Episode Transcript
Speaker 0 00:00:00 Good morning, Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You've tuned into the Mac city morning show. My name is Elliot puree. Your host is for usual, and we're going to start to show up the same way we start every show off with a moment of gratitude. I know you could be doing a million other things to through time. So the fact that he's one of those that truly means the world on that note. Tanner hit him with the intro.
Speaker 0 00:00:30 Alright, and we're back. Okay. So we're at red Fest. It's not the morning anymore. It's getting dusk now. And I have a really cool guest with me today. I'm really excited to chat with her as you know, I don't introduce my guests. I let them do that themselves. So on that note, can you please tell everybody, I don't know who you are, what you're about.
Speaker 2 00:00:47 Hi, I'm Alyssa. And, um,
Speaker 0 00:00:51 Okay. So we were chatting with your dad and he was telling us that, uh, you're into motorcycling and dirt biking.
Speaker 2 00:00:58 Yeah, my brothers do, um, motor cross racing sometimes. Um, but this year we can't because our, their bikes are not ready for it.
Speaker 0 00:01:08 And so what kind of bikes do you use? I know nothing about motocross. So tell me all about it.
Speaker 2 00:01:14 Um, I have no idea.
Speaker 0 00:01:17 That's okay. All right. So when you're on these bikes, how fast do they go?
Speaker 2 00:01:24 Um,
Speaker 0 00:01:28 Pretty quick. I'm assuming they're
Speaker 2 00:01:30 Fairly quick for racing.
Speaker 0 00:01:33 Yeah. Are you taking jumps when you're on these
Speaker 2 00:01:34 Bikes? Yeah. There's a couple of Johns, but we can't go too fast or else that if we do it wrong, then we can easily like flip over them or something.
Speaker 0 00:01:47 And so informative Murray. There's a bunch of you that racer. How many people usually are in a competition?
Speaker 2 00:01:52 Sometimes there's 30 in a rice or sometimes like there's wow.
Speaker 0 00:01:57 That's a lot of people racing. Oh my goodness. Now the people at home don't know this, but there was a band I've just played a little while ago and I saw you running up to the stage to talk to them. Were you able to get anything
Speaker 2 00:02:09 From that bank? Yeah. I got a shirt. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:02:12 Shorter people at home. That awesome shirt. So have you heard about that band before? Was today? The first time you heard them first time?
Speaker 2 00:02:21 They're pretty
Speaker 0 00:02:21 Awesome, man. We interviewed them right before you on there. One of the guys is from Portland, Marie.
Speaker 2 00:02:29 Oh yeah. He was talking to me.
Speaker 0 00:02:31 Yeah. The lead singer, the lead singer is a front format. So that was pretty cool. So you, you live here in Fort Mac. You go to school here, right? What
Speaker 2 00:02:40 Grade are you in? Grade seven.
Speaker 0 00:02:43 Okay. Are you excited to get back to school next week? Yeah. It's been a long time. You love school? What's your favorite?
Speaker 2 00:02:50 Um, I dunno. I, I want to say math, but like I hate math because I'm not good at it.
Speaker 0 00:02:59 Yeah. It must have been tough when you're doing homeschooling, like during COVID it definitely not as good as going to see your friends outside of, um, motorcycling. What other sports are you into?
Speaker 2 00:03:11 Um, I like instruments, Ukulele and piano.
Speaker 0 00:03:18 Are you in the school band? Yeah. Okay. Very cool.
Speaker 2 00:03:23 No, I'm in choir. Oh, and
Speaker 0 00:03:24 Choir. Okay. And so do you play these systems at home? Or how did you figure out how to play these?
Speaker 2 00:03:29 I used to be in a boys and girls club, which is like a, like a daycare for people that parents has to go to work. And then, so I taught, I got taught ukulele there and we had to pass like a little thing.
Speaker 0 00:03:45 Okay. Right on. That's really cool. So your dad was telling me that, uh, you guys went back to the east coast this
Speaker 2 00:03:52 Summer. It was my first time.
Speaker 0 00:03:54 That was your first ongoing. How did you
Speaker 2 00:03:56 Like it? I like it a lot.
Speaker 0 00:03:58 Where did you go on the east
Speaker 2 00:03:59 Coast?
Speaker 0 00:04:02 Nova Scotia. Oh, that was good times. What kinds of things did you do? Nova Scotia while you were there?
Speaker 2 00:04:07 We went to a beach.
Speaker 0 00:04:11 Was it warm beaches? Like here in Fort Mac? In the summer? Or what was the temperature like that? It was
Speaker 2 00:04:16 Cold. It was cold.
Speaker 0 00:04:19 Cold. Warm. Okay. Where you were able to swim in the ocean?
Speaker 2 00:04:22 Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:04:23 You love the ocean. You're doing okay with the salt water? Yeah. Okay. Nice. All right. Well, that's basically the show. Thank you for being so brave and coming on at the end of the show, everybody gets a shameless shout out or a plug though. So is there anybody like you you'd like to say hello to her? Shout out while here your dad. There we go. That's the best shout out ever. Well, Def oh, there he is. Thank you so much for coming on the show. Super brave. Every time we have a young adult on the show, I love it. So thank you very much and feel free to come back again and again and again. Okay. All right. Okay. Fort McMurray with Buffalo and the rest of the world. That's been another episode of the Mac city morning show. Thank you so much for tuning in. I really do appreciate it. Hopefully you're having a great day. We'll see you tomorrow.
Speaker 3 00:05:10 Y and deadly or Wade, and another morning show, delay
Speaker 1 00:05:14 Your boss.
Speaker 5 00:05:27 Yeah. Talk about quenching your ugly thirsty.