Mac City Morning Show #297: Elliott and Tanner Youtube Exclusive

Episode 297 March 18, 2022 00:57:53
Mac City Morning Show #297: Elliott and Tanner Youtube Exclusive
The Mac City Morning Show
Mac City Morning Show #297: Elliott and Tanner Youtube Exclusive

Mar 18 2022 | 00:57:53


Show Notes

Elliott and Tanner are back with another Friday Youtube exclusive episode!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Good morning, Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You've tuned into the Mac city morning show. I am your host Elliot Pierre, and we're going to start the show off the same way we start every episode off with a moment of gratitude. I know you could be doing a million other things with your time. So the fact that you spend with us truly does mean the world to me. So thank you on that note, Tanner hit him with the intro. Speaker 3 00:00:22 Welcome to the Mexican Speaker 4 00:00:29 Hey everybody, Keith Simpson here from neural Toyota, we support dwell barons. We've joined the drive-in movie theater. We're involved in the marathon here in Fort McMurray, and that's what makes this community such an amazing place to live. Speaker 0 00:00:43 All right. And we're back. Well, everybody, this is Friday. So this is a YouTube only episode. Speaker 5 00:00:51 Exclusive, Speaker 0 00:00:52 Exclusive myself in town are talking. The last one was a huge success. We had a lot of fun, a lot of comments came in on it. Um, so I'm glad that everybody enjoyed Tanner, uh, making fun of me with my coveralls Speaker 5 00:01:04 On a lot of Laos, Speaker 0 00:01:06 A lot of laughs Alicia, Pierre, oh my God. Tanner. She wrote me and she just was howling. She's like funniest thing ever. And she demands a hangout now between you, me and her with me rocking those coveralls, Speaker 5 00:01:18 Call it the roast of up here. Speaker 0 00:01:21 So yeah, we're not inviting many people to that roast Speaker 5 00:01:25 Two's enough. I think we got a covered Speaker 0 00:01:28 That's right. So yeah, that was a, that was a fun episode. What I'm liking about these YouTube episodes though, and you made mention of it right now is, uh, I can wear I'm wearing different clothes for these YouTube episodes, Speaker 5 00:01:39 Changing it up, Speaker 0 00:01:40 Changing it up. So the fact of the matter is though, like, I don't actually have that. When I say, I say this loosely, I don't have that many outfits per se. Like I'm more of a, Speaker 5 00:01:51 I don't have many outfits. You're okay with wearing. Speaker 0 00:01:55 Yeah, Speaker 5 00:01:56 I am sure if I went into your clause that I could find four months of different outfits Speaker 0 00:02:02 In theory, in theory, like a, after the fire, like I used to have lots and lots and lots of clothes, like a ridiculous amount of clothes. Um, and then after the wildfire, like my whole mindset change in regards to like becoming more of a minimalist. And so like I went through my closet and I got rid of a lot of stuff. Eight garbage bags to be exact, Speaker 5 00:02:23 Nothing says minimalist, like sports car you used for five months of the year. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:02:27 That's right. I know. Yeah. I'm an oxymoron. What about it? Or a what's the word? It's not an oxymoron. It's a hypocrite. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:02:36 So moron is like jumbo shrimp. Speaker 0 00:02:38 Yeah. That's right. So, but yeah, so, but I am liking the different outfits in regards to like, some things are just more comfortable like this black hoodie than other things I wear Speaker 5 00:02:49 You going to change it up for every episode, Speaker 0 00:02:53 I'm not going to overthink it. Whatever I'm wearing is what I'm wearing. Yeah. So sometimes like the one thing that I won't wear on the show though, for these YouTube episodes is I won't wear the Mac city shirt. Speaker 5 00:03:03 No. Even that to the Facebook crowd. Speaker 0 00:03:05 Yeah. That's for Facebook and it's for a continuity, like the cool thing about wearing the same thing every day for every episode is it kind of makes a show timeless in regards to, you don't know when it was filmed when it was for the most part. Speaker 5 00:03:18 Yeah. These Friday episodes. They're films pretty randomly Speaker 0 00:03:22 That's right. Not always on Friday. Speaker 5 00:03:23 No, but always within the week. Speaker 0 00:03:25 That's right. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely keep it fresh. Yeah. So it's brand new. Like some of those, uh, Facebook's episodes, like three weeks past film date when it's actually posted. Speaker 5 00:03:38 So we get backed up sometimes. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:03:40 Well we do. We've been doing an okay job at like keeping it somewhat current recently. And we always like, if something is topical, we'll slide it in. Like this week, for example, there was like Barry, the politician who had to drop before some other people, I think on Wednesday we had somebody talking about a not-for-profit in an event that they were doing. Like there was individuals that were like bumped other individuals. Speaker 5 00:04:07 Yeah. We, we try to take the, uh, like the charities and the, and the organizations and get their stuff out as fast as we can versus, you know, the casual conversations that can wait. Speaker 0 00:04:18 That's right. Speaking to casual conversations that can wait this one, can't wait. We need to call Pete Daley. I'm up. Pete's been on the show a bunch of times. Um, a few days ago, tragic news in the wrestling world, razor Ramon passed away. Speaker 5 00:04:36 Yes. Speaker 0 00:04:37 And so Pete is definitely, we got to get his insight on this because razor Ramon personally, there's three rests three, my top three he's in the top three wrestlers for me. You've got razor, Ramon stone, cold, Steve Austin, and the rock. So I want to hear Pete's insight on razor, Ramon passing away. Speaker 5 00:05:03 He, uh, yeah, that man is an encyclopedia on wrestling. Yeah. We've had a few different encyclopedias on different topics. It's fun to see the vast knowledge of different Fort McMurray scenes. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:05:17 So the one guy who was a vast knowledge guy was, uh, the gentleman who brought the die-cast cars in. Speaker 5 00:05:25 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:05:26 We, uh, he had a contest where he wanted people to guess the most expensive die-cast car in the world. And if people guessed, he would give we'd give it to that person. But unfortunately nobody was able to guess correctly. So we needed to figure out a way to get, to give away the car as a, as a price. Speaker 5 00:05:45 Another encyclopedia was, uh, CJ. Speaker 0 00:05:49 Oh yeah. CJ Phillips. Oh my goodness. Mean, but he's an encyclopedia on everything. Speaker 5 00:05:54 Use just an encyclopedia. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:05:57 Yeah. Like certain people have come on and hadn't, they're like niche, knowledge bases. And I feel with that guy, it's like, Speaker 5 00:06:05 He's a Rolodex Speaker 0 00:06:07 At first I thought like, okay, it's just going to be basketball. But then I found out, no, it's all sports. And then I was like, okay, well he's a sports guy. No, he's a historian on Fort McMurry and ghosts and things that went on. And as you talk to that guy, you're just like, oh my God, what don't you have up in your head that you're just like a subject matter expert on like, it's funny. Speaker 5 00:06:24 Yes. That is a, uh, that is a man of many different stories. We should have him back on. Speaker 0 00:06:30 Yeah. Oh yeah. So we need to reach, we need to reach out to some past guests again. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:06:34 Yeah. W who, who do you think I'd like to know who the people would want to see? There's a past guest. Speaker 0 00:06:40 Oh, you know, we have this, uh, page now called. I think it's called Mac city connects. Speaker 5 00:06:45 We could throw a vote up there. Speaker 0 00:06:46 Yeah. Let's try to remember that by the end of this episode. Speaker 5 00:06:51 Oh, we don't have to I'm recording it. Oh yeah. Speaker 0 00:06:53 We can just watch this back. Here we go. I was going to try to write it down, but I was like, that's going to mess up the flow to this show. Speaker 5 00:07:00 We get, we got it. We got it on record. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:07:03 So the other thing that's while we're on here, cause this is recorded. We need to reach out to, uh, that rugby gentlemen that we filmed Speaker 5 00:07:12 A little sneak preview for the people. Speaker 0 00:07:14 Yeah. Listen, we filmed a great video with, uh, the head of the rugby association a few days ago, but uh, you know, mistakes happen and uh, the sound didn't work. So we need to call him back to get him here to, to refilm because listen, as we found out and as you guys will find out, when we re air the new video of his, I guess, um, the rugby association forming Marie needs some, some volunteers, it needs some athletes to help join, to keep it going. Speaker 5 00:07:41 We, uh, we should invite businesses into our page that like the people who have been on the show, like once you're on our show as a business, invite them on to the page so they can promote their business on our page because they've been part of the show. Speaker 0 00:07:58 That's right. And that's what we are hoping. And we invited somebody out. We should tell everybody that comes on the page. Hey, you need to follow not only the Mac city morning show, but like this connect page, because that's what it's for connecting people for stories, businesses, all that kind of stuff. Speaker 5 00:08:12 Yeah. Like even if you don't want to be on the show, but you want to share your story, do it on that page. Speaker 0 00:08:16 That's right. That's right. So, um, I made the news last night. Speaker 5 00:08:22 Yeah. Several different stations. Didn't you? Speaker 0 00:08:24 Yeah. Yesterday I was at a, an event for Brian Jean who actually won he's our new MLA for Fort McMurray, Conklin coal lake, like that, the Southern area. So big, big shout out to Brian, Jean. Congratulations. Um, it was a handsome win. So I actually was the MC of the night. And uh, I had to speak twice. It's not that big of a deal, but there were some, uh, news broadcasters, global CTV, CBC. And, uh, I was contacted by my in-laws and they said, Hey, we saw you on the news last night. And I was like, Hey, that's pretty cool. So we got the internet that people see me on. We've got the local, uh, Shaw where you can view the maxi morning show where people can check me out out. And now, Hey, listen, I made the national. So Speaker 5 00:09:14 You're uh, you're, you're making your way. Speaker 0 00:09:16 Yeah. That star is rising. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:09:18 This is the, this is going to that clip will be like, once you're fully famous, that clip will be like what people pull out on like different shows where they do their version of the Mac city. Like, what is it like to be on CTV news? It'll be a thing for people who at home who don't know Elliot eventually one day is going to be world famous. We have decided, Speaker 0 00:09:39 Yeah, we'll put it out there in the universe. So, well, how could it not happen now? Speaker 5 00:09:43 Exactly. So like subscribe, share this, make sure that Elliot's dream of becoming famous is recognized and achieved Speaker 0 00:09:53 Famous. Not infamous. Speaker 5 00:09:55 Yes. That would be, yeah. We were going more for like the Mr. B style of famous, where everybody loves you and you do good things instead of, uh, the Paul brothers famous where you're just a tool. Speaker 0 00:10:06 That's right. That's exactly it. Although I have been watching, uh, I get them mixed up. Is it a Logan Polish, Speaker 5 00:10:13 Which was her brother's cleaning up. Speaker 0 00:10:14 Yeah. He's got a pretty good podcast. I'm liking it. Yeah. Yeah. I feel, um, he doesn't do very much talking in regards to like the other two gentlemen that he has on the show. Um, it's a good podcast. Speaker 5 00:10:29 Yeah. And he's, he's cleaning out. Yeah. He's running his brand. Yeah. It's, it's a smart play and I guess, uh, some famous better than no fame. Hey, Speaker 0 00:10:40 That's right. That's exactly it. Uh, another one, uh, gas that he had on a little while ago that we gotta, we gotta bring up and I need to hear your insight on this one. Have you seen the island boys? Speaker 5 00:10:51 Uh, like I seen clips of that interview. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:10:54 I'm an island boy. Duh. Is this a thing now? Like where, like you just get tatted all over your face and you become like Tik TOK famous in your generation. Speaker 5 00:11:09 I mean, like it's, it's, it's a recipe. Like there needs to be more than that, but like, there's definitely like a pathway to fame through like music and an extreme look like there's, there's a wrapper to Kashi six, nine. Yeah. Like colors, his hair, six nines all over his face. There's different, uh, like rappers who get different, like tattoos all over their face, but it needs to be accompanied with something else. Cause like face tattoos have been around since Birdman, but Speaker 0 00:11:39 You, Speaker 5 00:11:40 Uh, like you need to have like the colorful hair or the goofy wrap or like whatever. There needs to be a stick on top of it. But like the island boys have like being twins and controversial. Like if you, if you add that to the mix, it's more like we get you famous, but it's not like the recipe. Right. Speaker 0 00:12:03 Okay. Cause like I got no hate for the island boys. Like they're, in my opinion, they're doing it. They figured it out. Speaker 5 00:12:10 They're brilliant at branding. Speaker 0 00:12:12 That's right. They figured it out and like Speaker 5 00:12:14 Ate them or love them, you know? Um, Speaker 0 00:12:16 Yeah. And you can say exactly. And you can say, oh, they look goofy or this, that and the other. I'm just like, but you're, you're talking about them. You're singing island, boys in the background, like it's working, but yeah. Island, boys, like you said to CAUTI 6, 9, 1 guy that I actually really do enjoy his persona and his music is, um, post Malone. And so I'm just like, there's something Speaker 5 00:12:41 Malone was sort of the start of that recipe being like, like rappers had face tattoos before, but it was kind of like, you got them after you became a rapper. And like either that, or like you were some like eighties, nineties, early rapping, and like you got them on the streets and it was just part of your brand. But, but uh, yeah. Post was sort of the first person to like come up with face tattoos, at least in our generation. Right. Speaker 0 00:13:09 Well, for all the young viewers out in the internet for TV watching this town, nailed it. Having a face tattoo does not guarantee fame and fortune. You have to have something to accompany it. Speaker 5 00:13:23 Absolutely. Speaker 0 00:13:23 So don't go run out there and just like Speaker 5 00:13:26 Why I have 15 face tattoos. Speaker 0 00:13:30 I love how nobody knows what you look like Speaker 5 00:13:32 Knowing they've never seen any of my face tattoos. So Speaker 0 00:13:35 They'll funniest, uh, was on my birthday when, uh, somebody who noticed and recognized me came over like A lot, like more often than not when people recognize me because of the show. I'm I'm with you a lot of the time. Cause we hang out outside of this as well. And so usually right away, I, their excitement of like knowing me from the show, I feel they're going to be equally as excited about meeting you. So every time I was like, oh, Speaker 6 00:14:04 I'm like, yeah, nice to meet you here. Speaker 0 00:14:06 This is Tanner. And this was one interaction where you were just like, don't do it, bro. Don't do it, bro. Don't do it, bro. I don't, I don't want to be known right now, Speaker 5 00:14:15 But that, and the best part is like that Dean came up and he just was very excited to see, you talked about how much he loved the show and didn't even bat an eye at the guy sitting next to you. So like, if that guy's watching this episode, you met both of us. Speaker 0 00:14:31 That's hilarious. And my, my best bud pero was with us that night. So he saw you and he was totally confused by the whole interaction of like, he's heard about it. I've told him like, yeah. Sometimes like I get recognized and people get very excited and come and say hi and I love it. Uh, and then he's heard your part of just like, yeah, I love not being recognized, but when it all hit, cause you and I have dealt with it a few times now for pero to be seeing it for the first time even made that experience even better. Speaker 5 00:14:59 I feel like like anybody who watches the YouTube exclusive episodes now is going to be very like skeptical when they meet you of who's with you. Speaker 0 00:15:08 That's right. That's right. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:15:10 Cause it could be, Speaker 0 00:15:11 It could be anybody. Yeah. Nobody knows what you look like. So yeah. Speaker 5 00:15:15 Yeah, no, sorry. I get confused to SIM all the time. Speaker 0 00:15:17 Oh, I think I told you about that. So for everybody at home, what happened this weekend and I hope I like it anyways. I went to the farmer's market and it was awesome. Big shout out to the farmer market. We got a reach out to Bev. Get back on the show. Um, if you haven't been to the farmer's market here in Fort Murray, downtown, um, around the town hall area, um, go check it out Speaker 5 00:15:41 On the S on the same note, there's an antique shop called sweet antiques. That on the same level is open all week. And like you, if you like the farmer's market, you like that place too. I'll give that place a shout out. It's sick. Speaker 0 00:15:53 So, and I've got to go, we've got to go. We've been planning it. We need to make this happen. Maybe on Thursday, who knows? So anyways, I went to this and this lady walked by me and she was maybe the third person who had come in, like said, Hey, you're Elliot from the Mexican morning show. But she came by, she was like, Hey, you kind of look like that famous guy from the internet, uh, who like does like the morning show. And I'm like, yeah, I get that a lot. It's not me. But I resemble. And then she just re her response was like, yeah, that must be kind of annoying. I'm like, yeah. You know, it is what it is. And then she just kept walking. So I'm just like, I wonder if she was like in, on the joke and knew who I was or if like I tricked her either way is hilarious. Speaker 5 00:16:35 Yeah. It's either way I am going to use that if I ever get recognized. Speaker 0 00:16:39 Yeah. So it was, uh, it was pretty sweet. Um, but yeah, I went down there and my little boy was Irish dancing was adorable. Uh, but I honestly had never been down to the farmer's market before and now I'm kind of kicking myself cause there's some pretty cool vendors down there. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:16:55 Yeah. Lots of, I like farmer's markets and thrift shops and antiquing. I'm glad that like that part of Fort McMurray is starting to grow up. Right. Cause like it's a, it's good. Wholesome, fun. Speaker 0 00:17:07 Well, the episode of the lady who owns, um, thrifty, Duchess hasn't aired yet. It'll air next week, I think on Monday or Tuesday. Um, so yeah, I didn't know that we had a thrift shop in town and it was only females, but now she's opening the mail component, um, as well. Speaker 5 00:17:25 And we have like a salvation army and such like, I'm pretty sure salvation army is a thrift shop. Speaker 0 00:17:33 Oh, fair enough. Fair enough. Um, want to give her a big shout out though? We haven't eaten them yet, which is shocking to me. Maybe we'll try some after we finished filming here, but she brought us lucky charm marshmallows. I didn't even know you could do that just literally for you at home. What it is is we've all know. We've all had to know what lucky charms are. The best part is the marshmallows. She brought us a bag that was just full of the marshmallows, like epic gift. I can't wait to taste it. I'm mad that we haven't eaten it yet. Speaker 5 00:18:04 Yeah. Would you put it in a milk? Speaker 0 00:18:07 No. Cause I don't drink milk. Speaker 5 00:18:09 Fair enough. Speaker 0 00:18:10 So, but yeah, I guess if like you wanted to have like a marshmallow cereal or if you're drinking hot chocolate milk. Speaker 5 00:18:16 Um, Speaker 0 00:18:19 But no, I don't, I don't mess around with milk. Speaker 5 00:18:21 You buy high chocolate milk. Do you mean hot chocolate? Speaker 0 00:18:25 Let's see, this is a discussion that I've is an ongoing discussion. Now growing up, I only had hot chocolate with milk. So to me it's hot chocolate milk. Now I went to an event later in life where somebody gave me hot chocolate and it was with water. Didn't taste. Very good. Speaker 5 00:18:53 I split it down the middle. Speaker 0 00:18:55 You go half and half. Yeah, that would be okay. I could see how that would be good. Like if you're drinking like a homogenized milk and you're just like splitting it up. Cause like that's too creamy or if you want a one, a 2% making it a one person. Speaker 5 00:19:07 No, I mean for like hot chocolate and I make hot chocolate, like I do half water, half milk Speaker 0 00:19:13 All the time. Yeah. Y Speaker 5 00:19:16 Too. Cause like I Speaker 0 00:19:18 You're a milk guy. Speaker 5 00:19:19 Yeah. Milk causes money. Speaker 0 00:19:21 Um, Speaker 5 00:19:22 So a lot of milk to then throw in into hot chocolate and then plus like the water you boil it. So it's like hot Speaker 0 00:19:31 And Speaker 5 00:19:32 Like you can't boil milk, But you just put milk into a kettle and boil it. Speaker 0 00:19:38 No, you put it on the pan or a Speaker 5 00:19:42 Sauce pan, Speaker 0 00:19:43 A sauce pan or like a pot on the oven. And like you boil it till it starts to bubble. And then like your milk is like it's boiling Speaker 5 00:19:52 Man thinking kettle. Speaker 0 00:19:54 No, no, no. I, I don't know if that'd probably Jack up your cattle. Speaker 5 00:19:58 Yeah. Like I'm just thinking like, oh, like, I don't know you. That seems like a lot of work for a hot chocolate Speaker 0 00:20:04 Pan. Pierre went the extra mile for hot chocolate. Speaker 5 00:20:06 Apparently air went the extra mile. Speaker 0 00:20:09 Yeah. So like she would she'd boil the milk and then you'd have like, as kids, we always kind of fought about what mixture you wanted. If it was like quick powder, quick, uh, um, syrup sometimes like Ovaltine was thrown in the mix. I don't know if syrup me. I love it. I love the syrup. I'm a big fan of like the syrup in the hot chocolate. Like an Alstom. Alicia usually would be like, oh, let's do the powder. And they're all good. I just, I'm a syrup guy. Speaker 5 00:20:41 Yeah. You, you seem to make a lot of questionable mistakes on those Friday episodes. When you came to add syrup in your hot chocolate to the Speaker 0 00:20:50 List. Well, it's not syrup like maple syrup. Speaker 5 00:20:53 No. It's chocolate syrup, Speaker 0 00:20:54 Chocolate syrup up. And it's still quick. It's the same brand. Speaker 5 00:20:56 Yeah. But like that, like that seems like, what are you doing? The powder. You just like scoop in there and like that's for hot chocolate. This Arabs for like ice cream and milk. Speaker 0 00:21:08 This is, this is facts. This is facts. I can't argue with any of this. I'm just saying as a kid, I mean, I might have made some mistakes. Speaker 5 00:21:14 That would be almost as crazy as like not eating the skin on chicken. Speaker 0 00:21:18 Yeah. Which is blasphemy. We've had, we've had a guest. We won't put them on blast because we didn't record that episode. Speaker 5 00:21:24 But we put them on blast know, Speaker 0 00:21:26 Oh man, we tortured that guy. My Lord. Speaker 5 00:21:30 But you could tell that like it was not the first time he had heard. Speaker 0 00:21:34 Yeah. He had his defense ready for not eating chicken off of bone, not eating skin. He's well-prepared or meat, not just chicken, but yeah. Back to Pam, Pierre. Cause she killed her hot chocolate. She'd boil it and we'd put in the mix. It would be chocolatey. And then she would also put marshmallows in that bad boy. And sometimes she would mix it up. Sometimes she'd get like just one big, huge marshmallow, which was like fun in itself. And sometimes you get to mini marshmallows, but uh, Speaker 5 00:22:02 See you like for me, if I was going the extra mile to boil the milk, I would just take a chocolate bar and throw it in. Speaker 0 00:22:11 Oh Speaker 5 00:22:12 Like if you're going that into it, you know, fat into it, like throw the actual chocolate bar in there, pick the cocoa percentage. You want cinnamon or something in there, but like, go, why are you boiled, like boiling the milk and using the powder one step away. No disputing it. That's more than like, it's more than what happened in my house, but it's just yeah, I can. Yeah. And Sarah, what are you doing? Speaker 0 00:22:41 Yeah, no, we had it there. Cause I think what it came down to was exactly what you were saying is like, you'd buy the syrup so you could multipurpose. Speaker 5 00:22:50 Okay. So what's your, what was your go-to childhood snack? Like what did you want as a snack for a kid all the time. Other than McDonald's Speaker 0 00:22:59 Okay. This is going to be, well, this is my team as a kid or as a teenager Speaker 5 00:23:05 That you can like something consistent. Is there, is there anything that like stood through both Speaker 0 00:23:12 A yeah. Kind of. Speaker 5 00:23:13 So that would Speaker 0 00:23:14 Be really boring. Speaker 5 00:23:16 What is it? Speaker 0 00:23:17 Ritz, crackers and cheese. Speaker 5 00:23:19 That's I was looking for something boring. Speaker 0 00:23:21 It's really like, and it, it got, it became a big issue. Um, financially from my parents, as I became like a young adult in my teenage years, I literally would come home every day after school and pour a bowl, like a literal bowl of rich crackers. And then I would get a block of cheese, like I'll block. We're not talking like I didn't like, and my dad has these beautiful, like a tools that sliced cheese, Speaker 5 00:23:50 Cheese for the entire bowl of Speaker 0 00:23:52 Crackers. That's right. And so like every day and I mean every day, probably from like 12 to 14 after school, just a block of cheese and Ritz crackers. My dad he's like, geez, it's leg me out of house and home, like cheese and Ritz. Aren't cheap. I'm like, I love him so much. There's so Speaker 5 00:24:11 Many. I has to be the Ritz. Right? You're not the off brand. Speaker 0 00:24:13 Oh no. Had to be rich. Like what are we talking about here? Yeah, no, even a few, a weeks ago there was a substitution made my groceries and like, you know those, um, I forget what the crackers are called. They're like saltine crackers. I just call them saltines. But it comes into red box. Speaker 5 00:24:28 This story is about to be how you got something you didn't want off of the groceries. You ordered to your door instead of going out and getting it. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:24:35 No. Well I have to pick them up. They weren't delivered to the door. I had to drop in, like I had to park in the parking lot. Oh, Speaker 5 00:24:41 How Speaker 0 00:24:41 Terrible. I know. But it was, they told me there was going to be substitutions for the crackers. And I said like, okay. And like not to say the crackers were bad. They were good. I ate them. They just weren't ready. They just weren't there. The red crackers at red saltines called, um, I don't know the names, but anyways, yeah, you can't get off off the market Fritz. Like it's kind of like the it's the equivalent of Turkey, bacon Turkey bacon is delicious. I love Turkey bacon, but it's not bacon. Like they need a rebrand that more people would totally be into eating Turkey bacon. If it had a better name, Speaker 5 00:25:19 Turkey, jerky. Speaker 0 00:25:20 Yeah. People would be all over that. But like when somebody says you want any Turkey bacon, you're just like that ain't bacon. It's not vacant. So yeah. Ritz crackers. I was like, uh, a guilty, not a guilty pleasure. I hated guilt-free rich crackers and cheese. It's so simple. And even to this day, when I go to like a, an event and I see like, they got rich crackers and cheese and meat. I'm happy Speaker 5 00:25:47 Now by the snack. Speaker 0 00:25:48 Yeah. I'm happy man. And I'm just like, well, and they're like, that's the thing about, I love food in general. I like good food. But like there could be like some really expensive, good food there. And I'm like, well, I'm filling up on rich crackers, cheese and meat tonight. Like, Speaker 5 00:26:02 Yeah. I, that go-to meals are usually boring. Mine is a buttered noodles and cheese. Speaker 0 00:26:09 Right. And see, this is something like, I'm like, who's the guests that came on here. We had to cook the cook from Earl's. He came on and you guys were talking about butter noodles. And I'm like, what is a butter noodle? Speaker 5 00:26:19 It's just a noodle with butter. Speaker 0 00:26:22 I can honestly say, never have tried it. It sounds delicious. Speaker 5 00:26:26 Yeah. Like if you ever just need like a quick stack, like, I didn't know this, my mom used to tell me she made it. Cause she was like feeling like she didn't want to cook for me that day. And it was like my absolute favorite meal growing up and still isn't. Yeah, you can just boil noodles, which takes all of five minutes. And then you shred cheese, which takes all of three minutes and then you add butter, drain the noodles, stir it up and then throw the shredded cheese on it. Like either before or after. Depends how melted you like your cheese. You can to throw it in the pot and get it real melty or throw it on top and have it a little melty. Right. And then, then it's done, it's a 20 minute meal talks and like 15 of those minutes are waiting for the noodles to boil. Right. So like easy, easy and like simple. But like yeah, you got to try it out. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:27:14 Well, I'm going to try it out. Now. You just went through a sequence of making something which triggered a thought in my head that, listen, this is, these are the YouTube exclusive episodes. So Speaker 5 00:27:26 Two recipes, Speaker 0 00:27:27 People get random, random ideas on this. Like they get the gems that they get the pretty much the real Elliot period during these episodes. Speaker 5 00:27:36 Elliot. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:27:38 That's right. So you and me, uh, were hanging out one evening participating in some adult substances and we came up with an idea. You came up with this idea and I actually almost did it a few days ago, but then I decided not to because we didn't have the camera set up. We didn't do it. Right. So if you're a fast food chain out there, please listen to this idea because we want to make this happen. So when I go to McDonald's, I don't drink the whole thing, a Coke, right? So I like the Coke to be only, I only want 20 to 30% of Coke put in there. And then more often not like I'll drink it, but a lot of times I'll just dump it because I don't want the Coke. I just want to chew on the Coke ice. So Tanner had this idea and like, I don't tell the person on the other end to do any of this. Speaker 0 00:28:34 I just say like, Hey, can I have extra ice with Coke? And then they fill up the whole thing. And then I do the dump work when I go home. So Tanner had this idea of actually going through the drive-through and actually giving them the instructions on how I want them to prepare the soft drink for me. And I'm not going to bother you on the YouTube episode of like, uh, all of the steps, belonged story short. They need to cover all of the ice in the cup with Coke. Then get rid of said Coke, but leave it in the same cup that they originally put the Coke in. Speaker 5 00:29:16 And none of the ice is, can leave said cup. All the ice needs to stay. Speaker 0 00:29:23 So there is like a detailed process map that we've put together. So what we want to do, and we need a fast food restaurant to help us out with this is, uh, I want to come to a drive-through, but I want camera's to already be set up and then I'd want to go through the 20 step process on how to do this and just see the look on the person on the other mix. Just like listening to this ridiculous requests. Speaker 5 00:29:50 And don't worry, we will make it worth said persons time. Speaker 0 00:29:54 I totally intend to give a ridiculous tip if somebody is willing to do this. Speaker 5 00:30:02 Yeah. We're not here. We're not here to just waste people's time. They will be compensated for our stupid joke. Speaker 0 00:30:09 That's right. So if you're a McDonald's or AMW burger doing, why would they and w Speaker 5 00:30:15 W doesn't put ice in their drinks? Oh Speaker 0 00:30:17 Yeah. We talked about that. What's that about then we went to a and w and they don't even do large fries. They just do one set of fries. What's so put that. Speaker 5 00:30:27 I don't know. It's uh, uh, I don't know. I just, I don't think that you need it's portion size. Why do you need a large fries, Speaker 0 00:30:37 Large fry. Speaker 5 00:30:37 Exactly. And we don't put ice in their drinks because when you put ice in your drinks that allows you to give less pot. Yeah. And it dilutes the pot. Speaker 0 00:30:47 And when this fountain pop, it comes out cold already. Speaker 5 00:30:49 Exactly. Speaker 0 00:30:50 But Speaker 5 00:30:51 What happened? And if you really, if you really are not happy about that, go into the store for the same price and get an ice, chilled the glass and to just sit down, Speaker 0 00:31:01 But see, I don't want it cause it makes it colder necessarily. I'm an ice chewer. Like I want ice to chew on to me. The ice is equally as important as the pump. Speaker 5 00:31:11 That's like some model on a diet stuff. Speaker 0 00:31:15 Facts. Speaker 5 00:31:16 We have an all men and a piece of ice that was already in Coke. Speaker 0 00:31:23 I can't argue with, sometimes you say stuff that is like, I don't know how you articulated it so well, but yeah, that's one of them. Speaker 5 00:31:34 I, uh, I, I was the youngest. So I grew up with enough older siblings coming at you that you had to just be able to come back. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:31:41 Yeah. That's facts now, people at home can't see you obviously. Speaker 5 00:31:45 I sure. Hope not. Speaker 0 00:31:46 So I'm going to say something right now that they can't see, but you drink something that I thought I disliked, but it turns out I really dislike it. Blue Speaker 5 00:31:59 Powerade, Speaker 0 00:32:00 Blue Powerade. The Speaker 5 00:32:01 Best color. It makes Speaker 0 00:32:03 Blue Speaker 5 00:32:03 Most people. Speaker 0 00:32:04 Really? Yeah. Speaker 5 00:32:05 Yes, I would. This is okay. We'll put this on. Or this Speaker 0 00:32:08 Is the pole to, Speaker 5 00:32:09 Yeah. We'll go make this support because I am confident that like a majority of people would pick the blue power rate. Speaker 0 00:32:16 Okay. Speaker 5 00:32:17 It's like, there's names online about it. Speaker 0 00:32:19 Um, orange all the way. Not red, orange. I don't know who, like, I can't wait to see these poll results because this weekend, this weekend we're hanging out. Yeah. And I was desperate for some liquid and I couldn't find my water. Cause that's all I drink. And I saw like, okay, well I'll just take a swig of this blue Powerade and my Lord. I don't think I spit it out. But I think I made quite the scene. Yeah. About how I felt about the flavor of it. Speaker 5 00:32:50 We're getting quite a scene that entire, that entire night Speaker 0 00:32:53 It happens Speaker 5 00:32:54 On brand for Elliot pier. That's right. He loves to make the most encouraging end calming scene. Possibly. Speaker 0 00:33:02 Yeah. I'm a little, I've been told I'm a little bit extra. Speaker 5 00:33:04 Yeah. That's it dramatic. Speaker 0 00:33:06 Dramatic. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:33:09 I have a love for real life theater. Speaker 0 00:33:13 Hello? Yeah. I love real life theater. Yeah. Speaking of theater, I know you haven't seen it yet. Cause we would've talked about it. I'm going to take my dad to see it. I think in a day or two here that out. I didn't even know. Speaker 5 00:33:26 Yeah. My favorite joke is that it took Robert Patterson 12 years to go from a bat, to, from a vampire to a bat. Speaker 0 00:33:33 Oh, that's funny. Speaker 5 00:33:34 Yeah. Apparently it's good. Speaker 0 00:33:35 I can't wait to see it. Like I love all those types of movies. Speaker 5 00:33:39 It's been like Batman, like his, he got announced that he was going to be Batman for ever ago. Speaker 0 00:33:45 Hate. Speaker 5 00:33:46 Yeah. Well like a lot of hay, but a lot of time has come out since like, usually when they announced the new superhero, they're like, yeah, this movie's coming out in a year. Speaker 0 00:33:55 Yeah. COVID Speaker 5 00:33:57 Yeah. He got announced before they announced like 2018. Speaker 0 00:34:01 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But then COVID happened like that movie could have and should have been released earlier, but what if they gotta make some money? They just sat on it. Just like the bond. They sat on bond forever. Speaker 5 00:34:11 So I guess that's what you do. Speaker 0 00:34:13 Yeah. You gotta make that money. Speaker 5 00:34:15 So bank. Speaker 0 00:34:16 Yeah. If you're me, if you're investing that kind of flow, you got to, you got to hold on it. So there's a lot of movies that just like sad. Oh, have you seen? And I wish I knew the name of this movie. Have you seen the new Ryan Reynolds movie about time travel. Oh, so entertaining. Speaker 5 00:34:37 I don't know. Yeah. I feel like I have Speaker 0 00:34:40 It's brand new to Netflix. It has a garage flow in it. The guy who plays the Hulk. Speaker 5 00:34:45 No. Speaker 0 00:34:46 It's like literally brand new. And I watched it after we hung out on Saturday. I watched that on Sunday and we had been talking a lot about time travel and stuff and oh my gosh, good movie to watch Speaker 5 00:35:01 Upload. Speaker 0 00:35:05 Let's take a pause for a second here. I'm trying to not put too many spoilers out there and that's why I got to pause. Speaker 5 00:35:14 Uh, you can put spoilers out there cause you're only on season one and season two just came out. That's right. So I feel like if you ain't watch season one guys slacking, Speaker 0 00:35:25 This is true. But I feel after watching this because we had somebody, we have people in the comment section, actually big shout out. There was a guy, I don't know his name, man. I got to do more preparation. These shows in general, I do zero preparation. Um, there's a guy in the comments section who was just like, dude, you gotta check out. Um, breaking bad anyways. So big shout out to him for getting in the comment section to the YouTube only episodes. Um, but yeah, listen, I feel that people are watching and will start to like, I don't know, maybe watch upload. So I don't want to ruin it for them first and foremost. Speaker 5 00:36:02 Okay. Then just put out before spoiler warnings, there might be spoilers for ups. Speaker 0 00:36:07 Well, I'm not going to spoil it because I want everybody to watch it. You need to watch this show upload. I slept on it for like a year and a half. I saw all the ads, my bad Amazon. I tried to, I should have watched it sooner, but Hey, your bad Amazon. Cause last time I, we talked about the show. I try to tag upload. Some more people would watch it. There was nowhere for me to tag it. Speaker 5 00:36:32 You had to take Amazon. Speaker 0 00:36:34 I did tag Amazon, but I'm just saying like a lot of television shows have places you can tag them. Upload is not. So anyways, if you're at home watching this show, you need to check this show out. It is a great show from the first episode gets you kind of hooked. And you're just like, okay, I kinda think I know where this is going. And, but it's not like any first episode. It's not the greatest. But then episode number two, just as a banger and just like peak speak, speak, speak, speak, speak speaks. And then the last episode, oh my God, it makes you like first off it might make you cry. It could be a tear-jerker then there's some all in it. You're like what is a mindblower? And also, and I'm saying these all in different orders on purpose. So I'm not spoiling up anything. And then sometimes you're like scared. You're like, oh no. And I was like, it is just, it's got, it's got everything in that last episode and you, some of it, there is no way you can see it coming. Some of this stuff is just shocking. Speaker 5 00:37:37 Oh. And just wait until you get to season two. Yeah. You think you've been shocked now? You think you've been shocked now? Speaker 0 00:37:46 So I can't, I can't wait for season two another, uh, show that I can't wait to watch. And I can't. And we're going to talk about it for a little bit here because I'm usually when I say stuff, it verbally gets through the universe and eventually takes place, which Hey, thank you universe. But, uh, there's a show that just the new season just dropped drive the Netflix. Uh it's about it's driver driven. One of the two. I don't know. It's about F1 racing. You watched the show. No, you've never watched a show. No. Oh bro. You need to watch this show. It's all about following F1 drivers and like the drama that happens in the background and like how cutthroat it is and how some companies have more money. So obviously they're always going to win. And uh, at first I didn't want to watch this show cause I was just like, man, it's F1 racing. Speaker 0 00:38:38 They're just like, let's drive it. How interesting could a show about car racing be and a buddy of mine, James Doherty, big shout out to James Doherty. One day he was just like, Elliot, I need you to watch this show for me. I'm like, man, I don't want to watch that show. He's like, no, I need you to watch the show because like I started watching this show and even before the show, he was into F1 racing and he's like, I need you to watch a show so that you can get into F1 racing so that we can actually go watch an F1 race. And I'm like, James man, like I'm up for anything. Like I'll just go to an F1 race with you. If you want to go do an F1 race. And he's just like, no, you gotta be into it. Just watch the show. And I'm like, all right. So I went home begrudgingly and I watched a show Mindblowing. So into F1 racing right now. So into the drama, I even follow them on certain social media as to like figure out. But here's the thing. This show is shot in the series of like F1 series. So by the time the series is released, you already know who won. It doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. Still gripping. So universe me, James Dordy and Tanner need to go to an F1 race. So like, let's make that happen. Speaker 5 00:39:51 I might know a guy actually really the Montreal grand Prix. What? Yeah, I might know again. Speaker 0 00:39:58 Oh see, this is why he say things out loud. People don't understand why I say like ridiculous things out loud. Speaker 5 00:40:03 I have a question. How do you feel about the new Belair? Speaker 0 00:40:12 Can't wait to check it out. Speaker 5 00:40:14 See, I'm not happy about it. Speaker 0 00:40:15 I haven't seen it. I like, I love like I, the trailer was like a kick-started trailer. Like the guy just made a trailer about like, Hey, this could be a spinoff of the show. And then it just like caught like wildfire will Smith saw it. And now like it became a reality. Right. Speaker 5 00:40:30 But it's like a drama. Speaker 0 00:40:32 I know. And so I like like, listen, the fresh prince of Bel-Air is a fresh Princeville there. But in this day and age with everything being rebooted, like I like how they went a different direction. I haven't seen an episode yet. Speaker 5 00:40:45 It's Turkey bacon. Speaker 0 00:40:47 Yes. It's Turkey bacon. Speaker 5 00:40:49 Like you can't call you can't call it Bel air. You can't make it like the fresh prince, like saying characters, same house. Same. Speaker 0 00:40:58 I agree with you. And that's why they didn't call it the fresh prince of Bel air. It's just called Bel air. Speaker 5 00:41:02 Yeah. But that's like Turkey bacon. You can't just, just being like, oh, it's just Turkey. Speaker 0 00:41:08 That's right. Fair enough. I hear what you're saying. No, man. I got a, well, I haven't seen the episode yet because I, uh, I don't it's it comes out on splice Speaker 5 00:41:18 TV. Speaker 0 00:41:19 I don't have splice. So, Speaker 5 00:41:20 And it's on a television as well, I think Speaker 0 00:41:24 Which is what channel. Speaker 5 00:41:25 Uh, Speaker 0 00:41:26 But it comes on like one of the channels you got to pay for to get, Speaker 5 00:41:29 I don't know. So I haven't seen ads for it. Speaker 0 00:41:32 Yeah. You see for it everywhere, but you got to have the channel and I don't pay for that channel actually, if I'm being honest with you as of last week, eliminated cable completely Speaker 5 00:41:42 Crazy. Speaker 0 00:41:43 Yeah. Cause here's my thought process with it for one, I've got most of the streaming channels, so, and I never really watched TV now every once in a while there'll be a television series, like Bel air. That'll like, I'll want to watch, but you can just pay for that one series to watch that. And it's cheaper than just paying for cable just to have cable going all the time. Just for one said series. So yeah. I gave cable the boot. So I'm week one in and if I'm being a hundred percent honest, I'm missing it. Speaker 5 00:42:24 Yeah. I, uh, commercials are a real thing that I didn't know. I missed until we, I didn't watch TV for a long time. Speaker 0 00:42:34 It's not even the commercial that I miss. It's HGTV and the food network. Speaker 5 00:42:39 You can get that. Uh, do you have Amazon prime? Yeah. There's you can get all of the stacked TV Speaker 0 00:42:45 I'm going to have to, I'm going to have to, but then it comes back to like, I'm paying the exact same. That's the thing, like you're paying the exact same amount. So, but I might have to bite that bullet man. I'm missing HGTV and the food network Speaker 5 00:43:04 Channel. Speaker 0 00:43:04 Yup. And like, I like watching it, like to like just sit down and watch it. And I like watching it just for it to be background in the, in the mix of my life. Speaker 5 00:43:13 That's the one thing you won't be able to get back once you get it on stack TV. Right. Is that like, there won't be an interchanging, you know, log of videos just in front of you. You're going to have to pick out Speaker 0 00:43:26 Well, that's what I mean. And that's, it's kind of crazy to think about this, but that's what I'm mixing like missing. Like I know I could just like watch Bobby Flay, beat Bobby Flay. I know I could watch chop like in like, like you're saying in the sequence and pick them, but I like the randomness of, oh, it's just different shows coming up. So Speaker 5 00:43:45 Yeah. I like having something picked for me, you know like, oh, there it is. This is what I watch her. I don't watch it. Speaker 0 00:43:51 So it's been about a week a week. I think it's been like exactly seven days today. And uh, I'm going to stick with it because cable, the amount of money that I was paying for how much I utilize, it was just ridiculous. It was wasteful, but Speaker 5 00:44:08 You definitely didn't try to renegotiate. Did you? Speaker 0 00:44:11 Oh no. There was some renegotiating. EK is a hardcore renegotiate her every year we weren't paying top billing for cable, but like you can't get basic cable anymore. Back in the day, basic cable was literally like three channels. And like, it doesn't exist anymore. Like, no, you got a hundred channels all the time, but you pay the premium price. They're like, no, no, no, no, no. Just give me three and I want to pay like $15 a month. They're like, no, no, no, no, that doesn't, that doesn't exist. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:44:36 So eaten with streamers. Speaker 0 00:44:39 That's right. So, but then for me, like it's, it's, it's hilarious. Like obviously if you're going to streaming, you better have the best internet streaming package available. So like they're still getting your money Speaker 5 00:44:51 And Speaker 0 00:44:51 You're like, you're not Speaker 5 00:44:53 Yeah. Why they're not sweating over losing stuff to streaming Speaker 0 00:44:57 That's right. So, and I love the, the, the streaming service that I have. I love the company that I have got my TV with all these years. Big shout out to Shaw, never had a bad experience with them. The customer service from the jump made be on the phone or when they show up has been impeccable. I got no beef with shawl whatsoever and she'll actually has us on their television network. So if you want to watch, not only the maxi morning show exclusively on YouTube, you can also watch it on a SHA Speaker 5 00:45:31 Dooley, Friday episodes go out. Speaker 0 00:45:34 What do you mean Speaker 5 00:45:35 Like this? Do we make the Friday episodes part of Shaw? Speaker 0 00:45:39 No. Uh, with the Shaw, what we have on Shaw, um, is we put clips. So we put like our clipped episodes on there. And every once in a while, like we put some like topical guests on Shaw. Like we, we have to be, uh, if for the shop swords, there can be no form of advertisement whatsoever. So the fact that we do all these shout outs wouldn't fly on Shaw. And so some of our guests who come in are shouting out certain core things. We've got to be a little bit careful of what goes on Shaw. So it's mainly the clipped episodes. So you got a taste, a sampler. If I may, of the Mac city morning show on Shaw. Speaker 5 00:46:17 Ah, yeah, you can get more on Facebook, YouTube, Amazon, Spotify, the whole shebang, Speaker 0 00:46:25 The LinkedIn tick talk. You name it. We're there. I'm shocked though. Like over the last week I've had a number of people come and tell me they watched the sharp episodes and in my head I was just like, I think it's cool. Um, I was really working with Shaw to get the show. They're like, I'm pumped that it's there. But like in all actuality, I was just like, I don't know if anybody's really going to watch it. They're shocked how many people have come up to me and been like, Hey, saw you on Shaw. Like was really confused. Cause like how to play in the background. I heard your voice. And like I left my computer on. Speaker 5 00:47:00 Yeah. I was shocked when you told me that, that we were going to be on there too. Speaker 0 00:47:04 It was a, it was a lot of work into making myself and Matt from Shaw have been trying to figure out something to collaborate on and try to do together for, for a long time. So it took a while to figure out like what that, that gem was. But I'm glad it all worked out. So big. Shout out to Matt and Shaw, Speaker 5 00:47:24 Big shout out to all of our, uh, viewers and guests. Speaker 0 00:47:28 Yeah. For keeping like keeping, watching, Speaker 5 00:47:31 Keeping the lights on. Speaker 0 00:47:32 Yeah. It's a big thing. So big shout out. Speaker 5 00:47:35 Sure. You, uh, liked in share the videos and subscribe and do all of those things so we can keep doing what we're doing. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:47:43 And we're going to start doing more fun stuff like these poles. So we got two poles I want is the gate Powerade. Cause I'm looking at it. What was the other one? Speaker 5 00:47:49 Uh, whoa. Remember we said, well, Speaker 0 00:47:51 We'll just watch back yet. Let's not use the memories for that. Yeah. So yeah. We're gonna start doing polls. We've started to do stories on Facebook and on YouTube that are just a little bit more fun. We got some memes coming. Speaker 5 00:48:05 Oh yeah. Speaker 0 00:48:06 We got some means. Tanner hates the memes, but he loves, it's a love, hate thing. It's a loving, Speaker 5 00:48:10 I think they are a great idea. I just hate that. It is counterproductive to my entire like being Speaker 0 00:48:21 Like, Speaker 5 00:48:21 Hey, I want to work for these companies. And this is how I want to, this is how I want to be viewed. And they were like, okay, no. Speaker 0 00:48:31 Yeah, wait for the memes. We're not going to ruin them. But they're hilarious. It's so Speaker 5 00:48:35 Funny. We got to hit him with those means soon we Speaker 0 00:48:37 Got to hit with those beams soon. Yeah. There's so good. Oh my goodness. They're hilarious that they're the fact that you're you feel how you feel about the memes? Make them way better than they actually are Speaker 5 00:48:53 Understandable. Speaker 0 00:48:54 So that's just facts. When you look there, I thought you were looking like somebody was walking in Speaker 5 00:48:58 The door, like your camera. Just Speaker 0 00:49:01 That one just died Speaker 5 00:49:02 The one point. Speaker 0 00:49:03 Okay. So I'm at this one now. Okay. So I'm glad because I would still can, Hey. Okay. So Let me look at the wrong camera. Look all like lazy. I the whole show. Speaker 5 00:49:13 Yeah. A hundred percent. I don't have anything to pull up. So I had to make you look bad in one way or another. Speaker 0 00:49:18 Right? So let's talk about that. How much time we got, what are we Speaker 5 00:49:21 At? We're at 49, 49. Speaker 0 00:49:23 Oh, I am so apologetic for anybody watching this. That's Speaker 5 00:49:29 Is there anybody watching this has watched it up until this point? Meaning they're enjoying it. I'm not sorry that you're enjoying our videos. I'm very happy about it. Speaker 0 00:49:37 Nine minutes, like, listen, this is mine and Tanner is life. Like just time disappears. And this is the, like, this is literally what we talk about. Speaker 5 00:49:46 Yeah, this is, yeah, this is, yeah. Speaker 0 00:49:48 This Speaker 5 00:49:48 Is it. Nothing special. Speaker 0 00:49:50 So I was going to say like, do we need new batteries for these cameras to last longer? But like just don't talk for over an hour on the cameras. Speaker 5 00:50:00 Absolutely. I think Speaker 0 00:50:02 It'll be fine. Speaker 5 00:50:03 I think we'll be fine. Speaker 0 00:50:04 So initially though, I thought if I'm being honest, I see you doing the batteries. Did we not try to have the cameras plugged into an energy source? So we didn't have to rely on batteries? Speaker 5 00:50:16 No, we never did that. Speaker 0 00:50:18 Well, we talked about, Speaker 5 00:50:18 We talked about it. It just never fruition. I think the cost behind it just doesn't make Speaker 0 00:50:26 Sense. Like charge the batteries. Do Speaker 5 00:50:28 You need one more battery though? Cause we have two spares and three. Speaker 0 00:50:34 So it's a juggling act. Yeah. Okay. So more batteries needed. Okay, good to know. Speaker 5 00:50:40 I like how half of this is us talking and half of this is the guests viewing our grocery list Speaker 0 00:50:47 Or our McDonald's order sequence. We want to order it. That's hilarious. Speaker 5 00:50:51 Okay. This is what we got to do. Thanks for listening. We appreciate you all catch us at the grocery store later, Speaker 0 00:51:00 Which like facts. That's the funny thing. Most people see it. See us in public and have no idea who you are. Like we do things together. Like we go buy gifts for the show. We buy stuff for the studio, like we're out and about. We go to raves together Speaker 5 00:51:17 Events together. Speaker 0 00:51:18 Yeah. And people are blissfully unaware that you're more often than not in the vicinity. Speaker 5 00:51:24 It's my favorite thing because they'll just be like, and like, especially the big fans. Cause they just have blinders on when they see you. Right. You're like, oh my God, it's the guy we see on camera. And then I just sit there with my head down and I'm like, if they notice, I'll say something And nobody noticed, Speaker 0 00:51:41 And it's kind of like the law of the universe more often than not. When people ask, Hey, where's Tanner. You're never next to me. No Speaker 0 00:51:50 Like, so I'm a jerk sometimes. Okay. This is Tanner. And cause it's just, I don't, I don't mean to do it just comes out of my mouth and be like, oh my God. And they get so excited. But like at rib Fest, for example, there was a lot of times that I was walking around just like doing my own thing and people were coming up and saying, hi, like, Hey, where's Tanner. I'm like, he actually is here. Like you literally missed him by a minute or two. I don't know where he is right now. And then for the people who are blissfully unaware and I point you out, they're like, then they get excited. But the real people who want to find you never find you. Speaker 5 00:52:22 And I have like, I don't know why people are excited to see me because like, especially up until like two weeks ago, when we started doing dedicated Friday shows, I probably said like maybe three paragraphs worth of words, not counting my questions. And uh, yeah. People are just like, oh my God, what's it like, and I don't dunno. I'm just five buttons, you know, flip a switch here and there Speaker 0 00:52:46 I've legitimately went to a house party or like I was a surprise guest to the house party. They didn't know I was coming. I didn't know I was going. And as soon as I walked into like, oh my God, how are you? And I was like, good. And then they, like, I was like, Hey, this is kind of neat. I'm getting like this little Recognition for a second. And then I was brought down to reality extremely fast. And they're like, where's Tanner. I'm like, wow, that was quick. Speaker 5 00:53:15 My favorite is I think that the guy at, uh, at the bar across the bar that yo Elliot. Yeah. He hit him with the intro, Speaker 0 00:53:24 The African guy. God, he was so happy to say that out loud. Well, we've had Dennis Kniffen like when he came on the choice, like I got, gotta do it. I got to do it. I got to hit him with the intro. Speaker 5 00:53:35 Why do people love that? I want to know comment why you love that. That saying, it just doesn't make sense to me because that sentence to me represents 15 to 30 seconds of my hand in the air as I feel the blood rushed down and then, uh, points to you and people love it. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:53:56 The funny thing is like I've done not many, I think, uh, only a handful of episodes where you haven't been there. Like when I was in Winnipeg or I shot one or two down in Edmonton one time. Um, and you weren't there, but I still said, Tanner hit him with the intro, even though you didn't hit me with the intro, but it's just the thing. That's like, that's the introduction to the show. Speaker 5 00:54:21 And I think that like, you don't want your viewership to drop when people know I'm not there. I am an intrinsic Copart. Apparently Speaker 0 00:54:29 We try to, and like, I know you love this, but, uh, we filmed a few episodes where you didn't have to do the Mac city minute. Cause we couldn't figure out like how to get your voice on. Because when we do our locations, we just don't have the same equipment going. So there's a few shows where like there's no Mac city minute, but then, uh, which I knew you enjoyed like, Hey, listen, I just got to sit back and chill here for a while. But then I figured out, although it's kind of a kick in the junk to get your voice in, like it's just additional work, but Hey, people love the max any minute, man. Speaker 5 00:54:59 And it's, uh, it really helps fill out the episode. Speaker 0 00:55:03 Hm, totally. It's a nice break. And like last night when I was at that Brian Jean event, people were talking about your questions and I booked a bunch of guests in there like, oh, get ready. Like the hardest part of the show is Tanner's Mac city minute. And like, oh, I know like people like enjoy, like they dread the vaccine minute, Speaker 5 00:55:21 Which is so funny because they're like they spend all this time sweating over questions that I don't know, I'm going to ask until literally minutes before. Speaker 0 00:55:31 That's right. So it was a, it was a legit topic of discussion yesterday. Cause I booked, I think for new people to come on and they're just like, oh, and that they had, there was at least 10 people at the event who had already been on the show. And so they're just like, the show is pretty cool. It's laid back. But man was I nervous for the Maxine. He made it like, yeah, me too. And it was just like this whole discussion and you know what else they discussed? We can't tell what they discuss. Everybody that comes on the show gets a gift. Speaker 5 00:55:58 They were discussing the gifts. Speaker 0 00:55:59 They were discussing the gifts, man. They were discussing the gifts and they were able to say what they got and like, oh I got this one. I got this one. So, uh, I don't know if that's public knowledge, but everybody that comes on show gets a gift. And uh, anyways, they were, they were talking about to gifts last night, which is pretty cool. Speaker 5 00:56:17 Yeah. I'm going to have to hear more about that later. Speaker 0 00:56:19 Yeah. Yeah. We, we can't talk about it now because it would be the spoiler because then people know they're getting for the gifts, Speaker 5 00:56:24 But they don't know. Speaker 0 00:56:26 Some people know, some people have come on and been like, and we give them the gift and like, oh, I heard about this and they're really excited. And then some people are just like, oh, sweet random. And we're like, yeah, like, so not everybody knows that gifts are given when they come to the show and you have to watch an hour of this episode, find out that gifts are given for that Easter egg. Speaker 5 00:56:46 So thanks to everybody who's still here. Speaker 0 00:56:48 Yeah, that's right. Speaker 5 00:56:49 Or who skipped here to find out. Speaker 0 00:56:52 But on that note, I gotta wrap this up cause I know I have a meeting I need to get to. So, uh, anyways, Tanner, thanks for the chat as usual. Thank you. Appreciate you and your time. Speaker 5 00:57:01 Appreciate you and your time, Speaker 0 00:57:02 Everybody at home. Thank you very much for watching this long extended exclusive YouTube episode. Um, big shout out to Norelle title sponsor. Cause they showed up as well. No title sponsor for the Maxine minute. Cause we don't do it during these episodes, but uh, Norelle Toyota, Keith fad. Nehmer all the boys and girls down in Ralph. Thanks for sponsoring the show. We do appreciate it. So everybody at home, thanks for watching. Do appreciate it. It means the world to me would Buffalo Fort McMurray, the rest of the world. Hopefully everybody's having a great day and we'll see you tomorrow. Peace Speaker 2 00:57:32 Y daily, all Wade and another morning show later by us. Speaker 8 00:57:50 Talk about quenching your ugly thirst.

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