Episode Transcript
Speaker 0 00:00:00 Good morning, Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You tuned into the maxi CD morning show. I'm your host Elliot Pierre. We're going to start the show off the same way we start every episode off with a moment of gratitude. I know you could be doing a million other things with your time. So the fact that you spent with us truly does mean the world to me. So thank you on that note, Tanner hidden with you at truck
Speaker 0 00:00:29 All right. And we're back. As you can see, this is not the Mac city morning show set. That being said, I sit on a green chair and I'm sitting on a green field. As you also know, I don't introduce my guests because they could do a better job at that than myself. So on that note, sir, can you please tell everybody at home who you are and what you're about?
Speaker 2 00:00:46 Yeah. Sarah, thanks, Elliot. Glad to be back in my home turf, kind of, I would say stomping grounds here. Kyle Warren, the president of the wood, Buffalo disc golf association. That's the hat I'm wearing today. Figuratively, we're playing disc golf here. We got our winter pudding league going on and we, uh, we do four events throughout the night here. We'll start off with like a straight up putting your, just within circle one, we call it. So you're within 30 feet, three different spots. So you get five disks in each spot and then you get a score at a 15 for that. And then we move along through a short course, which these guys are starting to do here now. And he moves through nine shorter whole baskets. And, um, try it. So obviously for some people may not know a disc golf is really we're throwing these disks and you're trying to get it in those baskets, hit the chains and land in the wire basket.
Speaker 2 00:01:39 And that's how you hold out. So during that short course, uh, since they're shorter, we just make them a par two, which is technically not what you would do on a big, bigger course. But, uh, since we're smaller, it's easier to keep track of because most people are getting a birdie. So you're, you're either like one above or one below. And you kind of track your score through that. And then we'll do a kind of, what's like a horseshoes game. They're a part like, uh, about 30 feet, two baskets, and you got teams or you play against each other throw back and forth kind of thing. And collect points like, uh, one point for hitting metal, two points for hitting the chains and three points for getting it in. But if your, your two disks each, each way going back, can you try and fight till they get to 21?
Speaker 2 00:02:20 Very cool. And I kind of like her shoes and then a last event, I'm forgetting something full, uh, kind of like horse or escape. If you're a skateboarder. Yeah. You do a put, we call it or putts depending on the night. Right, right. And you, so you collect up to, uh, uh, five letters and, uh, once you're got five letters you're out and he's personal challenge is like, you gotta do this, throw to that basket and you get two desks and your furthest one away. If you miss both of them, you have to put from that one as like a retribution. Right. If everyone else makes. So yeah. And then if you make them both, you can give everyone two letters. If right. So
Speaker 0 00:03:00 Last time you, you were on the show, you were saying, uh, from an outdoor standpoint, you were describing going outside and playing in lion's park. Yeah. So there's two different options that you can do then you can play in park, which is outdoors, which yeah. Especially during this temperature, like, yeah. There's not a, you don't want to Daisy people,
Speaker 2 00:03:20 But then
Speaker 0 00:03:20 You can also like bring people inside and play. Yeah. Here in the,
Speaker 2 00:03:23 This is like our league during the winter, I track the scores throughout the year and give people percentage and place them where they were. Uh, so yeah, on that note where we only pay five bucks to can, or this through sport and wellness here, which is awesome. They, they made a program with us. He'd shut up, Tim Keegan, one of the program directors there. And uh, so he set this up for us where we worked out a, a program and yeah, you can just pay them five bucks to drop in. And then to our club, you can pay five bucks and we'll track your scores throughout the year. If you want to win a disk each night.
Speaker 0 00:03:55 Well, for the competitive scores. Yeah. That's all inside. Yeah. Yeah. But the outside stuff, that's just for the love of
Speaker 2 00:04:01 The game. Well, in the summer we do a league,
Speaker 0 00:04:03 But I mean, in the winter
Speaker 2 00:04:04 Yeah. In the winter where there's not enough crazy people that run a league there, sadly, but there's a handful of us, maybe five or so, that will go out during the winter. I went out last a weekend for a night round and some of the spots are like, It feels like a bad dream. You're just, can't get your footing. Right. Trekking through the snow. That's right. And it's a bit of a workout and what we'll play at night, it's beautiful in lion's park is, you know, with all the lights and we'll put some ribbons on her disks. So if it goes into deep snow, we can try to find it. But yeah.
Speaker 0 00:04:35 So what I noticed with the individuals you have here tonight, though, it's all range here. We have a young little guy playing back there. We have some adults. Um, yeah. It's, uh, it's a good range of individuals that come out to play this.
Speaker 2 00:04:48 Yeah, for sure. Yeah. We got, uh, a huge diverse crew. I mean a youth league started up last year. Jen, I'm quite proud of. And we had, um, I think around 20 kids throughout the year that were participating. So hoping to grow that a little bit more, anyone who's interested, uh, I think we're going to keep it as Wednesday nights in the summer, again, come down to lions park and make a little shorter course for them. They only have to play it play like nine to 13 holes for seeing how everyone's feeling. Usually kids get a little bit yeah.
Speaker 0 00:05:17 A little squirrel.
Speaker 2 00:05:18 Yeah. They don't want to go to the park or whatever after
Speaker 0 00:05:20 That's right, exactly. Go to the park, get some ice cream.
Speaker 2 00:05:24 So Ben is one of the little guys here he's, uh, he's playing in our league and doing great. He's he's in like the top, top three usually. And then the night's so
Speaker 0 00:05:34 Cool.
Speaker 2 00:05:34 I feel the snake has attention at one point here. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:05:36 And we will get them on. Well, listen, these episodes when we're on location a little bit shorter, nobody really takes me up on these offers at the end of the day. I'm like, Hey, invite me to your things. I'll come, I'll show up. And you and Tanner were hanging out and it's like, Hey man, we got invited to go down. Do you want to go like do some interviews and play? I was like, yeah, sure. Let's do it. So thank you very much for the invite. You guys really do appreciate it. Yeah. Big shout out to Kiana college for helping you put this on, but just like the Mac city morning show, when we're on set at the end of every episode, the guests can shameless shout out or plug. So you got the mic. We got the cameras. Kiano supplied. The lights have fun with it.
Speaker 2 00:06:12 Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Um, I mean, um, yeah, I had already, already gave Keegan a nice plug there. I really appreciate all the work he did to get us out here. We're we're pretty spoiled to have a venue like this. So yanno college, you guys rock. Thanks for helping us out. Syncrude sport and wellness. Come on down Monday nights, eight at 8:00 PM until about 10:00 PM. Sometimes push it till closer to close around 11:00 PM. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:06:38 Yeah. Very cool. Will do. Thanks for the invite, man. Really do appreciate it. And I can't wait to, uh, see,
Speaker 2 00:06:43 teach you some tricks
Speaker 0 00:06:46 Before Macquarie with Buffalo and the rest of the world. Thank you very much for tuning into another episode of the Mac city morning show. I hope you're having a great day and uh, we'll see you tomorrow. Peace
Speaker 3 00:06:59 And Daniel Wade. And another morning show later by us.
Speaker 4 00:07:07 You
Speaker 5 00:07:16 Talk about quenching your ugly thirsty.