#20: Kate Stuve with Life Force Healing

Episode 20 February 12, 2021 00:22:04
#20: Kate Stuve with Life Force Healing
The Mac City Morning Show
#20: Kate Stuve with Life Force Healing

Feb 12 2021 | 00:22:04


Show Notes

Kate Stuve with Life Force is in the house today.  At Life Force Healing their goal is to provide you with everything from vitamins and supplements, internal body detoxes, natural body care and self help.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:06 Good morning, Fort McMurray. How are you doing today? Thank you for tuning in. My name is Elliot Pierre. This is the Mac city morning show. I start the show off the same way every day. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for tuning in. I know you could be doing a million other things with your time. So the fact that you've taken that moment in your day to tune into us, maybe now live or watching the pre-record afterwards, it warms my heart and it means the world to me. So thank you very much. And on that note, Tanner hit him with the intro. Speaker 1 00:00:35 Do you have bars welcome to the Mac city morning show. Speaker 0 00:00:43 All right. And we're back. So fingers crossed. We're nailing the sound Tanner the last few days we've been doing good. I'm trying, there we go. I like it. So if you're at home and we're getting an echo or you can't hear us, please message in, Towner's got his phone. He'll be looking at those comments, but hopefully we're good to go. Cause I don't want to miss a minute of the person I'm about to talk to. So as per usual, I do not introduce my guests because they can obviously do a better job talking about themselves. So on that note, can you please tell the people at home who you are, what you're about and we'll go from there. Speaker 2 00:01:14 I can. Uh, my name is Kate Stevie and I am from lifeforce herbal healing center for a little while. Speaker 0 00:01:23 A little while. Now, when you say a little while, how long a is a little while? 34 years. 34 years. I love it. Okay. So Kate, I have a, you've had a big impact on my life, not just me personally, but my mom has sat down and talked to you and, uh, I come in and we've had great conversations about everything and I'm, I'm a big, uh, supporter and purchaser of certain items, vitamins and different things from your store. Like game-changer, especially for myself, somebody who's getting older and age. So I just want to get you getting old. Hey, listen, I turned, I turned 38 in a few days here, so it's, it's, it's getting there. So can, uh, my favorite, one of my favorite stories that you have is kind of the evolution of life force. So how it started and like where it is today. So let's, can you explain to the people at home how this all got started and what the journey has been like? Speaker 2 00:02:18 Well, I can, my mom, Jean Stevie started life force 34 years ago. And it started out actually as a self-help course. It was a, and based on you can heal your life with the, we pay. And my brother was the facilitator and he was the only person in Canada that was licensed to facilitate. You can heal your life. And so it actually, um, it was just started out in a little room like this, really? And then he had different people, started to take his courses and, uh, we started out just selling, right. And my mom loved crystals. So she would have little crystals around, it was a very humble, tiny beginning. So then, um, for surprise, one time I bought my mom around of a herb. It was all herb from nature's way, just to, I just, I don't know why I did it. I just did. Speaker 2 00:03:24 And it just took off from there and we moved, uh, we moved life for us down. I think the taste of the orient is there right now, but at that time it was gas land. It was a gas land, um, service station. And next to us was Neil Costello's wine store, uh, Diana skincare. It was, it was a mall full of people that absolutely loved each other. We all knew each other. We'd run back and forth from like our, our stores. And when I, at that time, I used to do the need to know show and that was on TJ. Okay. And I did it with Russell Thomas, um, Tim day, uh, Kenny Jones, Kenny in the morning. I don't know how many people remember him. And I did it for 10 years and it was a lot of fun. And I can remember Diana would come running in the store and say, Hey, Kate it's Friday. I'll have the flavor of the day. It was just, it was, it was fun. And people just loved each other. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:04:31 Yeah. CGO. Okay. That is a blast from the past, right? Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. So that's how you guys started. And then you moved to your current location, which is authentically. Speaker 2 00:04:42 We did, we actually had two locations. We in <inaudible>, uh, and downtown. And at that time I was doing <inaudible> and so that was all we did at the story then. So it kind of seems like if I was downtown, that's where people would go, because that's where I was. And when I was up in thick wood that, so I was in competition with myself. Right. So that really didn't make any sense. So we closed the one downtown and then kept the one up in <inaudible>. And at that time, when we bought, hit sound hard and I don't know, I don't know how many people even know these Sam harden, uh, owned the mall. And, uh, but at one time he had hardened drugs. So, uh, I, I'm not even sure what that was. Lifeforce used to be a liquor store where we all are now. Speaker 0 00:05:38 That's right. Yeah. Okay. So now you're up there. Full-time now you said it and I can't pronounce the word you just said. Um, I D I thank you. Yeah. Now I've come in and you've you and I have sat down and done this, literally a game changer for me in regards to, it really did make a huge on my life. So can you tell the people at home what that is? Speaker 2 00:06:03 Well, you take a picture of the Iris and it's, uh, it's blown up so that you can actually see the different areas in the Iris, but it's people don't understand that your eyes really do tell a story, right? And like where some of the Irish rings are, the nerve rings. They, they go through places in your body where stress affects you. And I think as you know, as for learning how, for sure stress affects your health in huge ways. So the nerve rings go through, say your liver or your lungs or your brain. So, so different, different stressors affect different areas of your body. And a lot of it is natural. Knowing intuition and opinion, really opening up your heart to make a difference, to want to make a difference in people's lives. It's not a, it's not something you do to make money. Of course, you have to make money in order to survive. Speaker 2 00:07:09 Right. You know that, but you also have to care. And, um, say if you come into life force you and you do like, I'm going to give you something. I, I'm not going to say, Hmm. I wonder if this would help him. I think I'll just give an it, I don't do that. I, I give it with love and intention and I actually do put those vibes in whatever I'm suggesting for you, because it could make, it could make a big difference in your life. It could help you and, uh, herb have vibrations. And so if, if it's all a part of love and we need luck, Speaker 0 00:07:53 Lots of love. I couldn't agree with you more. No, it's uh, for the people at home, like I, by nature, I'm just a positive individual. I like to move I'll. I look at the glass as half full, more than half empty. Um, and so when I came in to do that, a picture of your eye with you, like I was happy to do it and the content or the information that came out of it was transformative in regards to, for me, just to be even more positive and look at things differently. And, uh, you identify some things that I was probably struggling with, which you nailed. And then more than anything else, it allowed me to like revisit those and improve those relationships or things that I was doing just to make me an overall happier person. And with that happiness turned into better business, better relationship. And just me being more of a happy human being in general. So it was transformative. Speaker 2 00:08:46 Well, um, I think that people need to understand where attention goes, energy flows. I see it in your store time and, and time again. And so sometimes I can tell when somebody comes in, they're going to have their iridology done. And they're like, well, I'm getting it done, but I don't believe in it. Right. And people, body language is so hilarious. Like I could tell if somebody, if they're open to something they're open. They're not, they're not that's it. But anyways, so I rheology health, but also I, we have Angela and she does live on analysis. And that actually shows pretty much the same thing, but just say it's just a different modality of healing. Right, right. Right. Speaker 0 00:09:35 Now there's one thing I, I want to talk about. And, uh, it is what it is. It's my show. I can ask anything. I want to die. We can talk about anything I want. Um, right now, obviously there's a pandemic going on and like we're wearing masks right now and social isolating, and that's all fine and good. Um, but the one thing that drives me nuts is I don't hear enough about things that you could be doing proactively to boost your immune system. So you got the vitamin store. I know I come in, well, you got vitamins in your store. What can people be doing to help just be healthier to potentially combat Speaker 2 00:10:09 Well, number one, they can wash their hands with soap and water. You don't need to spray yourself with Lysol in order to, that'll kill you in the long run. Cause it's disgusting, but I've seen it. So, um, what you need to do is wash your hands and face. Remember your face too. But, um, the way you think if when you are living in fear, uh, your immune system goes way down. So sitting at home and not leaving your house at it, doesn't matter what you take. You're not gonna, your immune system just doesn't have a chance because it's not exposed to any bacteria. This particular situation has been around since the beginning of time in one way or another. And so I don't know what what's causing any of it, but I do know that we need to stop living in fear. We need to be clean. Speaker 2 00:11:06 We need to eat healthy. If you have a mask on and you're in the grocery store with a bunch of junk, that's just insulting to your intelligence. It just, it upsets me. What you need to do is strengthen your immune system. Eat healthy. Vitamin D is always, has always has been like a game changer for many people. It not only gives you, uh, it helps with your mood. It helps with depression and are a lot of people that are just kind of sad are it's because they don't have enough. Vitamin D zinc is crucial. It's helps with, uh, with your immune system, but it also helps with men's prostate health, vitamin C of course, it's always important. And what am I missing? Uh, probiotics help with your immune system, but I'm missing something important. And I can't think what it is. Speaker 0 00:12:06 That's okay. Well, that's a good start. That's a good, sorry. I put you a bit on the spot there, but yeah, so these are things that people could be doing to help boost their immune system. And just like from a mental health standpoint, just a, Speaker 2 00:12:17 Well, you know what, actually right now that's really important and is, um, to give people support for their adrenal blogs, because they're exhausted because they're fear ridden. Uh, and so they feel, they feel like on fight or flight all the time. Oh my God, they don't want to go in this store. I don't want to go in, cause I don't want to put on a mask, but it has nothing to do with any flu. It's just, it's annoying to be like scrutinized and stuff like that, but we need to, um, nourish our adrenals. And one of the things that really helps our adrenal glands is ashwaganda ashwaganda is it's called an adaptogen. So it helps you relax so that you can maybe sleep, but it also gives you a quiet energy too, so that you can function and focus and be happier. And it really does make a difference or a Gabba, um, Rose, uh, Rosie, Eva Rhodiola. Speaker 2 00:13:20 There, there was lots of different things at work and sometimes it's different strokes for different folks. Right? So, um, and, and what, how you said, uh, my glass is half full that's important, right? Because, uh, it changes how you feel. Not, not only about yourself, but about other people are primary responsibility on this earth is to love and to care for one another. And right now everybody's snitching and acting like I can't even go there because it's insane. It's cruel and it's evil. We need to love one another. That's what, that's what the creator. It doesn't matter what one, God, doesn't matter. It's it's not about religion. It's about love and it's about, uh, Speaker 0 00:14:14 That's it. I love that message. I love the word love. It's my favorite word in the English language. So on that note, Kate, we got our man here, Tanner behind the scenes. Beautiful Tanner. As I like to call him, he's got a segment called the Mac city minute. So Mac city minute, he's going to ask you some questions. Uh, Tanner hit her with the questions and let's see how she does. Speaker 3 00:14:34 Question number one for you today. What is the best part of having a business in Fort McMurray over other places? Speaker 2 00:14:42 Well, partly I've lived here for so long. I'm, I'm an old timer and I've seen and met so many people. I, I feel blessed every morning when I wake up and I get to go to life force. Like I feel, I feel like, thank you. I thank God. And that's the truth. And I get to work with my family and the people that work at my store. I love them. Like I truly loved them for how much of a blessing is that. And the people of Fort McMurray are actually very loyal and underneath everything before all this turmoil that was created there, they're just good people. Everybody's good. Everybody has a soul that good. So we need to nurture that Speaker 4 00:15:32 Question. Number two for you. What is one thing you've seen change in Fort McMurray since you've arrived? Speaker 2 00:15:39 Well, in all honesty, the comradeship, the way that, like, when I came here, everyone helped each other, say my brother was here and he was an electrician. And, uh, he, he was a kinsmen and those guys would have meetings and fun stuff and they, they built the Centennial pool. They, um, I forgot what the question changed. Yes. The, uh, the strength of our council and like everybody was important then, and just stronger somehow and more neighborly, lots more fun. Used to have Syncrude crude barbecues, like more fun, way more fun. Now everybody's kind of well they're to themselves. But at that time we, everyone knew you by name, you'd pop over to each other's houses. When I first came here, I'm like, all of a sudden my door would open somebody come in my like, what? Like <inaudible> they just come in and say, Hey, that's really changed. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:16:58 Question number three. What's a business in town. That's gone that you miss Speaker 2 00:17:04 Campus. I used to, I loved campus. Um, Bob Barrett owned it, Bob and Brenda Barrett. And I absolutely loved it because at Christmas I could go in there. They knew who I was. They knew all my family. And I'd say, can you, Brenda, can you find from, for Gord or, uh, Angela or any of my family? They knew their sizes up. They came easy peasy, lemon squeezy. So I really miss that. And I, and so they knew everybody. When you came in, you were an important part of their, their entity. They, they, you meant something to them. I really missed that Speaker 4 00:17:48 Question four for you to what is being in a longstanding family business in a community-based city been like Speaker 2 00:17:57 It's been a gift. It's been a gift. And sometimes, um, when I think of my mother, how she started it, she was, she was elderly when she started the business. And I'm telling you, she had so much courage because at that time, um, I'm not sure if this is pertinent or not. And at that time, people thought might let some people thought my mum was a witch and the clergy actually all got together and tried to have her shut down because she, um, I guess, I don't know if they feared it. That's where fear comes in. Again, it's the opposite of love. And so, um, and then we just grew from that and I still, I feel asked my mum for guidance and help and love. And, and to have your work with your daughter and work with your grandchildren, how really it's a blessing. And I sometimes I can't even believe that I'm this lucky. Speaker 4 00:19:06 And your last question today is what is your favorite way to de stress at the end of the day? Should I tell the truth? Speaker 0 00:19:18 Okay. Speaker 2 00:19:18 Well, I just like to go home and have a glass of red wine that helps me de stress. And, um, at the beginning of the day to defect, I like to work out like when we could, but, uh, that's pretty much what I like to do. I just like to have a glass of wine and, and many times I truly just count my blessing. Speaker 0 00:19:43 Awesome. Fantastic. Kate, thank you so much for coming today. Like 20 minutes flies. Hopefully you can come back again. That's the point of like the 20 minute segments? Speaker 2 00:19:54 Uh, because we do, we have so much more like dollar G and actually Angela could come and talk about that. Cause she's our Roma therapist and she does the live blood, so I, we will come back. Speaker 0 00:20:06 That's awesome. So before I let you leave, though, uh, let's get one more plug for the store. Please tell us what, where the store is, how people get in contact with you, what the store is all about. Speaker 2 00:20:17 Okay. The store is all about, um, spirituality, love and healing. And when you come in, we always have our cold and flu brand going because it's an antiviral antibacterial, and it's an inviting smell, but it also makes you feel safe. Um, we feel like there's, we're a haberdashery of goodness. We felt crystals, vitamins, uh, all kinds of aroma therapy. Uh there's if the list could go on. Speaker 0 00:20:52 Okay. And where's it located and how people, where can they find you? Speaker 2 00:20:55 Okay. We're located right beside the dairy queen. Everybody knows where the dairy queen is up in <inaudible> and you can call, you can actually go on line or we have a website it's life force, herbal healing, or give us a call (780) 790-9155 or just come in and say, hello, get to know us Speaker 0 00:21:20 Coming in is definitely the best way to do it. Hands down. I can vouch for that. So everybody at home, once again, thank you so much. Uh, this has been one of my favorite episodes and because it's full of love and that's my favorite word? So my name is Ellie Pierre. This is the Mac city morning show. Thanks for tuning in. I really appreciate it. And we'll see you tomorrow. Peace. Speaker 1 00:21:43 <inaudible> talk about quenching your ugly thirst.

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