#109: Pete Daley, WWE Enthusiast

Episode 109 June 17, 2021 00:27:30
#109: Pete Daley, WWE Enthusiast
The Mac City Morning Show
#109: Pete Daley, WWE Enthusiast

Jun 17 2021 | 00:27:30


Show Notes

Pete Daley, a local WWE Enthusiast is back! Tune in to hear what he’s been up to!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 All right. Hello, Fort McMurry, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You're tuning in to the Mac city morning show. I am your host, Elliot, Pierre, and we're going to start the show the same way we start every show with the moment of gratitude. I know you could be doing a million other things with your time. So the fact that you're spending with us truly does mean the world to me on that note, Tanner hit him with the intro. Speaker 1 00:00:21 Oh, she caught me LOBs near listen to the next <inaudible> Speaker 0 00:00:32 All right. Okay. We got a fun one today. We got a w people are falling. People are actually following up with my invitation to come back again. So this gentleman came on before. It was a great episode. I had a lot of fun. I told them, come back again. And here he is again. So as you know, I don't introduce my guests. I let them do that themselves. So Sarah, please tell people who you are and let's just get right into it. Hey guys, uh, Peter Daley, um, that's who I am. I'm a WWE or E w wrestling enthusiast. There you go. Yeah. Thanks for coming back again. Thanks for having me, but yeah, this is fun. We're going to have a good one. Now, before we start chatting, you brought something Tanner, hit him with the, the angle with the thing. All right. We're on it. Speaker 0 00:01:14 Tell the people at home. What they're looking at. We got some whole Kogan shorts here. Never been worn. I didn't slide those ones on Elliot. No, no, no. He wear them. What's that? Did he? No, no, they're not ringing worn ones. I was looking at ring Warren yesterday. Yeah. You could get a pair of like the Hollywood Hogan tights, but it's like four grand. Pretty expensive. I love wrestling, but holy cow, it kind of gross. Yeah. Cause you gets sweaty when you want to sit. That's right? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Sweet. Well, that's the night. Every time you come, you bring paraphernalia, bring something, you know, the belts from last time was extremely heavy. Yeah. It was pretty heavy. I was going to bring out the WCW title day, but I thought I'd probably break the case, but okay. If there's a next time, I'll bring another dog. Speaker 0 00:02:01 Okay. Yeah. They're really like for wrestlers. They're heavy. They are. And I don't know if it's the same version, right? Maybe they have like a, I don't know if it's going to be lighter or heavier or what, but these ones are pretty good because you see them walking around with it and throwing their shoulders. But what I was thinking after picking it up is I'm watching a few wrestling matches where they've hit the person with the belt. Exactly. That had some weight. If you got hit with that, that it's not the little plastic ones don't hurt. It would hurt. So I don't know how they do it. Elliot, you and Tanner were talking about like some of the heavier wrestling matches where they can, like, I thought mankind was as like gory as a God. Yeah. Pretty gory. And you and Tanner were talking about this back fully, fully. Speaker 0 00:02:50 Yeah. He's mankind. You guys are talking about like some hardcore underground wrestling where they like really get into it. Yeah. They're pretty bad. Mick Foley, get his ear taken off. You get a caught in the ropes there. I think it was in, I could be wrong, but I think it was in Japan or something or Germany. Anyways, he got his head stuck in between the ropes. You know, I used to do with the wrestlers when you were a kid and took his ear clean off. So does he still wrestle? Uh, no. He's pretty much done now. Yeah. He's an author and uh, he's in the hall of fame and, and all that. So yeah. They use him pretty sparingly. Yeah. Well, cause I know I'm stone cold, Steve Austin. He doesn't whistle anymore, but he has this, like he has a podcast that's for watching. Speaker 0 00:03:35 It's phenomenal. He does a great job. Um, he does commercials and stuff, but he's not wrestling. No, no. And we know, we all know drain the waned, rock Johnson. He ain't wrestling anymore. But I saw like, I don't know how many, like COVID has messed up time for me guaranteed. He came back as like the rock biggest movie star in the world. And he showed up to an event that's right. Was that just like a regular event or was that like a WrestleMania? I came for a run and he did a WrestleMania run again with that. He did one, two with John Sina there two years in a row. Yeah. So, but I could see him coming back to if the, you know, the time was right, for sure. Because he's still in phenomenal shape almost as good as shape as the whole that's right. Speaker 0 00:04:20 Almost, almost, you know, he's uh, yeah. He's the kind of star that I don't know if a lot of people that might kinda mess up their career after you leave coming, but he can, he seems to be able to hit all the, all the pegs along the way there, he can kind of do no wrong. It feels like him and Kevin Hart. Yeah. Kevin, Kevin Hart, Kevin Hart gets in trouble and he's still able to bounce back from it. Yeah, definitely. Talenti. Yeah. All funny guy. That's what that is. Both of them. They're in every movie. Yeah. Every movie they just work constantly. I don't know how they do it. I don't either be tiring. Yeah. Now there's one thing we didn't talk about last time at all. So when you, when I knew you were coming back, I'm like, okay, before we go off on wrestling and entertainment tangents, you are from Fort McMurray and we didn't, we didn't, we glossed over it really quick. Speaker 0 00:05:13 I rewatched the episode last night, like, okay. Like, let's talk about your growing up here in Philly. God. Yeah. I went to a, I went to preschool over at the 400 block. Do you remember? They used to have the preschool in the recreational center. So I went there for preschool and then over to St Gabes. Okay. Yeah. And did, uh, up until grade eight there. Okay. And then the first year that they had grade nine at Merck, I went there and uh, I met tons of people, man had a great time, loved growing up in Fort McMurray. So when did you meet my cousin? Justin? That would have been okay. And I think that Justin disagrees with me on this or he doesn't remember me, but the first time I talked to Justin, yeah. He broke up with me for a girl that was <inaudible> don't laugh too. Speaker 0 00:06:18 So that was grade seven back in. So you were in games? Yep. But he was insane. That's right. So we never crossed until I think he went to Merck for grade nine as well. Didn't he? Yes. Yeah. So that's where we ended up meeting. Yes. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So he broke up with this girl in grade seven. Broke my heart all apart. Yeah. No, not grade seven grade nine. Oh, okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. That sounds like something Justin guaranteed. You know, he's always helping. Yeah. Yeah. That sounds like something he would do. Yeah. Because the reason I bring it up, cause I've had the discussion with you guys and I've heard it. No we've met here. I know we met here. So now like until he comes on the show, your, your version is legitimate. Cause it's out there now. That's right. It's the truth in less. Speaker 0 00:07:04 Yeah. Unless he comes to defend it, which you know what? I don't think he will. I, you know what I think he will, I would love for Jessie to come on the show dare Jesse to call the man. He would be, you'd be alive. Well, he's very interesting. A lot of experience too, right? Yeah. Another Fort McMurray guy. Yeah. So when you went to father Merck, did they have safe grad yet? Or were they still doing safe? Gratitude were so everybody has a different safe grad location for the most part. Where was your safe grad held ours. If I'm not wrong. I think it was up at the gun range. You went to the gun range. I think it was the gun range. I could be wrong. Yeah. That seems like it would be a little bizarre, but no, that's probably where it might've been at because I graduated. Speaker 0 00:07:46 I went to Westwoods and follow them. Oh, you did go to Westwoods. Hey, so, so I went, uh, the Merck safe grad was in the, uh, thick wood arena. Yes. AKA the Kasmin center. AKA. I don't know what the new place is called. No. Yeah. Fire something. I don't know. What's under fireplace. There we go. Yeah. It's a mouthful. Yes. But, uh, that's where our safe grad was and it was epic. It was like a club, like the beer was on the ground and you could slide around on it. Like it was yes. Which is really nice. Yeah. Because it's indoors and the following weekend. Cause I went to grad. Most of my neighbors, the people that I grew up with, actually I hung out with all public school Westwood kids. Yeah. Just based on where I lived. So I was, I went to grad with Amy Khalid, big shout out to Amy Khalid. Speaker 0 00:08:35 I went to the Westwood grad with her and uh, so I went to their safe grad and their own was out by the gun range. But I bet you I'm right then. And I never been out to the gun range before and uh, it was a cool, like obviously they'll be shooting guns, but it was outside. So it was nice. It was nice. They were two different, completely different vibes. Yeah. But uh, yeah, so you're probably right. It probably was at the gun range. Yes. You didn't go to Tom safe. Grad comp safe grad. Yeah. I don't know. Speaker 2 00:09:06 They're not so safe grad. No, they don't have it. No, they have it, but I just wouldn't call it Speaker 0 00:09:10 Safe. The thing about back in the day and it's true. I don't know if it's true to the day now. There is something about people from Fort McMurray and crossing that bridge. If you live on this side of the bridge, you stay on this side of the bridge. If you live on that side of the bridge and it's not that far. No, but down the hill. I know. So I grew up in Dickinson. Right. And so I'm on the north end. So then one of the, when I got older in my mid twenties, I bought a house in beacon hill. Nice. And I was the first out of all the boys to like buy their own house. No roommates, no nothing. Just me and I had a banging house. Yeah. And I had like a man cave garage that had like a foosball table and TVs had a hot tub, like the works, everything. Speaker 0 00:09:59 And I would call the boys up and I'd be like, Hey man, listen, let's party at my place. And I'm like, I ain't crossing the bridge. We like warm up here. That is true. They wouldn't come. And like at the time Earl's was popping, that's where we would go. So I'm like, it's actually a cheaper cab ride from my place to get to Earl's. So in order for me to have my friends come up and party with me in my house in beacon hill, I had to get a van and go pick them up and cook food and dinner to like, be like, guys, I got everything come to my house, come to my house. And so begrudgingly, they would and we'd have a ball. And then they'd, I'd be like, we come back here next weekend. Nope. That's it. They just wouldn't. That was like, I had a shout out to Chad Kennedy. Speaker 0 00:10:43 He's a, he's putting on a, a C to C for PTSD, for law enforcement, the shout out to him. But he never left Greg wire when he was here really would always say the same thing. Come on up. We'll have a fire at my house. Yeah. Not going to thick. Would you know? Yeah. It's crazy. And it is, I have some friends and I'm not going to put them on blast, but never came to that house. Yeah. Good friends. Yes. Like friends that literally, when I got married, I went to, for my stag, I went to Cancun, Mexico who footed the bill to go all the way to Mexico, to the party, not paid for my ticket to go to Mexico, but would not cross the bridge for the four years that I lived in beacon hill. That's right. You got to cross the bridge to get to the airport. Speaker 0 00:11:29 Yeah. Well that's it. And then, uh, during the evacuation, we're in Edmonton and everybody's living in different places, way more than 45 minutes to get anywhere it did as having everybody, everybody. Yeah. But in Fort Mac, you don't cross that bridge. It's true. You'll meet downtown somewhere. Yeah know, it's so strange. I don't know what it is about Formax, so yeah. But yeah, because of that, to answer a tan, that's a long way of answer. Tanner's question. No, I never went to this comp safe grad. Cause I don't really know anybody that went to comp. I do. Yeah. I had some friends in man. Yeah. Some friends that I'm still best friends with, you know? Yeah. It's true. But I never went to their safe grad even though no, I remember when I was in grade nine, I went downtown on the bus with like I had friends who lived in Gregoire and Greeley road and stuff. Speaker 0 00:12:17 So because of basketball. So they were like, Hey, come downtown. Let's go hang out. And I went and all of my north side friends, like you going downtown with them, goes into my guy. I think I'll be okay. Yeah. And I was, it should be fine. But it was a big deal desk, grade nine, going downtown on the bus by yourself. It's it. You live on this side of the hill. See, my thing is I'd screw up the bus thing, you know, I'd end up. I wouldn't know where the heck I was going. That's right. You know? Yeah. I'd have, but then you could call pulse pulse helps you out. That's right with the city. They give you the whole bus schedule. Yeah. The bus it's, it's amazing to me. And like Ms. Valley still has those big buses. Right. And a lot of people use, a lot of people use the box. Speaker 0 00:13:01 Yeah. I'm going to put, I'm going to get a little bit of trouble here. I'm going to tell a story or you should do it. So cause my parents do watch this, but uh, my parents, my mom used to give me money to catch the bus. Yup. Right. And uh, everyday she'd give me money, but she went to work. Yep. So every day I ran to school from Dickins field to father Merck. Yeah. I'm a fast runner and every day I walked home. Yeah. But I pocketed that money and I saved that for forties. The English <inaudible> I'd save it for 40 years English. So yeah. It's to this day and I know it's malt liquor and I know it's not good. Oh yeah. It's terrible stuff. But I'll still drink it. I love it. Yeah. Absolutely. Do you like old English or did you mess with black big bear? Speaker 0 00:13:53 Big barriers. Yeah. Oh yeah. Oops. Yeah. Terrible. Terrible. I remember at parties. I still remember the first time. Yeah. Yeah. Terrible stuff. Terrible that and black ice. Yeah. So I think and Colt 45, I think out of all of the malt, liquor, forties, in my opinion, old English is number one. The top I'll give cold 45 number two and then everything else. There's no number three. If you're a number of, to just bad pool of bad. Oh it's just horrible. Yeah. But have you ever tried this? It's um, it's in a green stubby bottle. They have like little games on the inside. They're called Mickey's. They're like a green. That's what they're called. Yeah. They're Mickey's I believe they come out of Boston. Okay. ML liquor. Delicious. No way. Don't you look it up here in town. Yeah. Here in town, like a little green stubby bottles, their beer. Speaker 0 00:14:47 And like when you open the tops, they have like, you know, those little games where it's like, you have an see and so you got to play games with it, but it's legit malt liquor. It's 8%. Yeah. Well that'll do it. It'll wipe you out. Yeah. But it actually tastes pretty. Dang delicious, delicious. So, okay. So yeah, you're a merch boy born and raised. We didn't we or we didn't talk about it last time and no, I know it's crazy. We run out of time. Yeah. Last time. So father Merck. Okay. And then when you finished, where did you do your post-secondary? I did a year at piano. Just general studies. So when I spent some time I loved piano. Yeah. Yeah. You know, great people and great place to go to school. That's where I spent a lot of my time in King's lounge. Speaker 0 00:15:31 Yeah. Yeah. They used to bring in pizza and there'd be movies. It was fantastic. Yup. I loved Kiana. Yeah. And then I went, uh, down. I worked for a year and then I went down to Lethbridge and did schooling down there. Yep. Now Lethbridge. Oh, I've had a number of friends who attended school down in Lethbridge. And I have a number of friends who went to visit them while I was attending. Yeah. I've never made my way down to Lethbridge Elliot, but I, here it is a party town to say the least amazing. Y amazing. It's like we don't have a party in Fort Mac. We do. And we party, we partied hard. That's right. But the thing down there is that they've got a university and a college down there. Right. Cons of, of, you know, youth there that's that's right. That's just partying at the barn at, uh, at Lethbridge college there and yeah. Speaker 0 00:16:27 Doing stuff like that. So it, I don't know. It just, it was a very young field town. Okay. Yeah. Interesting. Awesome. So much fun. I also hear another place I've never spent any time in Alberta. Only driving through red deer. Yeah. I've heard that too. Which I'm like what? Yeah. Like I don't get it. Yeah. But I hear red deer is like, that's it. And your posts on both sides then. Right? Gabrielle. Yeah. That's great. It's pretty nice. So how long were you living in Lethbridge for? Uh, four years. I was down there dorm life or yeah, in a, in a raise there at the college. Yeah. Yup. So hung out there. It was awesome. Nice. I had so much fun. I, but again, I met people there that I still talk to, you know? Yeah. Best friends for the rest of my life. That's awesome. Yeah. It's great. I've been really lucky. Yeah, man. Well, you're just a positive, nice guy. Obviously people want to hang out with a chat with you more, right? Yeah. So Tanner is hitting me up. He's pointing. We're going to go over that's okay. But it is Tanner segment and I can't hijack that part. Mack city minute. Good luck. You know what? Cheer in four. So Tanner hit him with the Mac city minute Speaker 2 00:17:36 Question. Number one. What is the most unique piece of memorabilia you own? Oh, Ooh. Unique. I'd Speaker 0 00:17:46 Say probably it's the WCW world title that I've got at home. It's a world title WCW, but it's got the NWR sprained spray painted on it and then it's signed by Hogan. No way I've got that up on the wall. So I'll bring that next time. Yeah. I'll fight that case and get it out of there. And then wow. Speaker 2 00:18:10 Question number two for you. If you had a wrestling name, what would it be? I think Speaker 0 00:18:16 I've never thought about this before Elliott, Pete and almond on. I think it would be, would be the one that would be it. Love it. Love it. Yeah. Why not? Speaker 2 00:18:31 Question number three. What is the most interesting event you've been to in Fort McMurray? Oh wow. In Speaker 0 00:18:39 Fort McMurray. I'm going to say just cause it, it always resonates with me. I got to go and see Snoop at center fireplace. That was amazing. Yeah. That's definitely it. Speaker 2 00:18:52 Question number four. What is the best part of getting to be a return guest on the Mac city morning show. Speaker 0 00:18:58 I get another car, another hot wheels car from Tanner and Elliott. So I think that's probably it that or the talk. I just like coming up and talking to you. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:19:08 And your final question. If you could see any two wrestlers from any era in a match, who would it be and what kind of match? That's big. Speaker 0 00:19:18 I, you know what? I just have a straight up one fall match with Hogan and Savage. Yeah. But like from younger years, you know what I mean? Yeah. In their prime that'd be it. Or Speaker 2 00:19:32 Maybe now let's watch two old dudes fight. Couldn't Speaker 0 00:19:35 Do I'd still go like I'd, I'd buy a ticket for wherever that was. Yeah. It's a thing. Yeah. Five questions watching the old guys fight is coming back, man. Except poor. Well, Randy Savage, God rest his soul. He's not around any trait, but you just had like, um, and forgive me, I forget the other guy's name, but Mike Tyson just came back and fought a dude. That's right. And he creamed him too, I guess. Yeah. It was a good fight. I washed it off. Yeah. It was a draw. It was a draw, but no, I heard iron Mike did off. He did great. And then they just had that fight. Uh, this last past weekend you had, um, Logan Paul by Floyd Mayweather two Speaker 2 00:20:16 Days ago. And you got, and he wasn't even, he didn't get his butt kicked Speaker 0 00:20:19 Because I thought he was going to get killed. I was genuinely worried about Speaker 3 00:20:23 When, but he didn't Speaker 0 00:20:25 Get, he didn't get held his own. I thought he was going down. Yeah. I think that in itself Speaker 3 00:20:34 Is a win. Yeah. Like, Speaker 0 00:20:35 And the first two rounds, I watched it, the first two rounds he did really good. Pretty good. Like he was throwing wild punches and haymakers and stuff and most of them weren't connecting. Yeah. But, but the effort was there Speaker 2 00:20:51 27 of his 200 shots and Mayweather landed 46 of his hundred shots. One in six shots. Speaker 0 00:20:59 Yeah. But maybe whether like, and he was trying to hit knock them out. Wow. Like Jake, Paul gets all the credit in the world. Yeah. He went toe to toe with arguably one of the greatest of all times. And didn't get knocked out. That's crazy. He didn't get knocked out Speaker 2 00:21:17 In his is like one of his very first professional fights, like one of his first five or something like that. He's only been boxing Speaker 0 00:21:23 For three years. Three years. So he's doing all right. He's doing okay. Like I there's a lot of haters out there and I can understand why you hate the Paul brothers. I get it. Of course. Right. But, but in this regard we can't take anything Speaker 2 00:21:37 Away. And his younger brother is a good fighter. Like his younger brother, uh, knocked out Ben Astrick who is a former UFC fighter. Speaker 0 00:21:48 Oh, okay. Yeah. Knocked him out like con yeah. So that's, and it, it builds on the discussion of like, they did it all on their own. They're that popular? That this is outside of the UFC. This is outside of boxing. These two brothers can generate that kind of interest without any kind of, they bring their own promotion. And because of that, like these fighters are getting paid bank. Yeah. Cause not a lot of fighters. Most fighters don't get paid that much money if you're on the top top. Speaker 2 00:22:22 Right. I think they cleared a hundred million each or something like that. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:22:27 We know what we should do Elliot. What's this. We should have a boxing exhibition. We should. Hey. Yeah. We've made that kind of money. Yeah. Now with you and me fighting. Why not do wrestling? Yeah. Yeah. You can do it after COVID we could do it. That'd be a fun event. It would be hilarious. Have you fun events wrestling named before it? Oh, the unofficial mayor. No. There you go. I'm the unofficial mayor. That's right. Yeah. His worship. Yeah. There you go. There you go. I'll be passing bylaws. Like whoa, what happened? Yeah, exactly. Like a manager with you though. Yeah, definitely. That would be the manager for sure. What are the names? This honestly, and I don't remember the names I never do, but my favorite part about wrestling, like my favorite character, quote, unquote, not wrestler character was I loved how um, you had, uh, what's his name? Speaker 0 00:23:22 The undertaker had a little guy, but then whole bear. But do you remember the commentator? He was bald. He had like a little mustache. Jean. Jean. Okay. There we go. There we go. Mean Jean, when those three. Yup. We're like, yeah, the Undertaker's guy, Paul bear was like, basically like, yeah. He's like the Don king of wrestling. That's right. He was and you need a good height, man. You do man. Yeah, absolutely. So I would need a height. You are right Tanner. But with me it's a little bit different or it could be the manager too. I need somebody more deadpan because I'm so yeah. Yeah. So I need somebody just like super kind of solid. I could do it, but I need a mask. Yeah. Yeah. Well that's the thing about tag got a wrestling mask. Nice. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:24:08 Cause you don't get to I as the Mac city. You don't get to see me only if you come on. Speaker 0 00:24:13 Yeah. That's true. Yeah. So that would be the whole thing. So yeah. But no, that's not a bad idea form of Marie. This might be a thing we might do it. You never know. Well, listen, I'm doing something crazy right now. I'm giving a Carl, uh, there's a car raffle. I don't know if you heard about it. Saw that. Yeah. For, so everybody out there watching, if you don't have your tickets yet, go get your ticket. So you may get the ticket max city.ca or go to the Mac city morning, show a Facebook page. And it has a link that takes you right to the page. So what it is is we have a special edition, limited edition Mac city morning show shirt. Yes. 250 bucks. Yep. There's only 200 of them that have been made. So you have a one in 200 chance. So when you buy those shirts, your name gets put in for a raffle to win a brand new Toyota RAV4. That's awesome. 21. And is that it's local too, right? I'll tell you what right from neuron. Right? That's our house. Keith hooked us up and to make it even sweeter because I like everybody winning five grand goes to the Northern lights, health foundation. Wow. So I think I might have to buy one of those tickets. Then you might, you Speaker 2 00:25:25 Can buy more than one. You can buy as many as you want. Speaker 0 00:25:28 Here we go by more than what's your listen. I don't, I've never said this before, but I did the math. If somebody wants to buy all the tickets, it's actually you're in the market for a RAV4. It's cheaper to buy all the tickets. Then go buy the Rav four on your own. Yeah. It's it's cheaper. Way cheaper Speaker 2 00:25:46 Because there's you don't pay taxes on winning sing. No, in Canada. Speaker 0 00:25:52 Yes. It's a whole bunch of taxes and you don't have to pay for a bunch of things. So if anybody's out there in the market for a RAV4, just buy all the tickets. Some of them already sold. So yeah. That'd be bad if you buy what's left. That's right. Sellable. Yeah. No, no. Non-transferable non transfer, but yeah. I like the wrestling idea. We might actually do that. Yeah. That'd be good. That'd be fun. Just fun. We'd have to get some insurance though. We'd have to figure something. Lots of insurance. Yeah. Lots and lots. Yeah. Yeah. On that note, I know. We're way over. So we're going to cut it off. Pete. You're going to come back again. I'm going to come back again. I gotta say one thing. If you've got dogs, there's gonna tell you got a shameless plug. So this is this. I got it. Speaker 0 00:26:35 I got a plug there for the king of Royal garden. They gotta send a shout out to Duane Collier. He's the best neighbor ever. Okay. There we go. Okay. Duane. There you go. Getting a shout out. Okay. Well everybody at home, uh, sorry, not sorry that the episode went over. You're going to see a lot more of that with some of these returning guests. Cause like they're returning because we have great conversations. So on that note, thank you very much for tuning in today. This has been the maxi morning show. I've been your host Elliot, Pierre. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for tuning in. It means the world to me. Hopefully you're having a great day. We'll see you tomorrow. Speaker 4 00:27:27 Talk about quenching your ugly thirst.

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