Episode Transcript
Speaker 0 00:00:01 Good morning, Fort McMurry, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You've tuned in to the Mac city morning show. I am your host, Elliot Pierre, and we're going to start the show off the same way we start every show with a moment of gratitude. I know you could be doing a million other things with your time. And the fact that you're spending with us truly does mean the world to me. So on that note, Tanner hit him with the intro.
Speaker 1 00:00:23 Oh, she caught me, loves near listen to the next anymore.
Speaker 0 00:00:32 All right. Okay. Welcome back now, when I was saying about the gratitude about you guys tuning in and watching the show, I do mean it and, uh, today's a special show. So I'm very glad that you tuned in for today. Today is our hundredth episode. Tanner, can you believe that I can not act crazy? I know when I used to watch TV as a kid and shows hit their hunter step it's owed, it was a big deal. So we're making today a big deal cause a hundred, like I said, that's a big deal. So what we're doing for our hundredth episode is we have a contest on the go. And so we have two individuals here that are part of the contest, kind of, sort of
Speaker 2 00:01:12 Contest Elliot. It's a raffle,
Speaker 0 00:01:14 A raffle, a raffle contest. I like that. We're going to jump back and forth to those two terms. So what we've done is these this shirt that I'm wearing currently, awesome Mac city morning show shirt, charity edition. Let me show you the back. Hold on. Boom. Pretty cool. We have made 200 of these shirts, limited edition only 200. And when you purchase these shirts, you will be put into a raffle to win a brand new car. Now, what kind of vehicle we're going to hit? Keith Simpson up for that in a second, but not only do you win a car or have the chance of winning a car, but $5,000 will also be donated to the Northern lights, health foundation. And Cindy's here from the health foundation. And we'll introduce her later on too, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. We're going to hit Keith Simpson up with the camera from neural Toyota. And he's going to tell us all about the vehicle that you could potentially win. Keith, how are you doing this morning?
Speaker 2 00:02:19 Very good Elliot. Thanks for having us again. No problem. Once again, Keith Simpson from neural Toyota, I'm the general manager at neural. Uh, it's our pleasure Elliot to be involved with you and the Mac city morning show. Um, I know we've been on the show before, but uh, your a hundred episode. Thank you very much, sir. It means a lot to us. I mean, our friendship goes back a long ways and, and, uh, it really means a lot to us. So as part of this, uh, we're going to be giving away a 20, 21 Toyota Rav four L E all wheel drive for you guys that don't know what the ravioli is. Probably one of the best selling mid-size SUV's right now. Um, we sell a ton of these things. Very, very popular. A lot of people love them. Super nice. So like I said, 21 route L E all wheel drive, that's basically a full load all wheel drive, midsize SUV, heated steering wheel, Bluetooth, power windows locks, mirrors, tilt crews, air conditioning, CD player. Super nice, super nice little rigs, everybody we sold them to does nothing but rave about them. Hence the name Rob rave. You can see the correlation. So, uh, so mark said Elliott, um, we're super pumped to be involved with, uh, with, uh, the Mac city morning show and, uh, and pairing up, uh, with you giving away this 20, 21 route for
Speaker 0 00:03:32 Perfect. Thank you, Keith. I do appreciate it. I appreciate, uh, the relationship we've had over the years, we always have lots of fun. And uh, like I said, when you first came back or first came on the show for the first time, you and I concocted this whole idea of this Mac city morning show in your office. That so thanks for always being there you go. I appreciate it. So yeah. So Keith, thank you very much. I really do appreciate it. 2021 route
Speaker 2 00:03:59 Job or Rav four Le service here, a out here we'll take good carrier and you know what? Best of luck to all that, everybody out there can't wait to see who wins this thing. Only 200 people. That's it. Only 200. Here we go.
Speaker 0 00:04:12 All right, well, Tanner hit me up with the camera again. My man, you got it. Okay. So he feels good to go. Now we're going to do a switch room and we're going to have our next guest come in, but Tanner man, out of the hundreds of episodes that we filmed so far, which one do you think has been the most memorable to you? Not your favorite. Just the most memorable. Probably the first one. Okay. Do you remember who the first guest was?
Speaker 3 00:04:37 If, uh, if I remember correctly, it was um, oh, I can remember it. See the face. Can't remember the name Mo oh yes.
Speaker 0 00:04:48 Mo from Pacific interior. Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:04:51 And it was the first show and Mo was great. The show was terrible. Yes, it was. It was definitely not, not good. No, but it was fun to be able to watch it from there and see it grow into the Austin show. It is now. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:05:06 If anybody's at home, watch the first five episodes in particular. Unfortunately, Keith was in one of the first five, everything went wrong, microphones broke, camera's broke. We had to borrow equipment.
Speaker 3 00:05:16 We film it on a potato,
Speaker 0 00:05:18 But we went forward and we did it anyway. So the first five episodes are bad, but Hey, it's a starting point. And now we're here. Here we go. All right. So, uh, the next person sitting in the seat is Cindy from the Northern lights health foundation. So we're going to hit Cindy up with the camera and uh, let her chat a little bit about the foundation. Well, I can't tell you how excited I am to be back here. Um, hundred anniversary already, a hundred episode. Can you believe it? I know crazy, crazy. Well, I am Cindy. I'm wrong. And I'm the executive director of the Northern lights health foundation. Um, this is my third time in this seat time. And I've been in that seat first guest host. I love this show. I love the whole concept of it, truly like what, uh, Elliot and team are doing with their charity series.
Speaker 0 00:06:08 So thank you for choosing the Northern light cell foundation as your charity of choice for the rev for ele 2021. There you go. Nobody told me what color it was or I don't know about that. Great. I'm not sure we'll find out it doesn't matter. Exciting what an exciting venture you're on. Yeah, I love it. Thanks fun. Like, uh, I don't know. This whole thing is fun for me. And uh, I like to give back and I like to be part of the community. And my thing is with most contests, raffles giveaways, uh, they sell so many tickets and your chances of winning are so slim, right? So I figured with this one, if you keep it a little bit smaller, only 200 people. And I have to assume the majority of the people who watch the show are locals. That there'll be a local person that wins it.
Speaker 0 00:06:56 Um, gotta support a local dealership nor isle Toyota proceeds go to the hospital. Everybody's winning. Somebody gets the car. I think neural and the health foundation are pretty much the same celebrating pretty much the same anniversaries. We're 35 years now. And I think a neural has been around just as long long-time supporter of the health foundation. I just love the synergy that's going on here. That's cool. Really cool. So before I cut you loose though, tell people at home how they can also get involved in helping out the hospital and supporting the foundation boy, numerous ways over the summer. Uh, we will be seeing, uh, golf tournaments that are being put on. In fact, in two weeks, we've got the Canadian Institute of mining golf tournament on, on June the 19th. There's still room for a few sponsors and a few, uh, golfers. So that'd be fun if people want to join in that, um, children, it's time to bring out your lemonade stands again.
Speaker 0 00:07:52 Uh, we do have a great lemonade stand, uh, that we can provide, uh, for kids to start to learn some entrepreneurial spirit and then the whole philanthropy and giving back. Oh, cool. It's really fun. Um, they can make donations through our website. They can connect with me on Facebook or through Instagram, any of those other sources, uh, you know, we we're wide open when we have this kind of creative thinking coming along about w you know, how you can celebrate your own thing, which is, uh, the hundredth episode. And then the give back. I just love being involved. It's so much fun. Yeah. Very cool. Very cool. Well, Cindy, thanks for coming on. Facture. You're, you're the most popular guests so far every time to be in here. Sure. Well popular, but certainly I'm here. Yeah. So thank you for, uh, continuously showing up and supporting and being creative with us and, uh, for being a part of the hundredth episode, I really do appreciate it. Um, last time about this Mac city morning show charity series and showing the t-shirt again is worth, is that one it's, t-shirts very cool. And the purchase of this t-shirt, uh, is your entry into the draw for the 2021 RAV4.
Speaker 4 00:09:07 And just to specify, there are 202 shirts because me and Elliot both have one, we just don't get to enter the drop.
Speaker 0 00:09:16 So yeah, that's, that's, that's how you enter the draw. And the cool thing about this, and people have been asking me for a long time, cause we have another, uh, clothing line called, um, just Mac city. Um, hence I'm actually mug and, uh, all the proceeds that we make from that clothing company go to the health foundation. Right. But we have never made anything that says Mac city morning show on it. This is the first one. And that's how we're going to keep it actually, um, only for like big kind of contests or big moments, will we ever make something that says Mac city morning show limited edition. In addition,
Speaker 4 00:09:53 Find this around town. Maybe we'll give you an autograph.
Speaker 0 00:09:56 That's right. So if you're rocking something that says Mac city morning show on it, trust me. Right. You're balling it's elite. So definitely sign up and get involved with the contest. It's
Speaker 4 00:10:07 The Supreme of Fort McMurray. It is the Supreme
Speaker 0 00:10:09 Of Fort McMurray. And I feel like Tanner set up. Yeah, you're hilarious. You were here relate. Cause I like, I ain't giving away a car, but you might get a car. You might get a car. So Oprah lighter for me.
Speaker 4 00:10:22 Yeah. You also got Oprah light money. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:10:25 Yeah. That's right. Yeah. I don't have Oprah money yet. Elliot's uh, not, uh, giving himself enough credit. It's a tremendous idea. Tremendous business that he's got going here and great profile on lots of local people do watch the show. There's lots of information that comes out of it. Getting to know some people really intimately. It's lovely. I think so. Thank you. I appreciate the kind words. So Cindy did a great job now. I don't have to do it anymore. Well, I'll do it one more time. So enter the contest to do it. What you need to do is you need to go to the Mac city website. So www if you're old school like me dot max city.ca. When you go to that website on the tab bar, there'll be a little dropdown that says when you click on the win and then it'll take you to the page where you can purchase your limited edition Mack city morning show shirt, purchase the shirt.
Speaker 0 00:11:21 Your name gets put into a raffle to win a brand new 2021 RAV4. That's awesome. What's even better is $5,000 of the money raised through this will also be put towards the Northern lights, regional health foundation minus a regional part. So, oh, we're happy to do it. We think it's cool. Please go out, please support. Get the tickets. As far as the duration, um, there's kind of two ways we're going to do this. Uh, the contest officially will end at the end of summer. So it's a summer contest. That being said, if you guys get out there and support and buy all the tickets today, I'll announce who the winner is tomorrow. So my hope is that the contest does not go all summer, um, that it goes faster, um, then that, uh, but worst case scenario, end of the summer, we'll be giving the car away, but fingers crossed.
Speaker 0 00:12:13 Let's give the car away in a few days. So, uh, get out there, support and more than anything else, like I just want to say thank you a hundred, a hundred episodes is huge. The amount of people who've tuned in to watch it's heartwarming. You're keeping me in a job. Thank you. The Tanner, he's still getting paid. Uh, no, I love it. And I love everybody who watches. Everybody who participates, um, in the comment section or like Cindy comes and does the show if you're out there and you want to be on the show, uh, it's funny. People think it's hard to get on the show. It's not, you just have to ask, just like send an email. Don't be sending these long paragraphs on why you think you're a great candidate. You are a great candidate. Just say, Hey, can I come on the show? And the answer is yes. Easier to get on the show. Then one of those shirts he's wearing, that's exactly it. That's exactly it. So on that note, um, we're going to sign off, so thank you everybody for tuning in. Thank you in advance for everybody who participates in this contest, I really do appreciate it. And here's to another a hundred episodes of the Mac city morning show. Thanks Cindy. Fabulous. All right guys. Have a great day. We'll see you tomorrow.
Speaker 5 00:13:22 <inaudible> talk about quenching your ugly thirst.