Episode Transcript
Speaker 0 00:00:01 Good morning, Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You've tuned in to the Mac city morning show. I'm your host, Elliot Pierre. And we're going to start this off the same way we start every show off with a moment of gratitude. I know you could be doing a million other things with your time. So the fact that you're spending with us truly does mean the world to me on that note, Tanner hit them with you.
Speaker 1 00:00:21 Oh, she caught me, loves near listen to the next anymore.
Speaker 0 00:00:31 All right, Dan we're back. Okay. This is going to be a fun one. I know it's going to be a fun one because for one, I don't know the person sitting in the chair, which I love meeting strangers. And for too, we're talking about alcohol today, which is a near and dear to my heart. So, uh, as you already know, I don't introduce my guests. I let them do that themselves. So on that note, sir, can you please tell the people at home who you are and what's your about you
Speaker 2 00:00:53 Betcha? Um, my name is Josh ward. I, uh, am one half of the whiskey heathens. Okay. Which is a little YouTube project that, uh, my friend Ty and I, we started, uh, making cool videos and, uh, getting out there and like trying to meet people as much as you can in these weird times sometimes electronically. But, uh, yeah, we've been drinking whiskey and making fools of ourselves. I like
Speaker 0 00:01:19 Him. Hilarious. Awesome. So you started this during COVID or before COVID,
Speaker 2 00:01:25 Uh, this was before COVID. Yeah. Yeah. And we had some tapes and stuff that we had done, some episodes that we have recorded and then COVID of course put a little bit of a damper and things, but, uh, once we got rolling and had that bank kind of built up of videos, we let those roll through. COVID found a way around
Speaker 0 00:01:48 It a little bit. Um, and so why, like, why whiskey, this is your drink of choice. Like I, yeah. Why don't we skip whiskey is delicious. That is the next question. That's like your drink of choice. Cause some people like have their drink and they don't mess around that's that's all they drink. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:02:06 It's pretty much all I drink. I started with the, you know, the Canadian whiskeys and yes. And it was seven up and after awhile I accidentally not enough. Yeah, of course. What are the whiskeys? And man, you mix it with whatever the hell you want, throw some ice in there, throw some over your shoulder or whatever, but I transitioned away and kind of stumbled into scotch and really piqued my interest. And I dove way down into that little rabbit hole of all the different scotch whiskeys that you can find basically.
Speaker 0 00:02:42 Okay. So we're going to go tie
Speaker 2 00:02:44 Risch and stuff after, but scotch is like, is where it's Africa. It's my drink of choice.
Speaker 0 00:02:49 So I just got, I I'm I'm flabbergasted and shocked. I've never even thought of or would think it would even taste good to mix pop with whiskey. Does it taste good? Not really. Yeah. I wouldn't
Speaker 2 00:03:04 Imagine so. Nope. As for effect. Yeah. Yeah. I mean like Jack and Coke, right. Not my thing right. At one point. Yeah. It was very much my thing. Yeah. When I was younger, but after a while I just, I just shied away from that horribly because it's not pleasant. No. And the next morning it's very unpleasant as well. Whereas, you know, with a scotch you can sip on a one ounce for an hour. Right. If you want it to turn a couple of drops of water or a spoonful of water or something. So really, I don't know what kind of elevated my palate a little bit.
Speaker 0 00:03:38 Nice. Yeah. Nice. So for me, I know what happened was, uh, when I drink beer, I don't have a, a taller C level in regards to like, I don't have that thing that says stop. I just keep going. And the next morning I'm a little bit groggy, not operating at a hundred percent. So I had a kid and I was like, okay, well I can't be doing this. So I know with hard booze, I can wake up the following morning, like a rockstar and just like be a dad. So I haven't drank beer in like seven years now. So I started drinking bourbon. I actually, it all started. I started drinking old fashions, loving old fashioned, but then too many restaurants didn't have the bitters. And so after a while of saying, Hey, can I have no fashion? Can I have a Manhattan even they're good as well.
Speaker 0 00:04:22 And then saying, oh, we don't have the bidders. I was like, let's just cut out the middleman. And I just went straight to bourbon, but my father-in-law is from Ireland one day he didn't have any bourbon at the house. So he said, have you ever tried? Jamison's I was like, okay, no, let's do it. And then that got me down this, this path of drinking whiskeys and scotch. So like, that's my transition. So for you, how did it happen? I know you're mixing stuff with pop, but like, did you gradually elevate and find this as your drug of choice? I had dabbled
Speaker 2 00:04:51 With the Johnny walkers and Glenfiddich. Yeah. And you know, I didn't know anything. I just drank it because that's what was at eye level on sale. So I was like, oh yeah, I got scotch for scotch. Right. But, uh, I was at a hail Rosetta concert with my wife. Okay. It's an intimate setting. They had these light bulbs all set up and it was like dark and light was just beautiful. It was like, there was this little bar off to the side and they had a whiskey called <inaudible>. I thought it sounded German. Right. I was like, man, what is this German whiskey? He's like, actually it's scotch. You want to put a little pour? And I was like, absolutely. Yeah. I had another poor and another poor. Yeah. Another poor how's like, damn. Yeah, it was tasty. So I went home and bought another OCHIN Tasha. Okay. And then I was like, oh wow, this is different than the first. And I bought something else. So that really was my hard dive into scotch. Just pasting it, basking in the ambience. All right. Yeah. Just that intimate moment. Great music. And I was like, yeah, this is it's at and it, Hey cool. I just connected that vibe to it.
Speaker 0 00:06:00 Now I've got tons of questions. Cause I like, I like to drink. Like there's no doubt about that. Hence the sets. Um, it's not a prop. We utilize it from time to time. Yeah. I can see that. So when it comes to scotch or whiskey, like I have my zero, which tastes horrible is Johnny Walker red. Like, I'll put that as like, cause to me it literally is like somebody picked up an old campfire, put it in the glass, make some water and he's like here, drink it. And so that's called PD. I'm told
Speaker 2 00:06:34 Yeah, peat smoke, you know, you can find smoke in other areas, but the peat is like the boggy kind of thing that you might get. I don't get that so much with the Johnny Walker red, just because of how long it's been since I've left it behind. Like you said, if it's bottom. So yeah, not really my thing anymore, but yeah, it's a, it's a thing that a lot of people don't like eat. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:06:59 Now that all being said, you showed up and I know everybody at home, it's 10 o'clock in the morning, but we poured a drink. We did. It's 12. O'clock somewhere. It's five. O'clock at my bar right now. We go, I like that. And so you poured me this bottle that we have on set here. And it has a little bit of smoke to it as well, but completely different. So explain how that happens to me because it doesn't taste like you threw a campfire in my
Speaker 2 00:07:26 Mouth, not at all. So this is a non peated whiskey, but there was a barrel that had been charred at one point that the spirit went into. Okay. So likely that smoky ashy feel is that burnt wood. A lot of that stuff looked a little bit more brace of flavors. This one is a soft, abrasive, fat flavor. It's not, uh, it's not uninviting,
Speaker 0 00:07:56 Right? No. Yeah. It was delicious. I
Speaker 2 00:07:59 Brought it's 40%, a little bit lower on the ABV scale, but um, I thought any beginner could enjoy it and likely any connoisseur. It would be a, a welcome little weird thing for them to try as well. Yeah. It was delicious. I didn't know what you were. Yeah. And it doesn't matter because I think that's one that would handle it. It's a, it's rare. Right. But I just found it on the shelf at regular price. That's right. So I was like,
Speaker 0 00:08:23 Yup. Okay. Now the other question I have for you because I went down a rabbit hole myself prior to COVID, um, there's a place in Edmonton that just serves like weird types of whiskeys. They Japanese whiskeys. They're really what they serve the most of explain that to me. Like what makes is it just because it's a Japan, it was delicious by the way. Most of them that I had were really good. So we got some time then. Yeah. Japanese
Speaker 2 00:08:49 There there's a push right now in the Japanese market to be more legitimate because right now you can call almost anything. Japanese whiskey. They brought it in a bottle in Japan and now it's Japanese whiskey. Okay. A Nica from the barrel and stuff. We have like these weird just one-off brands and a lot of it's Canadian whiskey from the barrels. I think it's been nervous or something like that. Yeah. So I'm like, that's scotch, right? That was bottled in Japan. Yeah. It was Japanese whiskey. Right. So they're calling it whatever they want and there's no consistency. There's absolutely no pattern to it. It's just complete random. And in some senses nonsense that's right. And in some sense it's completely amazing stuff too. Yeah. So there's a push right now to legitimize. Okay. Whereas a whiskey in Canada aged three years in an Oak barrel, you know, and so on. And I could go on forever little nuances, but hopefully that's, what's going to happen with the Japanese market. They bring it to a niche and then they start really developing some cool stuff. Okay. So we'll just call them whatever they want.
Speaker 0 00:09:59 Oh, gotcha. Well, well, after I should have pulled it up before, there's one that I had in particular took a picture. I'll get your opinion after the show about it. Absolutely. There's another question I got for you. I got loads for you. Okay. So I like to drink my a whiskey or any liquor for that matter meat. I don't like guys, I don't want you to delude. I just want the liquor in itself. That being said, I like a cold. So more often than not like I'll throw the bottle of Jameson's or whatever I'm drinking in the freezer before drinking it. So it comes out a little thicker and syrupy. That's my, my go-to jam. I don't know if that's good. I don't know if that's bad. That's just how I like it.
Speaker 2 00:10:33 And that's all it really matters. That's right.
Speaker 0 00:10:35 Over the years, people have got me these whiskey stones that you put in the freezer and you put it in, fill me in on about this. I know what the thought process is behind it. Yeah. Oh, the thought
Speaker 2 00:10:48 Process is not having your bottle in the freezer. Right. So instead some days, like I like my whiskey room temperature. Oh, okay. Straight out of my cabinet. Sippy sip. Yeah. If it's real hot and I'm in like Jamaica. Yeah. I'll source a bottle of whiskey. I'll throw it in my freezer. Absolutely. I mean it's hot. Yeah. I'm a big dude. Yeah. It's frigging hot. That's right. Okay. So I don't like that. I don't like to do that if I don't have to, because as you said, it gets syrupy and then that real cold chill is basically just getting rid of some of those beautiful oils that you might feel. Now that being said something like Jamison. Yeah. That's an everyday consistent, reliable drink. Yeah. Putting it in the freezer, nothing wrong with that at all. Something like that. I wouldn't put in the freezer. Right. But I may, you know, if it was a higher ABV higher alcohol volume. Yeah. I would throw a couple of drops of water in there or sometimes on a hot day and ice cube. Right. Just to bring that ABB down and cooled off a little bit. Yeah. But it's changing the flavor in my opinion drastically. Okay.
Speaker 0 00:11:59 Drastically. That's my thing. Like, yeah. Cause I've done it. I've drank with guys who like to have, like, they have these special little spoons and they put the right amount of water. We'd have a Demi Tash. Okay. There we go. I know there's terminology for
Speaker 2 00:12:11 It. Yeah. Check out our show. You'll see that.
Speaker 0 00:12:15 So, but it does dramatically change the taste and in my experience, not for the better for what I agree, I like to drink. Right. So yeah. These whiskey cubes or whiskey stones that they have, like I know like they're not supposed to have a taste to them.
Speaker 2 00:12:32 No, it, it mimics like the rocks that the water's throat, uh, flowing through in Scotland. Okay. So sometimes you get like a, just like a minimum.
Speaker 0 00:12:42 Yeah. So it does have a taste for it. I believe it does.
Speaker 2 00:12:47 And part of it is the ritual to it as well. You're strolling. Yeah. You're throwing stones in there. Got you. That stone in your mouth. It's going to taste like something that's right. And now your whiskey tastes like something
Speaker 3 00:13:00 Tastes like stone. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:13:02 Well, yeah, it does. Yeah. And so, and then depending like, yeah. So for years now people have been telling me like, no, it's not supposed to taste like anything and it's just buddies. Right. It's like, wow, listen, it tastes like something. It tastes like something tastes like something. So my opinion. Yeah. All right. So that solves that one, but it does cool. It does what it's supposed to do. It cools down. Sure. Does the booze that you're drinking?
Speaker 2 00:13:25 Um, a company approached me wanting me to like a rep the product a little bit. Yeah. I tried it and I was like, it's not for me. I wouldn't be able to recommend something that I don't like. That's right. So nothing against your product, but yeah. You might want to ask someone else. Yeah. I don't like them myself.
Speaker 0 00:13:42 Yeah. All right. So I got so many more questions, but Tanner has a segment. So like I can't be too selfish. So Tanner has a second called the Mac CD minute. He's going to ask you some questions. Uh that's luck. I have no idea what he's going to ask. So Tanner, uh, hit him with the Mac minute
Speaker 3 00:13:58 Question. Number one. What is one whiskey you'd like to try that you haven't yet? Wow.
Speaker 2 00:14:04 That's uh, extremely tough. Um, that's a tough question because usually if there's something I want to try, I'll try it. I'll I'll track it down somewhere. I'll try it. Oh, Lord home. You know, there's a, there's some real rare releases from a distillery called bono Harvin and some of their real older stuff. It's sometimes hard to get a hold of. And I would think maybe something like that, but again, it's a, it's such a, a delicate question because if there's something that I want, we'll, we'll try to make it happen. There's someone out there that has it we'll trade samples with them or something like that. Right. So I haven't ran into that just recently. There was a whiskey Lucic 42 year old will takes my favorite distillery from Tober, Maury. And I was like, I'll never get a chance to try this in my life. And we tried it, there was a tasting, it came up and they were like, Hey, here it is. Wow. Well, yeah, usually if you want to try it, it's out there. That was the one though. That was like my ultimate unicorn. Yeah. Yep. Nice. And I just very, very recently came up with a chance to do that, so. Okay.
Speaker 3 00:15:17 Question number two. What is your favorite part of working with whiskey models? Uh, whiskey short and sweet question. Number three. Who's your most famous Instagram follower?
Speaker 0 00:15:36 Uh, Conor McGregor. No, I almost swore. Are you serious? Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:15:42 Um, I reviewed his whiskey proper 12. Yeah. At the time people were trashing it. Right. And bashing it. And it was 20 something dollars. Yeah. Yeah. Treated it like a $20 whiskey. It was 28 bucks or something. 30 bucks. Yeah. I poured, it tasted like a $30 whiskey. I said that honestly. And I was like, I'd buy it again. Yeah. And he read the reviews and started following me. So that was kind of weird. That's awesome. Change the whole Instagram algorithm and everything after weird MMA just started following me. It was very
Speaker 0 00:16:15 Early. Cool. So this is Tanner second. I'll get back to my questions down. I keep hitting them with the questions.
Speaker 3 00:16:20 Question number four. What is your favorite note? You can find in your liquor. You drink. Okay.
Speaker 2 00:16:27 Favorite note is a Oloroso Sherry note. I just love a scratchy kind of brash note.
Speaker 3 00:16:35 And your final question. What is your favorite food snack when you are drinking your favorite whiskey?
Speaker 2 00:16:43 Ooh, that's a good one. Um, chocolate with white whiskey. Uh, take your pick really. I mean, this one chocolate will go amazing with this particular one right here. This, uh, Glen turret, anything Tobermory or more richer kind of whiskey. Yeah. Is definitely gonna pair pretty lovely with chocolate McKellen stuff. Something people would know would be McKellen. And those have been your five questions. Um,
Speaker 0 00:17:12 I'm trying to keep all the questions in my head. I probably lost some of them. Okay. Let's go to the Conor McGregor one. Cause that was the most recent that bottle. Like it's got a lot of hype. I think a lot of people have heard of it. I've never tried it. Like it's Irish, it's Irish. It held up.
Speaker 2 00:17:29 I should give it a try. I, I can't see you hating it. Okay. Interesting Tatum on it. You know what? They can't come up and say to Conor, McGregor's face that their whiskey or they hate his whiskey, but they can bash it online. And that was super cool at the time to just bash that whiskey. And I was like, yeah, I don't know what you guys about a hundred bucks for it then. Fine. Yeah. But I did not. Right. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:17:54 Okay. Now you just totally dovetailed into my next question in regards to costs of liquor. So like Jamison's you could probably get like at the liquor store, anywhere between 35 to 38 bucks give or take high-end liquor. Like I met a guy who was drinking like $300 bottles of something delicious, but like, what is kind of the price range? I know it can get extreme and it can get like pulled down. But like, w what's like an average price
Speaker 2 00:18:18 Range, an average price for a bottle that I would drink myself, uh, share with some friends, a hundred bucks. Yeah. Like a hundred bucks is pretty average. Um, you know, you can go way, way, way, way, way up. Yeah. But you know, cost versus yum factor sometimes hard to justify. Right, right. But a hundred, 150 bucks is like the go-to range of the bottles that we usually have right
Speaker 0 00:18:46 Now when you're getting into like the more expensive, like 300, a thousand dollars, even some we're not what is the difference that you're tasting out of it
Speaker 2 00:18:58 Sometimes almost no difference. Um, sometimes it's not so much as taste as rarity. It may be like a super rare Spanish Oloroso cask, Spanish, Sherry cask. Right. And like maybe they had one, right. So they put it in a bottle for 25 years and then they're charging 1500 bucks for it. Right. And collectors will scoop it up. Let's see, we have a revolving collection. We'll buy something ridiculous and just crank it and mustache water. So it looks pretty, but is it tasty? That's right. And a lot of the times it's just simply not that's right. Tasty. Sure. But not $1,500 tasty right
Speaker 0 00:19:43 Now. Something else you said Tanner's telling me I'm running out of time. You said samplers. So what does that like, people just like taking like a little like yeah. One
Speaker 2 00:19:53 Ounce little sample bottle and we'll share them amongst our friends. Very cool. Like theirs must be 500, one ounce sample bottles at the headquarters right now. Right. Just waiting.
Speaker 0 00:20:05 So you could get, like you said, your unicorn get that in the sampler. You might not have the bottle, but at least you could say you taste
Speaker 2 00:20:10 It. Maybe we'll purchase a bottle together. Right. And put it into 25 samples or so. Oh, okay. Very cool. It's a way to attain something that's on attainable sometimes.
Speaker 0 00:20:20 Right. Great. Amazing. Okay. Um, last question. I'm going to have for today. Unfortunately, you're coming back and we're going to talk a lot more, but in regards to what we're drinking out of. So I'm used to drinking out of those things. You have, you have special names. I just call them glasses, whiskey glasses. Right now you, you poured your stuff in these cool little things, Karen. So what, what are they called? What's the difference? Why,
Speaker 2 00:20:47 Um, the difference is ritualistic. I mean, you have something like a coal PETA, which has a stem and then they're like almost like a tulip on the top. Right. It's old, um, uh, Sherri merchant merchants would, would sample the Sherry and these particular biases. Right. And it became famous Richard, the nose Patterson from Dalmore. He loves that glass. I love it as well. But Glen, Karen, I think came around the nineties and it was just a tulip shaped glass and it focused the alcohol different so that you don't necessarily get all the harshness and abrasiveness of just spirit. Right. You get the Oak and the weird influences, bourbon, cask, Sherry cask, whereas a tumbler it's all open. So everything's hitting you at once. Right? Right. Either way. Totally fine. Yeah. Um, I'll drink out of a tumbler quite often. If it's a whiskey I'm super familiar with or I'm around a campfire. Yeah. I'll bring a nice thick tumbler. Totally fine. Again, it's part of the ritual. Right, right, right. Yeah. The different glasses for different, uh, different nosing and different things. They do. It's it's ritualistic. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:21:57 Okay. I'm going to blow the time. Cause you just had another, I've got another question. Sorry at home. We're going a little bit over today. Okay. You talk, you just said Sherry, right. So you got Sherry, you got whiskey. Like one time I made the horrible mistake and I blamed puff daddy and Busta rhymes for this of trying to <inaudible> when I was 21 years old. And I don't know what I was doing. I would actually like to track of Aussie now that I actually have appreciation for it. Um, what is the difference between a Sherry, a whiskey Tavasia for goodness sakes?
Speaker 2 00:22:26 Well, um, quite often, you know, a Sherry is a grape spirit. Uh, you can get Brandy, which is a fortified, right. Uh, whiskey is, you know, malted, barley, grains, like corn, wheat, whatever the case is. Yeah. And like something like Coniac eating Coniac yeah. Port is, you know, grape beverage that's made in Portugal. Right, right. It's it's regional listed. And a lot of cases, if that's a word, if not what I do apologize, I call me out on it. Yeah. So, uh, that's basically, it's just whiskey is what I, I love the malt. Right. Bitter kind of malt flavor is really what, uh, what did it for me. Yeah. And those of you who, if you haven't tried a whiskey before go buy one of those carbonated malt beverages and like the green bottles and get them out a bunch of their restaurants, what are they? Yeah. Delicious. Yeah. It gives you an idea of what malt is without that intensity of the alcohol. Right
Speaker 0 00:23:30 Now. You just said Mickey's so I know Mickey's has those little like stubby beer. Yeah. Yeah. With like the little teasers inside. No, I don't think that's what I'm talking about. Mickey's is
Speaker 2 00:23:46 Yeah. The one I'm talking about, like,
Speaker 0 00:23:49 Yeah. Mickey's is definitely alcoholic. It's like liquor alcoholic.
Speaker 2 00:23:52 This one's just a malt beverage without any alcohol. I can't remember for the life of me what it's called. Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:23:59 I only know a Mickey is a small amount of alcohol.
Speaker 0 00:24:02 Yeah. Yeah. Okay, cool. Well, listen, we went over, but thank you very much. The whole point of the time limit is so that you can come back again and again and again. So please come back again and again, I got loads more questions for you, but before I cut you loose, before you leave shameless plug, please tell the people at home one more time, who you are, where they can find you, what you're all about.
Speaker 2 00:24:25 The whiskey heathens, best place to find us is on YouTube right now. And a whiskey does not have an E or in Canada. So w H I S K Y Edens and, uh, Instagram for myself, it's know your whiskey. And, uh, my partner Tai, you can find him at Tibor and comedy. It's just a bunch of random nonsense and shenanigans. So if you're into that,
Speaker 0 00:24:49 That's awesome. Awesome. Well, on that note, Fort McMurry, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. Thank you very much for tuning in. This has been another episode of the Mac city morning show with Elliot peer, your host. Um, hopefully you're having a great day and we'll see you tomorrow.
Speaker 3 00:25:22 Talk about quenching your ugly thirst.