#124: Jillian MacDonald a Long Term Resident

Episode 124 July 15, 2021 00:32:13
#124: Jillian MacDonald a Long Term Resident
The Mac City Morning Show
#124: Jillian MacDonald a Long Term Resident

Jul 15 2021 | 00:32:13


Show Notes

Jillian MacDonald, a life long resident, is back! Tune in to hear more stories from Jill!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:01 Murray wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You've tuned into the Mac city morning show. My name is Elliot Pierre, and we're going to start the show off on the same way. We start every show off with a moment of gratitude. I know you could be doing a million other things with your time, but the fact that you're spending with us truly does mean the world to me. So thank you on that note, Tanner hit them with you. Speaker 1 00:00:21 Oh, she caught me, loves near listen to the next anymore. Speaker 0 00:00:31 All right. And we're back now, before we start my phone rang and I just got to give a shout out to my mom, Pamela Pierre, mom, I'm sorry. I didn't pick up your phone call. We're shooting a show. Now we have a hands down and every other guest is going to be upset about this, but Hey, tough. We have my favorite guests on the show today we have, and I'm going to introduce her Jillian Macintosh. Uh, so Jillian, thank you for coming back again. Speaker 2 00:00:57 No problem. I'm sure you tell all of your guests that though. Speaker 0 00:01:01 I think I've dropped it three times now, but I didn't mean it with the other ones. So the only person he's introduced that is, that is so we're just going to kick it off. We were talking about this a little bit before we turned on the cameras and I know you don't mind talking about it. You did the bikini bliss challenge and you lost tons of weight. He looked phenomenal. Congratulations for the people at home. Please tell them what the bikini bliss challenge is. Speaker 2 00:01:33 Okay. So at the beginning of this challenge, um, historically has been a female only challenge and it's a three month, three month challenge. Uh, it can be at home workouts or in the gym workouts, obviously during this pandemic, everything was at home. So, um, yeah, it was pretty amazing to see women from all shapes, sizes, uh, backgrounds, completely crush, uh, this competition. There's two different categories to two winners and they get a free trip at the end of it, lag and things. So, yeah, it was, I mean, it was a fun three months. It was a long three months, quick three months, like, um, I'm sure if anybody saw the last video that I was in, you probably significantly see a difference in my face. So yeah. Thank you. Yeah, it was a lot of hard work. Speaker 0 00:02:21 So here's the thing about the challenge that I know a lot of women who've done it now and everybody's results are phenomenal. What makes this, like, what are you doing to make these changes happen? Because it's like everybody who joins it has a different body at the end of it. Like, and like, I know you, for example, like you've always been somebody who's been physically fit and active and for goodness sakes, like Mike he's hardcore, like he looks like the Hulk, even in his later years, like he's a physically fit, man. So this is not new to you. As far as working out, eating healthy, being active. What is this all about? What is what's different? Speaker 2 00:03:03 Um, I guess I think what's different is that you have the support of all of the women that are in the challenge. And I did say that it was mostly a female challenge, but the next, um, session that starting in September, well, there's actually a couples component. So couples can compete as well. And then as well as the female category. So that'll be new for this, this next intake. But, um, I guess what the difference is is obviously you have that support. Um, everybody gets the same macros and you're supposed to follow them. So if anybody knows anything about macros, you track your fat protein carbs. Um, and then you just, you have to do your workouts and I've done several, I've trained with several trainers over the years, that wasn't necessarily the healthiest way to do it. And the difference with this is how much healthier it is. Um, you're actually eating foods and lots of it and you're training, but you're not over-training right. One of the things that coach Mon always says to us is make sure you're taking our rest days, like, and you get two weeks. So I think what makes us different is that you're like, it's not crazy. It's manageable. Right. Okay. Speaker 0 00:04:13 Interesting. Because there's one I'm like, I, I just like working out and like, I don't like going to the gym. I like doing push-ups and chin-ups, and I love running. So like inherently, that's going to like, you know, keep me in shape. Yeah. Weird flex. That is Speaker 2 00:04:30 A lot of the workouts were bodyweight late or it could be body weights. So it's literally for any level, which was really great too. Speaker 0 00:04:37 Cool. So with me, I remember when I was younger though, I really wanted to get in shape for whatever reason. I don't remember, but I tried a beach body. What was it called P90X? Now, if this is a big plug for P90X, if you follow the workout that they gave you, you will have the body a hundred percent. You will, that they have put on the box, but the amount of work is immense and it's tough and it's at home. Right. You know what I mean? Like as you're watching DVDs and stuff. So I just see this be a, what you're doing similar to that. And most people that I know who've done P90X, can't keep it up. Speaker 2 00:05:18 Yeah. So I think that's probably what the difference is, is how, um, coach Mon really wants you to make this a lifestyle. Um, so she's not crazy with the workouts. A lot of the workouts workout multiple areas of the body. So you're not okay. Today's leg day or tomorrow is this, and you don't have to do an hour, a half of said muscle group. So I think that's probably what makes it a lot easier for people. I say easier. I mean, the workouts are tough, but it makes it a lot more attainable for people and sustainable for people moving forward. Speaker 0 00:05:51 Okay. Well, big shout out to bikini bliss, because like the results that I've seen have been like jaw dropping across the board. Speaker 2 00:06:01 And I can't believe how fast it's like catching on because they open spots for the new challenge. I think like a week after the last challenge closed and they were sold out within days. Yeah. Yeah. It's insane. It's insane. Speaker 0 00:06:13 And like, I've seen like, I've a lot of women friends and they've been on different programs and diets and things throughout, and I've never seen results like this one. And I've never seen like, like you, you seem happy about it. Like normally it's like, oh, I'm on a diet and it's the worst. But like, everybody that I know is like, oh, it's cool. I like it. Like, it's tough, it's work, but it's not that bad. So whatever they've put together. Speaker 2 00:06:36 Well, I mean, as you know, I'm a bit of a whiner. I like to indulge in my wine from time to time. And that's always been kind of a deal breaker for me. And doing some of these challenges or with working with trainers is it was all or nothing. They were like, okay, you're not allowed to eat all the bad things or blah, blah, blah. Whereas in this program through your macros, yeah. I can fit it into your macros, have whatever you want and that's right. Just make sure you're putting in the work. That's right. That's right. Yeah. Neat, neat. Speaker 0 00:07:07 Tanner. We're joining the bikini bliss Sunday. I already looked good in the beginning Speaker 3 00:07:12 And spawn whatever you got to work out. I mean like I'm like six, nine and ripped. Nobody Speaker 0 00:07:19 Knows a town. It looks like, so it's awesome. You can say whatever you want. Speaker 2 00:07:23 Yeah. 69 and totally Brit. Speaker 0 00:07:26 There you go. I love it. That's hilarious. So we touch on this a little bit last time and we actually got some comments about it. So I'm just going to speak about it a little bit more. We're going to talk about Dickins field just in general, about memories of Dickens field. So I'm going to throw it out first and see if you were allowed to hang out at this Dickens field location. Cause I was not okay. The circle K. Oh yeah. You were allowed to go to the circle. K. Oh yeah. Speaker 2 00:07:54 Anytime you wanted. Oh yeah, really? Speaker 0 00:07:57 Oh, wow. Only the bad kids got to hang out by the circle. K. So the smokers. Oh, well it definitely wasn't Speaker 2 00:08:04 One of those, but yeah, no, my, my, both my parents worked full time and a lot of times I was the one in charge at home, so kind of did whatever I wanted. Wow. Speaker 0 00:08:15 Okay. Well that's one cat out of the bag. My parents never like what's funny is I used to go to the circle K to buy like a lottery ticket for my dad. And he said, go buy me a loan and ticket. So I was allowed to go then, but that was it crazy. I can never go there on supervised, but you lived closer. You're like, uh, a street away. I I'm only like a street in a half away, but I was never allowed to go to them. I Speaker 2 00:08:41 Mean, I'm not surprised I, knowing what I know of your parents, like yes. I'm not surprised. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:08:47 They kept me on, I was, I had a lot of freedoms. That was not one of them. No. So. Okay. All right. Okay. Next question for viewers at home. I know some of these answers, did you or not attend sister Mary Phillips? Speaker 2 00:09:00 I did attend the first year that it opened. Okay. Speaker 0 00:09:03 And so were you in a split class or not? Speaker 2 00:09:06 I know. Geez. I don't even remember now. No, it wasn't a split Speaker 0 00:09:09 Class. Oh, with, um, Mr. Smith, Eric, then it was a split class. Was it a split? I don't even remember. Speaker 2 00:09:18 See, there you go. Maybe it was a split class. You Speaker 0 00:09:20 Were in a, you went to S and P cause that's what my mind was fuzzy. I knew you went there, but I went there for the two years. Five and six. You went back to St. Ed's. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:09:28 Uh, myself and one other, um, one other person in the class actually went back over to St. Anne's Jerry. We both left. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. We both went back. Um, yeah. I, it felt like it felt more home for me when I went back to St. Anne. It just made sense. Yeah. Um, and I struggled that first year or that year at SMP. I don't know what it was. I think if you remember, it was a totally different learning environment. Cause everything was open. And I don't know if I just got distracted by that or read, maybe it was too much of an opportunity to be conversing with people or what, but I think that might've messed me up. So once we went back, once I went back to St. Anne, um, and I had Ms. Kelly. Okay. I mean all the stars aligned, so yeah. Interesting teacher, great teacher, Speaker 0 00:10:20 Everything that you just said. I remember, but positively in regards to, when I went to SNP, I loved it because it was a different environment and it was so open. And to me it allowed creativity for me and I could talk more. I'm a great talker. So I was able to flourish. I felt and really find, okay, these are my skillsets here. Right. And um, when I had to go back to St Anne's, um, I liked it more because obviously junior high, but I remember my St Anne's days, very fondly, but more constrictive. Right. That red brick building, like, Speaker 2 00:10:57 Well, I mean, we had Mr. Madden before you went to piece. So you want to talk about the most strict teacher I think I've ever had. Yeah. Oh Speaker 0 00:11:05 Yeah. That was like the toughest year ever. Nice man. This tenant, this guy was like, we were in grade four. This man was six, six, massive. Like your neck just killed you every day. Speaker 2 00:11:19 He'd have duck like significantly to get into the portables where our Speaker 0 00:11:23 Classroom. Yeah. So Tom man hurt your neck. When you were a kid looking up that hot Speaker 2 00:11:29 Alex class for grade three, are you in the Speaker 0 00:11:31 Other one? I was in the other one. I forget miss it started with the J um, no was great too. Um, Joel, it wasn't Jimmy, we're getting old. Speaker 4 00:11:43 If any of these teachers they're still in town, they're more than welcome to come on. Speaker 2 00:11:47 Well, I miss Alec funny story. My parents were roaming nomads for quite a few. And they were traveling in an RV through the, the states. Yeah. And I think it was about four or five years ago. They were in this random community in like north or South Carolina. And somebody had seen a Canada flag on my parents are V and said, oh, there's another set of Canadians just down from here. So my mom being my mom up, walked over. Sure enough. Wasn't it freaking miss salad of all of the places in the world to run into your daughter's grade three teacher. Speaker 0 00:12:25 Crazy. Ms. Gillis kill us. I might be blushing here. I had a massive crush on miss Gillis. All the boys did. Oh my Lord. Speaker 2 00:12:39 Cause she, she was a fairly new teacher. I think when you guys got her young and Speaker 0 00:12:45 Yeah, I just know she, like, I was in grade three and I was in love. This lady could have told me to do anything. I would have been like, listen, you want me to read? I'm a, whatever. I don't like it, but I'll do it. Like, and then I had to go to Mr. Madden. And he was a great teacher too, but it was like completely opposite. Speaker 4 00:13:01 Would, uh, would she got, gotten you to do your own homework? Speaker 0 00:13:07 She could have tried, but I don't think so. I don't think so. Listen, I'm the king of delegation. It's not that I didn't do my own homework. I just delegated certain components of it. Yeah. My father always Speaker 4 00:13:20 Taught me the best managers work from the neck up. Speaker 0 00:13:23 There you go. So I delegated homework. Elliot knows what he's doing. That's exactly it. And it's like, you can own a company and I've been delegating my whole life. So owning a business, just kind of in preparing for this, your whole life, people that do your Speaker 3 00:13:35 Work for you. That's Speaker 0 00:13:37 Right. That's right. So, oh, I remember like I'm going to get in so much trouble because of this episode, but sometimes I'd be late for class or miss class completely. And I would have certain people and I won't throw Speaker 2 00:13:51 Them under the bus. <inaudible> Speaker 0 00:13:55 Can you mark me as like absent instead of late? And they'd be like, yeah, sure. No problem. So I would always get these late phone calls, like on my progress report. My mom's like you're late all the time. How is this feasible? And I was just like, well, you know Speaker 2 00:14:09 The alternative worst mom, be thankful that it's late. Speaker 4 00:14:13 Be glad you didn't have triple, triple number late. So by the end of your high school, yeah, Speaker 2 00:14:19 He may have, there was Speaker 0 00:14:22 A lot of lates there, there were a lot of things that being said, you know what? And a brownie points to Elliot, Pierre, I'm speaking about myself in the third person. I never skipped a single day of school until grade 12. Really never missed a single day of school until grade 12. And then it all went off the rails. Yeah. But up until that point, I can say no skipping. That's shocking. Yeah. A lot of lates. No skipping. Speaker 2 00:14:47 Interesting. Yeah. I probably skipped my first time in grade 10, I would think. But I mean, I was also, I don't want to say a high achiever because I definitely wasn't a high achiever, but like I always got my assignments done and stuff. So it was never really concerned. And depending on the, on the class, I mean, if it was an English class, I knew I could roll back in there in a week and probably crush it. So Speaker 0 00:15:10 Yeah, that was me. If I didn't go to class, I couldn't delegate my work away for goodness sakes. So I did, I had to be there to keep track and keep my eyes on my what for me? Are you still working on that thing for me? I'll be good. So you gotta be there. You gotta be there to delegate. That's exactly it. Watch your employees. That's it. So I've got another question about Dickins field. Um, I grew up on McConkey and it just so happened that every kid on the conoci other from me went to public high school. Like everybody that I hung out with went to Dickens field and ended up on a Westwood. Well, that wasn't until late Lindsay never moved onto my street until grade six grade seven grade seven, say Nance. She didn't show up until grade seven. So on your street, was it more Catholic kids or public kids? Speaker 2 00:16:03 I guess it would be more Catholic because Andrew Highfield was on that street. Um, well pat Mitchell was just around the way. Um, Speaker 0 00:16:12 You had to, um, you had a space Speaker 2 00:16:16 Sales were over two. Um, no, it was a mix on my street because now I'm thinking like my sister's husband, he went to Westwood. Um, Jason, Joseph lived down the street. He went to Westwood. Speaker 0 00:16:27 Oh, that's right. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Jason, Joseph went to father mark, are you sure? A hundred percent, a hundred percent. He might not have spent his whole career, but I know for a component of it, assuming my him and my cousin, Jessie, they're very good friends. And so I know that or maybe, maybe he went to say, Nance, you Speaker 2 00:16:47 Know, you're getting old when you struggled Speaker 0 00:16:49 To. Well, the reason I know is because I remember Jason Joseph in school, like I remember seeing him off. Maybe it might've been from St. Anne's not Speaker 2 00:16:58 From high school. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:17:01 Jason, Joseph, if you're watching, Speaker 2 00:17:03 If any of these people that I've just named drop, I'm sorry. Speaker 0 00:17:06 Some of them do you know who was the most common who made the most comments on our last episode was Sarah Hollet AKA Sarah Mullen. Yeah. Yeah. So, Speaker 2 00:17:16 I mean, they were like family for me growing up. So, and I mean similar for you right next door. Right. So Speaker 0 00:17:22 Yeah. I have an embarrassing story about Sarah Hall at that I'll share. And hopefully she watches it. We were playing baseball in my backyard one time and we were next door neighbors and she was jumping on the trampoline. And at the point in time, Nerf bat tennis ball, I was like, Sarah, you need to stop jumping. I'm about to hit it. Now at the time I had never hit a home run in backyard baseball course, never done it. And so even peril, my best friend, peril, Plymouth, um, usually like, dude, like I was calling it like on babe Ruth. And I was like, so you got to get down. I'm going to knock it out of the park. And she's like, no, you're not Elliot. And the ball connected. And she was jumping on the trampoline and she was up in the air and the ball bam right in the face shot. Speaker 2 00:18:09 It's really gonna appreciate reliving that smile Speaker 0 00:18:12 Right in the face. But this is the best thing about Sarah Hall. And I thought I was done for, I thought she was going to go in and wrap me out and cry to her mom. Now I think she cried. I don't know if she cried at all, but I know she got hurt because she stopped bouncing and went inside and me and para were just like, I'm about to get grounded. Grace is going to scream at me and that's you never fell. You Speaker 2 00:18:33 You've met grace. All right. She's going to scream at Speaker 0 00:18:36 You. Well, this was not a screamer, but she's a disciplinary. Oh, Speaker 2 00:18:39 Well, I mean, look at her line of work. Yeah, of course. The disciplinary Speaker 0 00:18:42 And Grayson was like, she kept us on track on the boys. She kept us on track. So I was like, we're, we're going to get in trouble. And we never did so big shout out for Sara for not ratting me out. Speaker 2 00:18:51 Yeah. I don't think she's ever really been that kind. Anyway. Speaker 0 00:18:54 However, you should have got off the trampoline that day. You were warrants. Sure. You aren't going to blame her. You were warned. Yeah. Yeah. Grace, uh, uh, least of I won't call, I won't say the gang name that we had. Um, cause it's not, uh, it's not appropriate in 2021. Um, we live in a different culture now, but we sat at this gang on the street, but what we used to do is we had these plastic go-karts and we to attach them to a bike. So we'd have a rope and the older kids would ride their bikes and we'd be behind just like super safe, super safe. And uh, we did it for a while and then grace saw a few accidents and then she started making us wear helmets. And that's when the gang disperse. We're like, yeah, you can't be a cool gang and wear a helmet doing this. So yeah. Grace kept kept us alive. So that's a good thing. So you went to St. Anne's only one year sister, Mary Phillips. You had Mr. Madden. Cause that's what I was going to say. That's when you and me really hung out a lot was in Mr. Madden's Speaker 5 00:19:54 Class. Yeah. Hard teacher, Speaker 0 00:19:57 Super hard teacher. That makes Speaker 4 00:19:58 Sense. So she was doing all your homework? Speaker 2 00:20:01 Well, it was a four or five split class, so, and they took, they took the really advanced grade fours. Right. And then they also sprinkled in a couple of troublemakers. Yes. Because they thought that Mr. Madden could really shake it out of them. I think that's right. Um, so yeah, it was a tough class. I mean, we were learning both grade four and grade five. So you would think going into grade five that we all would have been like stellar students, but three, five was my worst year. For sure. Speaker 0 00:20:30 It was tough. Like I think for all those educators out there, if you're going to do a split class, the younger people in that class have to be the over nerds. And I say nerd in the most positive way possible enjoy school. That's cause you put a guy like me in the younger class and it is just torque. Speaker 2 00:20:53 And he's just going to convince all of his friends around him to do his home. Speaker 0 00:20:56 Gotcha. Right. So I guess, you know what keep doing it. Uh, I'm kind of successful. So it gave me good management skills the worst year for me in school, not because I did poorly class and my younger brother Allister was in the class with me and he's a super genius and he all year crushed me. It wasn't a surprise. We all knew it was going to happen. But the level that he would destroy me on everything was straight up embarrassing blow to your confidence. Oh man. But my parents and big shout out to Greg and Pam Pierre, uh, they sat us down at the beginning of the year and they said our expectation level of U2 are different. Speaker 0 00:21:47 Yeah. So, and they told her kind of where they expected us to fall in and they said Elliot, or they said, or don't make fun or pick on your older brother. Cause you're going to devastate them in marks. And, but Allister is not, I just tease people. Um, but uh, then they looked at me and he was like, no, I want mom and dad. And then looked to me like Elliott and fizz ed, you are going to dominate, do not pick on your brother and you need to help him. And I was like, oh man. So all right, fine. So yeah, they laid out the expectation, but every everything Speaker 2 00:22:27 It's actually kind of shocking that a school made that decision. I know you guys in the same class, right? Yeah. Speaker 0 00:22:32 It was like, thank goodness. Like we were talking about it before. My parents raised us with confidence. We're all three peers. We're pretty confident individuals. Thank goodness. Cause that would have devastated a kid to be crushed that human, like it was humiliating how badly he would crush me every day as my younger brother. So now let's talk about your younger sister. So she's best friends with my little sister when they were back in the day. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:22:57 Well we all used to dance together, so, and uh, your sister and my sister were I think in the same dance classes. Speaker 0 00:23:04 Yeah. So what is she up to? I see her online, but I don't know what she's up to. Speaker 2 00:23:08 She is married, uh, four kids. She is like the polar opposite of me in every way. Shape and form. We're kids. Four kids. Yeah. A blended family. Like her husband has a kid from another relationship. So yeah. They've got four kids are living just outside of Edmonton. Speaker 0 00:23:27 Wow. That's awesome. Yeah. So you don't need, like, you got your built in Speaker 2 00:23:30 Auntie. I it's perfect. She had four, you know the average is two per household. Yeah. She's already good. Yeah. She's just ticked the list for me. So it's perfect. Speaker 0 00:23:39 And next question, I hope your parents won't mind. I'm going to ask what are your parents up to? Cause I think they still live in that house in my head Speaker 2 00:23:48 Actually. It's so funny. Every time I drive by our old house, I keep saying to Mike, you know, if slash, when we ever leave Fort McMurray, I'm knocking on that door and I want to see my old bedroom. Yeah, no. My parents are currently in, uh, the whole pandemic world. They're in prince Edward island. They have a cottage there they've been there since last April. I believe they came back from Phoenix. Normally they do winters in Phoenix and then summers and prince Edward island. Um, this last year, obviously they weren't. Yep. Is Mike from PAI? He's from Cape Breton. Cape Breton. You guys got married in the east coast. We got married at my parents. Cottage NPI. Yep. Yep. Actually I think within like a week of you guys getting married. Yeah. I think we're super close. We're super close. Speaker 0 00:24:35 Yeah. Yeah. I knew, I knew it was in PI, so that's where they retired. That's awesome. I love Speaker 2 00:24:40 PEI, such a beautiful spot. They have a spot literally overlooking the water, the beach. They've got a set of stairs that just go down to the beach. It's really lovely. It's where my dad grew up. It's his hometown. They found a little place and yeah. It's like home away from home now actually. Yeah, yeah, Speaker 0 00:24:58 Yeah. No. Uh, your home is still that blue house. Um, we have a buddy, uh, James Doherty. He lives just down from this, down from that place. And I go to his house often prior to the pandemic. Actually. Haven't seen James since February throwing it out there. Me and James are following these rules to the letter. It's killing me. Now you can have 20 people outside. I know James Doherty. I'm looking at you. Um, but yeah, every time I go to James's house, I swear. And I have to like tell my brain. She doesn't live there anymore. And I know where your new houses and I've drive by that sometimes. And it's like, it doesn't even exist. You know, when you drive by, somebody tells you that you look to see if they're there never look at that house. Always look at your old house to see if you're still there. Speaker 2 00:25:40 Yeah. Always. I mean, people obviously that we grew up with and nobody is left in Beaconsfield really at all. No, except for my parents. The same Speaker 0 00:25:49 House. Yeah. You moved back. I wish. All right, Tanner, we're going overboard. That's okay. Please hit Jillian with the Mac city minute. Tanner's Mac city minute. Oh my goodness. Speaker 4 00:25:58 All right. Question number one. What is one of your favorite high school memories with Elliot? Speaker 2 00:26:04 Um, let's see. The first thing that popped into my mind is really not something I should be sharing on here, but it was a house party at a friend's house. And I think in like grade 10 or 11 Speaker 0 00:26:17 Who's house party, Darren waters. Yep. I know exactly what party we're talking about. That was a good party. Speaker 4 00:26:25 Uh, question number two. What is your favorite way to spend a hot summer day like today? Speaker 2 00:26:30 Oh, I just like to be out on my deck and in nature, Speaker 4 00:26:34 Question number three. What is your favorite way to treat yourself well on your diet? Speaker 2 00:26:40 Oh, open up in a bottle bottle of wine. Speaker 4 00:26:44 Question number four. What is your favorite snack to eat when enjoying your wine? Charcuterie? What kind? What's that? Speaker 2 00:26:52 Oh, I go gourmet. Like I'm talking like $15 cheeses and I don't eat pork. So, you know, Turkey, salami or things like that. And I love jellies. And marmalades question Speaker 4 00:27:05 Number five. What is the best part of living in a place with so many people you grew up with? Speaker 2 00:27:11 I actually find now that there's a lot less, that we than what we grew up with. So, um, and you know, like it's great to be friendly when we see each other around town, but I don't really hang out with a lot of people that I grew up with. The people that I grew up with really have a left. Yeah. So a lot of the friendships that I've made have either been through, you know, my work now or friends that I met through various jobs throughout the years. Um, and then even like old friends of ours, the mass Exodus has kind of started to happen. And like old friends of ours literally left with in like the last two weeks. Never thought in a million years they would leave. So, yup. It's just crazy. Speaker 0 00:27:55 We're not going to name, drop them here, but we're going to talk about after this goes off, sorry guys, you're going to have to subscribe for the after hours. Show Speaker 5 00:28:02 Are only, fans are only found your five questions. Speaker 2 00:28:07 There you go. Awesome. Yeah. Yeah. It Speaker 0 00:28:10 Is one of those things where like, I think it's worse for girls and guys, most of the guys stayed here. Yeah. Most of the girls moved away and went to other places. Right. So, but that being said, I'm the same way. Like a lot of the guys that I use, you just get older, it's a sad thing. You just get older and you're in different directions. That's right. That's exactly it. And the kids and everything else. And the one thing that I think is a, it's a, it's a blessing and a curse is social media. Oh yeah. Because Speaker 2 00:28:38 You're so up to date on everyone. You don't have to see them. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:28:40 That's right. So yeah. You just know it's like, and so, oh, I know we're going over, but we got to talk about this. This is the last topic and then we'll cut it. Okay. Tana. I see him like, dude, wrap it up. It is our 20th reunion. It just passed. Yep. So it's all. So we have been graduated from high school for over 20 years by a few days. Yep. That is crazy 20 years. Speaker 2 00:29:11 I don't feel like we're that old. Speaker 0 00:29:13 I don't feel it either. That's right. Like the fact that you said there's a party and I can't talk about it. And I was like, it was at Darren loners. I was just like, yeah, I remember it. That happened yesterday. I was there. I can't remember what outfit I had on me. So, but yeah, 20 years since we graduated and because of Facebook, there wasn't even a group that was just like, Hey, let's do a reunion and a pandemic and whatever. But yeah, because of social media, like yeah. You know what people are doing, you know what they look like, you know, what their kids look like. And yeah, Speaker 2 00:29:40 It's real easy. Catch up with somebody. I mean, I'm not really on Facebook, so I don't have all of the nitty-gritty details, but I mean yeah. Hmm. Speaker 0 00:29:46 You figured it out. Yeah. The cool thing about me and this show is since I started putting myself online and making like those videos I used to make and doing this so many of the old school people have reached out to me. I just feel like, Hey man, I see videos cool. This, that, and the other. So big shout out to two in particular, who were like my oldest friends that like totally grew apart from Kaylin young, Speaker 2 00:30:11 Um, Robbie Egan. I think you sent them on the last episode Speaker 0 00:30:15 Where we go and they probably like, they're like super important, super important. And I swear when this pandemic is over, like, and I can like, hang out with other people again, I'm going to Hampton. I mean, well, Speaker 2 00:30:26 Way back in the day. Yeah. I still remember going to his, I think it was his like 13th or 14th birthday party at the nomad when it had the pool. Oh, right. That was cool. Not anymore. Speaker 0 00:30:41 That's right. It doesn't have that anymore. On that note. We're done Jillian. Okay. Tanner, just question. What are we at from at, time-wise be one minutes. Speaker 4 00:30:52 I think we broke the record, but we're pretty close with the outro and the end, the shameless plug, I guess we'll Speaker 0 00:30:58 Have to see. Okay. Well, Jillian, I'm just gonna have Speaker 2 00:31:01 To like tune in more and more and like get the likes on this one up. Because if you want me to come back and dish some more about old school stuff. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:31:09 This is it. You didn't even get it. Like we talked about, like I kept it in Dickens field. I've got a list of things from fall. The merch that I would like to talk about. And that's when things for both of us really got interesting story. So Hey, like the video got her back. We'll talk about merch next time. Okay. Gillian shameless plug. Who do you want to say hi to you? What do you want to talk about? Speaker 2 00:31:29 You know what, since you brought up 20 years happy, 20 year reunion time, I guess grad class of 2001. Speaker 0 00:31:38 There we go. Awesome. Well, everybody at home. Thank you. This has been the Mac city morning show. I'm pretty sure by the time I'm done talking, this will be the longest episode that we've ever done. Hopefully you've enjoyed it. I know I have. Hopefully you're having a great day and we'll see you tomorrow. Peace. Speaker 1 00:31:53 I just dies at desk. It's another maxi morning show. Speaker 5 00:32:10 Talk about quenching your ugly thirst.

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