#11: Mike with East Village Pub

Episode 11 February 01, 2021 00:20:31
#11: Mike with East Village Pub
The Mac City Morning Show
#11: Mike with East Village Pub

Feb 01 2021 | 00:20:31


Show Notes

Mike Lambert from East Village Pub & Eatery stops by today.  EVP is a locally owned business, by a mother and son team!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:02:24 Vertical integration. So basically we're, we're purchasing anyways and, uh, and we're going to get that flow through from the, the restaurant. So it's kind of, uh, it just, it makes sense. That's genius, man. Ah, that's impressive. I had no idea. Okay, well, listen, that's going to be my new liquor store of choice. That's nice. Okay. One thing, Tanner hit me with this camera for a second though. Before we get going, I'll got to give a big shout out to Mike. He brought me in town or some swag today. We're an EVP hoodies and they look good. They look great. So, Mike, thank you very much, man. I do appreciate gifts. You wanted to say thank you first and foremost and let everybody know that we're wearing some EVP swag today. So EVP, hands down, my favorite bar in town and I spend the majority of my time there. Um, how long has it been open for? Speaker 1 00:03:14 We opened March, 2014. So we're going to be seven years here in March seven years. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:03:21 Time does fly. Yeah. And so, uh, you're a young guy. Um, well I like this. I like to think we're young, not as long as you've used to be, not seven years ago. Um, what made you, what made you, uh, take the plunger, the push to actually start your own establishment? Speaker 1 00:03:38 Yeah, so I mean, uh, you know, going back, it's kind of, it's always been a, you know, a dream of mine to have my own establishment. So, uh, you know, throughout my life, I've kind of been learning the hospitality industry now. Uh, I'm very fortunate that, uh, I was, um, I was born into the hospitality industry. My mom's been doing it for 45 years, so, uh, you know, my, my start was working for her when I was 13. Right. So, so I learned the business and I, and I knew that's something I wanted to continue to do. So, um, as I progressed and, uh, you know, gained different skills and knowledge, um, you know, and then, you know, saving all my money, uh, I had the opportunity and, uh, you know, I, I pushed on it. Speaker 0 00:04:21 That's awesome, man. So the one thing that I think separates, I call it EVP, just shorten it up. One thing that separates CVP from other bars in town is definitely your menu hands down. Um, w talk a little bit about the menu for me please. Cause it's very different from your typical bar menu hands down. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:04:41 Sure. So we kind of, um, from the beginning, our, uh, our strategy was to be an upscale pub, right. So, uh, you know, that pop out atmosphere, but upscale in, in the food and the service. Right. So, uh, for us, we, we concentrate on food like that. That's one of our main focuses, right. We, we, uh, we have fresh, fresh food, high quality food, our sorry, high quality ingredients. And then everything's made from scratch in-house. So, you know, that's, that's always been a priority test. Okay. Speaker 0 00:05:14 Okay. That's awesome. Now because of a COVID and like lockdowns people have been eating out a lot more, um, in regards to like ordering from, skip the dishes or take out food. Um, I mentioned you guys last week in regards to one of the restaurants that have definitely figured out how to get food from your place to my house warm, um, how has this pandemic kind of made you pivot in regards to like delivery of food? Speaker 1 00:05:43 Yeah. You know, um, so in terms of pivoting, um, I guess we, our strategy has always been super focused on what we do, right. So what we do is we do high quality food and we do excellent service and we provide, uh, you know, a great, uh, atmosphere. Now, the atmosphere part we can't do because of, uh, you know, the pandemic, but, um, kind of our, you know, shift would be just to intensify the focus on the food. Right. So, um, you, you know, reviewing our processes for, uh, uh, for, you know, creating the items for executing them, getting them out on time. Um, you know, really understanding like, like skip spin are kind of where we get our revenue from. Right. So, um, the better we understand that app and how it functions, uh, the better we're going to be able to serve our customers. So that's, that's what kind of our pivot has been just, you know, dialing in on that, on that skip Speaker 0 00:06:42 Right now, in regards to knowing your customers, you brought it up earlier, you're born and raised in Fort McMurray. So you've got a finger on the pulse of what people liking. If you've been in the community for awhile, we've been asking everybody who, uh, grew up here, uh, what high school they went to? What high school did you go to? Speaker 1 00:06:58 Yeah, so I, I went to a compensate. I, Speaker 0 00:07:00 Yeah, really? Yes, sir. You're a cop boy. Tanner, you got another comp alumni here. You got to represent. Jeez. So you like, it's the a and I don't mind saying it cause I think everybody format knows like comps. Uh, like I was saying earlier, it was a bit of a rougher school. I know, like me going to Merck, I used to be terrified to go to contemplate sports. So you grew up tough. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, it was, yeah. Speaker 1 00:07:23 I really, really enjoyed my high school experience. Comp comp was really good to us. Speaker 0 00:07:27 That's awesome, man. And, uh, just, I'm going to put you on spot I'll I'll say my graduate graduating years. Well, what year did you graduate from college? Uh, 2003, 2003. Okay. So I'm definitely the oldest guy in the room. I graduated in 2001 from father Merck. Okay. Okay. Did you play any sports while you were there? Yeah. Yeah. I played, uh, Speaker 1 00:07:44 I played most of them now. Not necessarily well, but I was involved, but I played, I played volleyball. I was on the volleyball team throughout high school. I did some track and field. Um, and, uh, and I dabbled into, uh, some curling. Speaker 0 00:07:59 Okay. Yeah. Nice. I like that. Like what year did you start curling? What grade? I should say. Speaker 1 00:08:04 I think it was probably, it was later on. It might've been 10 or 11, I think. Yeah. So I wasn't, I wasn't, uh, I wasn't good at all. I feel like back then it was a Westwood team in curling that like, they were, they were like provincial level, uh, curlers. They always swept us, right? Speaker 0 00:08:22 Yeah. No, I joined curling too around the same time in a grade 10 that fall, the Merck never curled before nobody was joining the team and I figured, Hey, why not? And, uh, I loved it. Like, I'm horrible at it. Yeah, yeah. This day. But every once in a while somebody will say, Hey, do you want a curl? I'm like, sure. I'll go make a fool out of myself for like an hour or two. Yeah. That's a good sport. Yeah. Okay. Sweet. So what part of town did you grow up in that downtown. Downtown? Yeah. Okay. Speaker 1 00:08:50 Yeah. I spent, uh, I spent the majority of my, uh, my, my life growing downtown. We stayed in the, uh, my parents bought their house. I think I was in grade five. And then they still Speaker 0 00:09:02 Nice. Yeah. Yeah. Like, it's funny, like the old schoolers, I know our generation usually moving around from house to house. All, I want to get this newer, bigger, so on and so forth. But yeah, the old school generation, like my parents, they bought their house up in Dickins field. And I think like 89, they are still there. Crazy, still there, 89. I remember when we moved to Dicken field, there was nothing like, it was just, there were still empty lots for goodness sakes. When we first moved up there, I was five and wool, the expansion this community has had, has been phenomenal to say the least. Absolutely. So EVP was part of that expansion though. Cause like where you guys were like never used to exist. So that was all Bush over there. That's right. So you guys, the first, uh, owners of that area that you find yourself in? Speaker 1 00:09:52 Yes. Yeah. Yeah. We, uh, actually I, uh, you know, it was funny story, uh, I actually general contractor the build on that unit, uh, with zero experience for that was a interesting, uh, uh, undertaking. Okay. Speaker 0 00:10:07 Right on now I know things have changed in Fort McMurray, especially over the last year, but, um, how have you felt the industry itself has changed and evolved for that you've seen over the last seven years of you being in business for yourself? Yes. Speaker 1 00:10:22 Well that, you know, um, I think all industries, um, there's been a big push towards technology and, uh, and I know my focus has been on technology, uh, you know, integrating things, um, having everything automatically done for you. Um, you know, and, and kind of just maybe taking a closer look at the, at the analytics and the data, um, online presence, you know, I mean, that's a huge thing and, and w we're seeing that all over. Um, yeah. Yeah. And it, you know, it's, it's, it's really, uh, it's, it's been tough because the restaurant industry, um, it's a, it's a very old industry and it's not, it's not too agile, you know, all in all, um, yeah. Mo mostly of the online stuff. Speaker 0 00:11:10 Yeah. Yeah. You guys have definitely been making a work though. There was no doubt about that. That's the one thing, obviously this, and what I do for my living is technology-based, you guys have definitely been able to like, pivot and like get on board with the adoption of social media, getting out there, kind of sharing your message in the way of like the present, not even the future, the way of the present. Yep. Speaker 1 00:11:33 For sure. And I mean, for me, like that's what this is about as well. Cause, uh, you know, uh, this is, uh, you know, very, uh, uncomfortable for me, you know, being on TV or being on the camera and, and, uh, you know, going live and stuff, but, you know, that's part of the growth, right? Like we, we have to ourselves outside of our comfort zone and, uh, and we have to grow. So, um, it's, it's Speaker 0 00:11:59 Cool. Cool. Now I've got a question because I've never been able to follow up on this. It has been one of those things in the back of my mind, like, Oh, maybe one day I'll do this, but, uh, I've always wanted to be a bartender. Yes. Uh, I thought a bunch of friends who've gone to school to be a bartender. So for the people at home who are maybe wanting to get into the industry, maybe as a server, as a bartender, um, as potentially somebody in the back, um, what would you give them in regards to advice or tips to getting into your industries? Speaker 1 00:12:26 Yeah, so I think, um, you know, if you want to get in, uh, you definitely have to be a people person. So, you know, the industry is, that's basically what you're providing, right. Your interaction. Um, so, so that, um, if you do like that, uh, then, uh, you know, you can take the next step, but, uh, you know, be ready to work hard. You know, it's a labor intensive job. I know, uh, you know, for me physically, I, cause I bartended for many years. Right, right. It's very demanding, but right. But, um, yeah. I mean just, uh, you know, being a people person and knowing that, you know, you're going to work hard, um, also just, you know, being open to, to grow in. Right. Cause I mean, there's so much to learn. You're always learning. So, you know, as a bartender, but in our industry, you, you, you know, you have to learn and, and grow. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:13:18 Yeah. My thing and the main reason I've never actually, uh, delve deeper is there's you gotta be self controlled. There's no way I would be able to go to a bar on a Friday night and not drink. Like when everybody else is partying and having fun, I want to be a part of it. So discipline is a huge component of it, Speaker 1 00:13:36 For sure. And I think like for me, uh, that component would have been a bit easier just because I enjoy taking care of people. I think maybe, you know, that's another key component is, um, you know, I don't enjoy anything more than, you know, uh, you probably seen me work in the floor and then, you know, I'm jumping behind the bar. I might be cleaning up the bar. I might be serving a couple customers and then a back on the floor and I'm making sure people are good. And then, you know, at two in the morning I'm shaking, people's hands pre COVID and, and, you know, thanking them for coming in and, and knowing that like, they had such a great experience in there. They're so happy leaving and they appreciate it. I mean, that that's like for me, um, I, I love nothing more than that. Speaker 0 00:14:24 That's awesome, man. Yeah. Nope. Discipline for sure. Now we're part of the show where Tanner is going to get on the mic. So it's called the Mac city minute. Okay. So Tanner is going to ask you five questions and just rattle off answers as he can. Sometimes people do a little bit shorter. If it's a short answer, some people go a little bit elaborate. There's no right or wrong. Okay. Get ready for the Mac city minute though. Tony, you're up? My man. All right, let's do this first question. What made you want to open a business in Fort McMurray? Speaker 1 00:14:52 Uh, well, I was, uh, I was born and raised here, so, uh, you know, um, I, uh, I really enjoy the community and I don't have any intentions on leaving. Speaker 2 00:15:01 All right. Question number two, if you could sit down at EVP with one format, resident, current or past, who would it be and why? Speaker 1 00:15:19 That is a tough one. I know the right answer. There is a right answer. Do you want to know the, what the right answer? What's the right answer. It's your mom, man. That was definitely, that was my acid. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. I'll go with that one. Speaker 2 00:15:33 Okay. Everybody loves their moms. All right. Question number three. Why should people choose to go to EVP when they want to eat out? Because we care. Cool. Question number four. Other than the coolest sweaters, what merchant can you get from UVP? Speaker 1 00:15:46 Uh, we have, uh, tuques and we have, uh, hats. Where can you get them? Uh, you can get them at EVP. Speaker 2 00:15:53 Cool. And last question. Do you still have that amazing Mac and cheese on the menu? Yes, we do. Good. Where did it go? Speaker 1 00:16:01 Good question. I don't know. And I asked the team and they said they, uh, you know, funny. They said we, we rolled it out with our spring menu in 2017 and then it's been on the menu since Speaker 2 00:16:16 It has not though, because I have been there and I asked for it and they said it wasn't there. Speaker 1 00:16:20 Okay. Is it like on the menu though? Like, can you read it? Huh? Okay. Well, listen, like, this is a good segue. Actually. I heard a rumor and you might be able to tell me if it's true or not. Uh, you will be opening up soon. Yes. Yep. Well, so, uh, February 8th, next Monday, we'll, uh, we'll be allowed to open. We're still going to have, uh, um, all the restrictions that we had before closing. So we'll, we'll be, uh, you know, doing the last call at 10:00 PM. Um, we'll be doing the social distance scene. We'll be doing, um, an old, maximum six per, per table. Uh, and then also one, one thing, uh, the government added was we will be recording one person information from each table. Okay. So this has happened on the eighth. So Tanner you and I can go DVP on the eighth and get this Mac and cheese. Let's do it now. We're going to be there on the eighth. I need it. Yeah. I've never had it. I like when he, it came up last Monday or Tuesday or something and he was just like, Oh yeah, they're Mac and cheese because you just finished up and your wings are like, my go-to I'm getting those, but I've eaten everything else on your menu. I don't know how I've never tried Mac and cheese. So like, what is it like, describe the Mac and cheese please. Cause, Oh man. Well, jeez. Speaker 1 00:17:40 Yeah. So I, I, um, you know, I'm not too good at romancing the food, but, uh, we do have five different types of cheese on there. And, um, and I don't know, Speaker 0 00:17:50 Maybe 10, or you can take a look at her or menu to, to romance. Speaker 2 00:17:53 Yeah. Well, I think there was like breadcrumbs in it and there was five different kinds of cheese. And there was like all sorts of different bacon bits and little pizzas meat. I don't know what was in it, but I just like, I, when I had it at empty bowls, the first time I had it, when you guys were there, I used like half of my tickets for that Mac and cheese they could have just gave me that whole pot and I would have walked away with it. Speaker 0 00:18:13 I can't wait to try it. All right, man. We're at the end of the show. Thank you for doing this. I really do appreciate it. I know like you've mentioned earlier, this is not your, your forte makes you a little bit nervous, but you crushed it. Thank you very guest. Thank you for coming before I let you go. I like to end the show the same way I began it in regards to so many business owners here in town are so humble. They don't like to give their business a shout out, but this is what I'm trying to do and try and promote and get people engaged and not local organization. So please once again, give the people at home, a shout out, who are you? What are you about? How can people support you? Okay, so I'm, uh, I'm Mike Lambert and, um, and we, uh, I own East village pub and eatery and East village liquor store. Speaker 0 00:18:52 We're located up in, uh, Eagle Ridge. And, um, I just, um, I want to, first of all, thank everyone for, for the support, you know, during this downtime and, uh, and just, you know, all around the community is so great. And, uh, they've made it a lot easier for us to get through this. So thank you, Fort McMurray, uh, and, um, yeah, yeah, yeah. Thank you for McMurry. There you go. All right. Well, Fort McMurray, I'm gonna end on the same note. Thank you so much for tuning in. Really do appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. I cannot believe how many people have tuned in. I can't believe how many people have engaged in the comment section. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart, I really do appreciate it. Please stay tuned. We got some banging guests for the rest of the week, yesterday, or last week when we ended off, I said we had guests all the way until April or sorry, till March. Now we're fully booked all the way until April, which is absolutely insane. So for everybody, who's reached out that I've reached out to you and said they want it to be on the show. Thank you so much. The support is overwhelming. Really do appreciate it. Fort McMurray. I have a great day and I'll see you tomorrow. Peace. Speaker 3 00:20:05 <inaudible> talk about quenching your ugly thirst.

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