Episode Transcript
Speaker 0 00:00:00 Good morning, Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You're tuning in to the Mac city morning show. My name is Elliot Pierre, and we're going to start the show off the same way we start every show off with a moment of gratitude. I know he could be doing a million other things with your time. So the fact that you're spending with us truly does mean the world to me on that note, Tanner hit him with the intro.
Speaker 0 00:00:29 Okay. When we're back, as you can see, we're not on set. We're at the thick of barbershop and I got Allie cutting my hair today. So this is basically a normal thing I do every week. So I figured, well, I might as well incorporate my life into the show. So Minneapolis, Allie here are going to have a conversation and you guys are just going to tune in Ali, say hello to the people at home. Hello, everybody. Thanks for watching. And uh, let's have some fun. Here we go. Okay. All right. So then how are you doing today? I'm doing great, man. All excited for this. It's been a hard season for everybody, but finally, now things are going back to the usual. Yeah. And all little by little that's right? Yeah. We missed the, see everybody's faces, man. Yeah. I've been brought for sure. Yeah. You guys were sat down a few times when a COVID was taking place. I think three. Five. Yeah, nothing whatsoever.
Speaker 0 00:01:26 Now outside of COVID though. We'll let's get on a nicer topic. You went on vacation a little while ago. Where did you go? Oh yeah. I wouldn't see my parents married for the first time. In two years. Yeah. Definitely. It was much needed math. Very stressful. Yeah. Yeah. And I was really excited to see my mom and dad and my yesterday. She got married too. And that was the big thing. That's right. How did that wedding go? It happened last week, right? That happened three weeks ago. Okay. Really cool. Actually. It was very good. Yeah, your brother's there for that. My brother is how long until he comes back. He'll be here next December, December 3rd. Okay. So he's taking a nice long vacation. It's his first bond going back five years. That's right. So it's definitely a must be for him as well. And he took all the, he took his kids and his wife and everybody, the whole group, the whole crew.
Speaker 0 00:02:25 And then they going to have fun. That's awesome. Now I know the story, but the people at home don't how long have you had this barbershop with barbershop has been owning this barbershop since 2011. This is Christmas 2011. Okay. And it was definitely a rough bar, man. Yeah. It wasn't easy. But the Lord, I fixed all the things then after putting the fireman and the consistency and the hard work. Yeah. It's been back now. That's awesome. And you have like a crazy, no backer charity. So we'll talk about all the different charities, but this upcoming Friday, you have something going on. What's going on here? Well, next Friday, we're doing a big barbecue, like a fundraiser barbecues. Okay. Before the big brothers, big sisters and yeah, man, it's going to be in partnership with our neighbors here in the Plaza right now for our neighbors.
Speaker 0 00:03:30 Yeah. There you go. Yeah. And 50% of all the haircuts, you're getting out the proceeds go to the big brothers and big sisters, 50% of the, the money we'll make that day basically goes through the big brothers, big sisters. But I've noticed there's a, there's a jar behind me that already has some money in there. So people have been coming in and making donations. Actually people are ready. Normally you started like the week before the actual fundraiser and start throwing people about our events. Right. Whoever can make it. They can just come in and yeah. And donate some money. And then it feels good, man. Now another, uh, you really like to get behind is Sanders as anonymous.
Speaker 2 00:04:14 Oh, that's a big, that's a big thing. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:04:18 So much. I don't know, man. Maybe many, because a lot of kids, it looked like a lot of kids like that. Right. They raced for it every year. Right. Or there's something else that makes me like it and the clients in the barbershop right. Every year, man, like when November hits. Yeah. Ollie, are you going to do the, are you going to do the census anonymous this year? And this is really just reminded me. I'm not going to do it, man. Even if I'm not doing it yet, I want to do it. It's definitely cool, man. The amount of toys you guys collect, there's insane. Actually, we make it very competitive. What I do is every time somebody comes with some, some gifts, right. I, I do it on purpose. I put his picture on Facebook, right. For a reason. I want his friends to see what he's doing so he can bring them more gifts.
Speaker 0 00:05:11 Maybe it sounds weird. I'll tell you what man. It's worse. Yeah. Last year and the year before and the year before, more than how many, how many guests you remember that you got hundreds of hundreds of gifts, man. Yeah. Mortally. We did like a piece, a couple of, at least a couple hundred baskets. That's right. Really big, big Baptist. Both boys. Yeah. And they had to come and pick up the gifts more than once. Yeah, actually. Yes. That's true. They send my trucks like four or five. I remember remember, uh, ethno was talking about that one day. Yeah. She was supposed to, she was supposed to surprise them and that's a, not talking about a news business and just a little Barbara, but the love shows, you know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. And you guys have clients that you really like, just want to support and get behind everything you do.
Speaker 0 00:06:02 And I actually happened to spend a ton from these clients. They're very supportive and I don't know how lucky I am that I have these guys in my life right now. Another profit that you've done some work with was uh, um, the boys and girls club downtown. You did like a barbecue for them last year. Right? Last year we had a barbecue with the boys and girls club. Yeah. It's really good. Actually. I was surprised. Yeah. Although it was like, it was like a little bit of hassle to get the permits by the city and health inspection and everything, but still it was worth it, man. A lot of people came in and it was really good. It was very successful. We were able to be able to get some good, good announcements. That's awesome.
Speaker 0 00:06:47 Definitely a good thing. It was good to be able to be in that position where you're able to help. Yeah. That's exactly it. I'll never forget that day during the flood, when my house was flooded and you know what, man, my insurance wouldn't cover it and I just went on Facebook. I said, all my friends would, can come and help me and cleaning the house. Right. So thankfully can come. And buddy, yeah. More than 30 guys came in that day and right. And they helped out, I think it's karma and you help people if people help you back. I will say I was so happy that day when they came and helped me. That's awesome. I told like I'm part of the community, like for real that's right. No doubt. Yeah. When you feel like you're so loved. Yeah. That was like the real feeling I got that day. Yeah man. I'm been spoiled. Yeah. Yeah. Here's something really funny. Yeah. But they told me Ali, you tell us what to do. Yeah. Oh, we'll just do it. I was like, I have no clue.
Speaker 0 00:07:50 I told them out when I clean my basement, I'll be so happy if you guys can help me then that's right. But it all went down, man. Oh my God. I'm so impressed now. Wow. I'm so glad. Yeah. Well, when you give the way you give, like, people want us to give you any support that they can, right? Yeah. I guess. Yeah. For sure. Man. You give, I know you think back now as a local business owner here in town, throughout COVID you guys were making things work. What do you think was like one of the biggest challenges for you throughout the program? To be honest with you, the hardest part for me was the rent. Yeah. You still have to pay rent. I mean, the government has helped for sure. Yeah. You know, I don't wanna say they weren't helping like 40% or something like that.
Speaker 0 00:08:49 And uh, we're still before the rent and for Memorial is really hard, bro. That's right. Uh, it was really hard to still have to pay rent. Yeah. It was sad to see her a little guys here. Like the Bob, the Barbara's man doing nothing. Just sitting home and yeah. And all, but the nice thing is that you're living in a country where the government actually cares. I know some people are going to think, oh, what is this guy saying? Or whatever. But you guys trust me, man. I came from a country where people lost their jobs during COVID and nobody was supporting them. That's right. Like here in Canada, man, like even the $2,000 that the government was given. That's that's that's good. Yeah. That was big support. Big health help.
Speaker 0 00:09:35 Something's better than nothing. Exactly. It wasn't paying the mortgage. It wasn't paying the rent. Right. But it was better than nothing. At least you can buy some Superstore. That's right. That's right. That's right. I got a question. Totally off topic because I know from time to time right now you've got a full crew. But from time to time, you need a barber. Yes. You're always looking for help. Yes. Ma'am a good barber. Somebody wants to come and work at your place. What kind of skillset do they need? Probably the truth. The main thing for me to come work at this barber shop, the main thing is respect. Yeah. You know what? I'm not perfect. Nobody's perfect. I'm not the
Speaker 1 00:10:15 Best Marvin.
Speaker 0 00:10:17 I respect people. I'm going to respect people. People respect you back. And if you do a mistake, they'll forgive you the first time. And the second
Speaker 1 00:10:23 Time,
Speaker 0 00:10:25 Like I tell Barb is like, when they come here, be very respectful because I'll tell you, man. Yeah. People judge you and how you foster them. That's right. And all like don't don't do anything that makes you look like you're disrespectful because this is the number one thing people look at. You know what I mean? And then after that, the skill. Yeah. No, the skill comes after. Yeah. Because if you're still, when he was the principal, I don't need you here. That's right. You know what I mean? Yeah. I want people to love you before. You know what I mean? That's the atmosphere after, because it's all about the atmosphere and the barbershop bro. You know what I mean? Yeah, totally. That's what I did is basically number one, respect. Second to skill. There you go. Awesome bro. That's it man. That's the end of our time.
Speaker 0 00:11:12 Thank you. I enjoy your company all the time. I appreciate it. I liked your, I liked your, uh, your soul here and I wish you all the best brother. Thank you very much, man. I really appreciate that. Well, Fort McMurray was Buffalo and the rest of the world. Thank you. Once again for tuning into the Mac city morning show from the bottom of my heart, it really does mean the world to me. And I hope you enjoyed the new setting. Now we went out of our way not to get Allie, not to cut. So if you're hearing the buzz and the fans and people talking and you're like the audio, isn't perfect. I'm just trying to give you the barbershop experience. So that's what that's all about. Other than that, have a great day and we'll see you tomorrow. Peace, peace. Talk about quenching, your ugly thirsty.