Mac City Morning Show #221: Chris Wruck, Manager at EMCO Water Products

Episode 221 November 29, 2021 00:16:56
Mac City Morning Show #221: Chris Wruck, Manager at EMCO Water Products
The Mac City Morning Show
Mac City Morning Show #221: Chris Wruck, Manager at EMCO Water Products

Nov 29 2021 | 00:16:56


Show Notes

Chris Wruck, manager at EMCO Water Products is back! Tune in to hear what he’s been up to!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:01 Good morning, Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You've tuned into the Mac city morning show. I am your host, Elliot Pierre, and we're going to start the show off the same way we start every show off with a moment of gratitude. I know you could be doing a million other things with your time. So the fact that you spending with us truly does mean the world to me. So thank you on that note, Tanner hit him with the intro. All right. And we're back. Okay. Today's going to be a good one. So a disclaimer, this gentleman's been on the show before, but you've never seen it. The audio quality was horrible, so he couldn't air it. So he's back again. So thanking him right off the bat for coming back again. But another disclaimer, I can truly say this guy will be a reoccurring guest, so enjoy his first slash second episode, but get ready to see him a lot. I don't introduce my guests. They do that themselves. So sir, please tell the people at home who you are at. Speaker 1 00:01:02 Yeah. Thanks for having me. It's great to always catch a vibe and have a chat with you. Chris rock local manager for Emco waterworks, uh, Fort McMurray resident for four years now. Uh, proud, local, proud, proud to be here, proud to be a member of the former. Speaker 0 00:01:17 And we're a community. That's awesome, man. So before we get into just you and me chatting and BSN, let's plug your company a little bit because it is fascinating. We talked about it last time. I had no idea what your company did. I heard of them. What'd you do is pretty interesting. So can you talk a little bit about your company? Speaker 1 00:01:35 So, uh, Emco waterworks is a distributor for underground municipal infrastructure and, uh, ground stabilization for paving. So underground PVC, fire, hydrants, storm drains, uh, sewer lines, everything that goes underground from the water treatment plant to your house. And then once you finished in the refuse, leaves your house, it goes from your house back to the plant, everything underground we sell. And, uh, when it comes to paving your geosynthetics, it's nothing glamorous, but it's something that a lot of people don't think about. Speaker 0 00:02:07 It's pretty fascinating in regards to you, one thing about it, cause it's out of sight out of mind, basically kind of like, like the plumbing or the electrical work in your house. You're just like, yeah, it's fine. Those walls, but it's a crucial service. Like if you don't have it, you ain't going to the washroom or walking or going to the kitchen for goodness sakes. Yep. Go to the washroom. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:02:27 Probably won't Speaker 0 00:02:28 Go very well. That's right. So how did you find yourself in this career? Because it's something that I don't think is very mainstream that people would know about your guidance counselor at high school is not telling you about it. Speaker 1 00:02:40 Yeah, no. So a great question get asked a lot. So I spent nine and a half years, eight and a half years on the drilling rigs came out of high school. I apprenticed as a chef, got tired of the long hours. No great income. It was a good lifestyle, fun travel. Uh, one had some customers in young guys spending ridiculous amounts of money. Uh, met them, chat with them. They were rig hands just in, on spring break up in lake Louise. Uh, at that point I said, you know what? I think it's time for a change. I went and joined the rigs for eight and a half years for foreign Canada, four and a half across America. And then was just, I wasn't a good human. I was very narcissistic, uh, driven by money and ego. Uh, my sister one time had a heart to heart with me and told me you're a, you're a real piece of crap. Speaker 1 00:03:33 Um, I was driven by how much money I had flying status. And just everything you would think about, about oilfield trash. That was me. Yeah. Um, sat down with my aunt and uncle. He was a valve salesman. Um, loved the way his lifestyle seemed to be changed, careers, uh, restarted everything. I knew, uh, God given a great opportunity by a man who mentored me into being a sales professional. Um, so yeah, four years ago moved up here. Yeah. Uh, just kind of a one-off opportunity from a great guy. And now here I am doing exactly what a I want to do. Speaker 0 00:04:08 That's awesome. Yeah. Yeah. You're a super aware guy. That's why like hang and we've only recently met over the last like month or two Speaker 1 00:04:14 Mid June. We met, Speaker 0 00:04:16 You're super aware of like who you are and how your, how, how you carry yourself, which is rare. Thank you. Yeah, man, that's a great quote. Speaker 1 00:04:24 I attribute a lot of it to my therapist. I mean, I've put time in to work on myself. Um, yeah, we all have our downfalls. Like anybody you meet is going to have their, their hiccups. Uh, luckily being aware and having people talk to me in good, good, good support system. Uh, really understanding mental health and get yourself in check and every day just seems to get better and better. Speaker 0 00:04:45 Now, the other thing that's really interesting about you and you're not wearing them today, cause we're not on the golf course. Correct. Is you have some outrageous pants that you wear when you're golfing. Yes. How did this start? So like unfortunately people at home, you're not seeing the pants, but if you've ever seen this gentlemen at a golf course, trust me, you've noticed him. How did this whole awesome, cool fashion start. Okay. Speaker 1 00:05:07 Uh, so I've been golfing for, what am I now? I'm 36. I've been golfing for 25 years. Um, I just, I watched the movie Caddyshack, Rodney Dangerfield had the most ludicrous outfits at the time and always found it funny. And then as I got older, started golfing with friends, it was well let's wear loud golf shirts. Right, right. Have a good time. And then I discovered a website, loudmouth golf's, uh, John Daly's company. And I just kind of started liking them. I think they're fun. They're a conversation piece. Um, and then I just, I don't wear them if I'm just golfing. But like if you and I were to go swing the sticks. Yeah. I'm just going to wear a regular pair of golf pants or shorts. Right. But at a tournament and that's, I mean, I, I live for golf tournaments. It's the highlight of being up here. Speaker 1 00:05:53 Um, I find it funny it's it's conversation piece. I got coined with the nickname pants for a couple of years when I moved up here because it was show up at the tournament. Oh, there's the guy with the pants and yeah. So it's just been a thing and it's kind of been an ongoing every year. I get a new pair, so I'm up to five or six pairs now I believe couple don't fit anymore. One pair too big one pair too small, but still have them in the closet. That's awesome. And yeah, it's just kind of a, it's a thing. And it's one of those, you know, people are like, oh, the pants like that, you must be a great golfer. It's like with pants like this, I don't golf that's right. Right. So it's just good humor and it really adds to the energy. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:06:28 And that's what a tournament needs. Oh, absolutely. So why golf? Like what about golf has attracted you to continue to do it, to be passionate about it? Like you said, you live for these tournaments. What is it about Speaker 1 00:06:39 The golf? Um, so the game itself is like, I will enjoy golfing by myself, put a set of headphones in and go out. And it just it's you and nature. I mean, it's a game that's just horrible to try to enjoy. But the, the moment by yourself and just in the zone and you really reflect and you're in nature and who doesn't like being around green trees and grass and plants and birds and your hairs. But it's a, the tournaments for me are the networking, the atmosphere, the energy. And the biggest part is the money you can raise for charity. Like this last weekend, I was blessed to be part of two, um, one for the Fort McMurray boys and girls club, one for the wood, Buffalo animal rescue committee. That's right. And they were both huge fundraisers. And to be able to be a part of that, especially in Fort McMurray, um, the family that goes to these golf tournaments, it's a lot of the same faces, same peoples. And it's uh, I mean, if you're married or you're in a relationship, it's a little escape for the day too. That's right. Speaker 0 00:07:34 Which is really nice. Seven. Yeah. Big shout out to Dennis Kniffin. Speaker 1 00:07:38 Huge shout out, Dennis is a part of the reason you and I met. Speaker 0 00:07:41 Yes. Right. Tournaments are fun. Speaker 1 00:07:45 Events are Speaker 0 00:07:46 Fun. That's right. Yeah. Dennis is a, he's a great event coordinator. And the one thing that, like you just mentioned it, the one thing Dennis does really well is connects. People, puts people together and that's, that's valuable. That's huge. Speaker 1 00:07:58 It's the network you keep brings value to no matter where you are and what you're doing, it's all about networking, the company you keep. And I find if you're associated to people like Dennis and the group that he associates with, they're all community members they give back and they're always there. Like, and they're just some of the nicest, most genuine people you can come across. Yeah. That's it. Speaker 0 00:08:18 So for McMurry, for years now, yes. Travel Alberta. You've traveled the states. You've seen some things, Speaker 1 00:08:24 Seen some things. Some places. Yes. Speaker 0 00:08:26 What about for like me and Tanner? We're kind of biased here were born and raised in Fort McMurray. So we can say like, this is our home. Oh, Speaker 1 00:08:32 You guys are almost like the, uh, the rear white Speaker 0 00:08:34 Buffalo. That's right. We like to call ourselves a unicorns. Um, but what is it about this community that like you were living in, like you said, lake Louise for goodness sakes. I talk about beauty. Yes. Um, what about Fort McMurray? Like really makes you want to, and continue to stay here. Speaker 1 00:08:48 It's hands down the community and just the people. Yeah. Like everybody wants to get to know you and who are. And I find that because there's so many people coming and going or from across the country, everybody wants to feel like they're at home. Even though, I mean, for lack of better terms, it's been a transient city. Um, to me, it's just the community. The fact that you're a, you're a staple of the Alberta and the Canadian economy and to be in a city that, I mean, the word resilient just stands in my mind about everybody and everything up here. And just, just to be a part of it. And you might as well make the most of where you are. I mean, I could walk around and go, Ooh, but really when you meet people, I mean, half the people you've had on your show. I know. And they're all that at face of the community. They love being here. And there's you get past the stereotype or the, oh, it's all ugly and drab. Go drive down to the thick wood golf course. Uh, take a look like, just take a moment and understand that you're in the middle of middle of the boreal forest, right? Like you just can't. Speaker 0 00:09:48 No, you can't. It's crazy. How, how quick things are growing back though? Like a lot of greenery is coming back when I was walking and driving around the course, like obviously trees are still burned. Yes. But I was blown away with, it's been what, three years? Four years. Since the fire, I think we're going on your phone. Give or take, like, you're still starting to see a lot of foliage come back and like it's, it's looking good. Speaker 1 00:10:13 Absolutely. Um, I never stepped foot in Fort McMurray prior to March, 2017. When I moved here, I moved in to Fort McMurry. Never seeing it, never driving up here. Right. But born and raised west of Edmonton. Speaker 0 00:10:29 That's right. Yeah. So we have a segment on the show called the Mac city minute. It's Tanner segment. He asked some questions. I never know what he's going to ask. So I wish you the best of luck. Tanner hit him with the maxi minute Speaker 2 00:10:42 Question. Number one. What is your favorite way to enjoy your night after a round of golf? Speaker 1 00:10:49 Uh, who tough one, depending on the course, usually a enjoy a cocktail or two after the game. Uh, maybe try some chicken wings or if it's an after a tournament, go to where, where the crowds going and go and join events somewhere. Okay. Speaker 2 00:11:02 Question number two. What is your favorite place you've ever played? A round of golf? Speaker 1 00:11:09 Ooh, that's a challenging one. Uh, I will definitely throw up to Banff Springs. That is a beautiful, spectacular course, Canon ASCUS. And I will always give a shout out to Cougar Creek golf resort, uh, course that I don't know how many have played, but if you ever get a chance west of Edmonton, hands down, just amazing Speaker 2 00:11:28 Question. Number three. What is your favorite non golf story from playing in a Fort Mac golf tournament? Speaker 1 00:11:36 Hands down. Uh, it was last year after tournament. We won't say any names. A few of us went down to a EVP and one guy was absolutely dedicated to getting a slice of pizza from the, the store there. He walks out literally. And he's going off about how great pizza was. No, we had a few drinks and he literally went to take a bite, dropped it on the ground. He stood there and looked at it for how to be a minute and a half, picked it up, blew it off dirt and all still ate it. And just that, that made the whole night again, we won't say names cause it was funny one of those moments, but that was gold. Speaker 2 00:12:13 Question number four. What is your favorite part of owning your business in the community? Speaker 1 00:12:20 Hands down the fact that we can help out local charities and just, just be an advocate for the city. That's that's what it's all about. Speaker 2 00:12:27 And your final question, as someone who had never been here before they came, what food stood out? The most informed McMurray. Speaker 1 00:12:37 Wow. That's it. That's a bold question. Uh, okay. There's a few. So no longer on the menu to Rubin at east village pub, they need to bring that back. If you're listening, bring it back. Um, since 57 north opened the hangover soup, hands down. I believe it's from prime. I think they carried that over. Um, and I gotta say the chicken wings at 57 north Speaker 2 00:13:00 And those have been your five questions. Speaker 0 00:13:02 All right. I've got, how are we doing for time? We've got a few minutes. Okay, good. I've got a pretty easy question to ask and then I got something that's going to be a bit heated. Okay. All right. So the first one is when it comes to chicken wings, we'll go easy. First chicken wings. What kind of chicken wings do you like? Flavor? We talked in salt and pepper, hot wings. What lemon pepper. What do we, what are we throwing down on? Hot on your wings? Speaker 1 00:13:24 A good Cajun wing goes a long ways. Um, love a hot sauce, but not vinegary like a Tabasco and not overly mainstream, like a Frank's. Um, but ideally a nice salt, pepper wing with a side of hot sauce. So you get the best of both worlds. Speaker 0 00:13:39 There we go. Awesome. I love this show called hot ones. It's on the internet, the best show ever. Amazing. I'm not a hot wing guy in regards to like, I, I'm not great with heat. I can handle it, but I'm not. So I'm never going to do the hot wing challenge, but like you said, like you get a good salt and pepper wing and then on the side you got some hot sauce. That's good. Absolutely. So that was easy question. Okay. A little bit more challenging one. Let's go. We've got an upcoming election. We got some, we got some people running for mayor. I don't want, like, we're not going to say who we're voting for. Obviously I don't want you to put any, like, that's not what this is about, but what do you think? What are you thinking for our upcoming election may just be for the mayor or the council? I know you're a guy who follows and pays attention. So I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. I think, Speaker 1 00:14:26 Uh, as far as the council, uh, the members running for council, I think we have a decent council as it sits. I think there's some great people throwing their hat in the ring. Um, you've got a mix of tried tested counselors, love Fort McMurry, love what it's about. You've got some people that are possibly doing it for personal gain, not for the greater good. Right. Um, and for the mayoral race, I think you've got three candidates that all bring something very unique. And uh, I really look forward to when they start talking about what they're going to do for the community. And I think that's going to be a big push for where you're going to see the vote go. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:15:02 There we go. Okay. Very political answer. You're coming back on the show. After the candidates actually above to halfway through their campaign, you're going to come back. I love to hear your thought process. We actually, uh, we'll have all three of them come through the show and air their episodes. Um, probably at the same time your episode goes out. So it'll be fun. That'd be a good fun. Sweet. All right, man. Well, that's the end of our show. Thank you for coming. I really do appreciate it. I tell people to take me up on this offer and come back and I want you to come. I know you will. So I don't have to like bend your arm on that one. Um, before you leave, though, everybody gets a shameless plug shameless, shout out this is your part to shine. So the mic is yours. Speaker 1 00:15:45 Uh, just, just a huge, huge shout out to everybody in the city. That's out enjoying the, the COVID restrictions, being laxed, um, supporting local businesses is huge. Um, I work for corporation. We are, we're very fortunate. We have relationships we work with, but just get out and support the small businesses. I mean, I'll plug tire land on here. Shantelle. She's an amazing girl takes care of all our needs. Um, just support the small businesses. 57 north is doing great things. Go check them out. Um, and just, yeah. Be local act, local support local. It's all you can ask for. Speaker 0 00:16:19 Here we go. Awesome man. All right. For Memorial wood, Buffalo and the rest of the world, that's been another episode of the Mac city morning show. Thank you. Once again, for tuning in it truly does mean the world to me. So I can't say it enough. Thank you on that note. Hope you're having a great day. We'll see you tomorrow. Peace Speaker 3 00:16:36 Y Dalio Wade, and another morning show later by us. Speaker 4 00:16:45 You talk about quenching your ugly thirsty.

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