Mac City Morning Show #256: It’s our Birthday!

Episode 256 January 18, 2022 00:32:29
Mac City Morning Show #256: It’s our Birthday!
The Mac City Morning Show
Mac City Morning Show #256: It’s our Birthday!

Jan 18 2022 | 00:32:29


Show Notes


It’s the Mac City Morning Show’s first birthday! Tune in as Elliott and Tanner reminisce about the past year.



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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:01 Good morning, Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You've tuned into the Mac city morning show. I am your host, Elliot Pierre, and we're going to start this episode off the same way we start every episode off with a moment of gratitude. I know you could be doing a million other things with your time, and the fact that you spent it with us truly does mean the world to me. So thank you on that note, Tanner hit him with the intro. Speaker 2 00:00:24 Oh, she caught me, loves near listen to the next Speaker 0 00:00:33 All right. And we're back. Okay. Today's a very, very special episode. We don't have a guest here today. We haven't done this in a while. Why is it special? Because it's our one year anniversary. Can you believe it? Speaker 1 00:00:47 Yeah, man, what episode? Like 2 75, something like that. Speaker 0 00:00:51 I gotta be honest. I don't know what episode it is, but what I do know is one year today we started filming the Mac city morning show. So we didn't do anything special in regards to get it in a cake or have a special guest. It's just going to be me and Tanner talking today. There will be some celebration. Yeah, you are the special guests and there will be some celebration going on, uh, after we're finished this episode. There's no doubt about that. But first and foremost, before me in town or just get chatting, um, I want to thank everybody listening. Uh, the support that we've had for this show has been tremendous. Uh, all the people that have come on, everybody that's engaged with the page, from writing to saying that they enjoyed the show to watching the episodes. Um, thank you very much for all of the support. It truly does mean the world to me. And it blows my mind, um, that so many people want to be on the show and want to watch the show. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We're going to keep it going. So hopefully you have a two year anniversary, but, uh, this is a one year anniversary of, Speaker 1 00:01:52 I think we're at 2 57 57. Yeah. Just looked at it. We haven't uploaded in YouTube in a few days. Speaker 0 00:01:58 Yeah. It's been a lot, like that's a lot of guests that we've had on the show. Speaker 1 00:02:01 Yeah. And that's just what we have out. That's right. Speaker 0 00:02:04 Yeah. There's still some in the tank. For sure. Remember when we first started filming everything was live. Speaker 1 00:02:11 Yeah. First what like 20 episodes or something like that Speaker 0 00:02:15 Longer than that. So thanks everybody who was on the live episodes at first. That was a gong show. Apologies. Yeah. Sound. Wasn't working color. Wasn't working. Speaker 1 00:02:24 And we've only had like, I don't know, two or three of those people come back. I think. Speaker 0 00:02:29 Great. Like I need to reach out to a few people and uh, have some return guests. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:02:34 We haven't even had our first ever guest come back. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:02:38 Yeah. We haven't, uh, we've been, there's been so many people. I remember when we first started filming this, I didn't know who was going to show up. I thought this was going to be every episode. Just you and me talking. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:02:48 We, uh, we will see who we can get for episodes, but it might just be me and Elliot for the whole show he says, Speaker 0 00:02:55 And then there's been a few repeat guests, but for the part like through Pete guests that we've had, Chris has been on the show a few times, AKA young daddy, Speaker 1 00:03:07 Curtis, Curtis, Northern lights, health foundation, Northern. I asked Cindy and Yammer MRL. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:03:13 And Speaker 1 00:03:15 I don't know if there's not a few, couple like return people, the couple of guys from the golf course. And there's been too many to remember everything. Speaker 0 00:03:24 There's been a few, but for the most part, like I'd say there's probably been five, maybe six returning guests. Everybody else for the most part has been brand new. Speaker 1 00:03:33 Yeah. We had, uh, we had Jeff on a couple of times the car salesman. Speaker 0 00:03:39 Yeah. And Jill Macintosh. Jill Macintosh. Yeah. We've got a few repeat guests, but for the most part it's been all new. So yeah. The response has been crazy. Speaker 1 00:03:48 Do you have a favorite moment in the last year? Speaker 0 00:03:51 A favorite moment? Speaker 1 00:03:53 Uh, and the one that I know it already is, uh, Speaker 0 00:03:56 My, one of my I'll go with the favorite story. My favorite story was Curtis Phillips talking about me and Michael. Speaker 1 00:04:03 Yeah. Your favorite moment was when Curtis Phillips gave you a Jersey signed by penny Hardaway. Speaker 0 00:04:09 Actually I need to take a picture and send a Curtis big shout out to Curtis Curtis hooked me up with a penny Hardaway signed autographed Jersey. And over the break, I got it framed. So I need to take a picture and send that to Curtis it's in a, to my office upstairs. Speaker 1 00:04:23 My favorite moment over the past year is being employed. Oh yeah. Being employed as always. I was, I was a wonderful, you know, not being employed and then being employed, highlighted absolute. Perfect. Speaker 0 00:04:35 I remember when I called you, I was like, Hey Tanner, I got a, I got this gig for, if you're interested again, I ain't doing nothing. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:04:42 You're like, what are you doing? Sitting on the couch. You want a job? Yeah, man. Here's the details. Don't care. Yeah. Yeah. I'll take it. Yeah. You're employing me. I will work. He'll deal. Speaker 0 00:04:51 Yeah. It was good, man. It was Speaker 1 00:04:53 It's and then nobody believed me for like a month, but it was real because I was like, I got a job, but it doesn't start in for a month. And they're like, what do you do? He's like, I sit behind a computer and my mom was like, all right, but you better be looking for another job just in case something happens. Now things turn out for me. Well that first one Speaker 0 00:05:12 A month, like for everybody at home, just the first few weeks of the show were dodgy at best. But the setup leading up to like anything and everything that could have went wrong, went wrong in regards to, we couldn't find a place to film it. All of our cameras died. We ordered, I want to say five Sony cameras. That all, Speaker 1 00:05:36 If you're a, if you're a regular listener, this is a familiar story. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:05:40 Five Sony cameras, crapped out lights. Didn't show up wires. Didn't show up. Speaker 1 00:05:46 And we just stopped breaking. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:05:48 We just said, yeah, we're doing it. The only thing that was consistent was no, it wasn't even, you didn't even have a computer. No computer. It ended up showing up until week two. Yup. Speaker 1 00:05:57 So yeah, we were using, uh, one of your other employees, computers for the time being Speaker 0 00:06:02 He would come and drop his stuff off and his camera cause none of the cameras were, we only had two cameras on the go and Speaker 1 00:06:08 Neither of them were the same. Speaker 0 00:06:10 That's right. So the, the color and the lights and everything. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:06:14 Have you gone back and looked at one of our first episodes lately? Oh yeah. It's Speaker 0 00:06:17 Horrible. Oh yeah. Speaker 1 00:06:18 Train, ride. It's horrible. I feel bad for the guests I came on, they were barely guests. They were more like Guinea pigs for us to figure things out. That's 20 people that Elliot knew that wouldn't get mad if we messed up. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:06:30 Like the color is for the first week because there were completely different cameras was, it's hard to watch. Speaker 1 00:06:38 It's not bad. It's just inconsistent. Like comparative to like what we do now. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:06:44 That's exactly it. Yeah. And the lighting we've worked with the lighting and it's got to a good place. Now that's been a thing. But the reason why I did for people who don't know this and we know we don't do a very good job at shouting ourselves out. We're on Shaw Shaw cable. If you turn to the Shaw channel, the Mac city morning shows on regular television. Speaker 1 00:07:05 Yeah. I think it's like twice a day. 10, 10 o'clock and five o'clock. Speaker 0 00:07:09 Yeah. It comes on a few times. Yeah. Yeah. Seven days a week. Yeah. So you can watch us on Facebook. On YouTube. We put clips on Instagram, on Twitter, on LinkedIn, on snap. No, not on snap. On um, tech talk on Tik TOK. And then if you want to listen, you can listen to the show on audible, Spotify, Spotify as well. Um, there's another one too. It's like it's everywhere. The only place that we struggled to get it on. And I don't know what the deal is. It's uh, it's apple music. That's the only place that you can't get the podcast. But yeah, if you guys want to watch us on television old school style, check out Shaw. We're on Shaw spotlight. Speaker 1 00:07:53 We also have a t-shirt raffle. Speaker 0 00:07:55 Yeah. I'm wearing the t-shirt right now. So if you don't, haven't got your ticket yet. It's time to go pick one up. So Speaker 1 00:08:02 We still haven't had our dream guest yet. Yeah. We Speaker 0 00:08:05 Haven't had a pizza delivery guy halfway. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:08:07 Oh we've we've tried every pizza. Every time I order a pizza, I asked the guy you want to be on the show and they're always like, oh, this is my third job I can't. Speaker 0 00:08:17 Yeah. And what do we also haven't received yet? Just shout out. Nike is I don't have those air dunks yet. Those Speaker 1 00:08:24 A Ben and Jerry's Speaker 0 00:08:25 Ben and Jerry air dunks from Nike Speaker 1 00:08:27 Or like a $5,000 shoe. Speaker 0 00:08:29 Now there they are. They're not, well, they might've gone down. They've leveled out. They've leveled out. So like Speaker 1 00:08:35 I got with sneaker buddies and some of them say, you can find a pair for 1500 bucks. Speaker 0 00:08:40 They've leveled out. Speaker 1 00:08:41 So I couldn't do it, man. I couldn't spend $600 on a pair of shoes. Cause I would be like, oh my God, I can never wear those. Speaker 0 00:08:47 Well, that's the thing about myself as you know, like I would Speaker 1 00:08:50 Wear them. Yeah. I'm surprised you haven't worn your sign. Penny, Hardaway Jersey. If Speaker 0 00:08:55 It fit. Cause like it's a, it's a legit penny Hardaway Jersey. He's what? Six, eight. So I'm not six eight for everybody at home. Um, Speaker 1 00:09:04 I think if you put that, that would be a dress on you. That's right. Speaker 0 00:09:07 It would like legitimately not like a mini skirt. Yeah. Hey dude. One of the, like I thought about wearing the coveralls on the show one time, but I was just like, you know what? Then people would know about them and it wouldn't be a thing and you can only wear the coveralls so often. So Speaker 1 00:09:23 Yeah. Uh, yeah, you can wear them as often as you want on your wall. Speaker 0 00:09:27 That's right. That's right. I did, uh, I took the coveralls on a business trip to Winnipeg and I rocked those coveralls on a very regular basis out there. It was a hit, coveralls were hit. But uh, yeah, if you ever see me walking around with some coveralls for everybody, it's a, it's an inside joke, but I legitimately do have custom coveralls. Speaker 1 00:09:47 It's yeah. It's definitely not an inside joke. Every everybody knows those coveralls. No, Speaker 0 00:09:53 We seen them. I haven't debuted them in Fort McMurray yet. Speaker 1 00:09:57 Your sister said she seen me in you and, and told me I wasn't far off on my beliefs. Speaker 0 00:10:04 That's another return guests. We've had a failure sister. She's awesome. Those are my FA Alicia's I, it has to be one of my Speaker 1 00:10:10 Yeah. Cause she just comes on here and is like, I don't care about Elliot pier or his stupid little show. I'm just going to talk about whatever I want. And she just like totally wrecks you roast. Speaker 0 00:10:22 That's so fun. And then she had a really good, like the cancer episode that she had about breast cancer awareness Speaker 1 00:10:28 Says a good episode, like cancer. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:10:31 Cause she just, I don't remember. You were like trying your best not to laugh by a camera. Cause we were just so nonchalant and jokes about it and you're just like, I'm not ready for this. And I don't know if it's appropriate for me to laugh or not. Speaker 1 00:10:45 It's like, I forget what she said. She said something. She was like, yeah, got rid of one cancer. So that's good. Got another. But whatever it was like, holy shit. Just like whatever. Yeah. I don't give a fuck. I did this once. And you're just like, okay. Speaker 0 00:10:59 Our family is a pretty resilient and blunt. Speaker 1 00:11:02 I got some, I got some pretty dark jokes about some family stuff too. I think it's just a healthy way to cope. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:11:07 That's right. That's Speaker 1 00:11:08 Exactly it. Plus it's fun to say some stuff about some things that like you got that nobody else can say anything about. Like I know for a fact your sister used cancer as an excuse. Again, it's not an excuse when you actually have cancer, like you're sick and stuff like that. But knowing your sister, she would just push that farther because she is the youngest who doesn't like to do things. That's right. Yeah. You got to buy me food. I have cancer. They're like, oh, well I was probably buying your food anyways, but Speaker 0 00:11:34 She's the baby of the family. And she knows how to, she knows how to work that angle Speaker 1 00:11:37 Very well. I'm impressed. I took some tips. I'm also the baby. Speaker 0 00:11:42 So yeah, that, Alicia's a good guest. I love bringing Alicia onto the episodes. So big shout out to Alicia. Thank you for always watching. Thank you for your support. Love you. And I'm very proud of you Speaker 1 00:11:53 All the peers, even though Alicia's the only one who will ever come on. Speaker 0 00:11:57 I think honestly, we might be able to get my mom on the show. I was talking to my mom. She's not opposed to it. My brother Allister. I can't ever see him coming and GP, AKA uncle silky. He's AK. My dad. He's never coming on the show. That's for sure. Speaker 1 00:12:14 He seen the set. He seen the set. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:12:16 He came a few weeks ago to check out the spot and he watches the show regularly. So thank you for the support. Dad. Love you. I was actually at his house last night watching, um, James Bond, Speaker 1 00:12:28 The new, the new one. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:12:31 I love it. I don't no spoilers, no spoilers. I could see why some people hate it or they have their opinions on it. But no, that's a good one. So I think what we're going to do though over the next few, cause it's not going to be in a month or so, but we're going to watch all of them. We're going to go Speaker 1 00:12:46 Back, like start to finish, Speaker 0 00:12:48 Start with like number one and just like work our way up. Speaker 1 00:12:51 Like the really terrible ones. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:12:53 I don't remember. Like I know as a youth, as a child, my dad loved James Bond. So we watched, I wa I remember watching them with him, like Sean Connery and Robert Moore and all those, but I don't remember any. Speaker 1 00:13:05 Yeah. I feel like it'll be like a old video games though. You know, when he like, remember playing an old video game and you're like, this was the sickest game I ever played and it doesn't hold up. Yeah. And then you go back and you're like, what is this? Speaker 0 00:13:17 Yeah. I think, uh, some of the older ones will hold up in regards to like, they're just classic and they didn't get campy. Like the Sean Connery ones, I think might like there'll be classics and you'll see it for what it is. But, uh, I think once I get to like the James bonds and the eighties, and even like every once in a while on TV, like I'll catch a clip of like, and I loved it at the time, but like Goldeneye, Pierce, Brosnan and stuff. Yeah. I think once I get to those, I'll be like the special effects I think are going to be, they're not, there's no way the special effects. Speaker 1 00:13:49 No. And, and, and that's just, it it's like the older movies or Sean Connery, one student use, um, digital effects, practical effects and practical effects hold up. Cause you see what's real. But like once you get into the eighties and the nineties and they started working a lot more with technology, you can see that it's like the start of the technology instead of the end. And it's just terrible. Speaker 0 00:14:13 That's right. I was, uh, at home in the garage. I actually have old school. I'm super Nintendo and a S uh, Speaker 1 00:14:21 A good Genesis. Speaker 0 00:14:22 No, not a Sega. I'm a 64 Nintendo 64. And so I was actually months and months ago was playing Goldeneye now for all those at home gold. And I was like a revolutionary game anyways, does not hold up. But at the time it was unbelievable. Speaker 1 00:14:40 Did you see the new grants that the auto remasters? No. No. They, they came out with, uh, the original three grand theft auto. So not the original three, but like three San Dreyfus and uh, by city remastered for the new systems. They're like, they're all like HD, like soft texture, no corners. It's super cool. Speaker 0 00:15:03 Oh yeah. I got it. I used to, I remember playing grand theft auto when it was bird eye's view Speaker 1 00:15:09 Or wanting to Speaker 0 00:15:10 Unbelievable. And it was an awesome game. Speaker 1 00:15:12 I'll have you tried to play them lately? No. God granted, I thought, oh, one for like my, for a PS one. I played it the other day. My God. Is it the hardest game I've ever tried to play? Yeah. Cause like the, the steering is the same for the cars as it is for the people. Right. It's inverted. Okay. Down is up, up is down left, right left. So you're trying to drive this car like you would in like the new grant, I thought it was. And your bird's eye view and there's no, like, it's not smooth. You go left to right. You go straight, you go back. Right. And so like, you can't steer a car to save your life and then you get out and I'll try to like, you know, walk with your character and like going backwards as forward. And you like getting shot. It's just a terrible game. It is a terrible game. Speaker 0 00:15:58 Um, what was the P the handheld PS PSP. Yeah. That's what I used to play. My grand theft auto on and I used to be a recruiter. And so I'd be in airports all of the time, just like playing grand theft auto. And I know there were some grantees who would like look over at my screen and just be horrible. Speaker 1 00:16:15 Yeah. I was, it was one of those games that was definitely not allowed in my house, but they have a brilliant marketing team. Like when they're new grand theft, auto came out, they, they paid right wing news organizations to negatively review their games. So it would be controversial. So that day you won't cause that grant that's off, that's a grant that thought it was thing, right. Is that it's a controversial game. And so like when the new one came out, it wasn't going to be controversial anymore because it was an established franchise. Right. So it was going to get like the great reviews and everything like that. And they wanted to keep it. So they paid like right wing news agencies to review the game and be like, it's too violent. It's too graphic. It's this it's that like all this bad stuff so that they could like boast about it. That's true. Speaker 0 00:16:58 That's right. Well, the video game systems have been doing that for years. All the good video games had negative publicity. You have like moral combat, let's play mortal combat a few days ago. Like I remember that game came out. It was horrific what people were saying about it, but Speaker 1 00:17:15 Yeah. Cause you know, you play mortal combat once and all of a sudden you want to just, you know, slice your friend's head off. Speaker 0 00:17:21 It's ridiculous. I remember back in the day, this is an old story and sorry for throwing some shade on the teacher. But I remember, uh, I bought a Bart Simpson sweatshirt and I was like eight, eight years old, I think eight or nine. And my mom obviously bought it for me. So she saw it and they said, eat my shorts. And the teacher's like, you can't wear that to school. And I'm like, ah, my mom bought it for me. I don't know what you want me to tell you. And uh, I was like, uh, when I went to school, you got a back to school outfit. Yeah. And so that was my back school outfit. I remember telling the teacher like, this is the only sweater I got. So you're going to be seeing lots of this one. And she didn't believe me. And then for like the next few months, that's what I kept coming in with. And after a while they just gave up and like, okay, you don't have to turn it inside out. Speaker 1 00:18:10 You didn't have one of those Kevin Hart moments. My mother told me, tell you I can wear this sweater. Speaker 0 00:18:19 Yeah. There probably was a phone call. I made home to my mom and she was, Speaker 1 00:18:22 I would've liked to be on a third line of that phone call. Speaker 0 00:18:26 Uh, it was, my mom was the best. I remember. Uh, there was, there's three of us, right. Me Austrian Alicia. And so when I used to go to school, high school, father Merck, I was the last drop off if my mom was dropping us to school. So I'd be late. And I remember, uh, I, my teacher and I won't tell the teacher and I won't tell the class, but I was always late for this teacher's class. And she was upset about it. So one day I told my mom like, mom, like I'm going to get in trouble. I need a note. My mom said, okay, fine. So she got like a piece of paper out of her car, uh, posted, maybe it was on the back of her seat for goodness sake. And she had, um, eyeliner that she wrote, sorry, Elliot's late. And I remember taking it into the class and be like, Hey, miss, whatever. Sorry, I'm late. Here's my note. And she obviously did not believe me and said a bunch of mean things about how a parent would never do such a thing. And I got in trouble. And so anyways, my mom, I got sent to the office, so my mom had to come in school and it was a very awkward meeting for that teacher when, um, my mom showed up and said, yeah, I am the lady who wrote on the back of her seat with, uh, eyeliner. What about it? Speaker 1 00:19:36 That was, I was always the big flex in school. It was like, as a kid who got in trouble, like, it was always like, we're going to call your mom and then it'd be like, oh no, don't call my mom. And then there'd be like that situation where I'd be like, my mother is not going to like this from me or side. But I, uh, they tried to give me a scribe in school, which is like, where they, you have somebody read your tests? I wish. Well, and I didn't want one. I was just like, no, I'm going to do like this. Isn't how the real world works. You don't get to have somebody hold my hand in the real world. If I fail, I fail. If I get it, I get it. And it was like this big problems. So they took me out in his office and they were like, well, if you're not going to take this, we're going to call your mom. Speaker 1 00:20:13 I was just like, call my mom up. And I don't, I don't call that bluff. Cause my mom would like punish me. But I was like, call my mom, do it, bring her in here, call her in from work and see how this conversation goes. And so they did and they brought her in and they wouldn't tell her why they were bringing her in until she got there. So she came in weak human, right? Cause like, what did my son do? Not the first rodeo when we got into the office and we explained what had happened and how I just wanted to take my test normally. And my mom just looked at them and was like, you guys are, you called me in from work for this? And they were like, well, yes. And she was like, he doesn't need one half a day. And like was fuming at them. Cause like some things are just so useless to be calling in parents for Speaker 0 00:21:00 No like, uh, like yourself. My mom got a number of phone calls and uh, I would get in trouble 99% of the time. Yeah. Like, especially when I got home. Yeah. But like my parents were cool about it. Like if it was something that I like that, that my parents would have my back. And although they got a number of phone calls, like if I got in trouble, I took it. I knew what I was doing. I knew what I was doing. So you gotta take the lumps with, uh, the sugar. Speaker 1 00:21:33 So what are you hoping happens in this next year for the show Elliot Speaker 0 00:21:38 More on the road shows if I gotta be honest with you, I liked the on the road shows. I don't think we do enough of them. Um, we did some in Edmonton did some in Winnipeg. Um, you and me, we dropped the ball big time. We should have brought the cameras. When we went to Calgary, me and Tanner went to a rave, whoop whoop my very first Speaker 1 00:21:57 Race. That was an extremely fun time. Oh Speaker 0 00:22:00 Man. For all the people watching at home, if you've never been to a rave, I highly suggest checking out if an old man like me can go to a rave. Anybody can Speaker 1 00:22:10 Go to a rifle. Anybody can go to a rave. Everybody's welcome. Speaker 0 00:22:13 That's right. It was a loving experience. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:22:16 Great. When you, when you get to go to one of those things, it's, it's cool to have like, no matter who you are, what you do or what you're about, people want to, yeah. Speaker 0 00:22:24 It was a little bit weird in regards to how I, how I dressed for me and for I'll just fill in all the people with your imaginations going wild. I just wore track pants and a black t-shirt, but I don't own a pair of track pants for one. I don't own any baggy clothes. And even the t-shirt I bought was like a loose fitting shirt. So Tanner told me had to be comfortable. And I was like, man, I'm comfortable in my tight jeans rolled up in a t-shirt and 10. It was like, no, man, you got to dress appropriately. This is my world. And you were, you were right. I'm glad I did it. Cause like Speaker 1 00:23:01 You might be, feel comfortable in jeans, but like would you go for a jog and jeans? No. Nah. You're you're going for a jog when you go to a rave. So you need to make sure you have appropriate clothes. Speaker 0 00:23:13 I might have a, so now I love rings and I can't wait to go to more of them. Um, I got some rave outfits on the go now, so, but yeah, it's all about comfort. Cause you get hot and you're dancing for hours. So yeah. Wearing, wearing bar close quote unquote would be a party fail. There's no doubt about that. Speaker 1 00:23:32 I think that I would agree. But uh, now that you know, you'll have all your outfits picked up with your rave rings and there you go. Figure it out. So anybody want to come with us? You're more than welcome. Speaker 0 00:23:43 Yeah. What about you? Is there anything you're looking forward to for the upcoming year of shows being Speaker 1 00:23:48 Employed? Speaker 0 00:23:50 That's number one, just keep the peace. Keep those paychecks coming. Yeah. Absolutely. Speaker 1 00:23:55 Whatever happens happens. Hey, speaking Speaker 0 00:23:57 Of paychecks coming, you know what? I wouldn't mind a sponsor for the show, but anybody out there who wants to sponsor, you got to know To them. We're not changing anything about the show though. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:24:09 There's a board that you get your name on and that is it. W we'll shout out your name. We'll promote Speaker 0 00:24:14 It's the crap out of you. There's no doubt about that. However, the show is the show. So Speaker 1 00:24:20 You don't pick guests or SATs or conversation topics. You just get your name on that board. Speaker 0 00:24:25 We might move the set. We've been talking about moving the set. Not far, not far just into a different area of the house. Speaker 1 00:24:32 Yes. Which I think would be neat to give us a little bit more room. Speaker 0 00:24:37 So we might do that. We'll see. Speaker 1 00:24:39 We could also do what we wanted to do upstairs, downstairs, Speaker 0 00:24:43 Uh, trays. So not a lot, like, unless you've been on the show, not a lot of people have checked out the greenhouse that the greenhouse is what we call the studio. Um, cause the company is green, green light, but a lot of people have, uh, seen the set, but uh, it's a whole house and uh, it's got some pretty cool stuff in here. Speaker 1 00:25:03 There's a lot of, uh, it's a vibe. It's a lot smaller than a lot of people are expecting now. Speaker 0 00:25:08 Oh yeah. When people come, they think it's just the set on camera and it is true. When you look at this show, it looks huge. But this living room is, it's a tight living room. It's a nice living room, but it's not as big as people. Speaker 1 00:25:19 No, there's not much more to the house than the sat then the living room. Yeah. It's that. And then there's a kitchen about half the size of the living room. And Speaker 0 00:25:30 This main level Speaker 1 00:25:31 Is not much, well, this house isn't much basements. The biggest part of this house. Speaker 0 00:25:36 Well upstairs, like the rooms are small, but their rooms. Speaker 1 00:25:40 Yeah, it would do for a small family. Speaker 0 00:25:44 And I like the part of town we're in. We don't talk about the part in town around and we're not gonna, but uh, I like to part of town that we're in. Speaker 1 00:25:51 Oh sure. If you've watched the show long enough, you can figure that out. I think people have figured out how to get through to being like when I lived blank. Speaker 0 00:25:59 Yeah. A little Easter eggs. And like, I I've dropped that. I grew up in this, uh, this neck of the woods when I was, Speaker 1 00:26:06 Yeah. Well you didn't grow up here. I thought you were like a Warren here. Speaker 0 00:26:10 Yeah. I lived here until I was five. I lived in this area till I was five. So then I grew up, uh, up in Dickinson fields. So big shout out to Dickinson. Still love Dickinson. They can, to me is the spot I don't live there, but uh, Dickins feels always gonna feel like Speaker 1 00:26:24 Home to me. Your parents still are there. So you're there enough. Yeah, they Speaker 0 00:26:27 Do. I should shout out their address. Oh my God. GP would lose his mind. Not going to do it, dad. I'm not going to do it. Nobody's going to say the block that you live on, Speaker 1 00:26:39 It would be, it would be, you might as well just take your shoes off at that. Speaker 0 00:26:45 There wouldn't be any more episodes because that'd be murdered. Speaker 1 00:26:49 Yeah. He would leak this address, but not to our audience, Speaker 0 00:26:54 Man. Anyways, how far, how Speaker 1 00:26:57 Many minutes we could? We got, oh, we got 26 minutes on the clock. So we ran. Well, I did tap my watch several times Speaker 0 00:27:04 And I was just like, oh, it was a warning. I didn't know. It was like a definitive. Speaker 1 00:27:08 Oh, it was a warning when I gave it to you seven minutes ago, Speaker 0 00:27:12 Listen, it's a hundredth episode. We can chat a little bit longer. So I think it's our show. And like some guests have blown the 20 minute market. It's only fair that we blow the 20 minute mark. Speaker 1 00:27:23 I think our longest episode is like 32 minutes or something. Who Speaker 0 00:27:27 Is that? Uh, is it Keith Speaker 1 00:27:29 McGrath? Uh, I think Keith McGrath has the longest and I think Kevin Faulkner Seth second episode was close behind it. Right? Speaker 0 00:27:38 Yeah. Another guy that we go off with his is Pete, Pete daily. When we talk, when he gets talking about wrestling OSS the Speaker 1 00:27:46 Best, I was like a 28 minute episodes. Speaker 0 00:27:48 Yeah. That's a lot. That's a long episode. So he okay. Kevin, Pete and Keith Speaker 1 00:27:55 Few people that you just know coming in are going to be, Speaker 0 00:28:00 We mentioned her as well. Jillian Macintosh when Jill comes, because we're talking old school. One of my oldest friends. So growing up. Yeah. I don't mind when episodes go too long, we try to keep them short either. Like Speaker 1 00:28:15 I get that they're scared, but Speaker 0 00:28:18 They don't want the media coverage. They don't want the media coverage. And I tell them like, Hey, we got liquid courage here for you. Speaker 1 00:28:25 My thing is that none of your friends really do anything that would give them more limelight. Like they're going to come on once and they're going to be seen by people and then that's going to be it. Nobody's going to go like, oh my God, it's you from Sydney morning. Speaker 0 00:28:40 We got Doherty. Uh, we filmed, Speaker 1 00:28:43 We got a door to the episode. Speaker 0 00:28:45 Yeah, he does. I like that episode. We'll never see the light of day. Uh, we were here one evening and the cameras are turned on and we told some, some stories. Those are, uh, so Dordy came and he filmed here. So that was, but yeah, we're never going to show those episodes. No, Speaker 1 00:29:03 All three of us, I think Pam would, would give us our notice. Speaker 0 00:29:08 Yeah. Pamby. Like we upload them and she's like, yeah, no, we're not. Speaker 1 00:29:12 She'd watched the first few seconds and just Speaker 0 00:29:15 Knows. Yeah. You know, it was kind of cool with the show this year was, um, all of the people that ran for council and mayor that came on the show. Speaker 1 00:29:24 Yeah. It was cool that you've had quite a few like high-end politicians too. Like you, you went and interviewed that guy. Yeah. And then we've had, uh, Brian Jean on the show and Mike Allen on the show. So a few career, Speaker 0 00:29:41 Right? Hey Alicia, Pierre's calling right now. You want to get her on the show? Hey Alicia, Hey, what's up? Uh, we are currently, uh, filming the one year anniversary of the Mac city morning show and you're you're on it. I got you on speaker phone right up to the mic. Oh yeah. So we shouted you out a few times already. Surprise guests. Wonderful. So, uh, this was not planned for everybody at home that Alicia was calling in today. Are you doing Speaker 4 00:30:08 I'm great. I was just checking in. I missed my brother and said, oh, I should see how he's doing today. So happy to be on the show. I love it. And it's been a great joy in my life for the last year. Speaker 0 00:30:23 There you go. One your episode on, you've been enjoying our life for the past year too. There you go. This is awesome that you're calling for the hundredth episode. We're about to wrap it up cause we've like blown the time limit away. And then I was like, nah, we'll just get going. And then you called so sweet timing. That's wonderful. Yeah. So one year anyways. Love you. Okay. Speaker 4 00:30:43 Love you. Congratulations. And also Tanner. You're just the best. I enjoy hearing your, your little side chat and your Mac city minute. So Speaker 0 00:30:54 Thanks. I love having you as a guest. Yeah. Sweet. Okay. Well let's, I'll give you a shout back after we're done filming. Sounds great. Okay. Love you. Have a great day. Bye. That was awesome. Okay. All right. Well I think that's a good way to end off the episode. A special guest special surprise guests. Yeah. All right. Well for McMurray wood, Buffalo and the rest of the world. Thank you so much for tuning in. It means the world to me one year in the can hope there's many, many, many more. Thank you for the support. Tanner. Thank you for doing what you do. I love and appreciate you, man. Love you too, dude. And uh, if you don't got this shirt yet, go support the shirt. Let's sell a shirt. You sell the sh when you sell the shirts, you get your name, put into a raffle to win a tie, Yoda, RAV4, the hospital gets money out of it. I don't make any money. Uh, it's just something that I think that'd be really cool to give the hospital. Some money, give away a car in Fort McMurray and your odds are great. One, 200 chance of winning a car. You can't beat it. So show you support and buy a shirt, please. And thank you on that note. I hope you're having a great day and we'll see you tomorrow. Peace. Speaker 2 00:32:07 I just dies that desk. Another Mac Sydney morning show Dawn. Speaker 5 00:32:24 Talk about quenching your ugly thirst.

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