Mac City Morning Show #174: Irena Lisiecka-Banaszek

Episode 174 September 24, 2021 00:19:22
Mac City Morning Show #174: Irena Lisiecka-Banaszek
The Mac City Morning Show
Mac City Morning Show #174: Irena Lisiecka-Banaszek

Sep 24 2021 | 00:19:22


Show Notes

Irena Lisiecka-Banaszek is here today! Irena is here to speak some more about the fundraiser that is organized for a family that has been going through a tough time. Tune in to hear more details.
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:01 Good morning, Fort McMurry, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You've tuned into the Mac CD morning show. I'm your host, Elliot Pierre. And we're going to start the show off the same way we start every episode off with a moment of gratitude. I know you could be doing a million other things with your time. So the fact that you spent it with us truly does mean the world to me. So thank you on that note, Tanner hidden with the intro. Speaker 1 00:00:21 She caught me loves and you're listening to the next any morning shell. Speaker 0 00:00:25 <inaudible> all right. And we're back. Tanner hates when I say this, but I have my favorite type of guests here today. I don't know who this individual is. Um, it's a complete stranger and I love to meet new people. So I'm very excited about today's episode. As you guys know, I don't introduce myself or I don't introduce my guests because they can do a better job at that than myself. So on that note, can you please, uh, tell everybody at home who you are and what? Speaker 2 00:00:52 Uh, so my name is Irina <inaudible>. I am originally from Ukraine, but health, my life. I used to live in Poland in the war, so, so Speaker 0 00:01:03 Yeah, very cool. So what brings you first and foremost to Fort McMurray? Speaker 2 00:01:08 Uh, and I like it. Mason guy. Okay. There we go. Yes, I met, I met amazing guy from here is originally from Poland. He is Polish guy. So we met from internet. And here you go. Speaker 0 00:01:25 Yeah, there we go. How long did you guys date online for? Speaker 2 00:01:28 Uh, since 2014. Okay. Speaker 0 00:01:33 Wow. That's a long time. And had you guys been able to meet prior to Speaker 2 00:01:37 Yeah, two times per year. Like in the summer I came here in the winter, like Christmas time he went to Poland. Speaker 0 00:01:46 Oh, that's awesome. And so then you decided to make the move out to Fort McMurray. So how long have you been living here now? Speaker 2 00:01:52 Um, a little bit over the three years I've been living here. Okay. Speaker 0 00:01:57 Yeah. And how are you liking it so far? Speaker 2 00:02:00 I like it a little bit difference, like, because we're, so it's a big city because I, 17 years I used to live in war, so it's a capital of Poland, so it's a big capital, big city. It was a big traffics and everything, but I love here because it's a quiet and very calm and, you know, close everything, you have close to everywhere and very kind and like people, very kind people. Speaker 0 00:02:26 So it's been a good transition so far then. Yeah. Great. Now you're here also to talk about an event that you are helping maybe organize or take part in. So there's, there's a fundraiser Speaker 2 00:02:37 And you know what, actually, like Alexandra said, this was my idea, but you know, uh, the way from idea and organize in any event, it's a quite long way. And a lot of people should be involved in this. So I just gave idea that we could, uh, we could do something like that because it's beautiful. Like I said, I used to live in a worser when I used to, um, I taught in a music school. I used to teach in music school. I'm a teacher. So my school, our school in Warsaw, we organized a lot of events like that. So it, for me, it was obvious that we could to help those two families this way. Speaker 0 00:03:22 And so what's this event about, for all the people at home who may not know about the event, what is for the people at home who may not know about the event that's taking place? What is it in, what's it all about? Speaker 2 00:03:34 Uh, like, yeah, it will take place, uh, 25th, uh, in September. Uh, I don't remember actually address because yes, Alexandra said about that. She could add more about Speaker 0 00:03:48 Kimberly and we'll link it in the link below for Speaker 2 00:03:50 Yes, exactly. Yeah. So we will have a concert. So we trying to involve, um, little students, uh, because it's good opportunity even to like, could too for them, because we have hard time, hard, hard to do. Is there no concert and everything? So we have an opportunity to help. Right. And do a little bit like push those children though, to do something good for those families. And even for them, because it's a good opportunity. Speaker 0 00:04:31 And I heard that there's going to be like a silent auction there and a bake sale. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:04:35 I'm interested in the ass. Uh, there, there will be, there, there will be, there will be a silent auction. Yes. We will have a lot of, uh, um, we will offer in a lot of like, not me a lot, not we, but a lot of people it's, that's exactly a very touching aspect of the, there's a whole action because a lot of people very willing to help us help those families. And yes, they are given a lot of beautiful stuffs, like a painting, like a, uh, cross teaching painting, um, um, a lot of hard, uh, handmade. Stuff's like a busy area. Like <inaudible> Speaker 2 00:05:23 How do you say that? Oh, there we go. So a lot of jewelry is like how her handmaid to, and uh, like you name it, like et cetera, a lot of stuffs. And plus of course, baking, uh, baking like cookies. Yeah. Like everything homemade, everything. It was a piece of hard, you know, you know what I mean? Like I asked, for example, I was, it was so unexpected because this weekend I went with my daughter to Edmonton, to Edmonton and we went to a like Ukrainian store or beat. It calls our beat and owner of this store. She, she knew, she knows us and she always asking, oh, what's going on? And for my Kamari, because her husband work worked here and she knows this city and what's going on. So what interesting. And I'm just talking about that. We are organizing this action and like immediately she raised it and she, uh, she told us, she said, I want to help. And she, she loaded fully loaded my trunk of my car. Yes. With, uh, a lot of goodies, like a lot of candies, sweets, chocolates. And, you know, and, and, and I'll be honest. I want to like, <inaudible>, I want to underline that she doesn't want to, didn't want to, we talk about, uh, because it's from Biden. Yeah. It's not for, and not for nothing. So I'm very Speaker 0 00:07:02 Grateful for this great house. So many people came out and rallied around this, uh, event that you're having by donating all these different things for the silent auction and the food. Oh, that's amazing. Speaker 2 00:07:12 Yeah. No Speaker 0 00:07:12 Doubt. So now in regards to piano, um, how long have you been playing the piano for? Speaker 2 00:07:18 Oh my God. Since I was six years, six years old girl. Speaker 0 00:07:23 Okay. And then you became a teacher? Yes. I Speaker 2 00:07:26 Became a teacher. Speaker 0 00:07:26 So how do you do that? Like my little boy, he's playing the piano right now and he has a music teacher and I've always, I never asked her. I should have, but now I'm asking you, so is there like levels or certification that you have to get to be come a piano teacher or if you're just good at teaching and you know how to play, you can just become a teacher like that. Speaker 2 00:07:45 Um, actually I'm just now I'm, um, discovering whole, this system here in Canada, because it has, because it's absolutely different, for example, in my country. And in countries, like in Europe, you have, you should have a master degree, I think are, uh, for example, it's depends. If you want to teach, for example, in a music school, you should have bachelor degree in piano. If you, if you want to like, uh, teach in a higher level, uh, school, you should to, um, have a master degree. Like you should finish the conservatory, like, right. So like music academy music at university, you name it. So I mastered it. I have a master degree of music. Piano. Yes. And, uh, so yes, I will. Yes. I was teaching in Warsaw in quite big music school and right. Speaker 0 00:08:43 And so do I have to assume you're teaching piano here? Yeah. Speaker 2 00:08:46 Yes. Like I'm teaching I'm I'm, um, it's a challenging for me actually. Now I'm teaching just children who just speak Russian and this may be that do not speak Russian, but understand Russian language because there are a lot of families like that. The parents are speaking Russian, but children like, you know, Speaker 0 00:09:09 It's not their first language. Yeah. Okay. And how's it going? Speaker 2 00:09:14 Right. Good. Yes. You have, my few of my students will play a on this concert. Of course. It's absolutely. Uh, without in a discussion, you know, they shouldn't, that's it. Speaker 0 00:09:28 Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that'd be a good place for them to like, get some experience. I have to assume because of COVID they haven't had a lot of, uh, opportunities to perform in front of people. So yeah, it was a good one for them Speaker 2 00:09:39 Because a lot of children, uh, struggling with the anxious, for example, even my daughter, I have a daughter she's a great singer and she's playing guitar. I couldn't force her to play piano. Yeah. I'm not happy about it, but, you know, it's, it was her choice for like, yeah. So she didn't want to, because she is now she's a teenager, but, um, but I asked her very like kindly please help us because it's for this like proposed, please help us solve. No problem. I'm told them she will play guitar and she wills. Speaker 0 00:10:19 There we go. Very cool. All right. Well, we're at the part of the show called the Mac city minute. Tanner has some questions for you. I don't know what he's going to ask, so I wish you nothing but the best of luck Tanner here with the next 20 minutes. Speaker 3 00:10:32 Alrighty. Question number one. What is your favorite dish to eat Orthodox Christmas? Speaker 2 00:10:40 Um, how recent mess. So it's I think a pierogi maybe pierogi Speaker 3 00:10:53 Okay. Question number two. What is one thing you were not expecting when you arrived in Canada? Speaker 2 00:11:05 Uh, so one of the most things, you know, I don't know if I could explain it or maybe I will try. So, um, I came from, uh, countries and there was a little bit different, like politicians situation. And, uh, I didn't know how to, like, people in my country is more like closed most close, not like, uh, very close, very close people, not they, uh, they keep in, they all their emotions like inside of them, you know? So when I came, uh, first time, even like grocery stores, they take grocery stores. Everyone is like, uh, I'll be honest. First time. It was for me, very shocking because everyone, hello, how are you? How is going? Oh my God. First, my start was my God, why I was so interested in why you're going through something like that. But I got used to that and now I, I love it. Speaker 2 00:12:15 So I see that. It's not that it's just, it's casual in Canada. It's normal in Canada to be very, um, very kind, very open, you know, very like, uh, <inaudible> like, like, like very good person to, in other, you know, even for, even for strange strangers. Know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, yeah, so it was, for me, it was surprising. It was first, it was shocking a little bit, but now I got used to it now, now I'm, you know, I'm, I'm, I'm learning to be a more open to, uh, other people it's it was, for me, it is very like very, it was excluded the discovering for me that people not judging people, not like you could even, you know, in my countries, I can, I can do nothing without thinking about my outfit and no one will judge you and Noel will say, oh my God, your soul like know ugly or something, you know, because yeah, it is very, it was it's like, I didn't know. Very well beautiful coming. Speaker 3 00:13:31 Oh, there you go. Question number through three. What is your three? What is your favorite? Speaker 2 00:13:41 You know what, I don't know. I'm Hmm. Um, I dunno how to explain it. For example, when last time it was concert with Ukrainian dancing, I was crying. It was so touching for me. You know what I'm always, I'm thinking about my dad, my PA, my dad, he passed away two years ago. And, uh, um, I think that he will, he will, he would be very proud if he will, he will have opportunity to come here, like Wistia to visit me, visit me because unfortunately, uh, he passed away, like I said, and yeah, always thinking about my dad and he will very proud and I'm very proud that Ukrainian community and not just only Ukrainian community, they called cultivating multicultural community as cultivation. This tradition cultivating those traditional and it's, I think it is beautiful. And even, even when I've been living in Poland, I didn't see you like, cause I didn't appreciate so my culture like, like yes I do now. You know what I mean? Yeah. So I'm so proud that I'm Ukrainian. So I'm so proud about my culture and it's I even now I have a bunk goosebumpy yes. Goosebumpy so, yes. I'm I'm happy. There you go. Speaker 3 00:15:19 Question number four. What is your favorite song to play on the piano? Speaker 2 00:15:25 Oh, actually it's quite very simple. Not simple. Like very, it's not, I don't know. Can I use the appropriate question? Because there are a lot of my, there are a lot of composers and a lot of songs that I, I love to play. Uh, so I love Rachmaninoff. I love DBC, so I don't have like one favorite songs. So there are a lot of them. Speaker 3 00:15:56 And your final question, what is one Canadian food that you tried that you were surprised at the taste? Speaker 2 00:16:06 I think it's, it's real Canadian steak because I didn't eat it stakes in, in my country. They like real estate, like with a good meal because <inaudible> beef beef. It's very good here. Beef, beef meat. It's very good because I didn't eat. So, so like so delicious and tasty. Oh, Speaker 0 00:16:32 Interesting. Speaker 3 00:16:33 Yes. And those have been your five questions. Speaker 0 00:16:36 I think we, uh, take that for granted actually coming from Alberta, like Alberta does have good beef and like when I've traveled, even within the country, different provinces don't have the same type of steak and or beef. That's that? We're just, we take it for granted here in Alberta. So that's interesting. So in Europe it's the same way? Speaker 2 00:16:54 Not the same, not just like it's different, it's different. Speaker 0 00:17:02 It's better here. Speaker 3 00:17:03 They have different cows. Yeah. Yes. Speaker 2 00:17:05 Maybe what more, most, more soft, more soft. You don't need like three or four hours to make a goulash or something. You know, Speaker 3 00:17:16 A lot of the cows in Europe are usually thicker skin because they live in colder climates longer, Speaker 2 00:17:22 Probably Tanner. Speaker 0 00:17:24 Yeah. I know the knowledge, Speaker 3 00:17:25 A wealth of useless knowledge. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:17:27 Knowledge is knowledge though. My man, good job on the questions by the way, always crushing them. So, uh, we're coming to the end of the show where you get a shameless shout out or plug. So, uh, what would you like to talk about before you leave? I'm assuming I already know, but before you leave, you're probably going to want to talk about like the event taking place, but let's tell the people at home about that one more time. Speaker 2 00:17:51 First of all, I would like to invite, uh, more people for our actions. So like, I didn't know to what to say more just I invite everyone who will find out about our reaction. Speaker 0 00:18:10 And so this is happening this weekend, which is Saturday the 25th. Yeah. It's taking place in Timberly. Yes. There's music, silent auctions, a lot of goodies, a lot of goodies cakes, treats cookies and whatnot. And there's a website that we're not a website, a Facebook page that we'll attach. I don't know if that's a top or the bottom, but we'll attach all the necessary information. Right. Well, thank you for coming on the show. Thank you. Yeah, I know you got volun-told to come here. So I think you did a great job and I know the people at homeowner are going to enjoy this episode, so thank you very much for being brave. Yeah. All right. Well, everybody at home. Thank you. Once again, for tuning in, this has been another episode of the Mac city morning show. Uh, like I said, at the beginning of the show, I really do appreciate everybody that tunes in. So thank you very much. I hope you're having a great day and we'll see you tomorrow. Peace.

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