Episode Transcript
Speaker 0 00:00:01 Good morning, Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You've tuned into the Mac city morning show. I'm your host, Elliot Pierre. And we're going to start the show off the same way we start every show off with a little bit of gratitude. I want to thank everybody at home for tuning in today. It truly means the world to me that you were spending the time with us. Cause I know you could be doing a million other things on that note. Tanner hit him with the intro.
Speaker 1 00:00:26 Oh, she caught me loves you're listening to the next any morning show.
Speaker 0 00:00:36 All right. I've been looking forward to this show all week. I've known this lady for a while. We've definitely spent some time together in the store, but I've never actually really had an opportunity to chat with her. And so that's what this show is all about. Me chatting with people. As you know, I don't introduce my guests because they can do a better job at that than I so on that note, how are you doing? And can you please introduce yourself to everybody
Speaker 2 00:00:57 At home? I sure can. I am Angela Smith and I am co-owner of life-force herbal healing center.
Speaker 0 00:01:03 Very cool. There we go. What happens at lifeforce first and fourth? Everything happens that way for us healing
Speaker 2 00:01:09 Spirituality. Um, I don't know, just everyone taking care of everyone.
Speaker 0 00:01:17 There we go. I like it. Now, before we start talking about life force, we got to talk about your hands for a second. I only have one on right now, but I'm a big fan of rings. And I noticed as soon as you walked in, you got a lot of rings on. Yes, we do
Speaker 2 00:01:29 Sell a lot of beautiful jewelry at lifeforce as well. Is that where you get all your rings from most of them? Really? Yes. Oh yeah. We have so much jewelry at for us. I
Speaker 0 00:01:40 Don't know all
Speaker 2 00:01:42 We do. We have all kinds of rings, pendants, everything, chains, beautiful stuff.
Speaker 0 00:01:49 Didn't know that. Now I come in there to get all my vitamins. I see you guys have lots of, uh, like stones and crystals and stuff. And you bought us a diffuser. Thank you very much for the kind gift. And you brought us some spray to like, uh, make people a little bit less nervous. Then there you go. But I didn't know. Yeah, we have tons of Joel. We sell so much jewelry. Okay. Well next time I come in, you're going to have to help me with that. Cause it's hard to find nice rings. Oh, we've
Speaker 2 00:02:15 Got tons and tons of rings. Oh, okay. Well
Speaker 0 00:02:18 Tanner get ready for some rings on the show. We'll just have to ring it up. Ah, there we go. Okay. So this is a family owned business. Yes, absolutely. Your mom. We'll just call it Kate, because that's what you call her too. Uh, she was in already, so we have a little bit of history in regards to how the store started and it's been passed down. Well, all generations work in it. Your daughter works in the store. Both of them work in the store with you. There you go. Okay. How did you get involved? Let, let me hear your, your story, your starting story with them. Well,
Speaker 2 00:02:53 We were downtown, which we used to be beside taco time, which is no longer there on Franklin avenue. Tasted the, I think the taste of the orient maybe is still there. So it was in that strip mall, right? Um, yeah, it was a smaller store. My grandmother was running it and so I decided to work there for her. And then she sent me to do an aroma therapy course in Calgary, which I did. And then we just went from there.
Speaker 0 00:03:21 Okay. Yeah. So how old were you when you started working there?
Speaker 2 00:03:25 I honestly don't know. I know I was in my twenties early twenties
Speaker 0 00:03:31 Probably. Yeah. Okay. Now you've been in Fort McMurray forever? Yes. Yes. I don't know if you were born here, but you'll definitely raise too. I was
Speaker 2 00:03:39 Moved here when I was nine.
Speaker 0 00:03:40 Yeah. So prior to lifeforce, did you have any fun and interesting jobs?
Speaker 2 00:03:47 Well, I worked at Marianne lakes because that was a family owned business as well. So that was, and I suppose, yeah, maybe too much fun. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:03:58 So Mariana lakes, what did you guys do out there? What was the business? Oh,
Speaker 2 00:04:01 Well it was a restaurant. A bar remember got a 200 person camp, right? Yeah. So there was just a lot of fun happening there and a lot of hard work.
Speaker 0 00:04:12 Yeah. Yeah. Well, a lot of work hard play hard.
Speaker 2 00:04:15 Yeah. So when, when we left that in the past, it was kind of a good thing. And then we moved on to something more healthy, healthy,
Speaker 0 00:04:25 And productive. Yeah. That's what it
Speaker 2 00:04:27 Wasn't, it was good out there too, but it was just, it was a lot of hard work and it was a different
Speaker 0 00:04:30 Lifestyle. Like my background prior to doing all this fun stuff is oil and gas. So I was human resources. So I was the one having to deal with the aftermath of the fund that used to take place. But I worked for a company, um, early in my twenties and all the guys were talking about being in camp and uh, they used to stay in rig camps. Right. So not the nice, the camps that they have out here, executive camps. Yeah. So, uh, one week, like I said, well, you know what, I'm going to live in camp with you guys. And they're like, no, you're not. And I was like, yup, I'm going to live in camp. So I went and I lived in a rig camp for a week. It's interesting. I'd say that's what our camp was like. It's interesting. Yeah. So, uh, I liked it. I don't know if I could do it forever. Some of these guys literally that's their lifestyle.
Speaker 2 00:05:20 Yeah. We would get the same guys in every winter for like years and years. So we'd always know the people that were coming. Yeah. So yeah. You'd be waiting for the camps camp guys to come back and open up and they kind of were, would become like your family. Yeah,
Speaker 0 00:05:35 That's right. Yeah. My favorite part about the camps was the cooks. The cooks were always like the most interesting individuals. You're just like, where did you find this person from? For one, but the food they would make would be often. Yeah. There was always interesting people out there for us. Yeah. Okay. So you work part-time job. That's an interesting first time part-time job. I worked full-time I worked hard there. Yeah. 14 days in a row. And so what was your role up there?
Speaker 2 00:06:07 Oh, bartender. Waitress. Yeah. When I was a teenager, I pumped gas, but God would work lots like 14 days in a row of like 15
Speaker 0 00:06:17 Hours. That's right. Yeah. Wow. You often go back to it. There you go. So then you transitioned to Fort McMurray.
Speaker 2 00:06:24 Yeah. So I was in Fort McMurray. Right. So that was just, yeah, it was, uh, it was, uh, it was a time that we spent out
Speaker 0 00:06:33 There, but, um, I was always back and forth because my grandmother lived in Fort McMurray and I would stay with her. Yeah. So,
Speaker 2 00:06:39 But yeah. So then I ended up working for her and then, uh, so then was her, myself and my mom. Right? Yeah. And then a few staff.
Speaker 0 00:06:47 Yeah. Yeah. And now you guys, that was when you were downtown. Now you guys have moved up to thick wood. You had both stores for a bit, but now for a little bit now it's just primarily thick windows. Hard to have two businesses in two different locations. Didn't work. No thank goodness. I would say thick wood is a much
Speaker 2 00:07:04 Our location now. Better location
Speaker 0 00:07:07 Tool. You guys have a great location right now. Like being in the heart of thick wood. Yeah. It's awesome. Yeah. We're fortunate. Yeah. And you've been there for a bit.
Speaker 2 00:07:16 Well, yeah. 21 years. Yeah. Cause we moved up there when I was nine months pregnant with my son. So,
Speaker 0 00:07:23 And now you have three children. Yep. That's and so what are the ages of these children?
Speaker 2 00:07:28 21, 20 and 17. So you're almost done.
Speaker 0 00:07:35 I'll never be done, right? I, that is the thing. I have some friends who, uh, decided I had a child young, late in my life. I didn't have Keegan. I think I was 30, 30, 1 years old when he was born. So some of my friends had kids, like what
Speaker 2 00:07:49 I do for a living, I would say I'm a mother. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:07:51 Yeah. That's that's it. Yes. Yep. And so they said they wanted the kids early because then they'd be done with it. They'd be like, yeah, by the time they turn 18, I'll still be like 40 something or whatnot. I was like, okay. But I'm, I'm, I'm getting older now. I'm 38 years old. Celebrated her birthday a few a month or two back. My mom is still taking care of me. Like my mom and dad still have to put up with me. They still worry about me. Like when you're a parent you're you're never done. No, no. I took my kid skiing. I had this fantasy of like my son being an X game superstar. I like, I used to like to skateboard. I still snowboard from time to time. So I'm like, oh yeah, my kid's going to be like the next Tony Hawk. And I took him skiing a few weeks ago. And every time he fell the feeling in my stomach, I literally would keel over and hold my stomach. I'm like, oh, I can't do it. I can't do it. So I hope he doesn't want to become an X game superstar. Right. Yeah. It's scary. Yeah. So you do a few different services at life force. So like you specialize in personally, what are those?
Speaker 2 00:08:58 Um, aroma therapy would probably be my top one, but um, I have a few different blends there. Cold and flu blend was the first one that I ever made. And that was probably 20 years ago. And it was very, very popular before COVID that's right. Yes. Before COVID um, now it's a big seller. Yeah, yeah. Yep. Or anxiety eight is a very big seller on yoga coming up with a new one here shortly called energize, which I
Speaker 0 00:09:28 Love. Yeah. So fill me in on this aroma therapy thing. Cause like I see you with all these, I'm going to call them potions as far as it looks like to me. And you're, you're mixing things together and whatnot. It, it looks fascinating to me. And obviously you have to have like, you need to know what you're doing and a sense of smell. Like it's more than just smell. So explain a Roman therapy to me cause I don't get it.
Speaker 2 00:09:51 Well, aroma therapy is more of a feeling that you get, um, from the different essences that you're blending with. You can create different feelings and emotions depending on which ones you're using and whatever you're attracted to too as well. So if you're more of a floral person than you would be attractive word, those kinds of smells. I'm an earthy person. So I like earthy smells. Okay. Um, yeah, but I do. I've, I've created the blends that we have right now. My girls I'm fortunate. They both work for asset life force, which I love now they do all the mixing for me. I make everything by the leader and then they turn it into a sprays 10 little bottles or roll-ons.
Speaker 0 00:10:30 There you go. Yeah. Oh, okay. Very interesting. Yeah. After we're done. Cause we, I could ask you so many questions on this topic. I think people at home would be like Elliot stock. We wanted the next thing. We'll talk more about it. Cause that is truly fascinating to me. Like smell is a big thing. Do a lot of aroma therapy. Like I'm talking a lot people, a lot of people yeah. Smells to me are crazy just because like you can smell something and it triggers your memory and it'll take you back to when you're a kid. Totally does. Yeah. So it's something that is fascinating to me in regards to smells. So when I see you with all of the bottles mixing stuff, I'm like, I do love, you could trigger some, some good memories for sure. You can create emotions. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:11:12 Like if you need to feel Zen or peaceful, you can do that with aroma therapy or if you need energy or if you have headaches, like you can do a lot with it. And so, okay.
Speaker 0 00:11:23 So you're going to make this house smell nice is what you're telling me. Yes. All right. There we go. Now you do some, you do some other services. What's the other services do you do? I do live blood analysis. That's what I wanted to see. Like to explain this one to me because I did a video with you a few years back on that and I filmed it, but I didn't understand a word
Speaker 2 00:11:40 What'd you said, come in and have it done. There we go.
Speaker 0 00:11:42 Well, I've come in. I've got my eyes looked at by your mom that I gotta be honest. And I said it to your mom. That was a life changer for me and change her game changer of experience. And it's funny. Uh, my mother Pamela pier, hi mom. Um, she came in and got that done. Like when I was a teenager. So years ago, um, with your mom and after I got it done, my mom's like, oh my God, I can't believe you did that. I did it. It changed my life when I did this. So I'm like, why would you not share that with me? She's like, I don't know. I never really thought about it. But it, that, that is, if you haven't done that at home, that's one to do. So now with yours, what is your so
Speaker 2 00:12:25 Lifeblood analysis is sort of the same idea. So you're basically taking a few drops of someone's blood and looking at it under a microscope it's it comes upon a monitor. So you can see your blood cells floating around. And I just explained to you what I'm seeing. So you can see if people have parasites or candida or how their liver is functioning, their adrenal glands, all kinds of things, show up deficiencies, thyroid stuff. So it's, it's a, it's a good tool to let you know what you need to do to improve your
Speaker 0 00:12:57 Health. Okay. Yeah. How do you get the blood prick? Your finger prick the finger. That's it. Okay, so you're not taking vials? No, no. It's just a few drops. Okay. Yup.
Speaker 2 00:13:06 No, it's, it's pretty interesting. Um, if you've never seen that done before, people are sort of amazed. They're like, Ooh, that's my blood floating around. You see your little red blood cells and you can. Yeah. And so as I'm explaining everything that I'm seeing, it's interesting
Speaker 0 00:13:23 For people. Yeah, no doubt. Okay. I'll come in and do it. Okay. I'll do it. I'm not even joking. I'll come and do it. Yeah. Okay, cool. So we have a segment here called the Mac city minutes. This is a segment where Tanner is going to ask you a few questions. Best of luck to you. I have no idea what he's going to ask you. Okay, great. So Tanner hit her with the Mac minute
Speaker 3 00:13:46 Question. Number one. What is your favorite product in store?
Speaker 2 00:13:51 Oh, that's not a fair question. I don't have one favorite product. Um, I'm going to say thymus gland what's that it is for your immune system. So it stimulates your thymus and it also has zinc in it, which is great for your immune system. So that's probably my favorite herbal product right now.
Speaker 3 00:14:10 Question number two. What is your most interesting memory from working at Mariana lakes?
Speaker 2 00:14:15 Oh my I'm not answering that.
Speaker 0 00:14:20 She's pleading the fifth. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There we go. Next
Speaker 3 00:14:25 Question. Number three. What is your favorite part of working at a generationally owned business?
Speaker 2 00:14:31 Oh, I do love it. It's so amazing. And I'm so blessed to do that. I get to work with my girls and work with my mother at the same time. And that is truly amazing. It's a gift. What
Speaker 3 00:14:42 Is your go-to fast food dessert.
Speaker 2 00:14:47 I can honestly say I don't have one. I am not kidding. No, I don't eat dessert. We're
Speaker 0 00:14:54 Going to talk about the next question. We'll we'll get, we'll dive into that a little.
Speaker 3 00:14:57 And your final question. What is your favorite aroma?
Speaker 2 00:15:01 Oh, I'm going to say it's one of my blends. So it's not one aroma, but I think the oatmeal goes my favorite venue. Five questions.
Speaker 0 00:15:10 Okay. So you don't need dessert.
Speaker 2 00:15:12 I'm not a dessert person. I've never been
Speaker 0 00:15:15 Cookies. Chips. No, nothing. No. You just like chips
Speaker 2 00:15:18 The odd time in the summer for camping or something, but I'm not a dessert person. I do not care for pastries or never have not even when I was
Speaker 0 00:15:27 Little. That's interesting. Yeah. Yeah. Nothing wrong with that. No, like that's extra calories that you don't really need. You can get them in other places. True. Yeah. Yeah. So, okay. That is interesting. I, I don't love dessert per se. I'll eat them. I'll eat anything. I like, I like eating food, but um, yeah. It's not one of those things that I have to have, but if it's around, I'll eat it. This kid is killing me. Can you go wide for a second Tanner with uh, yeah. Can you see those? So this guy every day, bakes fresh cookies for the guests that come in. Yup. Then on like, I think it's Wednesdays, he's making croissants and now he's decided that Fridays are, um, what'd you call Fridays now? Cinnamon on Fridays. And then earlier in the week he made, what are those blueberry scones? Wow. He's a baker. He's <inaudible>
Speaker 3 00:16:25 I am not a baker. Pillsbury is a baker. I am an, a put in the oven.
Speaker 0 00:16:31 So he's been baking for all the guests, but like I have no choice. It's smells good every morning when I come into work, I'm like, well, I can't
Speaker 2 00:16:37 Have gluten. So it's a good thing. I like baking.
Speaker 0 00:16:39 There you go. Yeah. I'm a horrible baker, but Tanner, he crushes it. He crushes it. Shout out. Pillsbury. There you go. So now if you don't like dessert, which okay. We've we've covered that. What kind of food do you like then? What's your go-to jam for food?
Speaker 2 00:16:54 I'm a really healthy eater. I eat salad every
Speaker 0 00:16:57 Day. So salad, salad. I'm a meat and solid person. Meat and vegetables. Okay. So what kind of meat? Like are you putting meat in the salad?
Speaker 2 00:17:04 Sure. Okay. Like all kinds of meat, every meat, every meat, every vegetable.
Speaker 0 00:17:08 All right. I like chicken. I like steak, but I've been making burgers lately. Myself. I don't know how to cook. No, I never really learnt. Um, yeah, never learned, but that's why I will literally eat anything. My mom at an early age said, you don't want to learn how to cook. Do you? I'm like, no, I don't. She's like, well then anything that's put in front of you, you have to eat because you're choosing not to have the skill. So that's why literally you can put anything in front of me and I'll try it. Yeah. I'll give it a go. I'll give it a go. But I've been cooking burgers lately and yeah, I'm getting pretty good at cooking burgers. I had one. They slap. Yeah, they do. Thank you, Tanner. I appreciate that. All right. So I know we're getting to the end of the show already. Tanner. How am I doing for time? You two minutes. Oh, we got two minutes. See it flies. People are like, oh, they get nervous before they come in. Hence why you brought the spray for us for the 20 minutes. Just zoom right by. So before we cut you loose today though, one shameless plug for yourself. Please tell everybody one more time, who you are, where you work, how they can get in contact with you, how they can support your awesome local business. Well,
Speaker 2 00:18:11 Again, I'm Angela from life force. Um, we offer food sensitivity testing, like blood analysis, Syrah Knology, um, health consultations. You
Speaker 0 00:18:22 Name it, you name it and you sell jewelry and crystals and everything else.
Speaker 2 00:18:25 Anything spiritual books, anything to do with healing money by body, mind and soul.
Speaker 0 00:18:32 Yeah. Yeah. It's awesome. I love your guys' store. I love it. It's the best. Every time I go in there, I leave with a smile. I feel healthier because of you guys, like your store is definitely my favorite place to go in town. Yeah. So on that note, Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. That's another episode of the Mac city morning show. Thank you very much for tuning in. I do appreciate it. I'm your host, Elliot, Pierre, and hope you're having a great day and we'll see you tomorrow. Peace. Hi. Just
Speaker 4 00:19:18 Talk about quenching your ugly thirst.