Episode Transcript
Speaker 0 00:00:01 The morning, Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You've tuned into the Mac city morning show. I am your host Elliot Pierre, and we're going to start this episode off the same way we start every episode off with a moment of gratitude. I know you could be doing a million other things with your time. So the fact that you're spending with us truly does mean the world to me. So thank you on that note, Tanner hidden with the intro.
Speaker 1 00:00:21 She caught me loves you're listening to the next city morning show.
Speaker 0 00:00:25 <inaudible> all right. So we're back and I'm excited about today's episode because they are guests brought a piece of art and I heard some treats as well. So that's always going to be fun. Um, as everybody knows at home, I don't introduce my guests. I let them do that themselves. Um, cause they can do a better job than I. So on that note, can you please introduce yourself to everybody at home and tell them what you're about
Speaker 2 00:00:48 Morning? My name is Alexandra Tara Sinco. I've been a resident of Fort McMurray for over 10 years now and I'm volunteering country for the welcome center, wor working with four and with newcomers and immigrants in our community.
Speaker 0 00:00:59 Okay, great. And you're also here to promote a, a fundraiser that's taken place
Speaker 2 00:01:04 And that's right. The reason why I'm here today is basically to promote a concert fundraiser that we're running for two local families that are in a big need. And they that were affected basic by cancer. We're a mother in one family and the father in another family were diagnosed with stage four cancer. And they were really in a situation where they do not have any extra means to keep going. And they do need a lot more basically to, to fight that situation.
Speaker 0 00:01:32 So what is this a fundraiser taking place?
Speaker 2 00:01:35 The fundraiser is happening this Saturday. That's actually September 25th or 25th. Yes. From 12 to 5:00 PM. Okay. We originally planned it as an indoor event, but then we had to adjust it, have to be flexible. So now it is outdoors. And I was looking at the forecast though, wherever looks really nice,
Speaker 0 00:01:54 Beautiful yesterday. So where's this event taking place and what what's happening at the event, it's a concert, a music concert.
Speaker 2 00:02:01 Uh, it is a concert. We're the local kids talents. Uh, teachers will be playing piano guitar. And that was an idea from a local music teacher. Actually our kids' teacher organize something like that. And to raise some funds for this families, there will be the concert and it will be outside of middle Creek village, community hall. That's in, Timberly on millennium gate 1, 5, 2 millennium gate. We will be also running a bake sale and a silent auction. So the silent auction, we also adjusted it. It will have to go online. We'll do it online. Basically people will be bidding online and we'll be able to get their stuff, uh, well beat for it, do the final bid online, but then they will be able to see the items, uh, kind of life in the community hall. We'll have to follow over rules of course, and regulations in place, but it will be there. And the bake sale will be outside as well. The bake sale is another thing, which I'm the real about because we've got, I think over like 10 bakers will local people from different cultures like Egypt, Lebanon, uh, we have from India. Well of course Russia, Ukraine, uh, you name it and these are all local desserts. So this is going to be really, really amazing.
Speaker 0 00:03:20 Right? And you've brought a piece of artwork, Tanner, if you want to hit it up for me on the, I have
Speaker 2 00:03:24 Been hitting it up.
Speaker 0 00:03:26 So this is a local artist. Can you tell us a little bit about this for the people at home?
Speaker 2 00:03:30 Sure. And you know, uh, we've got quite a few, uh, silent auction items. They were donated by local, mostly artists, but then just people, some businessmen, we have, uh, like a training certificate from Bowman's martial arts. We have, uh, like a family photo session from a local, uh, uh, photographer. This was donated by a local artist. His name is <inaudible>. He teaches actually art lessons at Secora Suncor energy center for performing arts. He teaches adults, kids, and he's an amazing teacher. So this is one of his early works and he gave it to us. He said, this was part of Alberta, mobile art exhibition. And it traveled basically throughout all of Alberta to meet why I chose this picture. If you look at it, you might, you know, recognize what place it is. And you know, some people did guess that's actually the chess park. What's not the chess park in Dickens field. And that's a dear place to us because we were involved in the chess club for many years with the kids and with its founder. Gina.
Speaker 0 00:04:30 Yeah, I got it on my second. Guess you did second guess I knew where it was and I know the house that's in the background. I, uh, I grew up in Dickinson seal for everybody at home. Oh, oh nice. Yeah. And I'm not going to give away my parents' address, but they still live there. So I spent a lot of time in and fields. Yeah. Maybe, Hey, I'm going to bid on it. I'm not even joking. So that's why I was asking about the starting bid price and whatnot. Cause I, I would love to have that if I'm being a hundred percent honest, I'll be sticking in the office upstairs. So cool. So you've been here for 10 years? Yes. Where are you from
Speaker 2 00:05:02 Originally? Well, originally it's a small country in Eastern Europe. It's called Moldova, neighboring Ukraine and Romania. Okay. So we speak Romanian and Russian that's part of us USSR heritage and, uh, Romanian is the national language. Okay. Shall language. So
Speaker 0 00:05:20 What brought you to Fort McMurray
Speaker 2 00:05:22 To Fort McMurray? Yeah. That's a pretty
Speaker 0 00:05:24 Far flight.
Speaker 2 00:05:25 Well it's family actually. We had my brother-in-law living here and we lived in Montreal at that time. So we just came to join the family and we stayed.
Speaker 0 00:05:35 Okay. That's awesome.
Speaker 2 00:05:37 Well, you wouldn't believe it. After the fire, we actually moved to BC for two years to Kelowna, but we came back.
Speaker 0 00:05:45 You came back from Colona to Fort McMurray. Okay. So Montreal is beautiful for one Colona. I've never been, but I hear it's breathtaking. Um, now I'm a, I'm a big fan of Fort McMurray, born and raised out of all these places that you lived in. Like what about Fort McMurray brought you back to the committee?
Speaker 2 00:06:00 We really miss the community, but my husband was commuting and that wasn't really the best thing that could be for the family. I really didn't enjoy that with that in mind, we really felt that we couldn't really make our, make it home. Let's say it was, it's a beautiful town. We met some wonderful people, amazing people there yet. We felt like we missed this community, right. Because, because of the same thing, the reason why I'm here, it's an amazing community where people are really, you know, uh, they are open with an, with an open heart. They come to help. If there is a need then, you know, for any reason, I think people are so open. And um, uh, I don't know how there is a community spirit. There is a sense of belonging. I think the sense of belonging, that's what I'm talking about. Right. You feel like you're in the right place. So I think that's what I was missing back there.
Speaker 0 00:06:55 So that's great. Now the center that you work out well, what are they all about? What you do for
Speaker 2 00:07:00 The welcome center? Well, the welcome center, uh, is an initiative of agencies that are, uh, helping newcomers and immigrants. And it's called newcomers inter-agency network. It came about like four years ago. And, uh, it's a center where people can come and find out about anything that they're kind of, if there is a need, they'll find the resources in the community because 1, 1, 1 problem that our agencies in town are struggling and we have so many resources. We have basically resources for any need like it, whether it's women, family, children, uh, whether it's housing or employment. The problem in Mo uh, most of the times is a marketing it's promotion of those event. And it's knowing where to go. So the welcome center was an idea basically, where you could come, it's a one-stop shop and you come with your needs. We do an assessment and see, what is it that you need are looking for a family doctor.
Speaker 2 00:07:52 You're looking for a piano teacher maybe, or a very, so many different needs. People are looking for cultural associations or these times is more employment. Of course, then you direct them to the agencies that would be able to help them. So that's the purpose. We don't basically do service, but we do referral. Okay. And that helps, you know, sometimes it seems to people quite a few years, even of wondering around right in the moment where you can get help, like when you need it, then you, you are able to move so much faster, especially as a newcomer or even as an immigrant, even more. Right.
Speaker 0 00:08:27 That's right. Especially if, like you said, if you're an immigrant and there's a language barrier, potentially even, um, where sometimes you just don't have access to some of like the basic amenities, like internet services when you first get here, you know, so,
Speaker 2 00:08:40 And there is places in town where you can do that. You can serve internet, you can go to the library, you can go to, uh, basically, uh, Alberta works. We can go to YMC downtown. You used to be able to do that, right. It's a little bit different these days, but there is still help available and should know that so many people
Speaker 0 00:08:56 Work at the center
Speaker 2 00:08:57 With you. It's just one person, one person with that in mind with that in mind though, the physical location has been closed since March, 2020, because the library has shut down. And then the office was used by the library. We're waiting to reopen physically yet because crust again. Well, uh, physically yet we are offering online services so people can still reach, meet us either via phone or email. We are on Facebook where we always post updates about what's going on. Any seminars, any events, anything that's available to help newcomers and immigrants. Okay,
Speaker 0 00:09:36 Cool. That's amazing. So how did you get involved with this organization or did you start it
Speaker 2 00:09:40 The welcome center? No, no, no, no. For sure. No, it wasn't an initiative of newcomer inter-agency network. It is run though by the multicultural association. Oh, that's, that's the key. And um, um, it that's basically it, the multicultural association is running it, right. Uh, we are waiting for the library to give us an answer. If no, we were going to be looking for other avenues in the community. It has to be the important thing. It has to be a place where everyone would go at some point and you know, McFarland is a great point because everyone in this community is sooner or later we'll get there. Yeah. So it has to be a pretty public place for the welcome center. Yeah, for sure. Cool.
Speaker 0 00:10:21 Well, listen, we're at the part of the show called, uh, the Mac CD minute. This is Tanner segment. He's going to ask you some questions. I don't know what he's going to ask you, so I wish you nothing, but the best of luck Tanner hit her with the max 30 minute.
Speaker 3 00:10:33 Alrighty. Question number one for you today. What is the most rewarding part of working with newcomers in Fort McMurray to you?
Speaker 2 00:10:43 The most rewarding part is when there is a challenge and you know, the person is struggling so much and has been struggling so much to overcome this challenge. And then when you give a piece of advisor referral or, uh, you just, uh, give some piece of information, which seems to be like very small, but then it produces results and it helps the person overcome the situation. And in one case for me, it was someone being coming from being homeless to and living in a shelter to finding employment and finding his own place to live. That's the most rewarding for sure.
Speaker 3 00:11:16 Question number two. What is your favorite dessert dish from your childhood?
Speaker 2 00:11:22 Oh, I do. I love, oh, well basically I really like this cake, which is called Napoleon cake. Okay. It's made with, um, puff pastry and the custard cream in the middle and I can make it for you one time. Oh, absolutely. Absolutely.
Speaker 0 00:11:39 Yes.
Speaker 2 00:11:41 With that in mind, with that in mind for the big sale can interfere. Yeah. Yeah, because they said it had some good. So I was just like, I will promote our bake sale a little bit. We made this, um, this cookies, which has got Walnut cookies. It's like a Walnut, but it has a special feeling inside. Give it to try it. And we'll have, we'll have those at the bake sale. I want to see
Speaker 0 00:12:02 This reaction.
Speaker 3 00:12:08 Thank you. Okay.
Speaker 2 00:12:10 Do you want to try it now? Are you going to try it later
Speaker 0 00:12:13 So I can just bite into this. This is not a nut.
Speaker 2 00:12:15 It's crunchy though. It's crunchy, but it's not a nut. It's a cookie. It has walnuts insights or allergy alert. We can make it without
Speaker 0 00:12:24 Oh, Johnny. Isn't this amazing. This is fantastic. Really good.
Speaker 2 00:12:28 Well, we have a tricks.
Speaker 0 00:12:30 Well, thank you. I hope you're not hoping for me to give this back to you. Cause I'm going to, we're going to eat all the
Speaker 2 00:12:37 Sneak peak into the bake bake sale.
Speaker 0 00:12:41 Okay. Doing
Speaker 3 00:12:43 Normally. Okay. I'll finish that after. That was a good question question. Yes. Thank you. Question number three. What is one thing that the people of Moldova and Canada sharing common
Speaker 2 00:13:00 Ukrainian dances, and you can see my t-shirt.
Speaker 0 00:13:05 We
Speaker 2 00:13:05 Actually are part of Ukrainian cultural society and go to the dance club and the dance is, are starting tonight. It's a free trial. You can give it a try. Well tonight. Yeah. Yes. Uh, it's 7:00 PM at Kiana college. You can, you can just come and see if that's something for you to try it and you don't have to be Ukrainian to dance with Ukrainian cultural society. Bring in dances. Cool. You will become one eventually
Speaker 3 00:13:35 With enough dough, question number four for you. What is one story from helping new comers to Canada that stands out for you?
Speaker 2 00:13:46 Well, I mentioned earlier, it was this individual who came and he came from Montreal, basically flying in and thinking he was going to get a job next day because he was told. So it's so easy. Right? And it took him actually four months before he got a job. So he was living in a shelter and was really, really down, um, morally because he needed to also send money to his family back home. Right. So I was really, really happy when after many struggles, this individual was able to find employment, finding employment was the key. And that was almost like going and knocking so many doors because if you are new here and you don't have any connections, it's sometimes gets really, really challenging. People think that it is easy, but it's not anymore. And then, uh, then it becomes a struggle when you are left on the street homeless.
Speaker 3 00:14:35 And your final question, what is one thing that stands out to you from your first day in Canada?
Speaker 2 00:14:43 Oh, well, first in Canada, that it's the, actually the phrase that we've wet that heard it said welcome to Canada. There was like,
Speaker 0 00:14:59 Oh, that's okay.
Speaker 2 00:15:04 You know, it's something that you can't really explain. It's like welcome home.
Speaker 0 00:15:09 Right. Oh, that's awesome. And those have been your five questions. That sweet moment. That's great. No need to apologize. All right. I, I wish we had some Kleenex to give you, but yeah, maybe you do know you're you gotta sit back. We're not done. No, you're not done yet. We got, we're going to keep filming towners, looking for some Kleenex for you. Sweet. Yeah, there we go. That's the quote. That's the closest you're going to get. Yeah. Oh, I love it. Yeah. You thought we were done. Her makeup is gonna, there you go. That's okay. So yeah, this is, yeah. This is a first, I love how she thought we were going to stop filming. No, not a chance. That's not how we roll. So let's talk about another topic, but that was really sweet. Thank you for sharing that moment with us. It was very sorry about that. No worries. So let's talk about this dancing here. So how long have you been dancing?
Speaker 2 00:16:15 Well, we've been dancing for three years now. Yeah. And unfortunately last year we didn't have many chances to rehearse because of a situation. And we really miss that. The dance club is an amazing club. You can imagine the teacher comes the whole way from Edmonton every week. Oh, that's quite a commitment, actually, three teachers, three teachers coming commuting just for one day to just be able to teach those classes. Cause it's two, two days a week. It's Tuesdays and Saturdays. So, and the teacher was actually given them. He was awarded as the best teacher in Alberta, I think for Ukrainian dance. So he is a really good teacher, a very great choreographer. And um, and it's a really great company. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:17:00 Okay. Very cool. And so if people wanted to get involved with, uh, that dancing, how, how, who do they contact? How do they get in contact with you guys?
Speaker 2 00:17:07 Well, I think you just, I didn't get, I didn't come prepared with the website, but if you just Google Ukrainian cultural society, Fort McMurray, it will give you the details. And it's on Facebook all for tonight, there is like a free trial and you can try a couple of days maybe to see if that's something for you that you will be able to deal with. Some people come and they find it too challenging sometimes, yet don't get disheartened. It takes a couple of months. It takes a couple of months because people dancing are different levels. That's right. Skills. And then you learn a dance together. So you, everyone takes it from zero. You start from zero and you take it to where you are able to do a group dance. And that's really beautiful. Yep. So everything is online. You can just Google Ukrainian cultural society, Fort McMurray.
Speaker 0 00:17:56 Okay. And how did you get involved? Have you been dancing for a long time?
Speaker 2 00:18:00 Well, you mean in here or general
Speaker 0 00:18:02 In general? You, you personally,
Speaker 2 00:18:04 Well, in general, me and my husband, we actually danced at a club in Moldova. We did Moldova and dancing. That's why Ukrainian dances are so close to our hearts because they have a lot of dances that are geographically close to ours because the regions, they are kind of closing the dens the same. They have the same choreography, same rhythms for, we almost feel like home. Yeah. And we just to give her and our kids dance as well.
Speaker 0 00:18:31 That's a family event. Yes, that's right. All right. Okay. Well, listen, that's your 20 minutes flew. You were nervous about nothing. So before everybody leaves, though, they get a shameless shout out or plug. I'm assuming you're going to want to plug the events that you have going on this weekend. So one more time, please tell everybody what's going on, where they are, where it's at,
Speaker 2 00:18:51 Please. W uh, the 25th, sorry, sorry. September 25th. From 12 to 5:00 PM. It's going to be an outdoor concert. It's going to be a bake sale and a silent auction to raise money for two local families affected by cancer. And if you just Google support for Matt and Olga on Facebook, you will see the event. Or if you go on events on Facebook, it is on Facebook and it is on event bright. Okay. Really appreciate your help. And thank you. This is an amazing community. We love you.
Speaker 0 00:19:20 There we go. Awesome. Well thank you for, come on show and feel free to come back as many times as you want. So
Speaker 2 00:19:28 Any, give me any information I can share. That's
Speaker 0 00:19:30 Exactly it. Awesome. I love
Speaker 2 00:19:32 A chess club.
Speaker 0 00:19:33 There you go. Exactly. So you'll be back again and now, you know, it's not that, uh, not that big video.
Speaker 2 00:19:38 Thank you. Cool.
Speaker 0 00:19:39 All right. Well Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. That's been another episode of the Mac city morning show. Thank you so much for tuning in. It really does mean the world to me. I hope you're having a great day and we'll see you tomorrow. Peace.