Episode Transcript
Speaker 0 00:00:00 Sir. Good morning, Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You've tuned into the Mac CD morning show. I'm your host, Elliot Pierre. And we're going to start the show off the same way we start every episode off with a moment of gratitude. I know you could be doing a million other things with your time. So the fact that you're spending with us truly does mean the world to me. So thank you on that note, Tanner in with the injury.
Speaker 1 00:00:21 Oh, she caught me loves or listened to the next anymore.
Speaker 0 00:00:30 All right. And we're back, you know what Tanner or what I've been noticing? Cause we did some on site filming is I hit him with the intro with my left on the show, but only because this microphone blocks me. I I'm more of a right. Hit him with the left. You are a right-handed person though. That's right. But on the show, it's, I'm surprised
Speaker 3 00:00:48 You haven't just smacked that mic up there yet.
Speaker 0 00:00:49 I know it's it's something else. Not yet. Not yet. All right. Well, everybody at home, I'm excited about our guest today. Uh, he's running for council. I have not spent any time with this individual talking about that. So you're about to learn all about him the same way I am. As you know, I do not introduce my guests because they can do a better job at that than myself. So on that note, sir, can you please tell everybody who you are?
Speaker 4 00:01:10 Yeah. Thank you for having me on the show. I really appreciate being here. Uh, you have a great platform. Thank you. Hi, my name is towel Tupper. I am running for ward one council. I'm originally like many former Marion's I'm originally from another province, right? Like I'm from Northern Saskatchewan. Uh, I'm from a predominantly native community. I am native myself a half and uh, I moved to Fort Murray in 2017, but I've been in the oil sands since 2013. Okay. Yeah. I'll be in sands for CNRL shell before that, right? Yeah. Yeah. And uh, yeah, it's been, been an interesting ride, uh, being here for sure. Yeah. I moved here in 2017 because of, uh, my fiance. Right. She started a apprenticeship for a heavy-duty equipment technician here in town. She worked for a few companies, right. She was in the program to work for different company every year, right?
Speaker 4 00:02:05 Yeah, yeah, no, uh, she I've been helping her through that and uh, with, uh, my job, which is a, I'm a mind surveyor, right? Yeah. I went to the Haileybury school of mines in Northern Ontario for that all right. From there. And uh, yeah, I've just been, it's been working through the field. I really love for primary. Uh, I've come to enjoy the wing culture here. Yeah. Uh, right now I'm really into the, uh, the wings at 72 at the golf course that misconnect yeah. Yeah. I really liked the, when you bite it, have you tried them? I have not. I haven't tried them though. I really, uh, I really enjoy them. They actually they're. They're totally different. It's not what you're expecting when you just <inaudible>
Speaker 0 00:02:45 They're delicious.
Speaker 4 00:02:45 Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. The, the restaurant that overlooks the that's, right? Yeah. Yeah. The pudding area there. I like it. Yeah. I've really come to enjoy it. I love, love trying different restaurants. I worked here in town. Yeah. Yeah. It's always like a new adventure, right. That's great.
Speaker 0 00:03:01 Yeah. There's more than there used to be. That's for sure. For sure. Memory is pretty diverse in 2021, 2027. That's the year. That's a year. Yeah. It never used to be like that. It's two locals, myself and Tanner. I can assure you back in the day, you did not have the variety you do now.
Speaker 4 00:03:16 Locals who love food.
Speaker 0 00:03:18 That's right. Yeah. Yeah. No, the wings down in Messina are really good. And I liked the new restaurant that they have there. I missed the Fox den really do mix the Fox den, but I understand it went underwater and yada yada yada, but yeah. Yeah. The new spots. Nice. Yeah, for sure. So my question for you is you're running for council and I got it. Like everybody that comes on the show asked the same question, why I don't get it. I don't get it in, in this day and age in regards to the scrutiny that you incur. Like I don't personally get it. And it's, uh, I think like you're brave for doing it. Like somebody's got to do it. I really want to know people's mindset on like, why would you take, why would you bear this cross? Cause it's, it's a big one.
Speaker 4 00:03:56 Well, I really, I really enjoy the community and I think I have a lot to offer, uh, my unique perspective being one, being a younger individual, I am 35 years old. And uh, I do believe I offer unique perspective in that I I'm apt in technology. Right. I am apt in those, those sorts of things since that's where I studied. Right. Technology. Right. And, uh, I believe that, uh, we can build like a greater sense of community in public Murray, like especially access, right? Like, well, my whole platform is about access. Like we still don't have a through road right. Through Fort McMurray, which limits a lot of the businesses that can come to Fort McMurray. That's right. Like Costco doesn't want to come write a winners. Doesn't want to come because of through, through road. Right. There has to be other ways to get them here. If we promise that we will eventually build that. Right. And having more access to Fort McMurray will open up a lot more avenues for, for the residents. Right. Like getting access to other places. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And, uh, yeah.
Speaker 0 00:05:03 So that's one platform that you're on non now in regards to oil and gas. So tell me a little bit about the, I think you're the first one that's come on the show that actually, you might not be the first, maybe the second, but has some oil and gas experience, which is new for council. They don't have a lot of, uh, yeah. Willing gas experience on council currently. So Keith McGrath. Yeah. That's the only gentleman that I'm aware of. So yeah, that's a, that's definitely a unique perspective that you have.
Speaker 4 00:05:28 I don't a hundred percent, uh, yeah. I've been in the mining industry since 2006. Uh, I re I love what I do. I love everything about what I do. And then I have, uh, have had a lot of opportunities in the, in the mining industry. Right. Cause I'm right down there in the mine and working there with the big trucks and I'm right next to them. Right. Like they're using the latest, latest and greatest that they have to offer. Right. Yeah. A unique perspective. Yeah. Like I've, I've been very fortunate to not have lost my job in the, in the downturn. Right. Uh, I'm very grateful for that. And I've, I've worked very hard to try. And
Speaker 0 00:06:09 There you go. Now you said you're from Northern Saskatchewan. You talking like PA
Speaker 4 00:06:13 No. Uh, the raunch Saskatchewan, like two and a half hours north of there driving. Right. That's right. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:06:18 Okay. You're really far up north than we are. Yeah.
Speaker 4 00:06:22 Yeah. Yeah. And that's where I first started, uh, in the mining industry, in the uranium mines. I worked for the, uh, at the world's largest uranium mine, the highest grade uranium mine. And then from there I went on to gold, underground and open pit gold, gold mining. Yeah. That was really interesting.
Speaker 0 00:06:38 Now with your mining background, I got to ask because there's lots of minds everywhere. Yeah. So, and like you said, like gold, like there's lots of stuff, diamonds, natural gas. There's lots of things to mind salt. There you go. Absolutely killing it. Um, well and gas you've come to Fort McMurry. You obviously with the skillsets and the education you have, you could go different places. Even there's lots of mines in Australia, even South Africa, too. That's right. So what about Fort McMurray has kept you here over the years?
Speaker 4 00:07:09 Oh, I just love it comes down to opportunity. Right. It's just, it's just the best place for me to blossom and grow. Right. Like I can bring forth an idea at work and if it works out there allowed me to take that risk. Right. They allowed me to take that risk at work and if it succeeds, it succeeds. Right. If it doesn't then, you know, might not get as big as bonus end of the year. Right. Right. And, uh, yeah, it's, it's really, it's really allowed me to blossom in my career and uh, just really changed the industry from the inside. Right. Like there's still a lot of room to grow in the industry from the inside. Right. And the best way, just like running for council, the best way to change something is from the inside. Right. And, uh, this is exactly what I aim to do. Okay. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:07:57 Uh, we talked about your, your road plan. What are the things, are you running on as far as your platform's concerned?
Speaker 4 00:08:03 That's exactly what was another, another piece of the access of the platform is, uh, creating a more centralized news source right now. Like a lot of people are telling me that it's, it is really hard to find just the central news source for everything that's going on in Fort McMurray, like the events and, and just random news. Right. So if we made like an app, an app, right. And application for the phones, right. It would, uh, w we could centralize all that. Like the events, like all the committees on the boards, they could, they could add to it, right. To all the groups. And, uh, also local news, like yours, you could be featured on the app. Right. That's right. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:08:41 So better communication
Speaker 4 00:08:42 Better. Yeah, exactly. Better communication tools. Right now people have to go to like six different sources to figure out everything that's happening in four with Maria right now. Right. And then right. People just don't have the time for that. Right. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:08:53 It's true there. And there's so much to do. Yeah.
Speaker 4 00:08:55 There's so much to do. And that leads me into my next point is incentivizing what we already have leveraging what we have in Fort McMurray. Like we need to get the youth more engaged in the political process. And the best way to do that is by incentivizing visiting and learning about forming Murray. Right. If we got them to do that, which brings me into my next point, if we could bring blockchain into the ecosphere. Right. Sure. Um, just for the fact that it's completely auditable, it's open, anybody can audit it and, uh, it can also remain anonymous. Right. You can remain anonymous and you don't have to worry about your privacy being invaded. That's right. And, uh, if we could somehow incentivize, uh, going out and utilizing what we already have, uh, then we could also build more community that's right. And with participating businesses, they could, uh, they could reap the benefits of the incentivization. Right. Let's say we had a business coming to us like, Hey, we really need to drive up sales on our ice cream. Right. So we, we get the kids to go to learn something about the ultimate Frisbee downtown by the waterways. Right. Like you go learn waterways, Frisbee, and go play. And then they could receive like, say like a $5 coupon of some sort. Right. They can go to their ice cream shop and they can buy the ice cream from there.
Speaker 0 00:10:24 That's right. Yeah. Yeah. No, uh, the blockchain component is pretty cool. Yeah. I know my company, if, uh, if you want to pay us, we will accept your cryptocurrency. Oh, perfect. Yeah. So it's a, it's a pretty unique, uh, industry to be in. Now. I see Tom to throw in his phone out and pointing at me. That means, uh, Elliot stop talking. It's my time to shine. We have a segment called the Mac city morning or the Mac city minute. And, uh, that's Tanner segments. So he's going to ask you a bunch of questions. I don't know what they are going to be. I wish you nothing, but the best of luck. Thanks Tanner. You hit him with the Mac CD minute.
Speaker 3 00:10:55 One of these days on a Tanner and Elliot show, I'm going to explain to them the story of how the Mac city mini got started. Nobody's going to believe you when you say, oh, Tanner wants the shine now. Yeah, no, not how this played out.
Speaker 0 00:11:12 It's funny. Cause it's
Speaker 3 00:11:12 True. Hey, anyways, question number one. What is one thing that you weren't expecting to experience when you moved to Fort McMurray?
Speaker 4 00:11:23 And I wasn't expecting to experience well being from the north, uh, there is a lot of, uh, services up here, like from where I'm from, <inaudible> the internet, there is five megabytes per second, right here. It's like, you can get worn out. There are appearing that I would make that makes I love being in the north. Right. Yeah. And being in the north with services is even better. I get to experience the outdoors and I get to experience the best of what cities have to offer. Right. Right.
Speaker 3 00:11:55 Question number two. What is your go-to style of wing?
Speaker 4 00:12:00 My go-to style of wing. Oh, dang. Oh, love the honey hot bone
Speaker 3 00:12:10 On your bone lists
Speaker 4 00:12:11 Or bone bone on yeah, a oven roasted. Okay. We are drum a wing. Okay.
Speaker 3 00:12:19 Good answer. Question. Number three. If you could bring one retailer to Fort McMurray, what retailer would that be?
Speaker 4 00:12:28 Oh, one retailer. That's a good question. I'm really struck between a lot of people have told me that they really want winners. I'd really like to bring them winners. But, uh, for me personally, Costco,
Speaker 3 00:12:40 There we go. Question number four. How do you feel like working in the mines will help you in your run for council?
Speaker 4 00:12:48 Uh, well I, a lot of, a lot of the voters are all working in the mines, right. That's who we service. We service the oil sands and the people who live here, service those oil sands. And I'm right there with them. I'm right there on the frontline. I'm right there on the ground with them. And I understand them and I listened to them and I see them every day. And I talked to them every day, like constantly. Right. So it's yeah, I I'm, I'm right there with them and I share their concerns and it's just way it is. Right. There you go.
Speaker 3 00:13:19 And your final question, what has been your favorite part of being able to campaign to locals in town?
Speaker 4 00:13:26 Oh, my favorite part is just hearing all the different, uh, the things that they, they want to see. Right. And for Mary, um, creating efficiency, like especially is definitely one of them. Yeah. So through blockchain, we'd also be able to, uh, through an app through blockchain, maybe just the app, it depends on what's well received, right? Yeah. Uh, we could streamline more, more decisions in municipality. We can create more efficiency by having votes to the app. Right. We could, uh, we could vote on names of parks or we could name, or we could vote on, uh, w how the park is designed. Right. And things like that. Just just general generalized point of views. Yeah,
Speaker 3 00:14:09 Absolutely. And those have been your five questions.
Speaker 0 00:14:11 I got to take a bit of the shine out there. I got to answer Tanner's question. I'm a salt and pepper wing guy with the hot sauce on the side. If you want some, you can dip it in and yeah. I'm, I'm good with either bones or wings or the drum stick, but yeah, the, the wing more often than not is the way to go. Yeah, yeah,
Speaker 3 00:14:31 Yeah.
Speaker 4 00:14:32 Oh yeah. Blown in. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:14:34 Like, don't get me wrong. Boneless wings are cool. They're glorified. But I was just going to say that they're glorified nuggets. I'm like, if I want a nugget, I'll get a nugget. Oh.
Speaker 4 00:14:43 A hundred percent.
Speaker 0 00:14:44 Because speaking of food, now I just got to ask the question. Has anybody tried the new McNugget? The spicy ones? Oh, I
Speaker 4 00:14:50 Have, yeah.
Speaker 0 00:14:51 Ball. Yeah,
Speaker 4 00:14:53 I did. I tried them. Yeah. They're okay. Like, I don't mind them there.
Speaker 3 00:14:57 We're expecting them to be spicier at the beginning, but at the beginning they just taste like a normal chicken
Speaker 4 00:15:03 And then you chew
Speaker 3 00:15:04 It and you swallow it. And then all of a sudden you get,
Speaker 0 00:15:07 Yeah. Yeah. So what sauce you thrown down? I'm a sweet and sour guy.
Speaker 4 00:15:12 Sour. Sweet and sour. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:15:14 Oh yeah. That's right. Yeah.
Speaker 4 00:15:16 Although yeah, the, uh, my fiance is definitely into the ranch and I've been having a lot more of that. And so I'm definitely getting into the ranch. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:15:24 I don't tell Joey Diaz that Yeah. I ate all vegetables. It's fine. I don't know about nuggets though.
Speaker 3 00:15:34 Midwesterners and the United States put that shit on. Eh, everything.
Speaker 4 00:15:39 Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:15:41 I have no feeling for ranch. It's just, there's this calm, calm comedian. Joey Diaz, uncle Joey. I don't know if you know who he is. Oh, he has a skit about how he feels about ranch. And it is, it's not rated for this show. It's somebody says everybody, anytime somebody says ranch, I'm like, Ooh, just cause it's based on him. All right. So, um, I know we're running short for time. That's the whole point of the show? 20 minutes long. Um, is there any, like at the end of the show, everybody gets a shameless shout out or plug. Obviously you have something that you want to shout out and plug. So I'm going to throw the mic to you. The camera's on you. The Mike's on you. Oh, let's hear your shameless. Shout out a plug. Thank you, sir. Good morning. Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You've tuned into the Mac city morning show. I'm your host, Elliot Pierre. And we're going to start the show off the same way we start every episode off with a moment of gratitude. I know you could be doing a million other things with your time. So the fact that you're spending with us truly does mean the world to me. So thank you. On that note, Tanner hitting with the engine,
Speaker 1 00:16:44 She caught me, loves near listened to the next any morning show.
Speaker 0 00:16:52 All right. And we're back. You know what Tanner, what I've been noticing. Cause we did some on site filming is I hit them with the intro, with my left on the show, but only because this microphone blocks me. I I'm more of a right. Hit him with the left.
Speaker 3 00:17:06 You are a right-handed person
Speaker 0 00:17:08 Though. That's right. But on the show, it's,
Speaker 3 00:17:10 I'm surprised you haven't just smacked that mic over the there yet. I know
Speaker 0 00:17:12 It's, it's something else. Not yet. Not yet. All right. Well, everybody at home, I'm excited about our guest today. Uh, he's running for council. I have not spent any time with this individual talking about that. So you're about to learn all about him the same way I am. As you know, I do not introduce my guests because they can do a better job at that than myself. So on that note, sir, can you please tell everybody who you are and what's your role?
Speaker 4 00:17:33 Yeah. Thank you for having me on the show. I really appreciate being here. Uh, you have a great platform. Thank you. Hi, my name is towel Tupper. I am running for ward one council. I'm originally like many former Marines. I'm originally from another province, right? Like I'm from Northern Saskatchewan. Okay. Uh, I'm from a predominantly native community. I am native myself, uh, half. And uh, I moved to Fort McMurry in 2017, but I've been in the oil sands since 2013. Yeah. At lb and sands first CNRL shell before that, right? Yeah. Yeah. And uh, yeah, it's been, been an interesting ride, uh, being here for sure. Yeah. I moved here in 2017 because of, uh, my fiance. Right. She started a apprenticeship for a heavy-duty equipment technician here in town. She worked for a few companies. Right. She was in a program to work for different company every year, right?
Speaker 4 00:18:27 Yeah, yeah, no, uh, she I've been helping her through that and uh, with, uh, my job, which is a, I'm a mind surveyor, right? Yeah. I went to the Haileybury school of mines in Northern Ontario for that, uh, from there. And uh, yeah, I've just been, it's been working through the field. I really love for Mary. Uh, I've come to enjoy the wing culture here. Yeah. Uh, right now I'm really into the, uh, the wings at 72 at the golf course that misconnect. Yeah. I really like the, when you bite it, have you tried them? I haven't tried them though. I really, uh, I really enjoy them. They actually they're, they're totally different. And it's not what you're expecting. When is this?
Speaker 0 00:19:04 <inaudible> they're delicious.
Speaker 4 00:19:08 Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. The, the restaurant that overlooks the that's, right? Yeah. Yeah. The budding area there, uh, like it, yeah. Really come to enjoy it. And love, love trying different restaurants out here in town. Yeah. Yeah. It's always like a new adventure, right?
Speaker 0 00:19:23 Yeah. There's more than there used to be. That's for sure. Memory's pretty diverse in 2021, 2020 that's a year. Yeah. It never used to be like that. It's two locals, myself and Tanner. I can assure you back in the day, you did not have the variety you do now. Locals who love food. That's right. Yeah. No, the wings down in Messina are really good. And I liked the new restaurant that they have there. I missed the Fox den. I really do mix the Fox den, but I understand it went underwater and yada yada yada, but yeah. Yeah. The new spots. Nice. Yeah, for sure. So my question for you is you're running for council and I got it. Like everybody that comes on show asked the same question, why I don't get it. I don't get it in, in this day and age in regards to the scrutiny that you incur. Like I don't personally get it. And it's, uh, I think like you're brave for doing it. Like somebody's got to do it. I really want to know people's mindset on, like, why would you take, why would you bear this cross? Cause it's, it's a big one. Well, uh,
Speaker 4 00:20:19 I really, I really enjoy the community and I think I have a lot to offer, uh, my unique perspective being one, uh, being a younger individual, I am 35 years old. And uh, I do believe I offer unique perspective in that I I'm apt in technology. Right. I am apt in those, those sorts of things since that's where I studied. Right. Technology. Right. And, uh, I believe that, uh, we can build like a greater sense community in public Murray, like especially access, right? Like, well, my whole platform is about access. Like we still don't have a through road right. Through Fort McMurray, which limits a lot of the businesses that can come to Fort McMurray. That's right. Like Costco doesn't want to come. Right. A winners doesn't want to come because of through, through road. Right. There has to be other ways to get them here. If we promise that we will eventually build that. Right. And having more access to Fort McMurray will open up a lot more avenues for, for the residents. Right. Like getting access to other places. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And, uh, yeah.
Speaker 0 00:21:26 So that's one platform that you're on non now in regards to oil and gas. So tell me a little bit about the, I think you're the first one that's come on the show that actually, you might not be the first, maybe the second, but has some oil and gas experience, which is new for council. They don't have a lot of a willing gas experience on council currently. So Keith McGrath. Yeah. That's the only gentleman that I'm aware of. So yeah, that's a, that's definitely a unique perspective that you have.
Speaker 4 00:21:50 I don't a hundred percent, uh, I've been in the mining industry since 2006. Uh, I re I love, what do I do? I love everything about what I do. And then I have, uh, have had a lot of opportunities in the, in the mining industry. Right. Cause I'm right down there in the mine and I'm working there with the big trucks and I'm right next to them. Right. Like they're using the latest, latest and greatest that they have to offer. Right. Yeah. A unique perspective. Yeah. Like I've, I've been very fortunate to not have lost my job in the, in the downturn. Right. Yeah. Uh, I'm very grateful for that. And I've, I've worked very hard to try and get,
Speaker 0 00:22:32 Oh, now you said you're from Northern Saskatchewan. You talking like PA
Speaker 4 00:22:36 Uh, the ranch Saskatchewan, like two and a half hours north of there driving. Right. That's right. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:22:41 You're really far up really far more than we are.
Speaker 4 00:22:44 Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. And that's where I first started, uh, in the mining industry, in the uranium mines. I worked for the, uh, at the world's largest uranium mine, the highest grade uranium mine. And then from there I went on to gold, underground and open pit gold gold mining. Yeah. That was really interesting. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:23:01 Now with your mining background, I got to ask because there's lots of minds everywhere. Yeah. So you've, and like you said, like gold, like there's lots of diamonds, natural gas, there's lots of things to mind salt. There you go. Absolutely killing it. Um, willing and gas. You've come to Fort McMurry. You obviously with the skill sets and the education you have, you could go different places. Even. There's lots of mines in Australia, even South Africa, too. That's right. So what about Fort McMurray has kept you here over the years?
Speaker 4 00:23:31 Oh, I just love it comes down to opportunity. Right. It's just, it's just the best place for me to blossom and grow. Right. Like I can bring forth an idea at work and if it works out there, allow me to that risk. Right. They allowed me to take that risk at work and if it succeeds, it succeeds. Right. If it doesn't then, you know, might not get as big as bonus end of the year. Right. Right. And, uh, yeah, it's, it's really, it's really allowed me to blossom in my career and, uh, just really changed the industry from the inside. Right. Like there's still a lot of room to grow in the industry from the inside. Right. And the best way, just like running for council, the best way to change something is from the inside. Right. And, uh, this is exactly what I aim to do.
Speaker 4 00:24:19 Okay. Yeah. Uh, we talked about your, your road plan. Uh, what are the things, are you running on as far as your platform's concerned? Well, exactly. What was another, another piece of the access of the platform is, uh, creating a more centralized news source right now. Like a lot of people are telling me that it's, it is really hard to find just the central news source for everything that's going on. And for Marie, like the events and, and just random news rates. So if we made like an app, an app, right. And application for the phones, right. It would, uh, we could centralize all that. Like the events, like all the committees on the boards, they could, they could add to it. Right. All the groups. And, uh, also local news, like yo years, you could be featured on the app. Right. That's right. Yeah.
Speaker 4 00:25:03 So better communication better. Yeah, exactly. Better communication tools. Right now people have to go to like six different sources to figure out everything that's happening in fourth Maria right now. Right. And then people just don't have the time for that. Right. Yeah. Yeah. It's true there. And there's so much to do. Yeah. There's so much to do. Yeah. And that leads me into my next point is incentivizing what we already have leveraging what we have in Fort McMurray. Like we need to get the youth more engaged in the political process. And the best way to do that is by incentivizing visiting and learning about Fort MacMurray. Right. If we got them to do that, which brings me into my next point, if we could bring blockchain into the ecosphere. Right. Sure. Um, just for the fact that it's, it's completely auditable, it's open. Anybody can audit it and, uh, it can also remain anonymous.
Speaker 4 00:25:57 Right. You can remain anonymous and you don't have to worry about your privacy being invaded. That's right. And, uh, if we could somehow incentivize, uh, going out and utilizing what we already have, uh, then we could also build more community that's right. And with participating businesses, they could, uh, they could reap the benefits of the incentivization. Right. Let's say we had a business come to us like, Hey, we really need to drive up sales on our ice cream. Right. So we, we get the kids to go to learn something about the ultimate Frisbee downtown by the waterways. Right? Like you go learn waterways, Frisbee and go play. And then they could receive like, say like a $5 coupon of some sort. Right. They can go to their ice cream shop and they can buy the ice cream from there.
Speaker 0 00:26:46 Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, uh, the blockchain component is pretty cool. Yeah. I know my company, if, uh, if you want to pay us, we will accept your cryptocurrency. Oh, perfect. Yeah. So it's a, it's a pretty unique, uh, industry to be in. Now I see Tom to throw in his phone out and pointing at me. That means, uh, Elliot stop talking. It's my time to shine. We have a segment called the Mac CD morning or the Mac city minute. And, uh, that's Tanner segments. So he's going to ask you a bunch of questions. I don't know what they are going to be. I wish you nothing but the best of luck. Thanks Tanner. You hit him with the Mac CD minute.
Speaker 3 00:27:18 One of these days on a Tanner and Elliot show, I'm going to explain to them the story of how the Mack city minute got started. Nobody's going to believe you when you say, oh, Tanner wants the shine. Now that's not how this played out.
Speaker 0 00:27:34 It's funny. Cause it's true.
Speaker 3 00:27:36 Hey, anyways, question number one. What is one thing that you weren't expecting to experience when you moved to Fort McMurray?
Speaker 4 00:27:46 And I wasn't expecting to experience well being from the north, uh, there is a lot of, uh, services up here, like from where, where I'm from, <inaudible> the internet, there is five megabytes per second, right? It's like, you can get worn out there, up here. And I would make that makes I love being in the north. Right? Yeah. And being in the north with services is even better. I get to experience the outdoors and I get to experience the best of what cities have to offer. Right. So, right. Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:28:18 Question number two. What is your go-to style of wing?
Speaker 4 00:28:23 My go-to style of wing. Oh, Bing. Oh, love the honey hot bone
Speaker 3 00:28:33 On your bone lists or bone
Speaker 4 00:28:35 Bone on yeah. Uh, oven roasted. Okay. We are drunk a wing.
Speaker 3 00:28:41 Okay. Good answer. Good answer. Question. Number three. If you could bring one retailer to Fort McMurry, what retailer would that be?
Speaker 4 00:28:50 Oh, one retailer. That's a good question. I'm really struck between a lot of people have told me that they really want winners. I'd really like to bring them winners. But uh, for me personally, Costco,
Speaker 3 00:29:03 There we go. Who is she? Number four. How do you feel like working in the mines will help you in your run for council?
Speaker 4 00:29:10 Uh, well I, a lot of, a lot of the voters are all working in the mines, right? That's who we service. We service the oil sands and the people who live here, service those oil sands. And I'm right there with them. I'm right there on the frontline. I'm right there on the ground with them. And I understand them and I listened to them and I see them every day. And I talk to them every day, like constantly. Right. So it's, I I'm, I'm right there with them and I share their concerns and it's just way it is. Right. There you go.
Speaker 3 00:29:41 And your final question, what has been your favorite part of being able to campaign to locals in town?
Speaker 4 00:29:48 Oh, my favorite part is just hearing all the different, uh, the things that they, they want to see. Right. And for Mary, um, creating efficiency, like especially is definitely one of them. Yeah. So through blockchain, we'd also be able to, uh, through an app through blockchain, maybe just the app, you know, it depends on what's well received, right? Yeah. Uh, we could streamline more, more decisions in municipality. We can create more efficiency by having boats to the app. Right. We could, uh, we could vote on names of parks or we could name, or we could vote on, uh, w how the park is designed. Right. Things like that. Just general generalize
Speaker 0 00:30:30 Things. Point of views.
Speaker 4 00:30:31 Yeah. Absolutely. And
Speaker 3 00:30:32 Those have been your five questions.
Speaker 4 00:30:34 Well,
Speaker 0 00:30:34 I got to take a bit of the shine out there. I got to answer Tanner's question. I'm a salt and pepper wing guy with the hot sauce on the side. If you want some, you can dip it in and yeah. I'm, I'm good with either bones or wings or the drum stick, but yeah, the, the wing more often than not is the way to go. Yeah,
Speaker 4 00:30:53 Yeah, yeah. Oh yeah. Blown
Speaker 0 00:30:55 In honing. Yeah. Like, don't get me wrong. Boneless wings are cool. But I was just going to say that they're glorified nuggets. I'm like, if I want a nugget, I'll get a nugget. Oh.
Speaker 4 00:31:06 A hundred percent.
Speaker 0 00:31:07 Because speaking of food, now I just got to ask the question. Has anybody tried the new McNugget? The spicy one?
Speaker 4 00:31:12 I have. Yeah. Ball. Yeah, I did. I tried them. Yeah. They're okay. Like, I don't mind them.
Speaker 3 00:31:19 You're expecting them to be spicier at the beginning, but at the beginning they just taste like a normal
Speaker 4 00:31:24 Chicken and then you chew it and you
Speaker 3 00:31:27 Swallow it. And then all of a sudden you get,
Speaker 0 00:31:30 Yeah. So what sauce you throwing down? I'm a sweet and sour guy.
Speaker 4 00:31:34 He's exactly the same sweet and sour. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:31:37 Oh yeah. That's right. Yeah.
Speaker 4 00:31:39 Yeah. The, uh, my fiance is definitely into the ranch and I've been having a lot more of that. So I'm definitely getting into the ranch. Yeah. I
Speaker 0 00:31:47 Don't tell Joey Diaz that <inaudible> Yeah. I ate all vegetables. It's fine. I don't know about nuggets though.
Speaker 3 00:31:56 Some like Midwesterners and the United States put that shit on. Eh,
Speaker 4 00:32:01 Everything. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:32:04 I have no feeling for ranch. It's just, there's this calm comedian. Joey Diaz, uncle Joey. I don't know if you know who he is. Oh, he has a skit about how he feels about ranch. And it is, it's not rated for this show. It's somebody says everybody, anytime somebody says ranch, I'm like, oh, just cause it's based on him. All right. So, um, I know we're running short for time. That's the whole point of the show? 20 minutes long. Um, is there any, like at the end of the show, everybody gets a shameless shout out or plug, obviously you have something that you want to shout out and plug. So I'm going to throw the mic to you. The camera's on you, the Mike's on you. Oh, let's hear your shameless shout out or plug.
Speaker 4 00:32:44 Thank you. Uh, well, my name is tell temper, like I said, and I really liked to try and create a more sense of community and the best way to do that is from the inside. Like I was saying. So when you go to vote on October 18th, uh, give me a second thought. There you go.
Speaker 0 00:33:02 Oh, okay. So like where can they find you got a Facebook page
Speaker 4 00:33:06 Website? Yeah. Yeah. www.votefortupper.ca that's four. That's the number form for, yeah. Vote for temper.ca you can also find me on Facebook and Instagram.
Speaker 0 00:33:19 Sweet. So have you been out there door knocking and stuff already,
Speaker 4 00:33:22 Or I've just been going through the parks. Yeah. Yeah. Waiting like around parks and handing out pamphlets. Nice.
Speaker 0 00:33:29 Okay. Sweet. Well, dude, thank you very much for coming on the show. I tell everybody this, this is a platform where that you can come back again and again, and again, if you are successful for council, please come back. If you're not, please come back and just come out and hang out with myself a tattered. It's a good time. No matter what. Yeah.
Speaker 4 00:33:46 Perfect. Thank you so much.
Speaker 0 00:33:48 Yeah, no worries. My man. All right. Well Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. That's been another episode of the Mac city morning show. Thank you very much for tuning in. I truly, uh, it truly doesn't mean the world to me. So thank you. Um, have a great day. We'll see you tomorrow. Peace.