Mac City Morning Show #212: John Sheppard from The Remnants

Episode 212 November 16, 2021 00:07:14
Mac City Morning Show #212: John Sheppard from The Remnants
The Mac City Morning Show
Mac City Morning Show #212: John Sheppard from The Remnants

Nov 16 2021 | 00:07:14


Show Notes

John Sheppard from the band The Remnants is on the show today! John and his band were playing this summer at Rib Fest.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Good morning for me, Murray wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You've tuned in to the Mac city morning show. I'm your host, Elliot Pierre. And we're going to start this show off the same way we start every show off with a moment of gratitude. I know you could be doing a million other things with your time. So the fact that you're spending with us truly does mean the world to me on that note, Tanner hit him with the intro Speaker 0 00:00:30 Okay. And we're back. As you can see, we are not on the set of the Mac city morning show. We are down at rib Fest, big shout out to all the sponsors, all the volunteers and Dennis, and for making this happen. Thank you so much as everybody at home knows, I don't introduce my guests. I let them do that themselves. So on that note, sir, can you please tell everybody at home who you are and what you're about? Speaker 2 00:00:50 So my name is John Shepherd and I'm here to play some music with the band, the remnants. Oh, Speaker 0 00:00:55 Hey, nice. What kind of music do you play? Speaker 2 00:00:58 So we got a little mix of a little bit of eighties and we're going to throw in some east coast, uh, music as well. Cause it won't be a Fort McMurray rib Fest without some east coast Speaker 0 00:01:09 Where he was built with people from the east coast. Yeah. So what, uh, what do you do in the band? Are you the singer? You are the guitarist. You're like, what's your Speaker 2 00:01:17 Role singing? I play rhythm guitar mostly. Okay. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:01:20 How'd you get into music? Speaker 2 00:01:22 I was always interested in it for me, young age and uh, when I moved to Fort McMurray over 15 years ago, I kinda got more into it. Yeah. And, uh, kind of just built from there. Speaker 0 00:01:33 Okay. So the crew that you have right now, how long have you guys been playing together Speaker 2 00:01:36 With these guys? At least four years. Some of them a little bit longer. So we're a little mix of different bands kind of. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:01:43 Yeah. And so do you guys primarily like have gigs here in Fort McMurray or you guys go on the road and stuff? Speaker 2 00:01:48 Mostly in Fort McMurray? Yeah. Okay. Speaker 0 00:01:50 That's awesome. So on a full-time basis, Speaker 2 00:01:53 What do you do? So I'm a manager of a welding and inspection company called Iris in new T O Speaker 0 00:01:59 I don't know who you are. I don't know that company. Yeah. Yeah, he's too. Um, I used to be the HR manager for accurate. Okay. Right. So I know the industry that you're in very well. Very cool. How's business going for you? Speaker 2 00:02:09 That's been a busy, a busy fall. So Speaker 0 00:02:13 A lot of testing turnaround season. Yep. Okay. So now in regards to your guitar, do you remember when you first got started? Was it your dad, your uncle and grandfather, like he got you into client? Speaker 2 00:02:24 I don't really have a lot of family members that are really music musicians. So I kind of just had an interest since I was kid and yeah. Picked it up probably in high school. And then after that, um, I just kept kept at it, but never got really serious until I got the phone of Murray early. Speaker 0 00:02:41 What are your, uh, what did you family think about this past time? Speaker 2 00:02:45 Really? Speaker 0 00:02:47 They must be proud, man. You going on a big stage tonight? This is a big deal. Speaker 2 00:02:50 It's going to be fun. It's deciding for Speaker 0 00:02:52 Sure. Do you have family in Fort McMurray that they stayed back east? Speaker 2 00:02:55 I do have some family areas. Okay. Speaker 0 00:02:57 Hopefully they're out cheering you on tonight. Ah, Speaker 2 00:02:59 Yeah. Hopefully there's somebody that I know around Speaker 0 00:03:04 Now in regards to like music, like genre music. I know what you guys play. What do you normally listen to when you're at home? Speaker 2 00:03:12 A bit of everything, honestly, from rock to country. Uh, I'm really into Celtic music as well. Okay. So I do listen to a lot of that's mostly around St. Patrick's time, but Speaker 0 00:03:23 Yeah, my, uh, my in-laws are from Ireland. That's where they're originally. They hail from where do you find Celtic music? Speaker 2 00:03:31 I just, I just love it. Yeah. I find it the best. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:03:35 I don't like, I know they have CDs, but like are there like Celtic bands? Like big Celtic fans. Okay. Huh? I'm going to have to do research. I only get to hear that music, like during St. Patty's day or like I've been to Ireland. Obviously they play it in certain bars there as well, but I don't think I've ever met anybody. Who's like jamming out to Celtic music in their downtime. That's cool, man. All right. Now there's a part of the show here called the Mac CD minutes. Now usually Tanner is here to ask the questions for the max city minute. He's not here for certain episodes. I've been trying to channel my inner Tanner. So I'm going to ask you some questions best of luck to you. So I'm going to channel my Tanner vibe. So first question from Tanner would be you came from the east coast. You've been at foreman Marie for a long time. Now, what keeps you here? Speaker 2 00:04:24 Uh, you know, it grew on me. Uh, the first five years I was, I worked really pretty much all the time. And then after that start getting more friends and more friends. So then friends and family really kept me here and work for. So Speaker 0 00:04:39 My next question would be, if you could play at any venue in the world, what would that venue be? Speaker 2 00:04:46 Rib Speaker 0 00:04:46 Fest. Rib Fest. Okay. Big shout out to Dennis. I like it. Okay. Now in regards to a guitar, is there a guitar that you can't wait to get your hands on a dream guitar? Speaker 2 00:04:58 I'm going to say that I already have it and then you'll see me using it tonight. Okay. Speaker 0 00:05:04 That's going to be a secret. You got a while. You're going to see this is going to air afterwards. So this is afterwards. Tell the guys a little women and girls, what kind of guitar are you? Speaker 2 00:05:11 Yeah, so it's a larvae, which was it's made in Canada. Uh, and the one I'm going to be using mostly nights in 1980 Larrabee and it's, uh, it was made on Vancouver island. They later moved to the U S and uh, as they got bigger, of course. Oh, the one I got is a 1980 made in Canada. Speaker 0 00:05:31 That's awesome, man. Yeah. Okay. Fourth question. As far as the ribs are concerned here, we have a few different vendors. Do you have a favorite vendor? Currently? I've red Fest. Speaker 2 00:05:42 So I think I've tried a few so far. Yeah. Uh, last year and the year before. Of course, but I can't say I do have a favorite. Speaker 0 00:05:50 No. Okay. You just seen all of them. It's all good. I love rooms. Okay. There we go. All right. And last question. If you could play any song or what is, what is your favorite song to play? It's been the last 10 or questions for him? Speaker 2 00:06:04 Well, I dunno, there's just too many twos, too many. Speaker 0 00:06:08 Alright. That's okay. 80 genre. You think? Might we be here tonight? Speaker 2 00:06:13 It might be here tonight. Okay. Speaker 0 00:06:14 Well listen, boys and girls, if you're at home, you missed out on the concert. Hopefully it didn't. But if you were here, you heard his favorite song. All right, man. Well, that's the end of it. Short and sweet. It wasn't that hard at the end of the show though, everybody gets the shit in the shout out shameless plug. So the Mike's on you, the camera's on you take it away. Speaker 2 00:06:31 So we, I show it to red Fest and all those sponsors and, uh, for, for litmus to have a little bit of fun here today, and we're really excited to, uh, to, uh, play some Speaker 0 00:06:41 Music. There we go. Awesome man. Well, Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. Once again, thank you so much for tuning in. I really do appreciate it. Hopefully you're having a great day and we'll see you tomorrow. P Speaker 3 00:06:54 And or Wade, and another morning show. Speaker 5 00:07:11 Yeah. Talk about quenching your ugly thirsty.

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