the drive-in movie theater. We're involved in the marathon here in Fort McMurray and make sure we're taking care of the kids and all the local businesses, all the local charities and all the local foundations guys. That's what makes this community such an amazing place to live.
Speaker 0 00:00:54 All right. And we're back Tanner. I'm pretty sure you just put in a, that beautiful video about neural Toyota. I did. I did big shout out Keith Knemeyer fat, all the boys down at NARAL and ladies, sorry, ladies and gents down at neural Toyota for being the title sponsor to the max CD morning show. We do appreciate them supporting this local endeavor. Um, so big shout out to neurol Toyota. Thank you very much for helping us out and keeping the lights on and paying Tanner. She's very happy about it.
Speaker 4 00:01:21 Yes. I love a paycheck.
Speaker 0 00:01:22 There we go. All right. As you guys know, I don't introduce my guests cause they can do a better job at that than myself. So on that note, sir, can you please tell everybody at home who you are and what you're about and that you're a recurring guests,
Speaker 4 00:01:32 The recurring guests? Uh, my name is Dennis Dennis. Kniffen, I'm the executive director of wood Buffalo presents, which is something I'm really excited to do here and chat with you about and yeah, recurring guests a third for a third time here now. And once I think at rib Fest last year, we were chatting there for a bit, but, uh, yeah, and actually I was really excited cause usually catch my playlist when I'm rocking, rocking in through the front door, you missed it today, but I had Bob Marley.
Speaker 0 00:01:59 Did you, you pump when you're driving?
Speaker 4 00:02:02 I know. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:02:03 And you liked the music nice and loud, which I appreciate. So do I, so let's kick it off. Tell me about this new organization that you have going on. Cause it was brand connect first. Now we've transitioned. What does brand connect still
Speaker 4 00:02:15 Exist? Let's
Speaker 0 00:02:16 Talk about it. Let's tell the world.
Speaker 4 00:02:18 Well, you know, uh, myself and some great other, uh, business owners in town and some other community members, you know, for the last, I'm going to say three years now, we've been kind of operating as a society and that's the, some of the free events you guys go to. And some of the things you see us doing, it's more just along the lines of like we live here, we want to see great things and we've been working together. So now that we've actually had a few years of operating, um, it was a time to make the next step. So we actually formed our nonprofit, uh, wood, Buffalo presents. And um, yeah, we got a great board of directors. We got some great staff and our goal is to work for the community and pro no, we want to produce, uh, a lot of free community events, but sustainable ones as well. And uh, we'll also have like ticket events, things that we want to bring great things to the community. Uh, you know, I've always said we live in a pretty unique part of the country where we're, we're four hours north from the closest city. So, uh, to have things up here to us as important, plus this is my home and I want to see good things. Right.
Speaker 0 00:03:14 That's awesome, man. Well, you throw great events. Like we were down at rib Fest. We had a great time there. Uh, this weekend past you might've had a Superbowl event that wasn't through any company, but it's just like a Dennis Dennis Chris thing that went down, which was spectacular.
Speaker 4 00:03:32 So
Speaker 0 00:03:34 Yeah, and I saw, I think that's all posted a few days ago, you got a concert coming up. Maybe was that a rumor? Did I see that? Or did I hear about that on Sunday?
Speaker 4 00:03:42 You know, there, there might've been there might've been a slip up and uh, but there isn't a big announcement actually, what we know what we do have, and it's not a rumor is through what Buffalo presents we've started the Mac city concert series. And this will be a series of concerts throughout the year. Uh, some ticketed with wasn't big name, some will be free for the kids. Some will be at, uh, partnered with rip Fest at the end of the year too. So you can, that's all the free concerts, a part of rip Fest there.
Speaker 0 00:04:05 Right?
Speaker 4 00:04:05 That's the Mac city concerts here. Okay.
Speaker 0 00:04:07 Yes. But there is an announcement coming about something else.
Speaker 4 00:04:10 There is an announcement coming, wrote a big name, uh, one of the, one of the hottest in they're in their category of music not coming up, but it will, it will be the concert of the summer.
Speaker 0 00:04:19 Okay. Very cool. So yeah, I did, like I said, I didn't know if I saw a post about that.
Speaker 4 00:04:23 Probably did. Or
Speaker 0 00:04:24 If you told me, but I was like, I'm pretty sure it was a post, but okay, so you took it down, did you? Yeah, it was an Easter egg out there for a little while. For some people
Speaker 4 00:04:33 I got a glimpse of it. So I guess when you're bringing some big names, like there's a whole plan by the media and the radio station for these announcements, not just like, Hey guys, what's up? So I learned I'm still learning.
Speaker 0 00:04:45 Listen,
Speaker 5 00:04:46 Every good company has a leak
Speaker 0 00:04:48 That's right, right. In Tanner, I think we make every single mistake you can make doing this podcast and continue to do so
Speaker 5 00:04:57 It's part of our brand
Speaker 0 00:04:58 Now that's right. It is part of the brand. But you do have certain brands that like do it on purpose though. And they say, they say like, Oop, what did I do? Like, Hey, what are you going to do? And in my opinion, great marketing. Yeah.
Speaker 4 00:05:09 There
Speaker 0 00:05:10 You go. That'd
Speaker 4 00:05:11 Be mean .
Speaker 0 00:05:14 So with this new, a concert series, like what kind of concerts are you hoping to bring up? Cause I know you you've, the red Fest has a bunch of people coming already. Yeah.
Speaker 4 00:05:23 So, so, so rip Fest is, uh, is, is a vendor at the max city conscious series. That's, that's how it's always been. It's two different things. So if you want to, in your family, want to go down to rip Fest and swatch bands, that's a free event. That's part of presents. Uh, the same way, you know, someone's selling braces pays a vendor's fee to be at rib Fest. That's the route trucks or there's food vendors. Right? So we with Fest and they are a big part of it and they are great and we're excited to have him back and I've missed some, I haven't seen the boys in months. Uh, but that's, that's the, the Mac city concert series. Uh, my hometown in Peterborough, Ontario, every Wednesday and Saturday, you can grab your lawn chair in the summertime and go down a little lake and watch a free concert.
Speaker 4 00:05:59 Or you can just go with the family. You can do what you want. They also have bigger ones that are ticketed, but for the most part, and I want to start creating that here. There's going to be a huge waterfront development downtown, where there's going to be areas for concerts like that. Like a, a ramp of the, I think it's the Bob LAN band stand down there. Uh, and then also we're hosting one up in Timberly Greg white area, but I don't want to, I want something that, you know, throughout the summer we have beautiful summers here, the sun doesn't go down till midnight. Where are we going to go? And you can say, Hey, kids, grab your lawn chairs. We're going to the park to watch. And it could be something as local as like, you know, our buddy Dan talk, or maybe it's something a bit, a little bit more, but not quite like a big concert. Like I love a band called the odds are they are, but I'm going to get them up here this year. They're like, okay,
Speaker 0 00:06:38 Great. I'll come check them out. But
Speaker 4 00:06:39 Once he hit her songs near there, but something like that and like, you know, there'll be of some great, also talent here, like Shantelle Davidson and things like that. And then also a couple of times a year, bring up someone bigger, like April wine or something like that. Right?
Speaker 0 00:06:50 Yeah. Is that bad? Like there's a, you know, we're the hacks and center is downtown by the Snyder. They and I haven't been down there for years now since the flood. So I don't know, like I've been to taxes center, but you know how there is that there was the hill and then there was that, uh,
Speaker 4 00:07:06 I think that's the Bob blam. Is that
Speaker 0 00:07:08 What you're talking about? That thing is awesome, man. You put your blanket there and go watch a performance down there. Yeah.
Speaker 4 00:07:13 And you're good for about a hundred people down there. So I think for some of those smaller acts and stuff like that, great. And just providing that outdoor venue, like it's a beautiful Saturday night. Like it just, it's just a great thing to have in our community. I mean, we don't utilize this thing. So that's part of what our nonprofit is doing is going to create more opportunity for me to live here and attract more people to our region. Cause like, you know, when you are in town, it's like, well, you know, we're here for this oil sands meeting, but now we're going down to the waterfront to watch a concert tonight. That's right
Speaker 0 00:07:37 With the community
Speaker 4 00:07:38 Man. So the, so what both of resents will be doing, you know, a handful of golf tournaments and concerts and different other small events. We got an Easter one coming from the kids, Easter hop sock hops will be fine. And we did the littles luncheon, which everyone loved and uh, and a few other things. But we're also gonna be focusing on some, uh, programs as well, which we're really excited about. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:07:57 Okay. Now let's rewind the clock for a second. Cause uh, myself and Chris shot an episode in suits and tuxedos a little while back,
Speaker 5 00:08:06 Uh, you still calling him Chris.
Speaker 0 00:08:09 Oh yeah. I don't call him Chris. I actually, I never do. I was being polite. His name is young daddy, if we're being honest. Oh yeah. Young daddy. So me and young daddy, a good call. 10. Honestly, the only reason I called him, Chris was because of like the super bowl thing. Cause it was like Chris and Dennis, but yeah. I never call him Chris anymore. It's always young daddy. And now we call him young daddy, like six times. So like hopefully it really sticks on air. Now
Speaker 5 00:08:34 Chris rock is young daddy's yeah.
Speaker 4 00:08:36 So, so, so young daddy and I, we were playing our Superbowl day. Now it was non-event through a company. It was nothing. What it was was last year during the NFL playoffs, I had to run at my house for super bowl. Okay. And what happened was I ended up losing a coffee table in the process right now. It was 100% me, but it's not point. The point is I was like, let's take this out of the house. Let's go, let's go. Let's go down into a restaurant and pay seven north of such a good, you know, food and menus was kind of stuff. And I was like, listen on the spot. And um, yeah, so we were happy to host there, but that was just a gathering of friends having a great time.
Speaker 0 00:09:10 But I want to talk about the event that you through, why me and young daddy got dressed up in suits. You had a gala over the Christmas season, which was a banger birth
Speaker 4 00:09:19 Diamond Royal gala.
Speaker 0 00:09:20 It was, it was solid. And like what I loved about it and I've gone to lots of gallows. I've been lucky in Fort McMurray with what I do current and previous in my work history. Like I got to go to the galas. I gotta be honest. This is one of the better ones. And I do mean that in regards to I liked the intimate size of it. Yeah. I liked the venue. I loved the casino component. Um, Tanner doing some blackjack, I thought was hilarious.
Speaker 5 00:09:48 Tanner. Sorry about that.
Speaker 0 00:09:50 Yeah. Like it was, it was a gala, but it felt like a Fort McMurray. Gallic it? Wasn't it was exactly. It was just so Fort Mac, man.
Speaker 4 00:10:00 I actually felt pretty bad about that. So we're, we're short a couple blackjack dealers last minute and I see Tanner, he's there with his lady and I'm like, Hey man, can I borrow you for 15 minutes? And just come do this until I get someone else. He's like, sure. Of course
Speaker 5 00:10:11 Specifically you said, Hey man, want a deal?
Speaker 0 00:10:16 And listen, what he heard when you said
Speaker 5 00:10:17 It. And I was like, sure, I love a good deal. And thinking, oh, maybe we're getting like some on sale shots or a drink or something. And then I was there for like an hour and a half. I
Speaker 4 00:10:33 Think it was closer to two hours.
Speaker 5 00:10:35 Yeah. So he's like, yeah, 15 minutes. We'll be good. I was like, all right, I can do that 15 minutes
Speaker 0 00:10:41 Anyways. It was a great time, man. Good on your
Speaker 5 00:10:43 Report.
Speaker 4 00:10:43 We're really excited about this year too. We have a couple more things planned and uh, and we're gonna, you know, I know you mentioned the intimate size and it was a good amount of people. We're an increase in just a little bit, of
Speaker 0 00:10:53 Course,
Speaker 4 00:10:53 Just because we want to, uh, incorporate both rooms together because we had the casino in the other room now we want both together.
Speaker 0 00:11:01 Yeah. Yeah. So it was like, uh, cause of COVID obviously like it felt this was a good stepping stone and I had a phenomenal time. We actually ended up booking a bunch of guests that like, because going out, you got to network, you get to see people. You know what I mean? Like, and that's good. Not just for business owners, but good for community members to like meet who's in your community. So that
Speaker 5 00:11:23 Was a fun showed up.
Speaker 4 00:11:25 Yeah. I was surprised we did hit over 200 people. It was half our capacity that we were allowed to do. And uh, and everyone was there and they're all dressed up and looking great. And, and someone wants a one carat diamond. I
Speaker 0 00:11:37 Got a question about that. Did somebody officially win it yet?
Speaker 4 00:11:40 Uh, I believe so. Yeah. That night, that night they didn't scan it. So I sent a message out there when I believe it was someone, one of Dale Penney's guests, I believe.
Speaker 0 00:11:47 Oh, okay. Cause I still have mine at my house and I didn't scan it yet. And I heard a rumor that nobody had claimed it.
Speaker 4 00:11:53 Yeah. So let's, let's call our boy more prestige. They're the ones that helps out with the diamond. Okay.
Speaker 0 00:11:59 So
Speaker 4 00:11:59 Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
Speaker 0 00:12:01 Let's give him a call.
Speaker 4 00:12:01 Yeah. Well, we're going to get them more involved this year because I love to see some more ice all around that. Yeah. Fantastic.
Speaker 0 00:12:07 No doubt. All right. Now there's one thing that we got to talk about because this is a gift that you brought, but that we won't use. So whoever comes to the max any morning show who likes coffee might actually utilize this. You brought us some coffee because it means something to you. I personally have never tried coffee a day in my life.
Speaker 4 00:12:24 Really
Speaker 0 00:12:24 Never sipped it
Speaker 4 00:12:26 For me to bring that. I
Speaker 0 00:12:27 Know. And I don't know if Ken or you drink coffee, bro.
Speaker 5 00:12:30 Occasionally I'll give it to my mom. Oh yeah.
Speaker 0 00:12:32 So this is for guests who come to the MacStadium morning show. But tell me about this coffee that you brought. Thank you. A gift is Gabby.
Speaker 4 00:12:38 Maybe you just haven't had the right coffee yet. Cause like Tim Horton's or Starbucks,
Speaker 0 00:12:43 Literally little listen. I've never sipped coffee ever. I don't know. Like I don't know. Good versus bad. I have no idea. I don't. What's the,
Speaker 4 00:12:52 I told him he wants to grab my coffee mug and make you drink it right now. But uh, okay. So I was at, I was at lunch today for uh, for Mitchell aboriginals cafe and I was ordering my sandwich. I looked down and it had this little basket with a coffee at it and I was like, oh my goodness, I know this coffee. I'm like, it's from Victoria, BC because me and the friend spent some time on the island. Whenever you can get away. It's a great little holiday, you know, 90 minute flight Victoria. So we're there. And I was like, I I've been to like this coffee place. Like, this is great. And I was like, I know you guys sold coffee and the guy's like turn around. And, and I don't know, I guess, cause I'm always looking at the sandwiches. When I walk in the whole wall on the side, it's all these great coffees from all over Canada and parts of the world. And I even saw a couple from Nicaragua that I recognized. I was like, oh, this is amazing. And they also got that the French press is there in the grind. So I was sitting there and I was like, usually we film this show. Uh, you know, I, I like to have a little scotch or something like that, but you being a morning show. Great, great gift with some coffee. Not knowing that you've never had coffee, but coffee, but yeah, Mitchell's cafe. So the food's obviously amazing, but they got this huge coffee selection there. Cool.
Speaker 0 00:13:52 Very cool. Now listen, my man you're used to this, uh, we have a segment called the Mac CD minute, but it's actually brought to us by a sponsor. So the sponsor is a Marie denture center, Marie denture center for everybody at home. So a big shout out to, uh, Coram and all the staff down there for sponsoring the maxi minute. We do appreciate it. Tanner, uh, Dennis, with the Maxine minute please.
Speaker 5 00:14:16 Alrighty, question number one. What is your dream? Three act concert lineup you would want to see?
Speaker 4 00:14:24 Okay. Now is this like of all time or like current artists
Speaker 5 00:14:28 Of all time.
Speaker 4 00:14:30 All time. Okay.
Speaker 5 00:14:32 You could see like something you could actually go see, so they got to still be alive.
Speaker 4 00:14:36 Oh, they still would be alive. Okay. Well let's throw, you know what, uh, I think cause they are going on to Oregon soon. Now I will say there was a conscious coming to Edmonton in the fall of like Def Leppard poison. And I forget Motley crew, like sure. That could be a right there, but it won't be, uh, you know, my favorite band of all time. And like I said, the red hot chili peppers, I think I told you guys a story. Uh, I saw them four times in five days on two different tours. That's awesome. Um, but yeah, so it'd be the chili peppers would be the headliner co headliner with the foo fighters because oh, you're going like this for hours and a great opener for them. Who would I like to see someone in the same genre, maybe not as big a, you know what let's give it up to. Oh, this is a tough one. I know Tanner, you stumped me, you stumped me. Uh, Chili's foo fighters and let's go with, uh, This is tough, tough one. You know, if it wasn't for the tragedy, I'd say the hip. Cause I'd be with my all time favorite, they're the best, you know, sublime with Rome. It's a different, quite different genre, but it does remind me of the, of summertime at the content that's got the cottage. So
Speaker 5 00:15:47 All right. Question number two. What is the story of the best cup of coffee you've ever had?
Speaker 4 00:15:54 Oh, well the best cup of coffee comes from the best night ever had. Uh, so, uh,
Speaker 0 00:16:01 I love it.
Speaker 4 00:16:02 So we were, we were in Seattle, we had taken the clipper boat down from, from Victoria actually, uh, Jay's week. And you know, those weekends get there. And um, it just so happened that I got locked out of my room and my, the guys I was with, they were busy doing whatever and they, they weren't answering their cell phones and they could have been sleeping. So I had to wander around Seattle, uh, which was, which was fine, beautiful city. It was night. And I met some Germans poke on the Ferris wheel and we were just hanging out and they all wanted to go for like coffee. And I was like, this sounds great. So, uh, while we're there, we have this amazing night and we're feeding food and it's, sun's coming up. And I said, well, the guy's like, what do you guys do? And they're like, oh, like, are we have to leave? Cause like our visas and all this travel stuff, like, yeah, we couldn't find a sponsor. I'm like, I can sponsor you. So, uh, not through, not through America. I was like, they'd have to come through Canada. And we ended up making some German friends who then now went to stay with us for a week on the island, at her parents' house. And it was like a cup of coffee that just turned into a week of shenanigans. That's
Speaker 0 00:17:07 Phenomenal.
Speaker 4 00:17:07 Yeah.
Speaker 5 00:17:08 Question number three. What is your favorite part of a concert that isn't the music,
Speaker 4 00:17:18 The atmosphere, you know what the music, the music is almost secondary to when you walk in and there's that roar like it that's, that's what sporting events or any of that atmosphere is something special.
Speaker 5 00:17:30 Question number four. What is one event? People might be surprised to know that you want to throw
Speaker 4 00:17:38 A rave.
Speaker 0 00:17:39 There we go. In the works. We're working on it.
Speaker 5 00:17:42 Question number five. What is the most rewarding part of throwing an event for the people of Fort for you?
Speaker 4 00:17:51 Um, well the most rewarding part, uh, you know, even just like the football, seeing everyone together, that's that? That is it. And we have a lot of fun. That's why we do events. Um, you know, since I've been, I've been doing these since I was a kid like, and everyone together, I just like, I like, I like doing it, but that would be most rewarding part. When you look around a room, especially at the diamond Royal gala and you just saw everyone's face and are having fun, especially after the two years we had and they were just so happy. That was the rewarding part for myself.
Speaker 5 00:18:17 And those have been your five questions. Thanks. Two
Speaker 0 00:18:20 Questions.
Speaker 4 00:18:21 Question for you, Tanner, what would you ever want to work with me and throw a rave?
Speaker 5 00:18:25 Would it would, I would like to work with you and throw any event, but I think rave would be the easiest.
Speaker 4 00:18:31 I think a DJ I'm picturing the race track. Oh, there's some stuff to be done.
Speaker 0 00:18:36 We're dropping some Easter eggs for anybody tuning in at the end of the show. So another Easter egg Tanner that, uh, I would like you to throw in for the people, because we do this randomly. Is there a certain video we'd like to play
Speaker 5 00:18:48 For
Speaker 0 00:18:48 A certain maxi minutes? Sponsor.
Speaker 5 00:18:51 Yeah. You want me to hit you with that?
Speaker 0 00:18:52 You hit me with that, man. All
Speaker 5 00:18:53 Right.
Speaker 7 00:18:53 Hey guys, cram here with Rick Barry denture center. A lot of people are surprised to hear this, but I'm born and raised here. So as this company, we're local, just like you come on in, we'll help you out.
Speaker 0 00:19:04 All right. And we're back. There's another little Easter egg, big shout out to all the sponsors today. That's one of them
Speaker 5 00:19:11 And they quit. Interesting. Sure.
Speaker 0 00:19:13 Yeah. That's a good one. I liked that video cramps looking sharp now.
Speaker 5 00:19:15 Yes. And uh, I love the, uh, the love for Fort McMurray area.
Speaker 0 00:19:20 Um, so, uh, listen, my man, that's the end of the 20 I know by the 20th per usual. Yeah. So you got to shameless shout out or plug before you leave.
Speaker 4 00:19:27 You know what? I don't got a shameless shed or a plug, but I do a thank you.
Speaker 0 00:19:31 Okay. I like that.
Speaker 4 00:19:32 Yeah. You know, we a actually just hearing you talk about the, the, the great quality of sponsoring your show, um, through, through the events that I host and through Woodville presents, we have a lot of sponsors and I guess, like, I hope for the community, when you see these people at these events and these sponsors, these brands, like they're, they're actually putting a lot of their time in and their money and their resources. And I feel so privileged to have so many great partners, like even for the toolbox open coming up, we've United rentals as a title sponsor and Makita matey group for the fairway carnival, I guess there was a plug. But, uh, but it's all these companies like, you know, clean harbors, um, M koala TLC, they, they put their services their time. You know, we have a great anchor partner with the, with ABAs and liquor and you know, but like, they're always there working for us doing their best.
Speaker 4 00:20:15 And it's like, the thing is like, when you see these brands and you, and you're recognized, let that play in your head when you are making your decisions on businesses to use the services. Cause like they're the ones that do care about the community. I'm not saying people don't care what the media I'm just saying. I'm just saying like, I would love to see a lot of these guys get the recognition they deserve. And that's one thing I'm going to try very hard on this year is to make sure everyone who's part of our group and does stuff with us, gets the recognition they deserve. Because like I quick little story before we go, but you know, it was rip Fest last year and the field was flooded and there's mark Rayburn from United rentals with a pump that you'd find for like your pool and he's there and he's shoveling water and dirt. And like, I'm like, you just gave us all this power for this event. And here you are in your work clothes, like just like pumping water. And it's like, people don't see that part of things. Right? So, so a big shadow to every business, every person has volunteered their time, their resources and McMurray to be part of these events because they wouldn't be there without you. And we appreciate it so much.
Speaker 0 00:21:08 Oh, that's a great shout out. All right. For McMurry wood, Buffalo, the rest of the world, that's been another episode of the Mac Sydney morning show. Thank you for tuning in from the bottom of my heart. It does mean the world to me. So thank you. I hope you're having a great day and we'll see you tomorrow. Peace
Speaker 1 00:21:23 Y Dalio Wade, and another morning show later on us.
Speaker 9 00:21:41 Talk about quenching your ugly thirst.