Episode Transcript
Speaker 0 00:00:01 Good morning, Fort McMurray, wood, Buffalo, and the rest of the world. You've tuned into the Mac city morning show. I am your host Elliot Pierre, and we're going to start the show off the same way we start every episode off with a moment of gratitude. I know you can be doing a million other things with your time. And the fact that you spend with us truly does mean the world to me. So thank you on that note, Tanner
Speaker 4 00:00:31 Hey everybody, Keith Simpson here from there, Alpharetta, uh, just quick chat about, uh, the wonderful community we live in here. As you guys know, we support the El Behrens. We've joined the drive-in movie theater. We're involved in the marathon here in Fort McMurray and make sure we're taking care of the kids and all the local businesses, all the local charities and all the local foundations guys. That's what makes this community such an amazing place to live.
Speaker 0 00:00:57 All right. And we're back. Okay. So, uh, there's no guests today. It's just me and Tanner, and this is going to become a regular thing, Tanner that you and I are just going to do maybe once a week. But, uh,
Speaker 6 00:01:09 Is that for real this time? I think
Speaker 0 00:01:11 It's for real this time, like, we're going to try to make it for real, but these episodes, just for everybody watching right now, we will not be airing these episodes on Facebook. These are YouTube only episode. So I'm thinking Fridays or YouTube only episodes.
Speaker 6 00:01:26 I think, uh, I think that this one, well,
Speaker 0 00:01:30 The last one, yeah, last Friday,
Speaker 6 00:01:31 Sewed on Facebook.
Speaker 0 00:01:32 We're announcing it. This is the last 10 or an Elliot episode and or Friday episodes. I haven't decided we were still flushing out the concept, but I know like Tanner and Elliot episodes. YouTube,
Speaker 6 00:01:43 What day do you, what day do you, does the audience want the Tanner and Elliot episode on?
Speaker 0 00:01:49 Oh yeah. You guys message in the comment one. Would you like if we're thinking Friday, I think in Fridays or the YouTube only
Speaker 6 00:01:55 Episode we're Friday guys.
Speaker 0 00:01:56 So that's exactly it. So that's, what's happening. That's a big announcement. So we'll obviously share that these episodes are taking place on Facebook still. So people will be aware of it just in case you forget.
Speaker 6 00:02:09 I think we can link it on the Facebook. Can we? Yes,
Speaker 0 00:02:11 We can. But if you want to view the content, you got to watch a Tanner and Eliot episodes on YouTube
Speaker 6 00:02:19 Where you should subscribe.
Speaker 0 00:02:21 Yeah. And if you're not already subscribing on YouTube, come on. What are you doing? That's where you should be at definitely
Speaker 6 00:02:27 To be in the top ranking of our fans. You've got to be like us on all platforms.
Speaker 0 00:02:31 That's right. Yeah. That's what, when somebody says I'm a big fan. That's the next thing. When I ask, like what platforms you fall on us on?
Speaker 6 00:02:38 Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:02:39 Are you subscribed to be like, uh, listen, if you only liked us on Facebook, come on.
Speaker 6 00:02:44 I to get that up your game. I, uh, I think we need a new method of me signaling you when to come back from the intro. Cause now that I have my hand up so long, I can start to feel the blood rushing down.
Speaker 0 00:02:56 That's right. That's right. It's a longer intro, but a shout out to Norelle Toyota, fad Keith Nehmer, all the boys and girls down at NARAL for a sponsoring being the title sponsor to the show. We do appreciate it. So, uh, we're working on some other, uh, videos though. So it's, uh, it's not the same one that you'll be putting up all the time.
Speaker 6 00:03:14 Fantastic. But the one we have now is good, but it's, uh, it's a little wary on the heart.
Speaker 0 00:03:20 That's right. And I know, uh, watching the same thing over and over again, when you're editing kind of drives you a little bit crazy after a while,
Speaker 6 00:03:26 Just a little bit, you know, I don't have the luxury of our viewers to be able to choose to skip that part of the show.
Speaker 0 00:03:34 You know what, I'll watch it again and again and again.
Speaker 6 00:03:37 Yeah. I think that like forever, I'm just going to have our outro stuck in my head on a loop.
Speaker 0 00:03:44 Speaking of stuck in your head and on a loop, I watched the first episode of a show you were telling me about, um, upload me,
Speaker 6 00:03:51 Upload, uploaded,
Speaker 0 00:03:53 Uploaded yesterday.
Speaker 6 00:03:54 Yes. And
Speaker 0 00:03:56 Oh, I'm going to continue watching it.
Speaker 6 00:03:58 Do you like the concept? I
Speaker 0 00:03:59 Love the concept, but it's kind of slow,
Speaker 6 00:04:02 But episode two takes off. Okay.
Speaker 0 00:04:05 What hooked me is the fact that I believe that he's been set up don't, don't spoil it for me,
Speaker 6 00:04:14 Nor does anybody in the comments
Speaker 0 00:04:17 Don't spoil it for me. But if you watch the first episode, spoiler alert, I'm just giving my theory here. So
Speaker 6 00:04:26 Spoil, but he's about
Speaker 0 00:04:28 Like the fact of how he ended up getting in his accident seems a little bit odd. And there's certain memories that the lady has to put like, oh, she's like, oh, that's weird. And then at the end of the episode, something happens where like the computer gets taken over. I don't even, you know what I'm talking about? I'm trying to be vague, not to put too much spoilers out there, but those are things that I'm like, oh, this isn't what it seems to be. So
Speaker 6 00:04:54 Well personally, the whole thing that got me for the show was like the concept in the world design, like, it's fantastic. Like you just sit there and you watch it and you were, you're like, yeah, I would want to be a part of this. You know, would you upload?
Speaker 0 00:05:08 No,
Speaker 6 00:05:08 You wouldn't upload.
Speaker 0 00:05:09 I wouldn't upload. I was just going to say, like, I think the concept is fascinating and potentially people will get there, like technology society. But no, I don't think I would, uh, I don't think I'd upload. I would
Speaker 6 00:05:20 Totally upload.
Speaker 0 00:05:21 Yeah. And I, I totally get it.
Speaker 6 00:05:23 Cause like, I don't know how far you are in, so
Speaker 0 00:05:27 I'm only episode one.
Speaker 6 00:05:28 Yeah. But I'm still like, you know, I can't, I can't speak on anything, so I don't want to spoil it, but there's reasons in further episodes that I would upload for sure. A hundred percent
Speaker 0 00:05:37 I'll watch it. And it's only one season, season two hasn't been released yet. It's coming though.
Speaker 6 00:05:43 Then I watched the show at release.
Speaker 0 00:05:45 Oh. So you've been waiting a long.
Speaker 6 00:05:47 Yeah. I think it's like a year and a half. Something like that. Almost two years now.
Speaker 0 00:05:51 And cause the COVID had just like halted filming on a bunch of stuff,
Speaker 6 00:05:55 Obviously, including this fantastic.
Speaker 0 00:05:58 So yeah, I watched the first episode, uh, last night it was good. So I'm going to continue watching it. I don't love it. But that's the thing. Any, you have to watch a show at least to the second episode. Cause like no pilot episode usually like
Speaker 6 00:06:13 Takes off.
Speaker 0 00:06:14 Yeah. You gotta like it's it's a builder. So like a great example of that, of me being wrong on that though. I should say is suits suits, number one episode. Unbelievable. Hooks you from the get-go and have you ever watched suits? Yeah. It doesn't seem like a show. You'd be very into
Speaker 6 00:06:33 No
Speaker 0 00:06:33 Suits or billions. That's another show right off the get-go you're
Speaker 6 00:06:39 I uh, I, uh, on the opposite end of that, my favorite show, I, I believe you got to give the first season a chance because like, wow. My favorite show that first half of the first season is very slow.
Speaker 0 00:06:54 What's this
Speaker 6 00:06:55 Community.
Speaker 0 00:06:56 Yeah. I try to can't do it.
Speaker 6 00:06:57 Yeah. But if you can get through the first season. Yeah. It is phenomenal.
Speaker 0 00:07:03 The reason I can't get through it is I don't like awkwardness. And so like curb, your enthusiasm is another example where I'm just like, it's hard for me to watch because it's awkward. Like, oh no, I can get through Kirby. Cause it's not that bad. Um, the office with Steve Carell, like so awkward, hilarious. I'm not taking away from it and I can watch certain clips and be like, oh yeah, the clips are hilarious. But like to watch the show, it's an entirety. I can't see.
Speaker 6 00:07:31 And I agree. Yeah. I don't like the office for the same reason. Clips are hilarious, but it's just awkward. But that's why you got to get through the first season of communities. Cause once you get through that first season, there's no more awkwardness.
Speaker 0 00:07:44 Oh
Speaker 6 00:07:45 Yeah. Like it, it goes away and it turns into something completely different and it is phenomenal.
Speaker 0 00:07:52 Oh, okay.
Speaker 6 00:07:54 Yeah. Like, like the like season one episode, like 18, there's a shift and you're, there's a two or three episode gap where you're like, huh? This isn't really the same show. And then there's just one episode that just is like, wow, I didn't expect this from the show at all. And then from there it is fantastic.
Speaker 0 00:08:11 So I ask this question of you,
Speaker 6 00:08:15 All right. Could
Speaker 0 00:08:16 You watch like, you know, you can go on YouTube and you can get like, um, this total spoilers where they like explain and recap the first season. Yeah. Could I potentially watch the recap of season one so I could get over the awkwardness and then pick up season two?
Speaker 6 00:08:34 Depends how much you like continuity.
Speaker 0 00:08:37 Right. Oh, I know exactly what you're saying.
Speaker 6 00:08:39 Right. So like you'll get the point and you can pick up and it'll be fine, but there'll be a lot of little things that are missed and, and brought back and mentioned. So you might be missing jokes here or there.
Speaker 0 00:08:51 Right? Right,
Speaker 6 00:08:52 Right. Cause like even the events touch on, like they do like fourth wall breaks of like mentioning how awkward season one was. So like you might miss out on the humor if you don't sit through that. Right. To have that, have the bad to get the good.
Speaker 0 00:09:07 Okay. Yeah. You got to put it in the time you got to put in time. I'm glad we're talking about this because I wrote Community off.
Speaker 6 00:09:15 I have had a few people say that and then watch it and say it is one of the best shows ever.
Speaker 0 00:09:19 If you make it through seasons,
Speaker 6 00:09:20 If you make it through season one and I can S I like, I will admit being my favorite show. I've seen it a hundred times now that I rewatch it. I skipped the first half of the season one because I've seen it so many times that I don't need it anymore because it is just slow paced and kind of cringy.
Speaker 0 00:09:35 Right, right. Okay. Good to know. Yeah. Cause I'm looking for a new show. If, if you're watching this out there recommend some shows to me. I I'd love to digest content. Um, so I'm looking for some new shows. There's, I'm struggling right now to find something that's like,
Speaker 6 00:09:52 What's your, what's your requirements for a good show though?
Speaker 0 00:09:56 It's all over the place. Like I love, um, Peaky, blinders, billions, like that kind of stuff. But on the flip side, I love trashy TV. Like I'm a big fan of, one of my favorite shows of all times still is still watch it. Please put it back on the air. They're probably filming one now MTV. Um, the challenge, it used to be road Ru road rules versus real world. And then it just turned into the challenge. But then there was like an old G version that you can get on paramount where it had like all the old schoolers from back in the day, a bunch of like 45 year olds going back to like re relive their glory days. So like trash DV as well as like really good written TV. I'll take it all.
Speaker 6 00:10:41 Do you remember like classic TLC shows like trading spaces?
Speaker 0 00:10:47 Oh
Speaker 6 00:10:47 Yeah. Like, and then there was like trading spaces, boys versus girls and stuff. Are they redo rooms?
Speaker 0 00:10:52 That's right. That's that was a good show. I like that show HGTV is always on the background. I'm into the cooking shows as well. So
Speaker 6 00:11:01 Yeah. I find it very odd that you're into cooking shows cause you hate cooking.
Speaker 0 00:11:05 That's right. But I love eating and I buy into the personalities then I'm just like, oh man, like guy Fieri.
Speaker 6 00:11:12 Okay. So I know what your requirements for a good show is. Attitude. You like anything that has somebody in it with a good cocky attitude.
Speaker 0 00:11:23 That might be it. That might be it. But yeah, that might be it. Cause even some of the podcasts that I watch and that's what I seem to be watching a lot now. Like I have to say like my, uh, I don't actually have a computer. I have a tablet for everybody home. Haven't had a laptop and I want to say eight years now, do everything off my, uh, my phone and my tablet. But yeah, I find myself when I'm watching content. Now 90% of it is on my tablet. Like I hardly even look at television anymore. It's kind of crazy.
Speaker 6 00:11:53 I liked TV though.
Speaker 0 00:11:55 I like it, but I just don't find myself like looking at it. Cause I'm, like I said, I'm looking for a show if I'm watching a series or a movie. Yeah, for sure. It's gotta be on the TV. But if I'm just like looking at a podcast or clips or stuff on YouTube, doing all my tablets, it's faster. I like to be like, click, click, click, move things around. Even though it's on like YouTube on my TV. I don't look at YouTube on my TV.
Speaker 6 00:12:18 Yeah. That's you know, you can watch YouTube on your TV from your iPad.
Speaker 0 00:12:23 I
Speaker 6 00:12:23 Do. You can like airdrop it. So why don't you do that?
Speaker 0 00:12:28 I don't have a good reason why I don't do that. Actually. That's actually a very good point. I could use like my tablet or my phone as like the
Speaker 6 00:12:35 Remote,
Speaker 0 00:12:36 The remote and look at a bigger, I might have to start doing that. That's a thought I've never thought about
Speaker 6 00:12:43 I've uh, I've blown your mind a couple of times last few days. Say yeah,
Speaker 0 00:12:46 We've had a good week.
Speaker 6 00:12:47 Like with the, like with the, with the, uh, new order.
Speaker 0 00:12:52 Double
Speaker 6 00:12:52 Yeah. Yeah. Getting the double toppings.
Speaker 0 00:12:55 Yeah. Yeah. The double toppings was a good idea on the teen bird.
Speaker 6 00:13:00 Well, where do you think what's your favorite lunch spot ever? That you've been
Speaker 0 00:13:04 In Fort
Speaker 6 00:13:04 McMurray ever been anywhere? Like where is he? Can you remember having your best lunch?
Speaker 0 00:13:11 It's a combination like it's, it's, it's a two for one answer. Okay. One like you can't ever go wrong with McDonald's.
Speaker 6 00:13:20 Yeah. You're a McDonald's fan.
Speaker 0 00:13:22 Big time. Love McDonald's. But a restaurant in town that just is pound for pound. Every time you go there, like it's just, they nail it as Earl's Earl's has like a really good menu. So like there's a whole bunch of different things. You can get you. You're not stuck with like the same thing every single time. And the consistency level of their food is just like crazy.
Speaker 6 00:13:46 I got a question for the audience. Do you think that they would want to see a, like a Mac city tastes where we go to different restaurants and try different food? Because I think that would be an enjoyable thing to do.
Speaker 0 00:13:59 We could do give our food reviews.
Speaker 6 00:14:01 Absolutely. Like just like a film you in whatever place you are eating, whatever the server brings you like you like to do and reviewing.
Speaker 0 00:14:11 That's a good idea. That's a great idea. Restaurants, holler at us. Let's let's try to make this happen. Cause yeah. They're like I eat at all. I'll eat everywhere and anywhere
Speaker 6 00:14:21 And anything and
Speaker 0 00:14:22 Anything. Yeah.
Speaker 6 00:14:24 Yeah. Like you will, you will put it down.
Speaker 0 00:14:28 Well, when you don't cook, you can't be choosy.
Speaker 6 00:14:31 And you're the kind of guy who like gives a legit thought out review. Like I've never heard you just like bite into something and be like, no, that's good. That's right. You're like you describe it to the T of like what you think
Speaker 0 00:14:43 We should be filming that kind of stuff. Yeah. We're going to take the show on the road more often. Like we, uh, I filmed in Winnipeg now. I filmed in Edmonton. We've done the barbershop. We did rib Fest next week. We're going to be filming at, uh, NABA. So yeah, we're going to be taking the show on the road. I don't want to, I don't want to jinx it, but we might even be, uh, potentially going out of country.
Speaker 6 00:15:12 Oh yeah. I forgot about
Speaker 0 00:15:13 That. We're not gonna, we're gonna, we're not going to announce it cause it may not happen. So I don't want to put anybody necessarily on the spot, but we, uh, had a guest here this week that kind of invited us and I feel it was a legit invite to leave the country and do some filming abroad.
Speaker 6 00:15:31 And uh, if there's any of our audience members that are listening, we will also come to your favorite country with you and film the Mac city morning show.
Speaker 0 00:15:40 That's right. That's right now the cool thing about what we're doing in regards to these, uh, on locations and these YouTube videos is when we post it on Facebook, I'm going to start tagging conversation, topics that we're talking about. That's a, hopefully people start to see, like we shout it out. Earls. They're getting tagged. Cause we talked about Yeah. So somebody that is going to get tagged and we talked about it early days, the first few months, the first month of this show, it's all I talked about, but we never tagged them. So they might not have heard it.
Speaker 6 00:16:10 I can think of, uh, two things out of the gate, either those Ben and Jerry dunks or will Smith
Speaker 0 00:16:19 Good call on both. It was number one.
Speaker 6 00:16:22 Nice.
Speaker 0 00:16:22 So when we tag, when this video goes out, we're tagging the Ben and Jerry dunks
Speaker 6 00:16:26 And now will Smith
Speaker 0 00:16:27 And will Smith to cause I love willsmith
Speaker 6 00:16:29 Maybe will Smith will give you a pair of Ben and Jerry dunks.
Speaker 0 00:16:33 Yeah. Okay. Well, listen, I need you to reach out to my sister, Alicia, Pierre, she's a cancer survivor. You got her through cancer. So she would love to hear something from, will your partner in crime, DJ jazzy. Jeff actually did reach out to her. That was pretty cool. For real,
Speaker 6 00:16:49 For real. I didn't know that.
Speaker 0 00:16:51 And from Nike, listen, I can retire these shoes and every other pair of shoes that I wear on this show, Ben and Jerry Nike dunks.
Speaker 6 00:17:01 Nike is not who you're going to want to reach out to them.
Speaker 0 00:17:04 It's going to have to be like a, uh, one of the shoes shops.
Speaker 6 00:17:07 Yeah. Like we're looking for anybody in town. No, a good shoe connect to, uh, to get Elliot, these Ben and Jerry's somewhere we can tag. Let us know.
Speaker 0 00:17:15 That'd be pretty cool if we could get those Ben and Jerry's from will Smith though. A combo deal.
Speaker 6 00:17:19 Yeah. Two for one. And like, I don't think he's ever been up here
Speaker 0 00:17:25 Has ever been to Fort McMurray.
Speaker 6 00:17:26 Well there here's his invite
Speaker 0 00:17:27 Is your invite. Will Smith listen, come on to the Mac city morning show, have a cool chat with myself and Tanner. And uh, we give our guests gifts. Sometimes our guests bring us gifts, so it can be a back and forth there. We can make this happen.
Speaker 6 00:17:44 Abs and you, he doesn't even need to bring gifts. He can just come
Speaker 0 00:17:48 In himself.
Speaker 6 00:17:49 Yeah, absolutely. What other celebrity would you like to have sit down in that chair with you? Well,
Speaker 0 00:17:53 Before we get off the willsmith topic. Oh,
Speaker 6 00:17:55 You keep growing on. Will
Speaker 0 00:17:57 I just rewatched the movie focus for maybe the 20th time this week,
Speaker 6 00:18:03 This week?
Speaker 0 00:18:04 Like I watched it two days ago. So
Speaker 6 00:18:07 I'll focus on it or something.
Speaker 0 00:18:10 It's a great movie focus. It's an, I want to say it's probably one is one of his most underrated movies in regards to it. Doesn't get the shine. I think it deserves focus. Will Smith check it out?
Speaker 6 00:18:24 W all right. Now what celebrity or like person, youth idolize. Would you want to notch?
Speaker 0 00:18:29 Oh, his book is right behind me. Scott McConnell. McConahey GreenLights
Speaker 6 00:18:34 That's number one.
Speaker 0 00:18:34 That's number one. And you know what? For the next Tanner Eliot edition of this show, I'm wearing the coveralls. I'm bringing the coveralls and has gotten Matt McConnell, Hayes, J K living right on the cover.
Speaker 6 00:18:50 All you have to wear it with that shirt.
Speaker 0 00:18:53 What's what, what
Speaker 6 00:18:53 Do you do? Full Canadian tuxedo on it.
Speaker 0 00:18:56 Put this over
Speaker 6 00:18:58 Or under their coveralls.
Speaker 0 00:18:59 Okay. What the Covey's I just wear to Covey's bro.
Speaker 6 00:19:02 I look like, are you you just like no shirt,
Speaker 0 00:19:06 No shirt under the coffee's.
Speaker 6 00:19:08 Okay. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:19:08 Yeah. Like sometimes if it gets cold, I guess you got to put on like a, a t-shirt or maybe like a hoodie when you wear it in the fall. But yeah, when I'm more rocking those coveralls just in the summertime. Oh, there is. There's no there's underwear underneath those coffees. That's it.
Speaker 6 00:19:23 All right. Well that's uh, I guess I'll be there for that.
Speaker 0 00:19:29 Yeah. That's what's going down. That's what's going down here.
Speaker 6 00:19:31 Some episodes, uh, the guests are glad that they see you through a screen. And Because now everybody knows that there's just underwear under there when they see you. But I got to be here.
Speaker 0 00:19:44 Well, have you ever worn coveralls
Speaker 6 00:19:46 Before? Uh, like when I was like three,
Speaker 0 00:19:49 These are coveralls. Like it's the full
Speaker 6 00:19:51 It, yeah.
Speaker 0 00:19:52 Thing. Right? So like you wouldn't they're built in pants. Like why would you wear pants underneath coveralls?
Speaker 6 00:19:57 You only wear shorts
Speaker 0 00:20:00 In theory, but
Speaker 6 00:20:01 Like wear shorts and a t-shirt Cause then like, what if you wanted to like, what if it got hot and you wanted it to take off like the coveralls and wrap them around
Speaker 0 00:20:09 Sun's out. Guns out.
Speaker 6 00:20:13 Not easy. Not everywhere is an appropriate place to take off your shirt, Elliot.
Speaker 0 00:20:18 Okay. Listen, when you're wearing coveralls one, just like the Jean shirt, you can roll up your sleeves so you can cool down that way. And you got a built in zipper. You just like
Speaker 6 00:20:28 Sit down.
Speaker 0 00:20:29 That's right. That's right. As
Speaker 6 00:20:31 Well. I layer,
Speaker 0 00:20:33 Yeah. See, that's a big thing. I don't like to layer. And the coveralls have like ventilation and on the sides, it's like super comfortable,
Speaker 6 00:20:40 Comfortable and not invented coveralls.
Speaker 0 00:20:42 All coveralls have that, like the part where the pockets are, you have pockets, but there's a flop that gives you some, some ventilation actual one
Speaker 6 00:20:51 Piece of clothing.
Speaker 0 00:20:52 Oh, listen. It's I, it's a very functional piece of clothing and it makes tons of sense. In regards to like, you got pockets to keep your pens. There's a whole bunch of things in coveralls that are just like straight up functional.
Speaker 6 00:21:05 I feel like I could, uh, I feel like a Fanny pack would just fix all those utilizations in a much smaller and compact form.
Speaker 0 00:21:13 Yeah. But, uh, like I'm not knocking a Fanny pack. Cause I think they're
Speaker 6 00:21:16 Called knock a Fanny pack coveralls.
Speaker 0 00:21:19 But like, if we're like going on, like, which one I think like is more like fashion forward and looks like cooler. I'm going coveralls 10 out of 10 times. Sorry. Fanny packs
Speaker 6 00:21:30 Also would like to wish you a happy 39th birthday on that statement.
Speaker 0 00:21:34 Yeah. Zach's yeah. Your generation is loving the Fanny packs
Speaker 6 00:21:39 Obviously. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:21:42 They, uh, they came back hard. I remember when Fanny packs were invented. That's how I am old. I am like when it was a, a new thing and people were like blown away by the Fanny packs then,
Speaker 6 00:21:53 But they were that's the same time that those like hats with no, like top and just the beak came out. Yes.
Speaker 0 00:21:59 Well that came out years later, but yeah, so some things were just stupid, but like a Fanny pack was a trend. Then it went away for many, many years. And then your generation brought it back and brought it back hard.
Speaker 6 00:22:13 Yeah. Because it's a fantastic tool for multiple situations. I don't wear it as a fashion piece. I wear it as a tool. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:22:20 How are we looking for
Speaker 6 00:22:21 Time? We're at 22.
Speaker 0 00:22:23 . Oh, that's not bad. I'm not going to wrap it up yet. Tanner and Elliot episodes go a little bit longer. Um,
Speaker 6 00:22:28 Additionally we know a guy who lets it happen.
Speaker 0 00:22:30 Yeah. Great. But, uh, that's the one thing about the Tanner and Elliot episodes. When we start putting them on YouTube, uh, the 20 minute format, I think
Speaker 6 00:22:40 It goes
Speaker 0 00:22:40 Away. It goes away. Like we'll just have a natural conversation and ended when we want
Speaker 6 00:22:44 To end it. It snowballs. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:22:46 So the other thing let's talk about this 20 minute episode or the Friday episodes, is it all only, ever going to be you and I, or can we invite guests to join those special YouTube episodes?
Speaker 6 00:22:58 I don't know why you're asking me like, like it's my show.
Speaker 0 00:23:02 It's a conversation.
Speaker 6 00:23:03 It's like, would you like guests here? I just hit the buttons.
Speaker 0 00:23:06 That's right. Well, listen. That's, couldn't be further from the truth. Everybody who knows what's going on on a Mac city morning show knows it's Tanner's show. I just happened to be sitting in front of the camera. Yeah.
Speaker 6 00:23:17 But during the 20 minute episode that people view, all I really do is hit the button and ask a question. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:23:23 Yeah. I think I would like to, uh, maybe, maybe they're outside of the Friday episodes. There are certain guests that I know have reached out to me that want to do some stuff that is not necessarily like Facebook friendly.
Speaker 6 00:23:36 Maybe, maybe we make it exclusive
Speaker 0 00:23:39 Exclusive episodes. Yeah.
Speaker 6 00:23:40 Think if you can, if you come on the Friday episode, that's that's the only episodes you can come on. Like you have to be a Friday guest.
Speaker 0 00:23:46 That's right. Oh, that's a good idea.
Speaker 6 00:23:49 Yeah. No,
Speaker 0 00:23:50 That's a good idea. Yeah. So, Hmm. That's a concept.
Speaker 6 00:23:55 Cause it'll live on YouTube, right? That's
Speaker 0 00:23:56 Right. That's right.
Speaker 6 00:23:57 If you don't care about monetization and those people can be like a whole separate line of
Speaker 0 00:24:03 Episodes in questioning and whatnot,
Speaker 6 00:24:06 The max city minute can be a whole different line of questions.
Speaker 0 00:24:09 That's right. Yeah. It's still like, the show is very G-rated we'll make it PG for, for you to
Speaker 6 00:24:17 Start saying darn and heck.
Speaker 0 00:24:19 Yeah. That's right. And then for like the X-rated episodes, we'll start a fans only page
Speaker 6 00:24:24 Only
Speaker 0 00:24:24 Fans. That's what it's called only fans. Yeah.
Speaker 6 00:24:26 Or like a Patrion.
Speaker 0 00:24:27 Yeah. That's like, it's a concept, but I don't know if we put out enough content, but what I definitely want to do is take the show on the road a lot more so on locations is a thing
Speaker 6 00:24:39 Location in forming. Marie, do you think would be the most interesting to throw Matt?
Speaker 0 00:24:44 Well, as of right now, I can only say like the rib Fest, because it was like, so dynamic in regards to
Speaker 6 00:24:50 No I'm saying that we haven't done like something you want to do.
Speaker 0 00:24:55 We're going to tag them in the show. They gave us a gift certificate to come and check out their spot. Exhale, exhale, exhale,
Speaker 6 00:25:02 Exhale,
Speaker 0 00:25:03 Exhale, yoga. Like I'm going to reach out to them. And I think it'd be really cool to film an episode down there. They're on my hit list.
Speaker 6 00:25:11 Yeah. Liking comment. If you want to see Elliot in yoga pants. Yeah. I know. I wouldn't.
Speaker 0 00:25:18 If I put on yoga pants, I'll be, uh, putting on some shorts over top of them because uh, I do have yoga pants. So I know shorts are definitely required when it comes to dudes and yoga pants.
Speaker 6 00:25:28 You got weird requirements on clothes. So you won't wear shorts under coveralls, but you will wear them over leggings.
Speaker 0 00:25:36 Yeah. Cause listen,
Speaker 6 00:25:38 We got to have somebody else dress you for a day and just see what happens.
Speaker 0 00:25:41 What happens? Listen,
Speaker 6 00:25:43 Let's dress each other.
Speaker 0 00:25:45 Yeah. That'd be hilarious show one
Speaker 6 00:25:46 Day,
Speaker 0 00:25:47 But nobody would see how you're dressed. Oh
Speaker 6 00:25:48 No, that's
Speaker 0 00:25:51 Listen. And we'll, we'll end it after this topic. This is the last topic which we need to talk about was a, you kind of, sort of dressed me for the rave. We went to
Speaker 6 00:26:01 Fair. Well, I'd say like,
Speaker 0 00:26:03 Like half. Yeah. Like I got to pick out what I wanted to wear, but you are just like, no, you need to wear these type of pants and this type of shirt. So then we try to shop for the pair of pants in Fort McMurray, but we couldn't find them.
Speaker 6 00:26:17 Yeah. We made the mistake of going the Saturday after black Friday.
Speaker 0 00:26:20 That's right. So they shelfs were barren. Um, but I did end up getting the style of pants and then I showed you before ordering the shirt that I was going to wear to the Raven, I got sign-off from Tanner
Speaker 6 00:26:35 And you were so mad about
Speaker 0 00:26:36 It. Oh bro.
Speaker 0 00:26:40 I'll tell the story. And that's how we're going to end this episode. So Tanner told me when I was going to a rave that I was not allowed to wear jeans, especially the jeans I wear that are fitted and that I wasn't allowed to wear like a shirt that was fitted. So for myself, I like my clothes to fit me properly. Not tight, just fit appropriately. But he told me I wasn't allowed to. So I said, okay. So I went out and I bought baggy clothes or like what kind of pants did I end up buying? I don't even track track pants. I don't own a pair of track pants.
Speaker 6 00:27:15 I didn't even know what they were
Speaker 0 00:27:16 Called. I didn't even know what they're called. So I to buy track pants and I had to buy a shirt that didn't fit me appropriately. I was comfortable quote unquote. So anyways, I'm dressed in this, a rave outfit, very feeling, very uncomfortable for comfortable clothing. And some of Tanner's friends, uh, come into the Airbnb that we rented for the weekend. And the majority of them are wearing jeans, tight jeans and tight clothing, like stuff that I'd be comfortable wearing
Speaker 6 00:27:50 Something similar to what you're wearing now.
Speaker 0 00:27:53 That's exactly it. And the look I gave Tanner was
Speaker 6 00:27:57 Across the room. Just a, not very happy
Speaker 0 00:28:00 Look, just like looked at him and was like, I didn't say anything, but he got what was going on. And uh, in very Tanner fashion, he just looked at me and was like, just ignored me. Just like kept going. I'm like, all right, whatever. But then yeah, we got to the rave and about, uh, I would say 15, 20 minutes into the rave. I ran up to Tanner and was like, bro, great decision.
Speaker 6 00:28:25 Yeah. Cause I knew you'd be dancing. And I knew we were in a small warm club and that you would want to be in the mix all night. And that if you were doing that in jeans and a t-shirt, that was tight, you would be sweaty and uncomfortable. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:28:40 It was the greatest decision ever. So if you're planning on going to a rave, we should do a rave episode where you talk about all the pros and cons of raves. Um, talk to Tanner before you go to rave, he'll hook you up. You know, he knows what's going down. Yeah.
Speaker 6 00:28:56 I have some trauma in ESC aspects about myself.
Speaker 0 00:28:59 There you go. All right, listen, on that note, I think we'll, uh, call it quits. That's the end of this episode. So everybody thank you for tuning in. We're going to recap because any good story, you got a beginning, middle and end. We're going to start. We're going to end it. How we started it. Friday episodes are going on to YouTube now. So if you enjoy myself in town or talking, maybe some special guests, maybe a longer format, we might even cuss a little bit. I don't know.
Speaker 6 00:29:24 We might even eat
Speaker 0 00:29:25 All. We might even eat. That's right. Who knows what's going to happen on Friday episodes. You got to follow YouTube for those episodes. So please follow us on YouTube. We're on every other platform follows everywhere. YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, tick talk, audible, Spotify, you name it. The max any morning shows there. Please follow along anyways. Thank you for tuning in today. Really do appreciate it. Big shout out to Norelle Toyota for being the title sponsor. We appreciate that. I hope you're having a great day and we'll see you tomorrow. Peace
Speaker 8 00:29:58 Y Dalio Wade, and another morning show later by us.
Speaker 9 00:30:15 Talk about quenching your ugly thirst.