#36: Freestyle

Episode 36 March 08, 2021 00:26:48
#36: Freestyle
The Mac City Morning Show
#36: Freestyle

Mar 08 2021 | 00:26:48


Show Notes

Today we took time to promote Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wood Buffalo Poutine week. Also, we wanted to give thanks to all the people that have brought us gifts over the last few weeks. Boy oh boy do we love gifts!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 It's going to be a good one today, but before we get started, let's start with some gratitude. I know you could be doing a million things with your time and the fact that you choose to spend it with myself and sometimes guests not today. And Tanner does mean the world to me. Um, yeah, you can be doing anything. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And on that note, Tanner hit him with, Speaker 1 00:00:21 Oh, she caught me LOBs. You're listening to the next anymore. Speaker 0 00:00:30 All right. We are back now. Today's episode is going to be a mine, a Tanner's episode. We had a guest lined up. Then we kind of gave the person the bump because we got so much free swag and stuff to talk about that. Uh, uh, we said it's just me and Tanner today. So you ready for this Tanner? I'm ready. Are you? Um, yeah, I'm ready. All right. So first and foremost, we got to talk about, uh, big brothers and sisters, big brothers and sisters is having poutine week. And so basically they reached out to us and said, Hey, do you guys want to eat some free poutine? And obviously the answer is, yeah. Yeah. We'll eat the poutine. So we have to, yeah, I'll take the, I'll take that. Speaker 2 00:01:12 Yeah. We, you know, it's a good cause we want to help. Speaker 0 00:01:14 That's right. So what's happening. Is there some participating restaurants that when you go and you eat poutine there, some proceeds go to the boys and girls are the big brothers and sisters. Sorry. So the restaurants, I mean, Tanner will be hitting up this week and that you should hit up as well. Are the first one that we'll be going to today is 57 North. So we're definitely hitting up 57 North off. Uh it's on Franklin Avenue. So I don't know if you've been there before. Speaker 2 00:01:42 I have not been to the 57 North variant of that location. I like your big word. Yeah, I try. I don't know what it means, but Speaker 0 00:01:52 Second location is Boston pizza, but on only Boston pizza downtown, but Timberly as well. So I don't know what that's going to be like different variants of pizza, Speaker 2 00:02:04 Some internal conflict with who has the better person Speaker 0 00:02:07 That's right. And last, but definitely not least, uh, Sharika on the snipe. So those are the four different restaurants that are supporting the big brothers and sisters for, Speaker 2 00:02:21 I think there's, I thought there was more that other people were trying. Speaker 0 00:02:25 I don't know. Those are, there might be more, there might be. I'm not sure, but those are the restaurants that we have been told to go and eat poutine at. We'll have to do it. So this is a poutine bullet that I'm willing to take. But since we're on the topic of poutine, I only mess around with one type of poutine and that's meat, not meat, fries, gravy, cheese. I don't know about like putting meat in different things. Speaker 2 00:02:53 I see. Now I feel you on that, but you don't ever add like bacon? Speaker 1 00:02:58 No. Speaker 0 00:03:00 Y yeah. And like a friend reached out to me and was saying like, what about ketchup and vinegar on the side? Speaker 2 00:03:07 Absolutely not. No, that's no. And it's not a poutine anymore. Speaker 0 00:03:12 That's right. So I see at these restaurants that they do like poutine with lobster and like you said, bacon and don't get me wrong. Like everything's better with bacon who doesn't like lobster. However, is that really a poutine? Is the question. Speaker 2 00:03:28 See now lobster? I would say no, but bacon I'd say yes, because it's adding bacon is like, it's only a few steps away from burgers in a fry or burgers and fries. Speaker 0 00:03:41 Right. So let's call it burger and fries. Not poutine. Now if you're throwing bacon. Cause it's so like poutine is so Canadian. Maybe if it's Canadian back bacon maybe, but I don't like Canadian back bacon that much. No, it's not my favorite of the bacon. Speaker 2 00:03:55 It, yeah, it's it doesn't rank very high for me either. No, no, definitely not. CA Canadian exports that copy American exports are never good Canadian idol or anything like that. They're always Canadian big brother. They're always underneath the American Speaker 0 00:04:11 That's. People might be mad at that statement, but I am in 100% agree. Speaker 2 00:04:17 But when the Americans tried to copy a Canadian version of something that never goes well, either. Speaker 0 00:04:22 Correct. A great, uh, a show that is all about that is Dragon's Dan versus shark tank. I love the Dragon's den. I don't really care for shark tank that much. No, it's not my it's not my job. Speaker 2 00:04:36 Yeah, no, there's a few, a few Canadian things that the Americans have tried to copy that just don't work either. We need to stay in our own lane. Speaker 0 00:04:44 That's right. That's right. So outside of poutine, we got a bunch of gifts over the last week that we got to talk about. So people are coming to the show, leaving gifts. People are just leaving gifts out the door for us. Now I'm actually going to, I think this week put the address of like the PO box that we have if other people want to like send some gifts. So let's shout out some gifts. So first and foremost, Magda dropped this off over the weekend. Look at this nice little mug, the man, the myth, the legend. Well, thank you very much. Appreciate that. We had a Bori on the show a little while ago. I don't know if the episodes aired yet. I know it hasn't actually he's uh, a gentleman who runs a lot. So on the show, he was trying to get me to run outside and I was like, ah, you running outside, but now he's got me these awesome sweet outdoor running socks. Speaker 0 00:05:38 How could I not run outside with these as well as get ready for this? Supposedly this is so much chocolate that you can eat like halfway or a quarter way through your long run. And it's supposed to like pep you right up. So Bori, thank you so much for dropping this off to the greenhouse, uh, over the weekend. So yeah, man gifts coming in, always welcome. We got some, uh, and I, I don't want to talk about the other gifts cause they're going to show up in future shows, but we got some clothing that got dropped off as well. Always. Nice. So, and for the people at home, looking at the set there's Easter eggs all over this place. So as gifts come in, we put them on the set. Now I can assure you, the running socks are not going to be on the side cause I'll be utilizing those. And same with chocolate. Speaker 2 00:06:28 Maybe, maybe the socks need to go on your feet for a show. Speaker 0 00:06:31 Maybe, maybe. Well, we have some socks at a Curtis, J Phillips brought me and we put them up on the set. I think there's somewhere behind me, directly above your head. Are they? There we go. So yeah, you know, me and socks, I used to have to wear socks all the time and we're dress clothes. I'm just not, uh, I'm not feeling that any more Tanner, not going to lie, but you'll put them on a run. Well, listen, when you're wearing running shoes, Speaker 2 00:06:56 You have to wear socks. So why don't for 20 minutes you put them on and show people the socks you wear when you run. Speaker 0 00:07:02 I could do that. Yeah. I could do that. That is feasible. But I wear running socks, not like dress socks. So that being said from time to time, when I wear my dress shoes, I got to put on some socks or I have a, I don't know how to say this, the PC way of doing this. But uh, I have those like little ankle socks. I call them girl socks. I don't know what else you call them. But, uh, in the summertime, when it gets really hot, especially with some of like my other shoes, I gotta put on those girls socks. Speaker 2 00:07:32 I can't, I can't stand those socks cause they run down my ankles and then I'm stepping on them and it drives me insane. Right? Speaker 0 00:07:39 I'm not going to lie. I have a pair today, um, with the converse sneakers that I'm wearing, uh, at the front door. So yeah, sometimes it has to be like that. Sometimes you got to put on, on the girl socks. Sometimes you gotta just suck it up. Hey, there you go. So I know you don't watch TV and I don't care at all about the Royals, but last night, Oprah Winfrey interviewed Harry and Megan, did you hear Speaker 2 00:08:06 About this? Yeah. My mom watched all two hours of it Speaker 0 00:08:09 Is she? I didn't make it through the full two hours of it. Cause like I said, I don't care about the Royals, but you know who I do care about Oprah Winfrey. Yeah. She's Oprah is amazing. Yeah. I can't say enough positive things about Oprah. And it's funny. I used to watch Oprah back in the day after school. Um, it was nice to hear her voice last night. Yes. She has a very nice voice. She asked some banging questions too. Like one day I hope to be as good as Oprah when it comes to interviewing. Speaker 2 00:08:36 I don't think you have the voice. I don't think so either. There's just some like legendary voices, like, like who's that guy who used to do or Dateline. Oh right. I know that voice. Yeah. You could not do a better Dateline than that. Speaker 0 00:08:50 No, no. This is true. Yeah. There are certain voices out there, but yeah, I I'm, I'm watching this, not paying attention. Cause like I said, not into the Royals. Um, but I'm just listening to Oprah's voice and I'm like, man, I wish this lady had a show that went on all the time. Like daily again, Speaker 2 00:09:08 She, she, she Speaker 0 00:09:10 Does have her own channel. Yeah she does. And she has a wicked series on it called masterclass and uh, where celebrities talk and yeah, Oprah just killing it. So I don't know Oprah, Oprah Winfrey. If you're watching this, which you probably are because we're great. We're great. We're a big deal now. We're almost at her level. We're we're we're creeping up on you there. Oprah. If you want to come back and do like a daily show again, I highly recommend it because I just miss hearing your voice or maybe she wants to come on our show. Oh yeah. We'll have Oprah. Yeah. Oprah Lake. Speaker 2 00:09:45 We will bump some guests for Oprah Winfrey. Speaker 0 00:09:47 Totally. I think she needs to make a trip to Fort McMurray. Speaker 2 00:09:50 I do see what the people are really Speaker 0 00:09:52 Like. Yeah. She went to Edmonton one time Speaker 2 00:09:54 Maybe, uh, maybe we'll give her a free car. Speaker 0 00:09:58 Huh? A dinky car. Maybe a hot wheel. I don't got Oprah money as of this point yet. Not yet. Hey, if Speaker 2 00:10:08 Comes on, we might have Oprah money. Speaker 0 00:10:11 That is correct. We would blow up if Oprah came on. Oh Speaker 2 00:10:14 Yeah. World famous. Let's get Oprah. Speaker 0 00:10:17 Let's try our best to get Oprah Winfrey. That is true. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:10:20 New goal. If anybody knows Oprah, Oprah willsmith yeah. Either or Speaker 0 00:10:26 Those two. Yeah. Or both. I want both. Speaker 2 00:10:29 Let's do an Oprah and willsmith interview. Let's make it happen. Yeah. They like each other. Why wouldn't they they're both friendly. People let's make this happen. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:10:39 So when your mom was watching, were you a behind the scenes peek and every once in a while or you just heard it in the background, Speaker 2 00:10:46 Like she watched it in her bedroom. So I'd come in and watch clips of it. But I don't really agree with the whole situation. What situations is like her taking them? Like, I just think that she's doing it because she wants to be back in Hollywood who Megan, Marco, like, that's the reason I hear what you're saying. I don't know anything. I didn't watch the whole interview, but I just like, it just, Speaker 0 00:11:07 I cast, I cast no judgment. There was Speaker 2 00:11:09 A set of rules in that family that weren't a secret before she came in that she just didn't agree with. And so that's Speaker 0 00:11:19 There's opinion on it. Tell me how you really feel. I always do. Yeah, no, I got, I have zero, zero opinion. Like whatever Speaker 2 00:11:30 My opinion doesn't matter. So yeah. Speaker 0 00:11:32 Well, I don't know if people are listening. It might. Oh they care, but it doesn't mean it matters. So there's somewhere else talking about free stuff and, or invites. We got invited to a VIP event tonight. Tanner, my favorite bar. There we go. So this is why we talk about things on this show. Tanner's been shouting out this bar from day one in regards to, it comes up for where he likes to drink, where he likes to go eat food. And it's original. Joe's downtown Fort McMurry, Franklin Avenue. They're reopening tonight. And they slid in our DMS and sent us an invite to the grand opening events. And I am psyched. Yeah. So we are definitely going down there tonight. So if you're lucky enough to be a part of, uh, the event, Hey, I can't wait to see you if you're not, don't worry about it. This means that they're going to be open tomorrow and you can get their awesome food again, that poutine. Are you going to really get the food? Speaker 3 00:12:29 I don't know. You'd maybe the Mac and cheese. They got bombed Mac and cheese too. Speaker 0 00:12:33 Listen, I, uh, I went for an extremely long run yesterday and last week I did really good with my exercises. But man, this week I've got to eat poutine four times. Plus we're going for dinner tonight, like plus widescreen and for a second, man, I don't know if they can see this Tanner bakes, croissants and fresh cookies every day for the guests. And uh, well I'm not a guest, but I can't stop eating them. So this guy is killing me. So I don't know what to do here this week. I'm going to have to put in major kilometers on the treadmill. Seem like you got a rough job. Hey, I know I got to talk to people and eat Speaker 3 00:13:11 Light. Life is tough when you're getting paid to eat hay. Speaker 0 00:13:14 Yeah, the man, the myth, the legend. It's going to be a, I'm going to be a bigger legend than I ever thought with all this food I have to consume this week. The biggest legend, I think, uh, tonight, if I'm being honest with you, like, I don't want to eat it, but I'm just like, well, when in Rome is that hotdog that they have down there. Speaker 3 00:13:35 Yeah. It's pretty legendary. And they, I think it's the food bank that they donate to the, when you buy that hot dog there's they donate a part of it to a charity. I'm not exactly sure. What's charity, but true. It's that fact. Yeah. It's on their menu. Yeah. And it's like the only thing on the menu that they do at four, but it's like all original Joe's I'm pretty sure it's all about hot dog and they don't do it yet on the menu. It's says right on it that they donate proceeds or percentage or something like that to charity when you buy that hot dog. Speaker 0 00:14:05 That's awesome. I just liked the hotdog. I did not know that. Yeah. I think I might only have to go with that hotdog from now on knowing that, well, they have lots of good food, but they do, but giving it to charity, that's not a bad thing. Speaker 3 00:14:18 No, no, it is not. So Speaker 0 00:14:20 You're excited to go down to this place. Speaker 3 00:14:23 Psyched after nine o'clock $4 doubles golden. Speaker 0 00:14:30 Well, we're going pretty early. So you're going to be sticking around. Maybe. We'll see. Yeah. If you're staying there till nine 30, we got to work tomorrow morning. Just, just to let you know, this is just hitting you up with that. So I'm pretty excited about Tanner and work, uh, in regards to something that we got upcoming now, yesterday you uploaded a bunch of MP3s of the show. Speaker 3 00:14:52 Yeah, we are, uh, we are getting our audio sorted out to be uploaded audio only podcast Speaker 0 00:14:58 Audio only. So yeah, for everybody at home, there's been a few people hitting me up asking like, Hey, listen, isn't a podcast audio based. And I'm just like, well, yeah, we're working on it. So we worked on it and we uploaded a bunch of episodes. So hopefully fingers crossed later this week. We'll see, you can choose to listen to this podcast if you don't want to look at us, which I don't know why you would choose just listening. If you have the visual component, but fingers crossed, it will be on Spotify and Apple. That's a big deal. So I think so. I think that's, that's some, that's some street credit right there. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:15:38 We're uh, we're on the same platform is like a Joe Rogan. Now. That's what I'm saying. We're we're pretty much the same thing. Speaker 0 00:15:45 Yeah. Yeah. Joe's on Spotify. Max. City's going to be on Spotify fingers crossed. Speaker 3 00:15:52 I wonder if he'll have a like post COVID. I wonder if they'll have some sort of like creators meeting. That'd be pretty interesting. YouTube does it every year. They do like the YouTube playlist. Right? Right. Why wouldn't Spotify? Speaker 0 00:16:06 Yeah. We need to blow up on Spotify to get invited to that party. Speaker 3 00:16:11 YouTube, YouTube playlist did four different events. So one was for, uh, like fans. Okay. One was for, um, amateur create a content creators. So people like us. And then there was a third one for professional content creators. So the guys making the big money and then there was a fourth one, which was sort of like everybody. So like meet and greet that kind of thing. But so if Spotify does it off the same platform, then yeah. Then we fall into the amateur category and we can meet some people. Speaker 0 00:16:46 That'd be sweet. Yeah. Speaking of, uh, YouTube, will you, I've never asked you this question before you obviously watch YouTube. Speaker 3 00:16:56 Oh, a little bit. Not much. Really? Speaker 0 00:16:58 Yeah. Okay. I was just going to ask you, like what, what do you watch on you? Speaker 3 00:17:02 I was, I was never a big YouTube kid. I, uh, I just kind of scroll through my algorithm and see what I get. I've been into VIN Wiki lately, which is like a pretty famous YouTube channel about, uh, like stories about specific cars. So, okay guys, we'll tell stories about like I watched one last night about how a guy's car got stolen and he found the car ending up busting a international car theft ring. Right. So it's like a story about this individual Bentley and how it came to be. And then like VIN, Wiki has an app that you can actually go and put in the VIN number of that car and look up all the information about it, the story, how it was stolen, all that stuff. Speaker 0 00:17:44 Interesting. Oh Speaker 3 00:17:46 Yeah. So that's what I've been watching lately. That's what the algorithm has given me. That's cool. Speaker 0 00:17:51 Yeah. The algorithm is pretty on point. I used to watch this one creator. He doesn't make as much content anymore. Um, he he's taken a back seat, but I still go back and watch his historical stuff. Casey Neistat. You know who Casey Neistat is? I do. Indeed. He's incredible. Speaker 3 00:18:06 I don't have the, uh, I don't have the mind span for that. Like I'm more of a, like a marble racing guy. Speaker 0 00:18:12 Oh, marble racing. Listen, I went down a rabbit hole of marble racing for quite some time and it, it got bad. Speaker 3 00:18:20 Yeah. Or have you seen like, there's like marble Olympics now? No, Speaker 0 00:18:24 I did not. I don't, I don't want to know about it. Well, I'm Speaker 3 00:18:26 Going to tell you anyways, cause like the marble. So like they originally just had the races, you know, straight down their little pass, but now they have like events like losing four marbles and the little makeshift luge that goes down a track. They have speed. They have hockey where it comes down on either side. And then there's like little magnets that are attached and the marbles will hit the magnets and try to shoot them into the opposing net. Wow. Hockey, like there's all sorts of marble sports. Now it is really cool Speaker 0 00:18:55 For the people at home who don't know what we're talking about. If you go on YouTube, you can watch marble racing. And you're thinking, what is marble racing? I'm talking about those little balls. So there's this guy. And it's a few people now where they build these tracks and then they let a bunch of marbles go and they just go down the track and they race. Now you think this would be pretty boring to watch, but it's not because they're calling it like it's a horse race. And at first glance you're like, this is stupid. And then about 30 seconds in you get invested in these marbles to see who's going to win. Speaker 3 00:19:27 He is, is like, I've showed my friends this and they've watched it for a few minutes and they've thought it was stupid. And they're like, I don't get this. And then I look at them and I go pick a marble. That's right. And then as soon as they pick a marble, it is the NFL super bowl. They are in volved. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:19:43 Yeah. And then if you really want to get going call some of your buddies up, throw a fiver on that thing Speaker 3 00:19:52 Or any kind of, any kind of bet, but your snacks, your eaten or whatever you do, you just, you put something on it and it just raises the stakes. Speaker 0 00:20:02 Oh man. It's it's like I, for months, months, the amount of hours I killed looking at marble racing. So it's been a year or two since I've been off the marble racing and happy to be off it. But now that I hear about these Olympics, Speaker 3 00:20:16 Oh it is. And like they do teams as well in the Olympics like countries. So each team has four marbles that take place in these different events. So for losing all four take place for other sports, there's only so many that take place and then each team will win the sport. And then they total tear over six sports, the teams. So not only can you bet on the one sport that they're playing, but you can bet on, who's going to finish top in the standings is Speaker 0 00:20:48 As soon as this episode is done, we are going to have to look at one of these things. They are insane. That's nuts. All right. Now, max city minute, you got some questions for me. I don't like being on the hotspot, but let's, let's roll it, man. Hit me with your question son. It is the poutine Speaker 3 00:21:07 Themed Mac city minute Speaker 0 00:21:09 Because of the teen theme. Maxi minute. Okay. Cause we're doing poutine week for big brothers and sisters. Yes. Speaker 3 00:21:15 Well let's do it. So question number one, cheese curd, gravy or fries. What do you think the most important part of a poutine is? Speaker 0 00:21:24 Oh, that's a hard question, but I'm going to go with the cheese curd. Yeah. Whiteness. Because it like, it binds it all together without that. Nothing. It's not cohesive Speaker 3 00:21:36 C and that's what my mom said. Speaker 0 00:21:38 Right. But smart lady. It depends. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:21:40 How your comparison comparing it now. Okay. Right. Like if you're, if we're saying like what's the most important of poutine as a whole, or if we're saying you're comparing one poutine to another. Right, right. So like if you're comparing one poutine to another, I think it's the gravy. Speaker 0 00:21:57 Yeah. Because I would totally change what you're eating the flavor. Yeah. Correct. But I like that as a whole. You're right. Yeah. Okay. Speaker 3 00:22:04 There we go. Question number two. Where is the weirdest place you've ever had a poutine? Speaker 0 00:22:11 The weirdest place. Oh, that's easy. Uh, Hey in w drive through just walking it. Just walking through the drive. Speaker 3 00:22:20 Oh, McDonald's been there. Yeah. Yeah. Was it, uh, was it Speaker 0 00:22:24 Good afternoon or was it early morning? Oh, it was, uh, it was early morning. Yes. It was very early in the am. Yes. Yeah. Cause I'm an early riser. Absolutely. You want it to beat the lineup? That's right. Speaker 3 00:22:36 Question number three. What do you think makes poutine so Canadian Speaker 0 00:22:43 The name cause it's French. Yeah. The name of it poutine. Or how do you say it properly? Like how did they say to Montreal? Maintain. Yeah. But anyways, poutine, the rest of the country says poutine. Yeah. So yeah, the name very Canadian. Speaker 3 00:22:57 And your last question. What is your most memorable poutine moment? Speaker 0 00:23:03 Hmm. Most memorable poutine moment. I think it's a combination of moments, but uh, when I go snowboarding, it's just part of like as far. Yeah. It's and I get a poutine and then I get a Caesar, but I don't drink Caesars anymore. But that, like, when I think about snowboarding, winter may be here at Vista Ridge or Marmot and Jasper or Panorama or Whistler. Like I've been, I've been fortunate enough to ski or snowboard and a lot of places like, and I don't think your team comes together. Speaker 3 00:23:39 You're the only one, every ski chalet I've ever been to sells a poutine. I think it's just, uh, uh, in hand, like a beer and a hockey game. Speaker 0 00:23:46 That's right. That's exactly it. And like, w we're about to find out this week and we'll shout all these restaurants out again before we sign off. But in my opinion, and I've said it before and I'll stick by this. The best poutine in Fort McMurray is Vista rich. You'll Speaker 3 00:24:01 Stick to it without having the original Joe's. Speaker 0 00:24:03 Well, listen, it's poutine week. I might check. Listen at the end of the week, we'll give you an update on where I feel the best poutine is. But as of right now, Mr. Rich Speaker 3 00:24:13 Vista Ridge is poutine is real good. Yup. But are you, once you try this original Joe's one you have to determine, is it worth the drive? Speaker 0 00:24:26 Some things are always worth the drive, but I'll be on. I could be swayed. I could be swayed. Well, we're going to find out this week. I have high hopes. Yeah. On that. No man. That's it we're done. But before we say goodbye, we want to shout out everybody again. Magda gift mug. Thank you very much. Bori socks, chocolate bar. You demand big brothers and sisters. It just fell. We got a bunch of gift certificates and coupons for poutine this week. Get out there. Fort McMurray and wood, Buffalo eat poutine support a great cause. Uh, and everybody else who's brought gifts from. Yeah. I there's tons of stuff all over the set there. Easter eggs. I just want to thank you so much. And we're definitely going to put the PO box. So, uh, if anybody else wants to hit us up by all means, please. And thank you. I like it. Speaker 3 00:25:12 Companies, people, anybody else? The size medium I'm alone. Speaker 0 00:25:16 Yeah. That's there we go. That's important. Cause uh, people do bring, uh, shirts and clothes that I put on sometimes. And it's so funny cause they bring it for me and then they see Tanner like, Aw man, we forgot him. So yeah. Medium and or small and a, your large, yeah. Speaker 3 00:25:31 Large and or extra large, depending. I'm an extra large in the arms. I'm a medium in the waist. So nothing. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:25:38 And, and then all as per usual, when it comes to shouting out products, Ben and Jerry Nike dunks, just throwing it out there also will Smith hit us up? Oh yeah. Will Smith hit us up? It would make my sister's life. So and Matthew McConaughey for myself. Yeah. Yeah. So on that note, Tanner, are you excited about poutine week? I am ready to eat. There we go. We're we're going right now because we have to hit up so many restaurants. So it's going to be early poutine in the morning Speaker 3 00:26:07 After, after we check out some marble races. Speaker 0 00:26:09 Marble races first. Yeah. So on that note, Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, thank you for tuning in as per usual, it means the world to me, I truly, really do mean that it is heartwarming. Uh, yeah, you could be doing so many other things with your time. And so the fact that you spend it with, uh, myself Tanner and sometimes a guest, uh, really does mean the world to me truly. And honestly, so thank you very much on that note. Have a great day and we'll see you tomorrow. Peace. Speaker 1 00:26:39 It's another max. Any morning show dog.

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