Episode Transcript
Speaker 0 00:00:01 Good morning, everybody. Thank you. Once again, for tuning into the Mac city morning show, I am your host Elliot Pierre. I started off the same way every day. Thank you very much. I know there was so many other things that you could be doing with your time and you've decided to spend it with us. It truly does mean the world to me. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Well, on that note, Tanner hit him with the intro.
Speaker 1 00:00:27 Welcome to the Mac city morning show.
Speaker 0 00:00:35 All right. And we're back. So today we got a great guest, this individual, uh, I've known for years. I literally could talk to this guy for hours and hours. We will keep it to the 20 minute Mark, but I'm excited to have him here. I don't introduce my guests. I let them do it themselves. So sir, can you please tell the people at home who you are and what you're about, sir? You know, I got to try sometimes you can try it.
Speaker 2 00:00:59 Okay. My name is Peter Spears. Um, I'm the trainer equipment manager of the Fort McMurray oil barons been here 13, 14 years now.
Speaker 0 00:01:08 All right. Okay, nice. So first and foremost, we got to talk about it. Cause I think everybody talks about it is your hair. You've got some awesome here. You got the goatee going and we both go to the same place to get our hair and beard taken care of. Where do you go to get your hair done? Well, I actually go to two places. Oh, let's hear about it.
Speaker 2 00:01:30 Yeah. I go to Tommy guns, get the hair done. And then I go to Ollie's barber to get the goatee and uh, cutting ducks.
Speaker 0 00:01:38 Really nice. Okay. So like I think your hair is cool. It makes you stand out. When did this start? How long have you had it? What, what, when does this look begin? Oh, okay.
Speaker 2 00:01:51 You know what, nothing against my mom passed away. And for some reason I changed my hair color. Yeah. Afterwards. And then somebody was like, Oh, you look like a certain somebody. And they were like, you should try the goatee. And just kind of went into the phase and my Saturday night
Speaker 0 00:02:10 For awhile. That's awesome, man. It's definitely a signature look. Yeah. Yeah. People know you for it. I think a lot of people know the luck. It's a good look. Okay. I know if I didn't ask that question at home, dude, when dude talk about the hair because people, people love it and they talk about it and they know it. So I got through,
Speaker 2 00:02:26 I don't smoke. I don't drink a lot. So I spin.
Speaker 0 00:02:28 Yeah. You spend the money on the hair, spends money on there. Go to you. Awesome then. All right. So, uh, let's talk a little bit about the oil barons and your, your role there. So how long have you been with the Barron's? What what's it all about? Like how do you get these players ready and conditioned to play?
Speaker 2 00:02:45 You know what, 13 years I came up November to come in the team with Gord and it's actually been a very good opportunity for me. Um, I do a lot for the team from, in regards to travel accommodations. Uh, I work with a great medical team here in town. We have a team doctor, uh, team physio, team Cairo. We have a massage person. Um, then we got a new, uh, assistant coach that does all the lifting and training and the gym and stuff. So we have a lot of process. So like my job entails from fixing skates, fixing equipment, um, daily routine of towels doing laundry and then any kind of on nice injury go out, assess deal with, and then predetermined where we go from there. Right. If it's to our team doctor to get assessed for x-rays. Um, so we work with, well, I'll throw it out there.
Speaker 2 00:03:51 We have Excel physio in town. We do, they take care of all our rehab of their players corresponding with me. And then we have, um, Neil chiropractor. Right. Um, so he does the chiropractic work on the kids, great company to deal with. And we deal with, uh, max dental in town. He takes care of dental work if puck goes in the teeth and breaks and he's right there. And then we deal with, uh, doc Roberts down in the lower Manor. So she deals with all our players in regards to doctor medicals and x-rays and everything. And then we have a massage that works at the rink, uh, church. And while he worked Jessica short-run, she works with the boys. If they need massage or whatever, the rank real quick, easy, accessible, love, a great source of people. Um, and if you it's like any business, you have a market of people that you work with and unreal here in town. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:04:48 That's awesome. What I just love about what you did was you gave all of those businesses a shout out because you know, they're doing it for the love too, right there. They're here to support, they're there to help. So like, I love how you just were able to like rattle off all the, all the different individuals and companies in the town that like helped you guys do what you do
Speaker 2 00:05:05 Just on my, not on mine and everything else. Right? Yeah. And we have tons of sponsorships in town and everything else. And I'm like, yeah, I can't go, I don't know all of them, but greatly appreciated all the support and everything they do for us. So yeah.
Speaker 0 00:05:21 So if I'm a kid in this community and I have aspirations of playing on the oil barons, fundamentally, what should I be focusing on
Speaker 2 00:05:31 My opinion or the coach's opinion of the coaching here? Yeah. Um, so there there's a lot of stuff they work on, you know what, on my part, I'm in the room and stuff, attitude, how you present yourself listening skills. Um, just the basic fundamentals of life in regards to my job and my part as to the coach, um, it would be like development, footwork, agility, sticking only shoot in the park, eye contact, all that stuff. But regardless to me, it's like, I'm basically a mother of 25 kids, right? So you go through a lot of learning curves and stuff. You get kids that are 16 to 20 coming onto your team and you deal with a lot of different things throughout the course of the time. You're within the nine months where with them. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:06:22 Yeah. Okay. There you go. So your life skills, like what you just listed out is just how to be a good human being. Exactly. Yeah. Well, that's awesome.
Speaker 2 00:06:31 So what's the life skills. There's a lot of learning and curves and you know, if you, yourself, kids come out from home or whatever, they don't have all the life skills that they need. Right. So you've got to kind of go through and show alone, Hey, you know what? This is how we do laundry. Or this is how you go get a prescription. Um, this is how you take care of yourself. This is how you make a meal. You work with your billet family and stuff. Right. So you learn those if you don't know them when he come out of Kentucky.
Speaker 0 00:06:57 Sure. Yeah. Yeah. It's huge because those kids, um, you're going to have to give me the numbers. Cause I honestly don't know them. What's the average age of like a Baron,
Speaker 2 00:07:05 Like for the AGA we run from age 16 to 20, right. We're allowed six, 20 year olds and the rest are in that frame. Um, mostly they're 17, 18, some nineteens. And then we the 20. So,
Speaker 0 00:07:20 So for the majority of these young athletes, this is their first time not living at home.
Speaker 2 00:07:26 A lot of them. Yeah. They come up here, it's a learning like left home and yeah. So you have to work with them and everything. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:07:34 The skillset I, uh, I had a summer student a few years ago, young guy, uh, awesome, awesome employee anyways. Uh, he worked for us for the summer, um, through a cruise next generation. That's how we were able to hook up with this young guy. And I, uh, gave him my credit card and I'm like, okay, listen, I gotta run out. I need you to order X, Y, and Z that's credit card. Here's the password you get to go. I came back a few hours later. I said, where's X, Y, and Z. It's like Elliot for the life of me. I can't figure this out. The kid had never used a credit card before something I took completely for granted in regards to this is an easy thing he had never done before. And so like talk about life skills. If you're moving away for the first time, you may not have ever cooked laundry, used a credit card. So,
Speaker 2 00:08:21 Or ever gone and got a prescription. That's right. That's something you have to teach. I'm like, this is what you do. You go in there and you show them your card. And they're like, I've never got one. Right. You know, you walk in. And so you want,
Speaker 0 00:08:33 Like you said, you're like, you're the den mother to teach all these boys, all these life skills
Speaker 2 00:08:37 And you know what? They teach me life skills too. I might be okay. To be honest, I think I'm 45. I don't know. Um, but they teach you life skills as well. Right? Right. Coming off, they teach you new trans new things. Um, that's going on that you may not know. So you kind of, because you're at work all the time, you're back and forth on the road and stuffs. So they, they give you some life skills as well. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:09:01 Speaking of trends, you do something that, I don't know if you're doing it as much anymore, but I used to look at almost every one of them. You did like a lot of singing online. So what was up with like, you can talk and go into as much detail. How did that start? Why did you do it? I was addicted to it. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:09:19 You know, it was just something that I was doing. One day I was bored and again, back to the players were like, Hey, you should do this, no shirt, Sunday thing and go with it and do it on this and that. So you, you learned it from the kids and stuff and they love it too. So it's like, you get new new players in every year. So everything kind of changes and, and everything. So you get into these trends, like take talk or whatever. Right. So take talks a new trend. Now it is. Um, so they get you hooked on it.
Speaker 0 00:09:49 Yeah. Have you, uh, have you Mike, cause you were, I was viewing them on Facebook. Have you migrated your videos over to Tik TOK?
Speaker 2 00:09:57 No, I'm not that I'm not that computer guy. Okay.
Speaker 0 00:10:00 And then are you still doing the videos?
Speaker 2 00:10:02 No, not right now. No.
Speaker 0 00:10:04 Oh man. You can become Tik TOK famous. Like that content I think is made for tech talk.
Speaker 2 00:10:11 The, the boys are trying to show me how to pull us. Then I'm like, Hey, I don't have a clue to you guys on this stuff. I'm like, I scroll up and watch the funny videos. And then I'm like, Hey,
Speaker 0 00:10:20 Okay. Well I have a feeling in the near future, especially based on this conversation, we might be having you back as like the most viewed Tik TOK star in Fort McMurray. I think it's possible, man. That's awesome. So the kids, young adults, our young adults, the young athletes that you have, obviously right now, things are kind of at a standstill. How are they staying in contact with you and how are they going to condition to be ready for when things get up and go again?
Speaker 2 00:10:48 You know what Gore, Gord's our head coach and Justin, Rose's our assistant coach. Um, they been communicated every week with them via zoom or emails or texts. Um, Justin sends them workout videos to do for a week. And as everyone knows, it's kinda tough to your home. Not really go anywhere. So it's like, okay, go to your cupboard and grab two cans of soup and we're going to do curls or lifts or something to make your work out. Yeah. A lot of these young kids now go downstairs, they've got a dumbbell or a weight bench or, or something there. Right. Um, they're into the fitness, working out and keeping in shape instead of going to the gym all the time. But great. So they worked out and luckily they can still go outside and skate on the outdoor rink, right. Within the guidelines of Alberta health and everything else we do. Yeah. So they've actually been doing very well. Um, so we had a zoom call just before the NHL started. Right. Um, and we had a guest speaker come on and they were all surprised and Perry came on. Cool and chatted with them. Um, go through, just talk about the school, how he got to, where he got, how the organization was then and stuff. So we keep them updated and keep them informed. Other your coaches have done a very good job on that part with the group of kids.
Speaker 0 00:12:09 That's awesome. Yeah. I would imagine some of these players, especially cause this is what they want to do for like their career are getting yoked during this timeframe. Like if you are, I've seen two extremes either you are starting to work out and you're seeing the results. Cause you put it in time because you got nothing else. I call it prison fit. Or you're just like, yeah, I'm not doing this. And a you've put on pounds. There's not a lot of in-between that I'm seeing.
Speaker 2 00:12:40 I give credit to our guys. We do a weigh in and again, you're only going by what they tell you. Right. So when stuff gets back gone, when they come back, we can tell the, the outcome. Yeah. Um, but with their, where they're telling us for way in and stuff, you know what, they've been very good, keeping you shape and uh, doing what they're asked to do and that's all they can prepare for. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:13:04 I'm uh, I love to watch junk TV, a little, uh, I'm addicted to like garbage MTV in particular like the challenge and road rules and Jersey shore. So I've been watching the new episodes of Jersey shore, family vacation. Don't forget Jordy shore. Oh, Jordy shore too. That's like, that's not even MTV. That's MTV UK. And I'm yes. Addicted to that. Like I've already burned through all 34 episodes or seasons of that show. But what I saw on Jersey shore that I was watching yesterday evening is like Paulie Vinnie, Mike, the situation, all the boys are yoked. Like they are huge. So I was thinking like, when you were coming on, I was like, I wonder if the hockey players are like that in regards to, they got lots of time. This is what they want to do. Some of these guys are going to come back bigger, stronger than they were before. I think,
Speaker 2 00:13:57 You know, when, before we started here earlier in the year, um, in August and our guys came in very good shape. Yeah. Um, weight-wise um, muscular tone. And like I said, dressing them does a really good job in the gym every day with old man getting them on routines and everything. So we have, like you said, you have the ones that put in a lot of extra effort. You have ones that do, do the work that they're required to do. Yeah. And we're hoping that when they come back, they've taken the time and effort to do what they've been asked. So they're ready to go when it's time to go.
Speaker 0 00:14:30 Yeah. I'm excited. I'm excited to see when they come back. I think they're going to come back bigger and stronger.
Speaker 2 00:14:34 I think they are too. And I'm excited when everything gets going, if it's soon or if it's later, right. That we're, we're all here together.
Speaker 0 00:14:44 I don't know if you watch a show. I like to watch TV long story short. I watch a show called letter Kenny. I don't know if you've ever seen it. Um, but they have it's, there's a hockey component to it. Small town hockey team. Right. And a big component of this, of the hockey boys is there's a lot of chirping going on on a trash, talking a little back and forth between the two. Um, I've never been in the hockey locker room and I don't never played hockey. It's fascinates me. This chirping that goes back and forth. No, you've obviously never seen the show. Is this something that takes place in the locker room though? The, the players just having friendly banter back and forth between the players themselves, you know what it's
Speaker 2 00:15:24 Yeah. They're bound or they have their fun. Um, every team, every sport I'd say probably you get in that room, it's kind of the commodity. Like, Hey, you have your old veteran VAT and you have young rookies. Um, you can look at the NHL and everything and they kind of Baker and banter and do their little thing and everything. So yeah, it is true. Um,
Speaker 0 00:15:50 Fascinating. And like you said, I think it's a camaraderie component in regards to like, you're allowed to make fun of your family, but nobody else is allowed to make,
Speaker 2 00:15:58 You know what exactly. And, and that's, that's the part of, Hey, you know what? You're allowed to do it, but somebody on the opposite team says that to you. Well, Hey, game on game on. Yeah. It's like any sport you look at you, you can do what within reason and stuff and they have a good time and stuff. So that's awesome.
Speaker 0 00:16:14 That's awesome. Cool. All right. We're at the part of the show where we do a segment called the Mac city minute during this segment, the beautiful man behind the camera Tanner, he's going to ask you five questions. Answer them as honestly and quickly as you can get in with your questions max, 80 minute.
Speaker 2 00:16:33 First question. What is your best mob memory? Beth mom, memory, mom, mom, mom, mom, memory. My memory is we went to the AGA final. I think it was 2017. We played Brooks. Um, that's as far as we've got, that would be my best question. Number two. What is a challenge of coaching and forming Marine? Well, I'm not a coach, so you would know all about it. There there's a lot of challenges with coaching, but you know what? I think Meyer hockey here in town has a great system on, they've got some great mentors for coaching. So I think they work very well with coaches. I don't think there is a challenge. I think Meyer hockey has moved up and got some good quality people to help them out. Alrighty. Question number three. If not hockey, what sport would you want to be a participant in? Have you looked at me on my fiscal activity here? Uh, I'd probably say, probably say the cross weird answer, but unique question number. What food would you say brings you to flavor town? Hot dogs. Love hot dogs.
Speaker 3 00:17:57 Easy. Last question for you. Where is your favorite place to travel for an away game.
Speaker 2 00:18:04 Favorite place to travel. Be my hometown grand Prairie. I go back. I get to see my brother and my nephew. That'd be my favorite spot. Those are your five questions.
Speaker 0 00:18:14 Okay. We got to talk about hot dogs. Listen to this. I love hot tea. I love food. I think everybody at home knows at this point I love food people. Like that's why I run so much. She'd be like Ellie. Why you run so much? Like, cause I love food. That's why I run so much the secrets out hot dogs hall. Listen to this. I don't know why they stopped doing it. You haven't had the whistle dog at and w yup. Years ago. What happened to the whistle dog and, and w I have no clue. They did. They took it off the menu.
Speaker 3 00:18:41 They still sell it in the States. Do they? Yes, they do.
Speaker 0 00:18:44 We need to make a phone call if you're out there and w listening, bring the whistle dog back to Canada, like the whistle dog.
Speaker 3 00:18:51 Oh, here's a fun fact for you a and w Canada and a, and w America are two separate businesses that have nothing to do with each other. Wow. You're hitting us with some facts. Anything that the a and w America does mascots foods menus, anything like that does not correlate to anything that we do
Speaker 2 00:19:09 Will do. So you like, you love food a little bit. The other part is, is we have a lot of people from the East coast here. So I live with the East coast family. Um, and they quote the cook, the East coast food, right? They made this dish one day, scrunching, scrunchies, there's poor fat, fat fi fried in oil with onions poured over Cod fish and potato delicious. My God, if they could ball that, you can put it on salad. It'd be unreal.
Speaker 0 00:19:42 Yeah. I've had it a number of times. It is unbelievable.
Speaker 2 00:19:46 So good. So
Speaker 0 00:19:47 Let's talk about hot dogs because I love hot dogs. I like making them myself. I like a sausage more than a hot dog, though. So best place to get a hot dog.
Speaker 2 00:19:57 Where are we going? Costco. Costco, dollar 50. I'll call it a hot dog. Drive down on the way home. St. Albert. Yeah, grab two. They're gone before you even leave the parking lot.
Speaker 0 00:20:07 I was getting like, if you didn't say Costco, I was going to say, dude, there's something wrong.
Speaker 2 00:20:10 Yeah. Right. There is a place in Calgary that you go in and they make one of those fancy dogs. Like you can get peanut butter, jelly, captain crunch,
Speaker 0 00:20:17 Then there. And I've got both of those unreal, another good hot dog spot. Well, it's not a hot dog spot. I've been lucky to do some traveling around Canada and North America, baseball, hot dogs. When you go to stadiums, like there's something about them.
Speaker 2 00:20:31 See, you've never gone. Baseball is in my sport, but Terry and Gorgol, he, they say it's unreal. Unreal, but like Vegas for dog. Foot-long hot dog. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:20:43 But yeah, Costco that's that's I think that comes to everybody's. Oh, stop the, there we go. All right. Okay. Well, listen, 20 minutes flies by. We're done. So you're going to come back again. Obviously we could chat for hours, but, uh, thanks for coming right now, homie guys really appreciate it. Um, for the people at home, one more time, tell them who you're at and, uh, who you are, where you're at and what you do on Peter Spears and the trainer equipment magic. The Ford Memorial burns been here 13 years and hope to see you back in the rink. When we reopen everything, there we go. Awesome. Well, Fort McMurray and the world, cause we are getting some more views outside of Fort McMurray. Thank you very much. Really appreciate every person that tunes in. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. My name is Elliot Pierre. This is the Mac morning show. Have a great day and we'll see you tomorrow. Peace.
Speaker 1 00:21:34 <inaudible> talk about quenching your ugly thirst.